


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 R desensitization independent of sympathetic overdrive.
2 the complete set of genes that interact with Overdrive.
3 cant and carcinogen bioactivation systems in overdrive?
4 lable water places these survival signals in overdrive and may be accelerating the obesity and diabet
5 gularity, and it used 3 different methods of overdrive atrial pacing (Ramp, Burst+, and 50-Hz burst)
6                  The ADOPT demonstrated that overdrive atrial pacing with the AF Suppression Algorith
7 als were recorded during spontaneous rhythm, overdrive atrial pacing, and AF/AFL induced by acetylcho
8 chian ridge (TA-ER isthmus) and one by rapid overdrive atrial pacing.
9            Here, we show that the same gene, Overdrive, causes both male sterility and segregation di
10 c stimulation (P<0.05) but exhibited neither overdrive excitation nor suppression.
11 d the safety, tolerance and effectiveness of overdrive high right atrial (RA), dual-site RA and suppo
12 MT genetic overactivity produced a selective overdrive of the endocannabinoid system within the PFC,
13                   Previously, a single gene, Overdrive (Ovd), was shown to be necessary but not suffi
14  In 8 patients, AFL was terminated by atrial overdrive pacing after ibutilide at CLs equal to or long
15                      In contrast, downstream overdrive pacing at 18 sites during focal AT or remote f
16                                   Downstream overdrive pacing at 48 sites close to a macroreentrant c
17 he QRS complex morphology during ventricular overdrive pacing at cycle lengths of 600 and 300 ms was
18 election of a downstream activation site for overdrive pacing can facilitate rapid recognition of mac
19                                       Atrial overdrive pacing completely prevented VA in 16 of 19 (84
20                            Continuous atrial overdrive pacing did not prevent atrial fibrillation.
21                    The QRS morphology during overdrive pacing differed significantly from that of a s
22                                              Overdrive pacing for intra-atrial re-entrant tachycardia
23                                     Although overdrive pacing for treating atrial flutter is well est
24                              The response to overdrive pacing from different zones of the circuit was
25                                              Overdrive pacing from isthmus sites determined by activa
26 ling interval, and the QRS morphology during overdrive pacing is affected by the pacing cycle length.
27                       Hypothetically, atrial overdrive pacing may be a therapy for preventing exercis
28           Prophylactic amiodarone and atrial overdrive pacing should be considered in patients at hig
29                                              Overdrive pacing suppressed triggered activity.
30 r high or low right atrium (HRA, LRA) during overdrive pacing to 160 ms or to the initiation of AF, w
31                           The Atrial Dynamic Overdrive Pacing Trial (ADOPT) was a single blind, rando
32 cular response upon cessation of ventricular overdrive pacing was diagnostic of atrial tachycardia, a
33                                              Overdrive pacing with capture of the tachycardia from wi
34 n later than adjacent electrodes (downstream overdrive pacing) during 66 ATs in 62 patients: 20 cavot
35  by pretreatment with atropine and by atrial overdrive pacing.
36  receive or not to receive continuous atrial overdrive pacing.
37 , EF, and LV relaxation compared with atrial overdrive pacing.
38 rough the sinoatrial conduction pathways and overdrive suppress the node.
39 t ACh, the AF/AFL waves captured the SAN and overdrive suppressed it.
40 nued, there was no difference in duration of overdrive suppression among groups.
41 est-competing silicon devices under the same overdrive, without any normalization.

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