


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                Only a 4-6 bp overlap between a DNA probe and miRNA was required for e
2 at risk are ones where there is an extensive overlap between a species range or habitat type and one
3 liques in an interval graph constructed from overlaps between aberrations.
4 ctivation, leading to substantially enhanced overlap between activation and steady-state inactivation
5                     We investigated: (a) the overlap between acute cSAH and cortical superficial side
6 2015, we systematically investigated genetic overlap between AD (International Genomics of Alzheimer'
7             Our findings demonstrate genetic overlap between AD and immune-mediated diseases and sugg
8 u-associated MAPT locus as a site of genetic overlap between AD and PD, and extending prior work, we
9                       We demonstrate genetic overlap between AD, C-reactive protein, and plasma lipid
10 and consistent with the existence of genetic overlap between ADHD and BPD, with potential differentia
11 aim of this study was to explore whether the overlap between ADHD and SUD could be explained by share
12                          We investigated the overlap between ADPKD and MFS by breeding mice with targ
13  and suggest a potentially wider therapeutic overlap between AEA and 2-AG augmentation approaches tha
14             Our data demonstrate substantial overlap between African American and European multiple s
15 reveals species-specific effects with strong overlaps between aging and age-related diseases in mice,
16                  We investigated the genetic overlap between Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's
17  and emotion recognition by showing that the overlap between amygdala volume and emotion recognition
18 s different cell death entities, there is an overlap between apoptosis and necrosis.
19                        In addition, there is overlap between APS and dementia diseases, such as Alzhe
20                                      Spatial overlap between areas of maximal MR(gluc)MIP and maximal
21                 The current findings confirm overlap between ASD and OCD in terms of glutamate involv
22 m of this study was to examine the polygenic overlap between ASD/ADHD and cognitive ability in indivi
23                                     Clinical overlap between autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and atten
24 ial communication are part of the phenotypic overlap between autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and schi
25 interestingly, genes with eQTL significantly overlapped between baboons and a comparable human eQTL d
26             In contrast, we found no genetic overlap between BD and MS.
27                                              Overlap between behavioural and dysexecutive Alzheimer's
28                              However, SULmax overlap between benign and malignant lesions persisted e
29 ic profiles of each system show considerable overlap between both differentiation methods but subtle
30 of either sufA or nfu, suggesting functional overlap between BSH and Fe-S carrier proteins.
31 logy, we systematically investigated genetic overlap between CAD and 8 traits related to cardiovascul
32                       The observed polygenic overlap between CAD and cardiometabolic risk factors ind
33 ect because of many as yet unknown loci that overlap between CAD/MI and CAC.
34                               Because of the overlap between cancer-associated variants and previousl
35 cells at each locus, we demonstrate a strong overlap between candidate target genes and somatic drive
36 ogically confirmed cases; however, densities overlapped between cases and controls and positive predi
37 om patients, we observed substantial genomic overlap between castration-resistant tumors that were hi
38 H, indicating a genetic and pathophysiologic overlap between cCSC and AMD.
39 -activated transcription factor, show little overlap between cell types.
40 y between animals, with the majority of taxa overlapping between CF and non-CF pairs.
41 centrations overcome protective effects, the overlap between charge-based aggregation and clotting is
42 late cortex lesion volume was defined as the overlap between cingulotomy lesion volume and Shackman's
43                The score plots showed strong overlapping between classes.
44 s supported by twin studies, but the genetic overlap between clinically ascertained ASD and ADHD rema
45  relatives supports the existence of genetic overlap between clinically ascertained ASD and ADHD, sug
46 ve assessment of the frequency and degree of overlap between clusters of colabeled proteins; and 3) S
47        Few studies have examined the genetic overlap between cognitive ability and ASD/ADHD.
48            This study demonstrates polygenic overlaps between common genetic polymorphisms associated
49 D, and identify potential regions of genetic overlap between COPD and other respiratory diseases.
50                             We found minimal overlap between CREB signatures in astrocytes and neuron
51 CRP GWAS SNPs confirmed the previously known overlap between CRP and lipids biology.
52 ex emerged as the largest location of unique overlap between DD and WM.
53     Here we report a striking and unexpected overlap between dE2F2/dREAM sites and binding sites for
54 lence for each definition and determined the overlap between definitions.
55 een PBA and depression, there is significant overlap between depression and crying in PBA.
56 each viral segment, to a considerable degree overlap between Dicer-2-related (19 to 21 nt) and Dicer-
57 rmation than others and that the information overlap between different properties and different lengt
58                                   Because of overlap between diseases, some biomarkers have limited s
59  These findings might explain the phenotypic overlap between DOCK8 deficiency and autosomal dominant
60                        Notably, the clinical overlap between dominant and recessive forms of OI sugge
61  while also identifying important functional overlaps between dormant origins and the FA pathway in m
62                           Chemical structure overlap between DrugCentral and five online drug resourc
63 tral and five online drug resources, and the overlap between DrugCentral FDA-approved drugs and their
64 of mutations often shows surprisingly little overlap between EAC and adjacent Barrett's esophagus; an
65 ges, indicating the potential for functional overlap between ECM and saprotrophic fungi.
66                                          The overlap between edematous malnutrition and wasting was a
67 rs then consider three models to explain the overlap between emotion dysregulation and ADHD: emotion
68 is boundary is precisely formed with minimal overlap between En1 and Dbx1 microdomains, unlike many o
69 have lower CA1 excitability, do not show the overlap between ensembles, the transfer of fear between
70 logical concepts, highlighting both areas of overlap between established entities, as well as areas o
71 h-frequency stimulation did not increase the overlap between evoked and spontaneous transmission, and
72 PD, with a particular emphasis on genes that overlap between familial and sporadic disease such as th
73                   We determine the degree of overlap between fish caught in these two areas of the oc
74  of protein), although the CIs were wide and overlapping between fish and plant foods.
75                    Here we evaluated genetic overlap between FTD, AD and PD to assess shared pathobio
76 ng-related genes; (ii) observing significant overlap between functions and diseases that are enriched
77 ate GAG interactions, and there is extensive overlap between GAG and receptor-binding domains.
78  component of U1 snRNP) showed a significant overlap between genes regulated by these two factors.
79          Importantly, we found a substantial overlap between genes upregulated after repeated anti-Ig
80                                     Striking overlap between genes with damaging DNMs in probands wit
81 is study provides evidence for a significant overlap between genetic factors associated with risk of
82   Our findings provide empirical support for overlap between genetic variation underlying the pathoph
83  the risk of GERD, and the extent of genetic overlap between GERD and BE or EA.
84  basis for GERD and supports for a polygenic overlap between GERD and BE, and GERD and EA.
85 atty acyls and glycerophospholipids strongly overlapped between groups.
86                 Our data also show a spatial overlap between gustatory, olfactory, and oral somatosen
87 e one mechanism contributing to the clinical overlap between GVHD and TA-TMA.
88 he global analysis that identified a crucial overlap between hepatic Cyp51(-/-) and Rorc(-/-) express
89 o assess the statistical significance of the overlap between heterogeneously diversified portfolios,
90  microarray co-expression in the form of low overlaps between hub-like genes from each network due to
91                        Although the temporal overlap between human dispersal across Australia and the
92                           We confirm genetic overlap between human monogenic and polygenic anthropome
93 re, we show a spatially-dependent phenotypic overlap between hypertrophic chondrocytes and osteoblast
94                                 The temporal overlap between iCAPs is substantial; typically, three t
95                 Our results suggest that the overlap between IgE and IgG4 might be important in natur
96  analysis technique, we show that the neural overlap between imagery and perception in the entire vis
97 s a target for therapeutic intervention, the overlap between imaging abnormalities associated with ty
98 he development of autoimmune disease and the overlap between immunodeficiency and autoimmunity.
99  synaptic geometry, resulting in a increased overlap between immunostained AZ and PSD markers; in con
100                         There is significant overlap between Inc targets and viral proteins, suggesti
101                                         This overlap between independent colonizations in different s
102 cludes that the probability for the observed overlap between independent studies is significant.
103          Imaging studies have emphasised the overlap between infant and adult brain connectome archit
104 broad across the immunogenomic network, with overlap between inhibitors.
105 ition surface, indicating that direct steric overlap between ipilimumab and the B7 ligands is a major
106 hy (MEG) to investigate the degree of neural overlap between language control and domain-general cogn
107 euronal tracing experiments indicate a large overlap between layer 3 pyramidal populations, which pro
108 whereas stage-independent changes frequently overlapped between leaf and ear.
109                        There is considerable overlap between left ventricular noncompaction (LVNC) an
110 omplex congenital syndrome, showing clinical overlap between lethal skeletal dysplasias and ciliopath
111 ociated with LGMD, highlighting the clinical overlap between LGMD and other myopathies.
112                                     A shared overlap between LS and non-LS defined by 17 variants loc
113 ranscriptional patterns in MDD, with limited overlap between males and females, an effect seen in bot
114 ts was measured by calculating percentage of overlap between maps.
115                         Spatial and temporal overlap between mass flowering and co-blooming crops alt
116 s both spatially and temporally; examine the overlap between measurable cancer hallmarks and characte
117 on of the valence electrons and poor spatial overlap between metal and ligand orbitals.
118                                          The overlap between MOG antibody oligodendrocytopathy and AQ
119 gy of ECCL, our results support the emerging overlap between mosaic developmental disorders and tumor
120                   We also describe potential overlap between myopathic and neurogenic findings in thi
121 ent chronological studies suggest a possible overlap between Neanderthals and anatomically modern hum
122                         Despite the possible overlap between neurocognitive disorders and glaucoma in
123        Previous studies also observed a high overlap between NUP98/NSD1 and FLT3/ITD, raising the que
124 nts, we provide surprising evidence that the overlap between object pairs in the PAI paradigm results
125 l distances of the sub-graphs, depicting the overlap between observed genetic signals and defined fun
126                       Phenotypic and genetic overlap between OC features and PG add to our understand
127                              Regions of high overlap between oceanic tagged sharks and longliners inc
128 iscovery of SLC25A46 strengthens the genetic overlap between optic atrophy and CMT2 while exemplifyin
129 diameter of 1.6 mm provided highly efficient overlap between optical and acoustic waves over an imagi
130         At present, there is a large spatial overlap between orchards and their pollinators, but pred
131 is for an OTCS case, indicates that there is overlap between OTCS and SHFYNG syndromes, and confirms
132  survival, and (iii) observing a significant overlap between our identified metabolic genes and known
133                   Surprisingly, there was no overlap between our modifiers and those from a conceptua
134 our predictions by (i) observing significant overlap between our predicted aging-related genes and 'g
135            Additionally, we find significant overlap between our subset of proteins whose synthesis i
136 etic retinopathy [DR], and glaucoma) and the overlap between outcomes in the reviews and the trials i
137  of Illumina sequencing data or detection of overlaps between Oxford Nanopore reads to improve accura
138 Transcriptomic analyses revealed significant overlaps between p300/CBP-downregulated genes and genes
139 MR1(I+), and there was significant molecular overlap between pAMR1(H(+)) and full-blown pAMR2/3 cases
140                 We highlight marked clinical overlaps between patients with either LGI1 or CASPR2 ant
141  thaliana) are conserved, there is much less overlap between patterns of individual gene expression.
142  at false discovery rate less than 0.05 with overlap between PD and autoimmune diseases, including kn
143 ces on perinatal depression, and the genetic overlap between perinatal depression and nonperinatal de
144 d crystal reorientation while maximizing the overlap between plasmonic fields and liquid crystal.
145 der-estimation to identify five main causes: overlap between psychiatric and neurological disorders;
146 glucose concentration modulated the temporal overlap between pulses of the two factors.
147 act, which is responsible for better orbital overlap between pz orbitals on neighboring S and C atoms
148 lexes can be optimized by adjusting spectral overlap between QD emission and the J-aggregate absorpti
149                                              Overlap between quinone compositions of distinct thermop
150         Global and local measurements of the overlap between R2-based and CT-based bone masks were co
151  recent advances in our understanding of the overlap between rare and complex diseases and the contex
152                       Due to the biochemical overlap between RCDP1 and RCDP5, sequencing of PEX7 and
153                                  Omega found overlaps between reads using a prefix/suffix hash table.
154 imaging studies have tended to highlight the overlap between regions that show early amyloid plaque s
155 extensive var DBLalpha diversity and minimal overlap between repertoires, specific DBLalpha types and
156 "them"-a distinction linked to the perceived overlap between representations of the self and others.
157  While there currently appears to be limited overlap between resistant and hypervirulent lineages, sp
158 le recent studies have described the spatial overlap between resting-state functional correlation (RS
159                                      A phase overlap between rhythms and cycles suggests a mechanical
160 egulated "translatome." We found significant overlap between ribosome-bound transcripts overexpressed
161                   The possibility of genetic overlap between risk for SCZ and cognitive phenotypes ha
162  0.64 (95 % CI = 0.61-067) indicating modest overlap between risk scores.
163 ochlore has lower band center energy for the overlap between Ru 4d and O 2p orbitals and is therefore
164 ur results suggest that there is a polygenic overlap between schizophrenia and NSS score, a marker of
165                                      Genetic overlap between schizophrenia and social communication d
166                  Our results support genetic overlap between schizophrenia pathogenesis and antipsych
167          We did not find evidence of genetic overlap between schizophrenia risk and subcortical volum
168                      We aimed to examine the overlap between schizophrenia risk loci and gene targets
169 rovide molecular confirmation of the genetic overlap between SCZ and general cognitive ability, and m
170                 We found significant genetic overlap between SCZ and MS and identified 21 independent
171                                              Overlap between sensory and motor representations has be
172                       The pathophysiological overlapping between Sjorgen's Syndrome (SS) and HCV, pre
173 pathway and further investigation of genetic overlap between sleep and neuro-psychiatric traits.
174                         Despite the apparent overlap between soil and clinical resistomes, factors in
175                        Finally, we find that overlap between sparse representations of different odor
176                              We have modeled overlap between spawning products and oil concentrations
177           Clinical, pathological and genetic overlap between sporadic frontotemporal dementia (FTD),
178       We additionally identified significant overlaps between stress aggregating yeast proteins and p
179  infecting isolates, there was a lack of PFT overlap between study years, combat zones, and military
180 , the clinical, radiological and therapeutic overlap between SUNCT, SUNA, and trigeminal neuralgia ha
181                         There is substantial overlap between symptoms of GERD and those of eosinophil
182 ux through the GluRs revealed little spatial overlap between synapses participating in spontaneous an
183 gest a novel hypothesis on how the nature of overlap between systematic maps of binaural and frequenc
184             A promising area arises from the overlap between systems/cognitive neuroscience on the on
185 rst study to demonstrate significant genetic overlap between T2DM and depression.
186                          First, considerable overlap between TADs and LADs was observed with the TAD
187 f the division in the data reflects both the overlap between tasks supported by the two streams as we
188 ed in community-wide changes in the temporal overlap between taxa that are dominated by extensions, a
189                          Upon evaluating the overlap between tectonic and Milankovitch periodicities
190 (DSB) initiate repair efficiently, and short overlaps between templates support template switching.
191                        There was significant overlap between the 14 genes involved in OGID and 611 ge
192 linical features, and discusses the possible overlap between the 2 diagnoses.
193  add to a growing literature suggesting some overlap between the acute effects of cannabinoids and th
194                This comparison revealed high overlap between the analyses, as well as novel findings
195                         We found substantial overlap between the anatomically relevant parameter rang
196 tric GQ-1 with small spatial intraquadruplex overlap between the ANI-NDI units.
197                             Cross-trajectory overlap between the autistic symptom severity and adapti
198  DnaA-binding motif analysis revealed little overlap between the cell cycle-dependent regulons of Ctr
199  results it was found that there was no 100% overlap between the compared RH1 sequences and those fro
200 ons are dependent upon the compound coverage overlap between the CSs used for construction of project
201  phases, especially during mitosis, with the overlap between the different chromosomes being smaller.
202  brains from four datasets reveals extensive overlap between the distributions of females and males f
203 determines the host-dopant coupling from the overlap between the dopant and exciton wave functions of
204 tion progress demonstrates that the spectral overlap between the emission of the product and the abso
205  YFP-RC intermolecular distance and spectral overlap between the emission of YFP and the visible-regi
206                             A close to ideal overlap between the emission spectrum of the NanoLucifer
207                                    Partially overlap between the epitopes between 26D1 and H16.V5 was
208       By comparing the percentage of nonzero overlap between the expected API barcode and finished dr
209                    Despite the low degree of overlap between the extrasynaptic (or wireless) and syna
210 orescence lifetime reduction on the spectral overlap between the fluorescence emission and the locali
211 The enhancement correlates with the spectral overlap between the fluorophore excitation/emission and
212 features were highly dimorphic (i.e., little overlap between the forms of these features in males and
213 g in the anti pathway, whereas the HOMO-LUMO overlap between the fragments is greater for the anti pa
214                          We propose that the overlap between the frontal inputs and the inputs from t
215  a hallmark of cancer and there was striking overlap between the genes involved in OGID and 260 somat
216                              As expected, no overlap between the glucose response frequency distribut
217         This is enabled via the direct pi-pi overlap between the graphene sidewalls, isoalloxazine he
218 ss the western hemisphere, the compositional overlap between the gut microbiotas of allopatric mammal
219 hin and among HER2+ patients, as well as the overlap between the HER2+ and HER2- groups, suggests a r
220                        There was significant overlap between the high-attention network and a network
221                Here we show in mice that the overlap between the hippocampal CA1 ensembles activated
222                                Wave function overlap between the host and the guest is confirmed by c
223 in light-sheet microscopy requires a perfect overlap between the illuminating light sheet and the foc
224 h step occurs via maximal energy and orbital overlap between the imido fragment and the C-H bond cont
225                 Puncture through a region of overlap between the inferior vena cava and pulmonary ven
226  the ion trapping parameters to maximize the overlap between the ion cloud and the irradiation volume
227 aximal binding to K2hPg and minimizes steric overlap between the K2hPg domains.
228 n observed with 1 is attributed to effective overlap between the metal d and the low-energy azo pi* o
229 ions, especially when there is a substantial overlap between the modal spectral signatures.
230 in multiple tissues and highlight functional overlap between the ninein and Patronin protein families
231 and "halogen shell" and the extension of the overlap between the orbitals from both regions.
232 ed RBPs and DNAJB6/mrj, suggesting etiologic overlap between the pathogenesis of hIBM and LGMD initia
233                                    Recently, overlap between the polygenic basis for specific persona
234 persive band characteristic of a substantial overlap between the precursor's pi states along the poly
235                      Remarkably, there is no overlap between the primary binding site of alphaXbeta2
236                             Our results show overlap between the propensity for DIO and the synaptic
237 dial modes, possible due to the good spatial overlap between the pump and signal in the small volume
238 dolo ester seemingly provides better orbital overlap between the reacting pi-systems and allows the d
239 sian approach to evaluate, for each SNP, the overlap between the signal of association with breast ca
240              Furthermore, our observation of overlap between the SOM + and CR + interneuron populatio
241                            There is striking overlap between the spatial distribution of amyloid-beta
242 ce analysis revealed an unexpected degree of overlap between the specific repertoires of vaccinees an
243 igh) transcriptomic response, defined by the overlap between the SPOP(MT) and c-MYC transcriptomic pr
244                                The degree of overlap between the structures was measured by 2 blinded
245                                 However, the overlap between the studies is relatively small, and we
246                                              Overlap between the subtype-specific lncRNAs in GBMs and
247 n coefficient of AuNPs and the complementary overlap between the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) abso
248 ron-electron scattering originating from the overlap between the surface state, interface state and t
249 transfer tasks and that a frontal activation overlap between the tasks produced transfer), dual n-bac
250               Surprisingly, we found that an overlap between the TCR repertoires of monozygous twins
251 rtoires of monozygous twins is similar to an overlap between the TCR repertoires of nonrelated indivi
252 arrangement between tetracenes exhibits less overlap between the tetracene pi-orbitals.
253 rse passive Arthus reaction, with functional overlap between the three kinases.
254         They also showed diminished neuronal overlap between the training and the transfer task from
255 ce/absence of the N332 glycan, indicating an overlap between the two epitopes.
256 pplied to English regardless of phonological overlap between the two languages.
257   Protein identifications showed significant overlap between the two methods, whereas peptide identif
258 to score this correlation is to quantify the overlap between the two sets of homogeneous properties o
259 rain that "cancels" the internal strain, the overlap between the wave functions can be maximized so t
260              The distributions of <SUVmax>pt overlapped between the 2 groups, and interpatient variab
261 yes), resulting in a peripheral 1-mm zone of overlapping between the graft and the host's Descemet me
262 ndomized to estimate the distribution of the overlaps between the clusters in the absence of interact
263 fic sequence features is often confounded by overlaps between the labels; e.g. if regulatory sites sp
264 erarchical cortical relationships as well as overlaps between the principal clusters of both patholog
265                There are distinct and common overlaps between the proteins involved in small and long
266 and further improvement is hindered by large overlaps between the training datasets and benchmark dat
267 e atomistic structure and 3D EM map, rewards overlaps between the volumes complementary to them.
268 coring scheme that, in addition to rewarding overlaps between the volumes occupied by the atomistic s
269 around such a concept may better explain the overlap between their clinical and pathological phenotyp
270 ted with declines in Bombus and reduced diet overlap between them, suggesting resource competition co
271 eraction between lightwaves without physical overlap between them, thus offering a viable solution fo
272 nts' interrelation by the degree of relative overlap between them, which was stratified into 5 groups
273       However, the phenotypic and functional overlap between these cells and regulatory B cells remai
274                                              Overlap between these communities increased through time
275        The extent to which molecular changes overlap between these diseases is not clear.
276 pite improving longevity, have increased the overlap between these diseases, with millions of cancer
277                             We estimated the overlap between these groups assessed at 11 and 18 to 19
278 individuals eligible for any of the 10 RCTs, overlap between these groups, and corresponding ASCVD in
279 tand these shared pathways and delineate the overlap between these groups, we investigated the geneti
280                        There was substantial overlap between these mental health problems-63% of the
281 -scale analysis to investigate the extent of overlap between these processes by comparing differentia
282                                          The overlap between these responses is instrumental for the
283  expected in the nonaffected population, the overlap between these two conditions has been underestim
284 results indicate that there is a significant overlap between these two responses, as all identified I
285  were quantified, revealing a high degree of overlap between these two species in metabolic response
286                                              Overlaps between these conditions exist.
287                          We find only modest overlap between this set of notochord-enriched transcrip
288                        Many T cell sequences overlap between tissue and blood from the same patient,
289  signaling pathways, it does not capture the overlap between TNF-induced noisy response curves.
290                    Up to 51% of outlier loci overlapped between transect pairs and up to 15% of these
291 s each GPNJ, so that the lack of substantial overlap between transmission lobes across successive jun
292 ntrolled through adjustments in the spectral overlap between two custom-synthesized polylactide-fluor
293 ogies can be used to determine the degree of overlap between two mendelian diseases in the same patie
294 ranscriptional changes show, on average, 83% overlap between unrelated auxotrophs and 35% with previo
295                   There was little taxonomic overlap between VA and FL, and samples separated by appr
296                             The median tumor overlap between VOIDWI and VOIPET was 82% (VOIDWI in VOI
297                               The percentage overlap between volumes of interest (VOIs) of increased
298                                              Overlap between volumes was assessed as a percentwise ov
299 ples as a result of the significant spectral overlap between water and the protein Amide I band cente
300 etween NLRP3 and NLRC4 reveals an unexpected overlap between what had been considered distinct inflam

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