


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 d and local introgressed alleles are rapidly outnumbered.
2 rally defend their ranges, even when greatly outnumbered.
3                         Neonates (188 [87%]) outnumbered 28 older patients (aged 6 weeks to 22 years)
4         In umuDC strains, 3' T-->A mutations outnumbered 3' T-->C mutations, but the reverse was true
5 ait loci (QTLs) and find nonadditive QTLs to outnumber (3:1) additive loci, dominant contributions to
6 their sexual counterparts and should rapidly outnumber a sexual population because every individual h
7 nous activation of transporters that greatly outnumber activated AMPA receptors.
8 ulated > 3x by glucose, with repressed genes outnumbering activated genes three to one.
9                                        These outnumber all currently known phage genomes in marine ha
10 ore Alu elements are highly abundant and far outnumber all other active transposons in humans.
11 y 60 billion cerebellar granule cells, which outnumber all other brain neurons combined.
12 of the inner Oort cloud, whose objects could outnumber all other dynamically stable populations in th
13  of which were less than 1 Mb, and deletions outnumbered amplifications by approximately 2.5:1.
14            Exudate macrophages substantially outnumber AMs during the effector phase of the immune re
15      The GAD65-GFP neurons are GABAergic and outnumbered any other interneurons (expressing parvalbum
16  Cardiomyocyte necrosis was minimal, T cells outnumbered B cells, plasma cells were prominent, and mi
17  tissues, T lymphocytes (CD3+) significantly outnumbered B lymphocytes (CD20+) in the mantle area of
18        However, A-allele isolates from birds outnumbered B-allele isolates, and the relative rates of
19 he most abundant entity in the biosphere and outnumber bacteria by a factor of 10.
20 g the products of this reaction, frameshifts outnumbered base pair substitutions by greater than 70-f
21       These findings, and the fact that pDCs outnumber BDCA3(+) mDCs, both in peripheral blood and ly
22 beta-adrenoceptors, with beta2-adrenoceptors outnumbering beta1-adrenoceptors in a ratio of 2.9 to 1.
23  DNA the immune stimulatory CpG-S motifs are outnumbered by a 15- to 30-fold excess of CpG dinucleoti
24 eochemical processes, archaea are frequently outnumbered by bacteria, and consequently are underrepre
25 most pronounced when neutrophils are greatly outnumbered by bacteria.
26  is difficult because they are significantly outnumbered by bulk carriers.
27  lymphocyte-sufficient hosts ILCs are vastly outnumbered by CD4(+) T cells, which express similar pro
28                Second, stem cells are vastly outnumbered by differentiated cells, which have a higher
29 d cones) survive, even when they are greatly outnumbered by dying photoreceptors.
30 ered, the IL-1 family has remained small and outnumbered by IL-1 receptor homologues.
31 show that infected Kupffer cells are rapidly outnumbered by infiltrating inflammatory monocytes, whic
32                  Despite being substantially outnumbered by intracortical inputs on thalamorecipient
33  a downstream glsB mutant, was significantly outnumbered by OG1RF in vegetations, organs, and blood,
34 rain, even though young vesicles were vastly outnumbered by older, nonfluorescent vesicles.
35               However, NK cells were greatly outnumbered by recruited target cells that fuel local vi
36 cer-associated fibroblasts are significantly outnumbered by TAMs in this model and that their express
37 taT cell receptor (TCR) genetic diversity is outnumbered by the quantity of pathogenic epitopes to be
38  although such publications are still vastly outnumbered by those that do not.
39 e velocity and run-length even when they are outnumbered by wild type motors in the ensemble.
40 pulation, in which donor CCR4(+/+) cells can outnumber CCR4(-/-) cells by >12-fold.
41 tion, a high percentage of CD8+ cells, which outnumber CD4+ cells at day 6 after transplant, also pro
42 progressed to fibrosis, while CD8(+) T cells outnumbered CD4(+) T cells in thyroids that resolved.
43 nt; by day 24, NK and gammadelta+ cells each outnumbered CD4+ lymphocytes and CD11b+ macrophages.
44 replication, MAC387(+) monocytes/macrophages outnumbered CD68(+) macrophages.
45                               CD4(+) T cells outnumbered CD8(+) T cells when lesions progressed to fi
46                                    Receptors outnumber CheA, yet it is poorly understood how interact
47 t-growing segment of the CHD population, now outnumbering children.
48 links, in most cases classic predation links outnumber classic parasitism links.
49 itical initiating kinase, they prevented the outnumbered clusters engendered by the high-affinity lig
50  resident dendritic cells and/or macrophages outnumber colonizing precursors, the majority of microgl
51       Fast-evolving low-complexity sequences outnumbered conserved low-complexity sequences by a rati
52 bited by heterospecific males that sometimes outnumbered conspecifics.
53 situation in a model system where expansions outnumber contractions, as in humans.
54                      Ipsilateral pRS neurons outnumber contralateral pRS neurons by threefold and are
55              Remarkably, these events easily outnumber conventional minis.
56 control must also exist because meiotic DSBs outnumber COs.
57 been extirpated by humans, whereas red foxes outnumber coyotes in areas where wolves are present.
58                Moreover, mGluR1alpha(+) UBCs outnumbered CR(+) UBCs.
59 children: If there was no previous son, sons outnumbered daughters by 50%.
60 C and T-cell counts in pericardial AT, which outnumbered DCs and T cells in lymph nodes.
61           Recently AB models have started to outnumber DE models, but understanding of AB philosophy
62   We found that descriptions of benefits far outnumbered descriptions of risks and commercial website
63 roRNAs to increase or decrease mRNAs greatly outnumber direct target suppressions.
64 tients with recurrent ischaemic stroke), and outnumbered disabling or fatal intracerebral haemorrhage
65           Endosperm-only seeds significantly outnumbered embryo-only seeds, suggesting that single sp
66                   Enterococcus faecalis (50) outnumbered Enterococcus faecium isolates (18), and 49%
67 erentiate within the fetal liver and rapidly outnumber EryPs in the circulation.
68 es, classically considered as selfish genes, outnumber essential or housekeeping genes suggests that
69  that initiate meiotic recombination greatly outnumber eventual COs, this process requires exquisite
70 s the rate was 1.5 x 10(-2) and contractions outnumbered expansions by 5-fold.
71 h evidence that feedback connections greatly outnumber feedforward connections [2-5].
72 sely, females are more polygamous when males outnumber females.
73                                        Males outnumbered females 2.4:1.
74              Saccadic endpoints into the PRL outnumbered foveally directed saccades by a factor of 2:
75             We found that base substitutions outnumber frameshift mutations, as seen in other experim
76                  A and T homopolymers vastly outnumber G and C HPs, and the run-length distributions
77                                Intron losses outnumber gains over a large range of eukaryotic lineage
78  from several retinal afferents and, in cat, outnumber ganglion cells.
79  much as 8% of the human genome and may even outnumber genes.
80 embryonic stage, we found that PSD-95 puncta outnumber gephyrin puncta, with the number of gephyrin p
81 0.7%) were diagnosed with ASD; boys with ASD outnumbered girls by a ratio of about 4:1.
82  the most abundant appendages in human skin, outnumbering hair follicles by a factor close to 3; and
83  home to trillions of bacteria, which vastly outnumber host cells in the body.
84 uential infection occurring when free phages outnumber host cells.
85 luding bacteria, archaea, and fungi) greatly outnumber host cells.
86 ated following exposure to intranasal Ag and outnumbered IL-4- and IFN-gamma-producing CD4 T cells by
87          Output synapses from 5-HTi profiles outnumbered inputs by about 3 to 1.
88 resent the most abundant metazoans on Earth, outnumbering insects and nematode worms.
89 Drosophila melanogaster found that deletions outnumber insertions approximately 8:1 with a median siz
90   At strong DSB hotspots, intersister repair outnumbers interhomolog repair approximately 3:1, but ou
91 y neurons located in a single barrel greatly outnumber interneurons, and form extensive reciprocal ex
92 r nucleus, with contralateral inputs greatly outnumbering ipsilateral inputs.
93                 IPVs with superficial reflux outnumbered IPVs with superficial and deep reflux even i
94 the sizes of Earth and Neptune substantially outnumber Jupiter-sized planets.
95                 Since inflammatory monocytes outnumber Kupffer cells 24 h after LCMV infection, it is
96 ain, as detected by TIGR04085, significantly outnumber lantibiotic synthases and cyclodehydratases co
97 roplastic) in habitats has increased [3] and outnumbers larger debris [2, 4].
98 a points and found that gene gains typically outnumbered losses (ratio of gains/losses = 2.34) and th
99                  Remarkably, gains generally outnumbered losses and the gain-to-loss ratios were much
100  acquired the vast majority of particles and outnumbered LX particle-bearing airway dendritic cells (
101  infected or uninfected monocytes, which far outnumber lymphocytes in HIV-infected semen, may contrib
102 sion in vivo, especially since monocytes far outnumber lymphocytes in the semen of HIV-infected indiv
103             In contrast, myeloid progenitors outnumbered lymphoid progenitors when the Thy-1.1neg pop
104                                    Prophages outnumbered lytic phages approximately 2:1 with the most
105 es are more commonly polygamous when females outnumber males, and conversely, females are more polyga
106 ed individuals is more frequent when females outnumber males.
107 the field remain: purely descriptive reports outnumbering mechanistic studies and slow translation of
108  prevalence of HFpEF is increasing and women outnumber men by a 2 : 1 ratio.
109         Women not only outlive men, but also outnumber men in glaucoma cases worldwide.
110                                        Women outnumber men in undergraduate enrollments, but they are
111 n primary care means that misidentifications outnumber missed cases.
112         In all nerves studied, sensory axons outnumber motor axons by a ratio of at least 9:1.
113 pheral nerves, unmyelinated C-fibers usually outnumber myelinated A-fibers.
114 obability, synaptic triheteromeric receptors outnumbered N1/N2A receptors by 5.8 to 1 and N1/N2B rece
115 ed from good to excellent; positive comments outnumbered negative ones by a ratio of 5:1.
116 ionator, has challenged the notion that glia outnumber neurons and revived a question that was widely
117   In the nervous system, glial cells greatly outnumber neurons but the full extent of their role in d
118 motifs; TIR sequences were more abundant and outnumber non-TIR sequences threefold.
119 nsistently linear and locally linear neurons outnumbered nonlinear neurons by a 2:1 ratio.
120 tensively studied genomic system in insects, outnumbering nuclear genomes tenfold and representing al
121 N), neutrophil predominant (N> Eo/Mc), Eo/Mc outnumber or equal neutrophil (Eo/Mc>/= N), either Eosin
122                           Footprints greatly outnumber other mutations, masking them because they usu
123 mmatory monocytes trafficked into the brain, outnumbered other leukocytes, and produced tumor necrosi
124 s, mainly bacteria in our gut, which greatly outnumber our own human cells.
125                                   Inpatients outnumbered outpatients in all years except 1995, but th
126 loci, dominant contributions to heterosis to outnumber overdominant, and extensive pleiotropy.
127 reducers, and anoxygenic phototrophs largely outnumbered oxygenic photoautotrophs.
128 ncy of PD-1-Tim-3- HCV-specific CTLs greatly outnumbered PD-1+Tim-3+ CTLs in patients with acute reso
129  in lymph nodes and related tissues probably outnumbers perforin(+) NK cells.
130 ion up to 60 T, although the vortices vastly outnumber pinning centers.
131            These newly identified candidates outnumbered Porphyromonas gingivalis and other species p
132 e strain, which in the long term will likely outnumber prevaccination numbers.
133 lb (OB), diverse interneuron subtypes vastly outnumber principal excitatory cells.
134 es around the globe: Whereas shark denticles outnumber ray-finned fish teeth in Cretaceous deep-sea s
135 do exons defined by such false splices sites outnumber real exons by an order of magnitude.
136 s against certain subsets, residents greatly outnumber recirculating cells within non-lymphoid tissue
137  a continental scale cascade whereby coyotes outnumber red foxes in areas where wolves have been exti
138  Reports of affected Paridae (211 incidents) outnumbered reports in non-Paridae (91 incidents).
139                             Walk-ins (N=241) outnumbered scheduled patients (N=141).
140                       Missense substitutions outnumbered silent substitutions.
141 and sporadically active units, which greatly outnumbered spontaneously active cells, and enhanced neu
142                  Overall, stage 1 metastases outnumbered stage 2 metastases (which outnumbered stage
143 stases outnumbered stage 2 metastases (which outnumbered stage 3 metastases).
144                Although weak connections far outnumber strong connections, each neuron receives the m
145  most common class of star in our Galaxy and outnumber Sun-like stars by a ratio of 12:1.
146 stage, we found that extrasynaptic receptors outnumbered synaptic receptors by 3:1; thus whole-cell c
147 arative T-cell and DC-cell counts, where DCs outnumber T cells.
148 ain parenchyma occurs only when T(H)17 cells outnumber T(H)1 cells and trigger a disproportionate inc
149 cal synapses onto excitatory layer 4 neurons outnumber thalamic synapses 10 to 1.
150                Corticothalamic (CT) feedback outnumbers thalamocortical projections and regulates sen
151 gen-consuming, methane-producing Archaea far outnumber the Bacteria.
152                            Rod bipolar cells outnumber the calbindin cone bipolar cells by a factor o
153 s been elusive, as the types of GPCRs vastly outnumber the classes of G protein heterotrimers availab
154                    Nonconserved sites, which outnumber the conserved sites 10 to 1, also mediate repr
155 ily in inner ear resident macrophages, which outnumber the hair cells.
156 ith more compact and agglomerated structures outnumber the large aggregates with more stretched chain
157 s, sessile, and largely edible mimics vastly outnumber the models, and (iii) there is no particular s
158 rictions for rotavirus vaccination would far outnumber the potential excess vaccine-associated intuss
159 he RS inputs (the presumed "modulators") far outnumber the RL inputs (the presumed "drivers").
160  heterogeneous mixtures where the nontargets outnumber the targets 10,000 to 1.
161                      The axospinous synapses outnumbered the axodendritic synapses by more than two t
162 o the wild-type (WT), hyper-responsive genes outnumbered the genes showing reduced response to red li
163 s, with the exception of IL-17 producers far outnumbering the IFN-gamma and IL-2 producers in the inf
164              The number of applicants vastly outnumbers the available academic faculty positions.
165 ions has increased considerably and nowadays outnumbers the deceased donor transplantations in our ce
166 ical entities on earth, and are estimated to outnumber their bacterial prey by tenfold.
167 lated from ocean waters [5-7] and frequently outnumber their cyanobacterial hosts [8].
168 rentiated monocytes reside in the spleen and outnumber their equivalents in circulation.
169  In tonsil tissue, although EBV reactivities outnumbered their CMV and influenza counterparts, the di
170 ntercommunity attacks; and attackers greatly outnumbered their victims (median 8:1 ratio).
171 g, with 15,000-20,000 individuals worldwide, outnumbering their wild relatives five to seven times.
172 ed colonies can therefore resist invaders by outnumbering them.
173 at small-effect beneficial mutations greatly outnumber those of large effect, as they are consistent
174                          Inner-face synapses outnumber those on calyx outer faces by a 40:1 ratio.
175 e NPC-derived oligodendrocytes significantly outnumbered those generated from pOPCs.
176                                  These cases outnumbered those in which both reviewers found an adver
177       Peptides inducing IFN-gamma production outnumbered those inducing T-cell proliferation.
178 d at corticothalamic synapses on RTN neurons outnumbered those on relay cells by 3.7 times, providing
179 icosities in apposition to dendrites greatly outnumbered those on the somata.
180 was nearly 3-fold, and new IHC patients have outnumbered those with HCCA by 2:1 over the last 3 years
181 nalization of a wide range of carbohydrates, outnumbering those found in many other gut microbiota me
182  G's of their introns and intergenic domains outnumbering those of their exons 50-fold in humans and
183 ferate along the migratory route and grow to outnumber trailing NCCs by nearly 3 to 1.
184 sitic and nonparasitic plants, transversions outnumbered transitions, in many cases more than two to
185 dines (C = cytosine, T = thymine), typically outnumber transversions (e.g., exchanges between a purin
186 mmon type of change, and overall transitions outnumbered transversions by a factor of two in 16S and
187                              Wild-type OG1RF outnumbered TX5179 in the kidneys (P < .001) and bladder
188           In mixed UTIs, OG1RF significantly outnumbered TX5475 in kidneys (P=.0033) and bladders (P<
189                            Type I hair cells outnumber type II hair cells (HCs) in squirrel monkey (S
190  These inexorable evolutionary overachievers outnumber us all, their segmented body plan is remarkabl
191   In DF(-) samples, non-V. cholerae bacteria outnumbered V. cholerae 10:1.
192 e complete degradation of Rep molecules that outnumber Vir by eightfold or more.
193 indicate that cellular genomes substantially outnumber viral genomes in HCMV-positive GBM specimens,
194 nd no pathogen in 57 (22%); bacterial causes outnumbered viral causes when the results of the case-co
195       Potentially preventable embolic events outnumbered warfarin-related intracerebral haemorrhages
196 nd that black-dominant neurons substantially outnumbered white-dominant neurons in the corticocortica
197                                   Feral fish outnumber wild populations, leading to a possible loss o
198  show impaired contraction and significantly outnumber wild-type (WT) cells after the expansion phase
199 ents with acute symptomatic HE (n = 47), men outnumbered women (40:7), the patients were in older mid

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