


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 d the cerebellum decoupled from this network overnight.
2 king with PBS buffer, pH 7.2, at 4 degrees C overnight.
3 apsip,night) along the plant vascular system overnight.
4          The movement of the worms recovered overnight.
5 esence of 30 muM DHN and left to equilibrate overnight.
6 tional procedures and had to be hospitalized overnight.
7 ntly disrupted when for(R) flies are starved overnight.
8 en study participants abstained from smoking overnight.
9 ht glycemic control, and reduced variability overnight.
10 ime and number of awakening for each patient overnight.
11 rescue deteriorating patients is more common overnight.
12 h), afternoon (1300-1800 h), and evening and overnight (1800-0900 h); 24 h urine samples were obtaine
13                                              Overnight, 24-h, and fasting urine samples proved useful
14                                    Seemingly overnight, a range of therapeutic possibilities, evoking
15 pants underwent [(11)C]-(+)-PHNO scans after overnight abstinence and after smoking a cigarette.
16  and sustained attention were measured after overnight abstinence and again after smoking.
17 ine paradigm and biochemical confirmation of overnight abstinence and menstrual cycle phase, analyses
18 cebo (PBO; n=43) transdermal patch following overnight abstinence completed three sessions occurring
19                                    Following overnight abstinence from nicotine, participants complet
20 ted greater craving for cigarettes following overnight abstinence from smoking and reported greater r
21 ng a two-drug, placebo-controlled design, 24 overnight-abstinent smokers and 20 nonsmokers underwent
22                                           An overnight acquisition is already required to reach a qua
23                          Participants stayed overnight after the alcohol administration, and discharg
24 havior of glycerol phenylbutyrate and better overnight ammonia control.
25                             One third stayed overnight and 1/3 more than 1 day.
26 tional magnetic resonance imaging activation overnight and were related to disease severity.
27                     The reactions can be run overnight, and the protocol can be completed within 13-1
28                    Animals were kept fasting overnight, anesthetized with pentobarbital, and given in
29 ied from a yeast culture that had been grown overnight at 37 degrees C was essentially biotin free.
30           Simple aryl bromides are converted overnight at 60 degrees C in THF while heteroaryl bromid
31 losses have been reported to occur occurring overnight at leaf and plant scales.
32                      These reactions proceed overnight at room temperature, under weakly basic condit
33 cs, including sleep fragmentation (number of overnight awakenings, 1.51 [1.03] at baseline vs 0.92 [0
34 ted network during NREM sleep was related to overnight behavioral gains.
35 from 6 healthy subjects was used to generate overnight biofilms, reflecting early stages of biofilm m
36 ionally developed with DAB, with and without overnight bleaching with hydrogen peroxide, 4%.
37                   The biomass was then dried overnight, burned in an open burn test facility, and emi
38       Few discoveries transform a discipline overnight, but biologists today can manipulate cells in
39 stem was used day and night by 33 adults and overnight by 25 children and adolescents.
40                                              Overnight call duties have traditionally been added onto
41 s from the leaf during the night and to meet overnight cellular maintenance costs forces the model to
42 ctions in ECFV of the right leg (P = 0.001), overnight change in ECFV of the right leg (P = 0.044), E
43 d between groups and examined in relation to overnight changes in MST performance.
44 and 30 women with heart failure, we assessed overnight changes in NC (DeltaNC) and leg fluid volume b
45                              Extended use of overnight closed loop at home without supervision is fea
46 ugmented pump therapy either with or without overnight closed loop that used a model predictive contr
47 were randomly assigned to receive 4 weeks of overnight closed-loop insulin delivery (using a model-pr
48                                 Unsupervised overnight closed-loop insulin delivery at home is feasib
49                                              Overnight closed-loop therapy resulted in better glucose
50 label, randomized, crossover study comparing overnight closed-loop therapy with sensor-augmented pump
51 apy were less likely to require an admission overnight compared with those who received traditional t
52 ly moderates whether sleep spindles promoted overnight consolidation of motor skill memory.
53 erent stages of acquisition, extinction, and overnight consolidation of pleasant and aversive tone-od
54 hanges in emotional memory organization with overnight consolidation, and suggest possible neurobiolo
55 ession of aversive memories before and after overnight consolidation.
56                     In patients with chorea, overnight conversion to deutetrabenazine therapy provide
57             Here, we report estimates of the overnight cost and construction duration for five reacto
58                                     Finally, overnight culture of ovulated COCs with 8-Br-cAMP signif
59  of a small amount of C. albicans cells from overnight culture to fresh medium.
60 ey fail to phosphorylate STAT5, but in vitro overnight culture, especially in presence of IL-4, rende
61 CFUs) of this strain in 1 L of water with an overnight culture-based assay.
62  and fusion responses to insulin, even after overnight culture.
63 taphylococcal enterotoxins B, C, D, and E on overnight culture.
64                               A task-related overnight decrease in activation of the basal ganglia wa
65 e fragment crystallizable region followed by overnight deglycosylation prior to LC-HRMS analysis.
66                  PCR of broth cultures grown overnight doubled the yield of N. meningitidis carriage
67  amounts, supporting a role for REM sleep in overnight emotional processing.
68 incidence of the sleep stage pattern and the overnight energy expenditure pattern may have caused acc
69 and energy expenditure, with sleep stage and overnight energy expenditure patterns taken into account
70  Hz) at task-related motor regions predicted overnight enhancement in procedural skill (r = 0.71, p =
71 s placed and plating on MacConkey agar after overnight enrichment of the sample in MacConkey broth co
72 t from the prolonged incubation times (e.g., overnight enzymatic treatment for Fc deglycosylation).
73 zer takes approximately 1.5 h, not including overnight epoxy curing.
74  analysis of the gold surface has shown that overnight etching with warm nitric acid increases the su
75 iture does not vary according to sleep stage overnight, except for higher energy expenditure during w
76 epridil inhibited hERG trafficking following overnight exposure.
77                                     Thus, an overnight fast "silences" GLP-1 and PrRP neurons, and re
78 ensorMedix) was performed in postabsorptive (overnight fast >8 h) healthy subjects (n = 40).
79 zylguanidine ((123)I-mIBG) SPECT/CT after an overnight fast and 2 h of cold exposure.
80 ixed meal (91 g; 55% kcal from fat) after an overnight fast and a fat-exclusion meal (3.9 g; 6% kcal
81 th acetone from two individuals following an overnight fast and exercise, and from a third individual
82  diet medium-rich in proteins, even after an overnight fast and in the absence of carbohydrates from
83  glucose boli were injected at 0800 after an overnight fast and postprandially at 1300, 3 h after ing
84  receptors partially mimics the effect of an overnight fast by blocking the ability of acute stress t
85                       Refeeding following an overnight fast induced the expression of CTRP4 in the hy
86 ected to acute hepatosteatosis induced by an overnight fast or short term ketogenic diet feeding.
87                                     A single overnight fast reduced anxiety-like behavior assessed in
88 asured, and patients were evaluated after an overnight fast with a standardized mashed-potato meal la
89                                     After an overnight fast, 18 healthy male subjects received an IV
90 arfentanil three times, as follows: after an overnight fast, after consuming a palatable meal, and af
91                                     After an overnight fast, all subjects underwent a two-step hyperi
92                                     After an overnight fast, participants performed a 2 h laboratory
93                       Additionally, after an overnight fast, PTG(OE) animals presented high liver gly
94                                     After an overnight fast, some L(2.1)KOs dramatically suppress ene
95  were more insulin sensitive, and, during an overnight fast, their respiratory exchange ratio was hig
96                                     A single overnight fast, which markedly reduces anxiety-like beha
97 cortisol, and leptin, were measured after an overnight fast.
98 ing of healthy school-aged children after an overnight fast.
99 of ghrelin and leptin were measured after an overnight fast.
100 tion but was not observed following a single overnight fast.
101   Experiments started at 0630 h after a 12-h overnight fast.
102 and 12 age-matched healthy controls after an overnight fast.
103 to mild cold (17 degrees C) for 2 h after an overnight fast.
104  of this elderly Irish cohort, even after an overnight fast.
105 nistered insulin (40 IU) or placebo after an overnight fast.
106 r temperature-controlled conditions after an overnight fast.
107 able meal, a nonpalatable meal, and after an overnight fast.
108 rsonic Aixplorer), and liver biopsy after an overnight fast.
109 ed mitochondrial biogenesis markers after an overnight fast.
110 f just >10% of the children sampled after an overnight fast.
111 rcentage of energy consumed before 1400, and overnight-fast duration were determined from dietary rec
112 oral factors, including timing of eating and overnight-fast duration, were also predictive of bacteri
113 ing frequency, early energy consumption, and overnight-fast duration.These results indicate that the
114 age of energy consumed early in the day, and overnight-fast duration.We analyzed 77 fecal samples col
115                                              Overnight fasted adult male rats were studied.
116 knowledge in eight healthy subjects under an overnight fasted condition.
117 this approach, VPyr-Cyc/VMito was only 6% in overnight fasted rats.
118                      We conclude that in the overnight fasted state in healthy adults, the physiologi
119                                       Twenty overnight-fasted healthy, normal-weight men were IN admi
120 ride [(TG)pl] concentrations was analyzed in overnight-fasted lean and obese individuals subjected to
121 as two-thirds lower in AAs versus EAs in the overnight-fasted state.
122 inical biochemical markers were performed in overnight-fasted subjects before and after the 6-mo trea
123                                              Overnight-fasted, anaesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats were
124 LA-mediated rise in (TG)pl concentrations in overnight-fasted, lean subjects.
125 vels into the markedly hypoglycemic range in overnight-fasted, streptozotocin-treated Gcgr(-/-) mice.
126 red blood glucose level also was observed in overnight-fasted, streptozotocin-treated ghrelin recepto
127                       TE was performed after overnight fasting (baseline values) and 15, 30, 45, 60,
128                LS values were obtained after overnight fasting and 15, 30, 45, 60, and 120 minutes fo
129 e as well as increased glycogen depletion in overnight fasting and short term fasting; and (iii) a sh
130                                              Overnight fasting blood samples were collected in the mo
131 h as evidence-based modern care changes from overnight fasting to carbohydrate drinks 2 hours before
132                                        After overnight fasting, eight healthy volunteers received an
133 metabolic conditions: no intervention (ctl), overnight fasting, insulin and glucose (6 mU/g, 1 mg/g)
134  Plus (Acon) rapid glucose meters, following overnight fasting.
135 nsumed 30 g of C-B or HT-B (5.25mg HT) after overnight-fasting.
136 easurements over a period of time, including overnight fastings of 11 +/- 1 h and during ketosis-hype
137                                      Soaking overnight following with 2-min boiling led to a signific
138  to the metabolic state, we examined whether overnight food deprivation blunts stress-induced recruit
139                                              Overnight food withdrawal followed by refeeding was used
140 cubation temperatures of 10 and 20 degrees C overnight for the coliforms and AR bacteria, and buffere
141  discharge was lowest for OHCA that occurred overnight (from 11:01 pm to 7 am; 7.1%) versus daytime (
142 e FcgammaR expression profile was changed by overnight G-CSF/IFN-gamma activation of the neutrophils
143 ion protocols in healthy lean males: A) 10-h overnight GCG infusion (6 ng/[kg x min]) followed by 3-h
144 m hospital-based studies have shown improved overnight glucose control and reduced risk of hypoglycae
145 deciliter (3.3 mmol per liter), and the mean overnight glucose level for individual patients.
146        Median values for the individual mean overnight glucose levels were 126.4 mg per deciliter (in
147                  The percentage of time that overnight glucose levels were in the target range was hi
148 mary outcome was the percentage of time that overnight glucose levels were within the target range (6
149                                   Lower mean overnight glucose was associated with increased overnigh
150                  The proportion of time when overnight glucose was in target range was significantly
151          Clinically significant reduction in overnight glucose was observed accompanied by reduced ti
152  and autonomic dysfunction as assessed using overnight heart rate variability measures.
153                   We aimed to assess whether overnight home use of automated closed-loop insulin deli
154  45 years and older and required at least an overnight hospital admission after having noncardiac sur
155  45 years and older and required at least an overnight hospital admission after having noncardiac sur
156 anges in the likelihood of a doctor visit or overnight hospital stay or health status as reported by
157 points [CI, 1.3 to 12.0 percentage points]), overnight hospital stays (2.4 percentage points [CI, 0.7
158  movements of camels, poor hand hygiene, and overnight hospital stays with respiratory complaints.
159 ary outcomes through 7 to 9 weeks, including overnight hospitalization, recurrent skin infections, an
160  a comprehensive neuropsychological battery, overnight hourly blood sampling for cortisol and genetic
161 ar microarrays such as low sensitivity, long overnight hybridization time, lack of a melting verifica
162 Algorithms include on-off (for prevention of overnight hypoglycemia), proportional-integral-derivativ
163                                    Increased overnight hypoxia as a surrogate of OSA severity was ass
164  (62.5 vs 59.6 dB; p = 0.0040) and decreased overnight immediately after implementation of quiet time
165 ed spindle number and density predicted less overnight improvement on the MST.
166 ectivity during the task, significantly less overnight improvement was identified as a common deficit
167 say in which mice are allowed to build nests overnight in a visually symmetrical, circular arena.
168 11 million patients are admitted to hospital overnight in England, but the UK is ranked 24 of 31 Euro
169 Traditional methods often require additional overnight in vitro culture after transduction.
170                       We show that, after an overnight in vitro stimulation, influenza-specific IL-21
171  least 30 minutes of REM sleep obtained from overnight in-laboratory polysomnography.
172 s of day (mornings, afternoons/evenings, and overnight) in both winter (November 2011 to February 201
173 ime periods (morning, midday, afternoon, and overnight) in summer 2009 and winter 2010.
174  transition and daytime S-phase progression, overnight increase in G2/M, and cycle completion by late
175           The experience of distress lasting overnight increased with insomnia severity (beta = 0.29,
176 under the same conditions with an additional overnight incubation at 37 degrees C (T2).
177 ion of universal quantum dot probes (4.5 h + overnight incubation), cyclic cell staining ( approximat
178 ic injection lasts <1 min and is followed by overnight incubation.
179 rs of DCS, but intriguingly, after prolonged overnight incubations, they yielded 2F-germacrene(s) and
180 t) takes approximately 28 h along with three overnight incubations.
181        Sleep EE, measured at 6 to 7 h of the overnight infusion, was increased 65-70 kcal/24 h in A c
182 rnight glucose was associated with increased overnight insulin delivery (p<0.0001) without changing t
183 shifts of up to 30 hours; equivalent to 1200 overnight intern shifts at each site), or a protected sl
184 dover of work cell phone; equivalent to 1200 overnight intern shifts at each site).
185 .2x (95% CI, 2.3-22.5; PAR, 35%), occasional overnight lens use (<1 night per week) 6.5x (95% CI, 1.3
186 ivity was assessed, blinded to diagnosis, by overnight long-term video-electroencephalography (EEG) a
187 mpleted in approximately 48 h, including two overnight lyophilization steps.
188 t water influx into plant conducting-tissues overnight maintains a more favorable water status at the
189                                          The overnight mean glucose level was lower during closed-loo
190                                       Hourly overnight measures of cortisol secretion and multiple me
191 eration was further associated with impaired overnight memory consolidation and impoverished hippocam
192 f this slow wave-spindle coupling, impairing overnight memory consolidation and leading to forgetting
193                                              Overnight memory consolidation is disturbed in both depr
194 NREM slow wave activity (SWA) and associated overnight memory consolidation is unknown.
195                                 Furthermore, overnight memory retention tests suggest that faster lea
196 leep spindles, the quality of which predicts overnight memory retention.
197                                  Four timed (overnight, morning, afternoon, and evening) spot urine s
198  When exposed to 25 muM arsenite or arsenate overnight, most inorganic arsenic was methylated to the
199 le and female older adults show impoverished overnight motor skill memory consolidation relative to y
200 underwent 2-(18)F-FA-PET brain imaging after overnight nicotine abstinence (18 h before scanning), us
201                                              Overnight nocturnal oxygen saturation (SaO2) is a clinic
202 d to improved safety and efficacy, such that overnight observation can be avoided in some patients.
203  seen between same-day discharge and routine overnight observation with regard to death/MI/TLR (odds
204                                Compared with overnight observation, there was no increase in adverse
205 ations and appeared to be as safe as routine overnight observation.
206 harge remained lowest for OHCA that occurred overnight (odds ratio, 0.81; 95% confidence interval, 0.
207                    Subjects were fitted with overnight OK in 1 eye, chosen at random, and conventiona
208 at least in the initial months of lens wear, overnight OK inhibits axial eye growth and myopia progre
209 e in urine is confirmed by culturing samples overnight on agar plates, followed by a microscopic exam
210 03, 95% CI 0.95-1.13), but patients admitted overnight on weekdays had lower odds of survival (0.90,
211  different attending and both covered by one overnight on-call attending.
212 uld not be an obstacle to sensor accuracy in overnight or fasting-state closed-loop systems of insuli
213 With more than 9.5 million Americans working overnight or rotating shifts and one-third of United Sta
214 sed 24-h urine; the rest used a spot/casual, overnight, or 12-h specimen.
215 f sixty-six school-age children who received overnight orthokeratology correction between January 199
216          This study aims to research whether overnight orthokeratology influences the progression rat
217                                              Overnight orthokeratology was effective in slowing myopi
218  over time, especially because of the use of overnight orthokeratology.
219 s study collects long-term safety profile of overnight orthokeratology.
220 ime, while the peak activity occurred in the overnight period in winter.
221 of neuropsychiatric disorders), following an overnight period of abstinence, to identify regions of t
222 9 moderate, n = 34 severe) diagnosed with an overnight polysomnogram underwent a comprehensive period
223 f the Differential Abilities Scales after an overnight polysomnogram.
224 hresholds and tolerances in volunteers after overnight polysomnography (PSG).
225 ESRD on thrice-weekly hemodialysis underwent overnight polysomnography along with measurement of tota
226 uited children (ages 4.8-12 years) underwent overnight polysomnography and fasting homeostatic model
227 and the Sleep Heart Health Studies underwent overnight polysomnography and measurement of high-sensit
228   Participants were individuals referred for overnight polysomnography from March 1 to August 30, 201
229 ample of Wisconsin state employees to attend overnight polysomnography studies at 4-year intervals.
230  backward (working memory measure) tests and overnight polysomnography to investigate the specific sl
231                                              Overnight polysomnography was performed during the 2 ses
232  collected in 146 participants who underwent overnight polysomnography with an epiglottic catheter to
233  had fluid removed by UF, followed by repeat overnight polysomnography with fluid measurements.
234               Among individuals referred for overnight polysomnography, quantitative markers of eyeli
235                                              Overnight priming with IL-18 produced effector gammadelt
236                    Only one ICU had a formal overnight quiet time policy at the start of the study pe
237 ion Agency, and whether implementation of an overnight "quiet time" intervention is associated with l
238                                              Overnight REM sleep was, in turn, related to overnight r
239                                 We find that overnight replacement of the full stock of major residen
240  reflects a process that interferes with the overnight resolution of distress.
241  restless REM sleep could interfere with the overnight resolution of emotional distress, thus contrib
242 nsomnia was mediated specifically by reduced overnight resolution of emotional distress.
243 d in GWI, CFS and control subjects after (i) overnight rest (nonexercise) or (ii) submaximal bicycle
244 Overnight REM sleep was, in turn, related to overnight retention of fear and safety learning, with 22
245 etwork including the AG and LOC enhances the overnight retention of schema-related memories and their
246 plitudes, phase-locked spindle activity, and overnight retention of word pairs (all ps < 0.05).
247  the circuitry that underlies extinction and overnight retention remains largely unexplored.
248 g the acquisition of associations and during overnight retention, in the sense that neurons preferent
249                                              Overnight rostral fluid shift relates to severity of OSA
250 ion followed by GCG/OCT/INS infusion; and C) overnight SAL infusion followed by SAL/OCT/INS infusion.
251  and insulin (INS) for basal replacement; B) overnight saline (SAL) infusion followed by GCG/OCT/INS
252           Assays typically require 3 h after overnight sample preparation.
253       Closed loop significantly reduced mean overnight sensor glucose by 0.9 mmol/L (95% CI 0.4-1.3,
254                           In two consecutive overnight sessions, we randomly assigned 56 patients to
255                                  A voluntary overnight shadowing program improves medical students' p
256 er a standard intern schedule (extended duty overnight shifts of up to 30 hours; equivalent to 1200 o
257 ep periods for medicine trainees on extended overnight shifts, a position reinforced by new Accredita
258 during the protected period on extended duty overnight shifts.
259     These changes were partially reversed by overnight silencing of synaptic activity with tetrodotox
260 ts with and without OSA underwent a standard overnight sleep study to determine an apnea-hypopnea ind
261                                   Subsequent overnight sleep was monitored, and the tones associated
262                                              Overnight sleep was polysomnographically monitored after
263 ich statistically mediated the impairment of overnight sleep-dependent memory retention.
264 deprived are not recovered during subsequent overnight sleep.
265 er by 12 h of daytime wake or 12 h including overnight sleep.
266 venous nicotine infusion study that followed overnight smoking abstinence.
267                                  The maximum overnight sound levels were statistically lower in the u
268                                         With overnight specimens, mean bias was least when the Tanaka
269 bility predicted the successful reduction of overnight spontaneous recovery on a day-by-day basis.
270 e of reduction in M tuberculosis CFUs per mL overnight sputum collected once a week, with joint Bayes
271                                              Overnight stabilization of this detector is advised, and
272 rther expanded by IL-2 for 5 days; and after overnight starvation, expanded cells are stimulated with
273 e means of 102 tests and 9.4 CDIs per 10,000 overnight stays in inpatients, and 238 tests and 15.7 CD
274 linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) following overnight stimulation of whole blood with the peptide an
275                                After fasting overnight, subjects drank beetroot juice containing or d
276 isting of four consecutive blocks of 1-month overnight temperature acclimation (24 degrees C [month 1
277 n Todd-Hewitt broth (THB) and, after culture overnight, testing by PCR; and (iii) compression of the
278 th care for patients admitted on weekends or overnight than for those admitted during the week (the s
279                                              Overnight, the patient became unresponsive and was found
280                                       Almost overnight, the recent development of direct electron det
281 dergone a procedure in theatre were admitted overnight, the total number of admissions would have bee
282 provided a therapeutic benefit were switched overnight to deutetrabenazine therapy.
283 s bind with a magnetic nanoparticle assembly overnight to render them magnetic.
284 ocaine (0.75 mg/kg/infusion; 2 h/d x 5 d, 1d overnight training).
285                                              Overnight treatment with either MOR [D-Ala, N-Me-Phe, Gl
286 reased in M(Hb) and significantly reduced by overnight treatment with hepcidin.
287    This protocol, which includes cell lysis, overnight tryptic digestion, sample analysis and databas
288            Other factors included occasional overnight use of CLs, smoking, and socioeconomic class.
289 ays takes 48-72 h to complete, including two overnight waiting steps.
290  during a normal waking day, but also during overnight wakefulness.
291 nd UT-A1(+/+)/UT-A3(-/-) mice increased upon overnight water restriction.
292 partially closed stomatal aperture during an overnight watered recovery period.
293                               In early 2003, overnight wear of a PROSE device and addition of commerc
294                                              Overnight wear of a PROSE device is effective in promoti
295   Median duration of treatment incorporating overnight wear was 8.5 days (range = 2-76 days).
296                PROSE treatment incorporating overnight wear, with adjunctive use of moxifloxacin, was
297 imed voids (morning, afternoon, evening, and overnight) were selected from each 24-h collection.
298 eral blood mononuclear cells were stimulated overnight with a positive control antigen and 2 tubercul
299 pheral blood mononuclear cells were cultured overnight with and without phorbol 12-myristate 13-aceta
300 th sample containing 0.1% w/w C was obtained overnight with sufficient quality to permit a semi-quant
301                  Their PD was compared after overnight withdrawal of conventional PD medication using
302 ce with the patient quietly seated following overnight withdrawal of levodopa and after administratio

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