


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 r rates (although with greater computational overhead).
2  wedge and the arm was abducted and elevated overhead.
3 patients, and only a portion of the assigned overhead.
4 tial reimbursement to cover this incremental overhead.
5 asurements" with negligible representational overhead.
6 olvent with minimal additional computational overhead.
7  "universal models," with at most polynomial overhead.
8 y an increased memory usage or computational overhead.
9 ecific application, with minimal programming overhead.
10 tory tests, and facility-level personnel and overhead.
11 while still maintaining an acceptable memory overhead.
12 tion), especially if the goal is to minimise overhead.
13 pes, while carefully accounting for the time overhead.
14 o large databases with minimal computational overhead.
15 es without significant equipment or training overhead.
16 le machines without significant intermachine overhead.
17 ction accuracy with negligible computational overhead.
18 gh these require larger and increasing qubit overheads.
19  that, as migrating silver Y moths pass high overhead above central England in the spring, their head
20 s, neck and spine history, trauma, excessive overhead activity, recent surgery, vaccination, and illn
21 nce program had overhead of 1.3 percent; the overhead among Canada's private insurers was higher than
22 approach, in terms of computational resource overhead and accuracy, are validated through comparison
23 r the best known non-adaptive protocols when overhead and limited estimation time are taken into acco
24 reactions, thus dramatically reducing sample overhead and minimizing reagent consumption.
25 ll of the uninsured) by eliminating the high overhead and profits of the private, investor-owned insu
26 ly incur prohibitively expensive computation overhead and thus result in a long experiment-analysis r
27 fer reproduction to forage; low reproductive overheads and low costs of starvation also encourage cap
28  on expenditures, start-up costs and general overhead are frequently disregarded.
29 ASS model dramatically reduces computational overhead associated with modeling nitrogen transformatio
30                   Hospitals, like other high-overhead business enterprises, must optimize the use of
31 responded to the sudden appearance of black, overhead circles with an angular size of 9 degrees , but
32 oll-to-roll methodologies with no additional overhead compared to current state of the art production
33          Within the high fixed cost and high overhead cost environment of health care provider organi
34 ng the spotlight into multiple foci incur an overhead cost that diminishes the efficacy of attention
35 er than previously reported, in part because overhead costs and fixed costs might have been underesti
36 y shows that informing potential donors that overhead costs are covered by an initial donation signif
37  to much costlier professionals and allocate overhead costs counterproductively.
38 nroll for practices to recoup the salary and overhead costs of hiring a full-time RN to provide CCM s
39                                          The overhead costs of malpractice litigation are exorbitant.
40 ortable scanner, direct fixed, variable, and overhead costs were 87.05 dollars, 70.73 dollars, and 9.
41  in the amount of clinician compensation and overhead costs, but were relatively insensitive to reaso
42 involvement, administration of programs, and overhead costs, have increased.
43 ter strains on capacity, and generate higher overhead costs.
44 e driven by the hospital's relatively higher overhead costs.
45  outcomes, complication rates, and financial overhead costs.
46 benefits of specialized workers, or constant overhead costs.
47                                              Overhead, direct material, and direct labor represented
48 onations from major philanthropists to cover overhead expenses and offer potential donors an overhead
49                        On average, excluding overhead expenses, it cost slightly more than 6,094 doll
50 k could aid the industry in the reduction of overheads, find new uses in dairy farming and production
51 0-24 feet, or 3.05-7.32 m) and illumination (overhead fluorescent and artificial window), and object
52 ing also benefits from minimal computational overhead for image reconstruction.
53 rhead expenses and offer potential donors an overhead-free donation opportunity.
54 ith 40,000 potential donors, we compared the overhead-free solution with other common uses of initial
55 t bees do not use a simple assessment of the overhead illumination, but that they assess the spectral
56 orts retrieval of the summary statistics, an overhead in the compression rate of roughly 3-17% was in
57 pression scheme that introduces only a minor overhead in the compression rate.
58 lution confirms that donations decrease when overhead increases, but only when donors pay for overhea
59                                      In high-overhead industries, different consumers pay different p
60                         Their administrative overhead is fairly low; non-administrative personnel and
61   As an alignment post-pass, its own runtime overhead is negligible, while dramatically reducing over
62  simulating the sweep of a predator cruising overhead, is sufficient to induce freezing response in m
63 fies instance collection by resolving memory overhead issues and is seamlessly generated, thus elimin
64  overridden by another environmental signal, overhead light, or genetic activation of protein kinase
65 kly explore hypotheses with little technical overhead, lowering the barrier of entry for biologists b
66  in principle scalable, the massive resource overhead made the scheme practically daunting.
67  dramatically reduced this worrying resource overhead, making an all-optical architecture a serious c
68 mpatibility with solution processing and low-overhead manufacturing is a significant advantage over m
69 nada's national health insurance program had overhead of 1.3 percent; the overhead among Canada's pri
70 edit individual contigs and BACs without the overhead of a database.
71  of stay (LOS), variable direct costs (VDC), overhead of capitated patients, and reimbursement versus
72 ven when taking into account the substantial overhead of quantum error correction, and the need to co
73 in term mapping tasks, and the computational overhead of rule application is small enough that a very
74 ture set to view custom datasets without the overhead of setting up and maintaining a mirror.
75 es these benefits to be realized without the overhead of sorting the reads.
76 timize the use of their capacity, amortizing overhead over as many patients as possible.
77 f available processors with constant average overhead per processor.
78 and trained zebra finches to magnetic and/or overhead polarized light cues in a four-arm "plus" maze.
79                                     Instead, overhead polarized light modulated light-dependent magne
80                        The birds did not use overhead polarized light near the zenith for sky compass
81  criterion, and the loss of prey fixation or overhead positioning during flight is strongly correlate
82 magnetic field measurements, wire mapping of overhead power lines servicing the home, and an intervie
83 that W3 cells may serve as alarm neurons for overhead predators.
84 sized features) as gray scale photomasks, an overhead projector as the illumination source, and array
85 adiated in parallel by visible light from an overhead projector in solutions containing tris(2,2'-bip
86                             Studies included overhead radiographs in all 219 groups, with spot images
87  only if there were questionable findings on overhead radiographs, and 82 (37%) obtained no spot imag
88  (SBFT) examinations, including frequency of overhead radiographs, use of fluoroscopic spot images, p
89 these studies usually consist of a series of overhead radiographs, with routine spot images of the te
90 m supine, four-stair climb, ambulation, full overhead reach, hand-to-mouth function, and hand functio
91 omputational infrastructure can minimize the overhead required of life science researchers.
92 emonstrated, but to avoid excessive resource overheads required by the necessary architecture, lower
93 ursors can act as a remedy, but the required overhead scales unfavourably with the initial entangleme
94 an be readily triggered by a rapidly looming overhead stimulus [4].
95 sity is elevated near 0 degrees slant due to overhead structure such as ceilings and leaf canopies.
96  predictions: in open habitats, where direct overhead sunshine dominates, a sharp dark-light color tr
97                         Time to complete the overhead task decreased significantly in Stage I (0.91 s
98 by means of a 6-min walk, treadmill time, an overhead task, and a stair climb.
99 and therefore uses significantly less server overhead than previous genome browsers.
100 birth/death processes with low computational overhead that allow for direct interaction of the coarse
101  with the prey visually fixated and directly overhead-the key parameters that underlie interception s
102 head increases, but only when donors pay for overhead themselves.
103 f capitellum affects adolescents involved in overhead throwing athletics.
104 ields of view have been used, at the cost of overhead time needed for animal repositioning and long i
105 ents of Coulomb interactions add significant overhead to computer simulations and can produce artifac
106 s and does not require massive computational overhead to model the solvent.
107 implement this method in an accurate and low-overhead tool called Qtip, which is compatible with popu
108  indirect costs are referred to as "hospital overhead." Total Cost equals variable direct plus fixed
109  by ocean-crossing birds thousands of meters overhead, transduced in generally poorly understood ways
110 whether flies' defensive responses to moving overhead translational stimuli ("shadows") are purely re
111  enclosed arena are repeatedly exposed to an overhead translational stimulus.
112 derived from many man-made sources including overhead transmission lines.
113 laser cutter, an office laminator and common overhead transparencies as a printable substrate via a l
114 luidic architecture, which is printed on the overhead transparencies; (ii) it acts as the adhesive ag
115 onic degrees of freedom, their computational overhead typically prohibits thorough dynamic sampling o
116       Injuries can be a result of repetitive overhead use or from direct trauma.
117 cting self-propelled particle model, and raw overhead videos of schooling fish obtained from the lite
118                                      General overhead was not presented in 91 (93.8%) of the 97 studi
119                  Physician cost and hospital overhead were not included.
120 osts, including space costs and departmental overhead, were calculated.
121                  We find that there is a 20% overhead when building simple frequency tables from 2-bi
122 to buildings, equipment, salaried labor, and overhead, which are fixed over the short term.
123 space representations entails an exponential overhead with increasing dimension.
124 esilient design that introduces little to no overhead with respect to serial BLAST.

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