


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ane proteins CusA (inner membrane) and CusC (outer membrane).
2 BAM), which catalyzes OMP insertion into the outer membrane.
3  the nuclear envelope, restricting it to the outer membrane.
4 egatively charged surface of the V. cholerae outer membrane.
5 g the proportion of less polar lipids in the outer membrane.
6 outer leaflet of the Gram-negative bacterial outer membrane.
7 a cap domain that forms a channel across the outer membrane.
8 A biosynthesis and the absence of LOS in its outer membrane.
9 ysaccharide into the external leaflet of the outer membrane.
10 the ability of tetracyclines to traverse the outer membrane.
11 e acidification and lipid signposts on their outer membrane.
12 tent conformations before insertion into the outer membrane.
13 ments required for polymer export across the outer membrane.
14 y platform called 'the usher' located in the outer membrane.
15 kely to be distinct due to the absence of an outer membrane.
16 tial stabilities of OMPs in the asymmetrical outer membrane.
17 to the permeability barrier conferred by the outer membrane.
18 idetes species, for translocation across the outer membrane.
19 red for localization and function within the outer membrane.
20  noxious compounds that damage the bacterial outer membrane.
21 n and thus assists its localization into the outer membrane.
22 cules use the same import channel across the outer membrane.
23  and the penetration of the Escherichia coli outer membrane.
24 ndria and chloroplasts is the presence of an outer membrane.
25 nd thereby lifts the cell wall closer to the outer membrane.
26 s responsible for shuttling hopanoids to the outer membrane.
27 uring the first step of LPS transport to the outer membrane.
28 pase domain that remains associated with the outer membrane.
29 which in turn alters the permeability of the outer membrane.
30 x stacked rings and a secretin domain in the outer membrane.
31 en proposed to cause fusion of the inner and outer membranes.
32  the periplasmic space between the inner and outer membranes.
33 plan for Planctomycetes, including a defined outer membrane, a periplasmic space that can be greatly
34 B is surface-exposed and associated with the outer membrane, although BoMan26A and BoGal36A are likel
35 ly found to be associated with mitochondrial outer membranes, although the structure and physiologica
36 ferent LpoA structures helped explain how an outer membrane-anchored LpoA can either withdraw from or
37 ne protein kinase PINK1 on the mitochondrial outer membrane and activates Parkin.
38  machine that spans both plasma membrane and outer membrane and actively extrudes substrates, includi
39 omprise the bulk of the outer leaflet of the outer membrane and are produced through a multistep bios
40 15 min and 1 hr) disruption of the bacterial outer membrane and cell wall, as demonstrated by perturb
41 ecifically integrated into the mitochondrial outer membrane and forms a complex of approximately 120
42 es initial recognition of preproteins at the outer membrane and includes a core membrane channel, Toc
43 anion channel 1 (VDAC1) on the mitochondrial outer membrane and inhibited its opening.
44  the inner boundary membrane adjacent to the outer membrane and invaginations toward the matrix, call
45 r protein that surprisingly localizes to the outer membrane and is distantly related to Ugo1.
46  with integral proteins of the mitochondrial outer membrane and is important for the structure-inspir
47  anchors the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to the outer membrane and is usually composed of a hexa-acylate
48 2 (RON2) family members localize to the host outer membrane and serve as ligands for apical membrane
49 sis, we show that Kdo-N3 is localized to the outer membrane and specifically incorporates into rough
50 egions of coupling between the mitochondrion outer membrane and the parasite pellicle, whose features
51       They are embedded in the mitochondrial outer membrane and thought to fuse adjacent mitochondria
52                    The exposure of PS to the outer membrane and to extracellular vesicles is therefor
53 ey of 1,347 CEPs encompassing 90% inner- and outer-membrane and periplasmic proteins of Escherichia c
54  associate non-covalently with the bacterial outer-membrane and that this interaction increases membr
55 -terminal beta-barrel porin localizes to the outer membrane, and propose that PelC functions as an el
56 ne causes its dissociation from mitochondria outer membranes, and we found that this is sufficient to
57 ndings challenge the traditional view of the outer membrane as an unspecific molecular sieve and indi
58 ent imaging of the dynamics of the bacterial outer membrane as cells divide.
59 amyloid fibres, which translocate across the outer membrane as unfolded amyloid precursors through a
60 the asymmetry of the Gram-negative bacterial outer membrane as well as the TM residues of an OMP dete
61                                          The outer membrane-associated BoMan26B initially acts on the
62 further examine the interaction of PorB with outer membrane-associated proteins, including PorA and R
63 nslocase subunit, archaic translocase of the outer membrane (ATOM)14, on the other hand, while not af
64 ther formed in liposomes or in mitochondrial outer membranes, Bax-induced pores exhibit the same morp
65  conversion of nutrients acquired across the outer membrane, before transport across the inner membra
66 hanisms that organize this material into the outer membrane bilayer.
67 n of beta-barrel proteins into the bacterial outer membrane, but it is unclear whether it threads bet
68 y mediating protein translocation across the outer membrane by a 'holding trap' rather than a 'foldin
69 ation of polypeptides from the mitochondrial outer membrane by the p97/Cdc48-Ufd1-Npl4 adenosine trip
70 nsistent with the view that, by damaging the outer membrane, C10OOc12O was able to enhance gram-negat
71 rder Corynebacterineae possess a distinctive outer membrane called the mycomembrane (MM).
72           A crown-like structure outside the outer membrane capping the secretin was found not to be
73                            All mitochondrial outer membrane channels known to date are beta-barrel me
74 ng of pre-integration forms of a hyperstable outer membrane complex and reveals a key driving force f
75 electrophysiological characterisation of the outer membrane component MtrE and the membrane fusion pr
76 rating lipopolysaccharide, a major bacterial outer membrane component) and induce a comparable degree
77 ecognize lipopolysaccharide (LPS), the major outer-membrane component of Gram-negative bacteria.
78                                Additionally, outer membrane components could potentially be engineere
79 an-like structure in Orientia, as well as an outer membrane containing a network of cross-linked prot
80           We conclude that the mitochondrial outer membrane contains a considerably larger variety of
81  bacteria are composed of distinct inner and outer membrane core complexes (IMCs and OMCCs, respectiv
82 ide-like sequence (C10OOc12O) that inflicted outer membrane damage at a low micromolar range, whereas
83 al inner membrane and subsequently binds the outer membrane-derived lipoproteins and LPS to inhibit T
84    Moreover, precise EXO84b placement at the outer membrane domain itself requires ACT7 function.
85 gomerize then permeabilize the mitochondrial outer membrane during apoptosis.
86 omplex-forming effector at the mitochondrial outer membrane during Coxiella infection.
87 homo-oligomeric species at the mitochondrial outer membrane during infection.
88 ins, which are thought to fuse the inner and outer membranes during phage lysis.
89 ane-bound OPH was shown to interact with the outer membrane efflux protein TolC and with PstS, the pe
90 at FplA is expressed as a full-length 85-kDa outer membrane-embedded protein or as a truncated phosph
91 ts in DRP1 translocation to the mitochondria outer membrane, eventually inducing mitochondrial fragme
92 known for complex social behaviors including outer membrane exchange (OME), in which cells exchange l
93 Recognition of compatible receptors leads to outer membrane exchange among clonemates and fitness con
94 mic reticulum membrane and the mitochondrial outer membrane facilitate efficient transfer of lipids b
95 cribe the composition of model gram-negative outer membranes, focusing on the predominant assembly, a
96                  The Gram-negative bacterial outer membrane fortifies the cell against environmental
97                                  We analyzed outer membrane fractions of yeast mitochondria and ident
98        Further GTP hydrolysis triggers local outer membrane fusion at the periphery of the contact re
99 nsights into the mechanisms of mitochondrial outer membrane fusion by investigating the structure of
100                        This pathway may link outer membrane fusion to lipids homeostasis.
101 terial common antigen (ECA), a non-essential outer membrane glycolipid of the Enterobacteriaceae.
102      Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) are essential outer membrane glycolipids in most gram-negative bacteri
103                             Asymmetry in the outer membrane has long defined the cell envelope of Gra
104 cells including the ability to penetrate the outer membrane, improved inhibition of efflux relative t
105 ntly trigger disruption of the mitochondrial outer membrane in cells dependent on Bfl-1, but not in c
106 related protein (Larp), to the mitochondrial outer membrane in ovaries.
107 lear how Drp1 assembles on the mitochondrial outer membrane in response to different lipid signals to
108        Second, Psd1 decarboxylates PS in the outer membrane in trans, independently of PS transfer by
109 r, SLC25A46 is selectively degraded from the outer membrane independently of mitophagy and apoptosis,
110  818 proteins into the four subcompartments: outer membrane, inner membrane, intermembrane space, or
111    In bacteria such as Escherichia coli, the outer membrane is a unique asymmetric lipid bilayer with
112                            The mitochondrial outer membrane is essential for communication between mi
113  Bax protein permeabilizes the mitochondrial outer membrane is not fully understood.
114              Translocation of PEL across the outer membrane is proposed to occur via PelB, a membrane
115      The assembly of proteins into bacterial outer membranes is a key cellular process that we are on
116 es traverse the periplasm and link inner and outer membranes, it remains unclear how they operate eff
117  from Sab in the inside of the mitochondrial outer membrane, leading to its activation and transfer t
118 platelets expose phosphatidylserine on their outer membrane leaflet and activated clotting factors as
119   The CARC motif is generally located in the outer membrane leaflet and its reverse sequence CRAC in
120 by the large extracellular loop (EC2) at the outer membrane leaflet.
121 identified PagL (BCAL0788), which acts as an outer membrane lipase by removing the primary beta-hydro
122                                              Outer membrane lipid alterations of current microbiologi
123 YadH, together with the Mla system preserves outer membrane lipid asymmetry.
124 sporter that is important for maintenance of outer membrane lipid asymmetry.
125 tein (PrP(C)) resides in detergent-resistant outer membrane lipid rafts in which conversion to the pa
126 brane phospholipase A (OmpLA) is involved in outer-membrane lipid homeostasis and bacterial virulence
127 E), in which cells exchange large amounts of outer membrane lipids and proteins upon contact.
128                                Cell envelope outer membrane lipids change systematically from hydroph
129 defatted cells were similar, indicating that outer membrane lipids govern overall hydrophobicity.
130       In this work, we characterize PelC, an outer membrane lipoprotein essential for Pel production.
131 he peptidoglycan synthase PBP1A requires the outer membrane lipoprotein LpoA for constructing a funct
132 el Gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli, outer membrane lipoproteins are critical activators of t
133 onstrate how lipid cues at the mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM) can alter Drp1 structure to activat
134  (Bcl-2) protein family in the mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM) induce structural changes that comm
135 of the mitochondria, i.e., the mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM), and modulate its permeability to a
136 ncing Drp1 partitioning to the mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM), which causes cytochrome c release
137 These data provide mechanistic insights into outer membrane nutrient import by members of the microbi
138 c_1100, a specific protein isolated from the outer membrane of A. muciniphila, interacts with Toll-li
139 osphatidylethanolamine (PE) on the inner and outer membrane of autophagosomes to allow cargo selectio
140  lipopolysaccharide molecules present in the outer membrane of E. coli, as well as produce reactive o
141 molecules are unable to rapidly traverse the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria and accumulate
142                         Many proteins of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria and of the oute
143                                          The outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria is composed of
144              Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria is critical for
145 ecretins form multimeric channels across the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria that mediate th
146 y by which hydrophilic antibiotics cross the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria.
147           Exclusive targeting of PEN2 to the outer membrane of mitochondria complements the pen2 muta
148 rP and OprO are induced and expressed in the outer membrane of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
149                                          The outer membrane of the hantavirus envelope displays a lat
150     Interestingly, NOX5 was localized at the outer membrane of the mitochondria and interacted with p
151 er membrane proteins (OMPs) are found in the outer membranes of Gram-negative bacteria and are essent
152 onferred on them an ability to penetrate the outer membranes of mammalian cells.
153 regulate the tethering between the inner and outer membranes of mitochondria.
154 cated in the periplasm between the inner and outer membranes of the cell envelope in Gram-negative ba
155 ctron transport proteins associated with the outer membranes of the partners.
156  antibiotic that permeabilizes the bacterial outer membrane (OM) and has been used to treat these inf
157  schemes revealed that MOSP in TDE exists as outer membrane (OM) and periplasmic trimeric conformers;
158                            The mitochondrial outer membrane (OM) contains single and multiple membran
159                  The Gram-negative bacterial outer membrane (OM) is a unique bilayer that forms an ef
160    The defining feature of the mycobacterial outer membrane (OM) is the presence of mycolic acids (MA
161                                          The outer membrane (OM) of Gram-negative bacteria is a perme
162                                          The outer membrane (OM) of gram-negative bacteria is an unus
163                                          The outer membrane (OM) of Gram-negative bacteria is compose
164 plex assembles beta-barrel proteins into the outer membrane (OM) of Gram-negative bacteria.
165                                          The outer membrane (OM) of Gram-negative is a unique lipid b
166 the bacteriocin pyocin S2 (pyoS2) across the outer membrane (OM).
167 ) or transferred to the inner leaflet of the outer membrane (OM).
168 in-related protein 1 (Drp1) on mitochondrial outer membrane (OMM).
169                                          The outer membranes (OMs) of members of the Corynebacteriale
170 trate binding by SusD proteins is coupled to outer membrane passage through their cognate SusC transp
171 fflux pump, a complex machinery comprised of outer membrane, periplasmic adaptor, and inner membrane
172 loxacin hybrid core structure which enhances outer membrane permeability and reduces efflux by dissip
173 Most apoptotic stimuli require mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization (MOMP) in order to execu
174 osis initiation and execution, mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization (MOMP) represents one of
175 itochondrial membrane that are unmasked upon outer membrane permeabilization facilitate the autophagi
176 intrinsic apoptotic pathway is mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization, leading to formation of
177                   In Gram-negative bacteria, outer membrane phospholipase A (OmpLA) is involved in ou
178 y, we have scrutinized the unfolded state of outer-membrane phospholipase A (OmpLA) to provide a deta
179                      Secretins are versatile outer membrane pores used by many bacteria to secrete pr
180 d reveal a candidate association between the outer membrane porin nmpC and cefazolin resistance in E.
181              Both monomers and dimers of the outer membrane porin OmpA can interact with peptidoglyca
182 thia, use disulfide bonds to stabilize their outer membrane porin proteins.
183 h a G. sulfurreducens mutant lacking a trans-outer membrane porin-cytochrome protein complex required
184                  Interactions of Oxa-23 with outer membrane porins OmpA and CarO are verified with co
185 e, including that of the widespread class of outer-membrane portals known as secretins.
186  electron paramagnetic resonance in a native outer-membrane preparation demonstrate that signaling al
187 e exhibiting high activity for the bacterial outer-membrane protease (OmpT).
188 potential of an antibody against recombinant outer membrane protein (anti-OmpW) in sensitive detectio
189 pC and OmpF, C. jejuni has one, termed major outer membrane protein (MOMP) through which nutrients an
190 udy, we demonstrate that the unlipidated (U) outer membrane protein (Omp) 19 from Brucella spp. is a
191 recently identified the Borrelia burgdorferi outer membrane protein (OMP) BB0406 and found that the g
192                                              Outer membrane protein (OMP) biogenesis is critical to b
193                                          The outer membrane protein (OMP) from Neisseria meninigitidi
194       Here, we demonstrate that A. marginale outer membrane protein A (AmOmpA; AM854) contributes to
195                                              Outer membrane protein A (OmpA) is a porin involved in A
196 ty of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) targeting outer membrane protein A (OmpA) of A. baumannii Five ant
197                                      An anti-outer membrane protein A (OmpA) polyclonal antibody prev
198 smic dipeptide transport protein (DppA), and outer membrane protein A (OmpA) were identified as prote
199 e the dynamics of the membrane domain of the Outer membrane protein A of Klebsiella pneumoniae (KpOmp
200                     Sequential expression of outer membrane protein antigenic variants is an evolutio
201 proteins to accomplish protein secretion and outer membrane protein assembly.
202  heteropentameric Bam complex containing the outer membrane protein BamA and four lipoproteins, BamB-
203  into a holistic computational model termed "Outer Membrane Protein Biogenesis Model" (OMPBioM).
204 ondrial membrane VDAC, bacterial porin OmpC (outer membrane protein C), and bacterial channel-forming
205 ends on the import of oligosaccharides by an outer membrane protein complex composed of an extracellu
206 in, MlaC, ferries lipids between MlaD and an outer membrane protein complex.
207 e findings have implications for the role of outer membrane protein diversity in persistent H. pylori
208  and additionally requires the mitochondrial outer membrane protein FIS1, the autophagy adaptor P62,
209 ion, adhesion, conjugation, sporulation, and outer membrane protein folding.
210 iates trafficking of the PENETRATION3 (PEN3) outer membrane protein from the trans-Golgi network (TGN
211  expression of motility-associated genes and outer membrane protein gene hopG.
212 es, including motility-associated genes, and outer membrane protein genes.
213                                          The outer membrane protein H (OprH) of Pseudomonas aeruginos
214  MitoNEET (mNEET) is a dimeric mitochondrial outer membrane protein implicated in many facets of huma
215          Here we show that the mitochondrial outer membrane protein Mcp1 functions in the same pathwa
216 e, which generates antigenic variants in the outer membrane protein Msp2 using gene conversion.
217 ssing three peptides AHC (ApoB100, HSP60 and outer membrane protein of chlamydia pneumonia) in stabil
218                 Typhimurium porins including outer membrane protein OmpD, which induce both IgG1 and
219 phages, and this reflects the low binding of outer membrane protein OmpD-specific IgG2a to the bacter
220 osis assays identified this component as the outer membrane protein OprH, expression of which impaire
221 s, pI and MALDI-TOF spectrum consistent with outer membrane protein p66.
222                                   OmpA is an outer membrane protein present in the R. rickettsia, the
223 YLGLYCEROL SYNTHASE1 (DGD1) is a chloroplast outer membrane protein responsible for the biosynthesis
224 panosomatid-specific essential mitochondrial outer membrane protein that has been implicated in prote
225                 PorB is a well-characterized outer membrane protein that is common among Neisseria sp
226  requires four subunits of the mitochondrial outer membrane protein translocase but not the two recep
227                               MitoNEET is an outer membrane protein whose exact function remains uncl
228         Ail is an eight-stranded beta-barrel outer membrane protein with four extracellular loops tha
229 nitrate/nitrite transporter), ompX (encoding outer membrane protein X), and nuoN (encoding NADH:ubiqu
230  identified SNPs in porA, encoding the major outer membrane protein, are responsible for the hypervir
231  MAM-7 that was previously reported to be an outer membrane protein.
232            Chlamydia strains express a major outer-membrane protein (MOMP) that has been shown to be
233 terial functional amyloid requires a bespoke outer-membrane protein channel through which unfolded am
234        Recombinant OmpW antigen (a bacterial outer-membrane protein) of V. cholerae was expressed and
235                                  beta-Barrel outer membrane proteins (OMPs) are found in the outer me
236                         Almost all bacterial outer membrane proteins (OMPs) contain a beta barrel dom
237 assive immunizations with antisera targeting outer membrane proteins (OMPs) have shown encouraging re
238 esponsible for the biogenesis of beta-barrel outer membrane proteins (OMPs) in Gram-negative bacteria
239 bacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts have outer membrane proteins (OMPs) that perform many fundame
240 omembranes, harbor mycolic acids and unusual outer membrane proteins (OMPs), including those with alp
241 by cell-surface macromolecules (likely to be outer membrane proteins and pili) which, upon contacting
242                                              Outer membrane proteins are essential for Gram-negative
243 ional changes, and molecular interactions of outer membrane proteins can be studied at high resolutio
244 e Bam complex assembles a great diversity of outer membrane proteins into a membrane without an obvio
245 AEW, and NaOCl treatments were identified as outer membrane proteins K and U.
246                                              Outer membrane proteins OmpA and YiaD, and carbapenemase
247                     We exploit the fact that outer membrane proteins usually lack reactive cysteines
248 sed understanding of Mfns as single-spanning outer membrane proteins with an Nout-Cin orientation, pr
249 or mechanistic studies in the proteolysis of outer membrane proteins.
250                            The biogenesis of outer-membrane proteins (OMPs) in gram-negative bacteria
251                               In the case of outer-membrane proteins (OMPs), unfolded-state propertie
252        The poor solubility of these integral outer-membrane proteins in aqueous solutions limits thei
253 ng realistic membrane models when simulating outer-membrane proteins.
254                 Intricate remodelling of the outer membrane proteome is critical for bacterial pathog
255 egion between the peptidoglycan wall and the outer membrane rather than between wall and inner-membra
256 ndrial fission factor (MFF), a mitochondrial outer-membrane receptor for DRP1, the cytoplasmic guanos
257 microscopy, with the inner-membrane-ring and outer-membrane-ring oligomers defined at 4.3 A and 3.6 A
258 rial depolarization and proteasome-dependent outer membrane rupture.
259 membrane model that contained both inner and outer membranes separated by a periplasmic space.
260 tion operates independently of activation of outer membrane stress pathways.
261  altered expression of genes associated with outer membrane structure and biogenesis.
262 lity and virulence, is composed of inner and outer membrane subcomplexes, connected by an alignment s
263                       We screened Leptospira outer membrane/surface proteins for their ability to act
264 rge and stable channels in the mitochondrial outer membrane that induce cell death through direct rel
265 e trafficked between the bacterial inner and outer membranes through the hydrophilic space of the per
266 ria, where it inserts into the mitochondrial outer membrane to form a toxic pore.
267 ncovalent protein interactions that link the outer membrane to the aqueous periplasmic region.
268 etermines periplasmic width by tethering the outer membrane to the peptidoglycan layer.
269 tors secreted or located on the Liberibacter outer membrane to trigger cell responses.
270 ays into mitochondria use translocons on the outer membrane (TOM) and inner membrane (TIM).
271 nslocated to its interior by the translocase outer membrane (TOM) complex.
272           Granular biofilms were enriched in outer membrane transport proteins to scavenge the extrac
273  SusD homologue that delivers glycans to the outer membrane transporter.
274                   In Gram-negative bacteria, outer membrane transporters import nutrients by coupling
275                                           An outer membrane vesicle (OMV)-based cholera vaccine is hi
276 ngococcal serogroup B vaccine (4CMenB) is an outer membrane vesicle and recombinant protein-based vac
277     We assessed vaccine effectiveness of the outer membrane vesicle meningococcal B vaccine (MeNZB) a
278 ccessful, but surveillance data suggest that outer membrane vesicle meningococcal group B vaccines af
279                      Although cell lysis and outer-membrane vesicle extrusion are possible means by w
280  a new vaccine consisting of glycoengineered outer membrane vesicles (geOMVs).
281 secreted by H3-T6SS and is incorporated into outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) by directly interacting w
282 sting of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-detoxified outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) from Salmonella enterica
283                     Here, we illustrate that outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) released by F. succinogen
284 ce factors to infect host cells by secreting outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) that contain small molecu
285 n that bacteria have the capacity to release outer membrane vesicles (OMVs), which are nano-sized bil
286 ecretion system (T6SS), autotransporter, and outer membrane vesicles (OMVs).
287 c analysis revealed its abundant presence in outer membrane vesicles (OMVs).
288 y molecules to immune cells via secretion of outer membrane vesicles (OMVs).
289 A and p66 are constituents of B. burgdorferi outer membrane vesicles.
290 n a manner consistent with the production of outer membrane vesicles.
291 that coalesce to perforate the mitochondrial outer membrane via an unknown mechanism.
292    MitoNEET is anchored to the mitochondrial outer membrane via its N-terminal alpha helix domain and
293 he inner membrane to transduce energy to the outer membrane via TonB.
294 nsitive Escherichia coli strain with a leaky outer membrane, we identified a mutant with increased re
295 g the lipid composition of the mitochondrial outer membrane were tested, we did not detect any leakag
296 resence of the lipopolysaccharide-containing outer membrane, which acts as a permeability barrier.
297  relies on homotypic fusion between adjacent outer membranes, which is mediated by large GTPases call
298 to composition and assembly of gram-negative outer membranes will continue to generate novel discover
299 classically monoderm Firmicutes, but possess outer membranes with lipopolysaccharide (LPS-OM).
300  were embedded in an asymmetric model of the outer membrane, with lipopolysaccharide molecules in the

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