


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  and mitochondrial dysfunction proteins were overrepresented.
2 ategories relevant for wine fermentation are overrepresented.
3 in infections, and that certain SAgs will be overrepresented.
4 ing specificities (motifs) are statistically overrepresented.
5 sive disease, with PCV7-associated serotypes overrepresented.
6 hydrate storage compounds were significantly overrepresented.
7 uditory space in which the frontal region is overrepresented.
8 ing, where orthologous single-copy genes are overrepresented.
9 s, glycoprotein metabolism was significantly overrepresented.
10 n and extracellular matrix interactions were overrepresented.
11 ons: Patients from affluent communities were overrepresented.
12 ls expressing GABAergic neuronal markers are overrepresented.
13  in DGVMs, while CO2 fertilization is likely overrepresented.
14 lar degeneration, and other vision loss were overrepresented.
15 oroplast-located proteins were significantly overrepresented (187) among the 724 genes that have grea
16 ethyltransferase (ctsM), which methylates an overrepresented 6-bp sequence in the chromosome.
17                           Molecular pathways overrepresented after FLG knockdown included inflammatio
18 ular signal transduction) were significantly overrepresented among 25 E- > E+ DEGs in leaf blade, and
19  histone deacetylase inhibitors were greatly overrepresented among active compounds.
20             Flowering-time genes were highly overrepresented among conserved targets, and their CArG-
21  age or older, and injection drug users were overrepresented among deaths ascertained only by the NDI
22 eny to sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) were highly overrepresented among differential, nonadditive, and all
23                         Imprinted genes were overrepresented among genes that were differentially exp
24 r motifs (binding site of PIFs and HY5) were overrepresented among genes with expression controlled b
25 of natural selection within populations were overrepresented among genomic regions that are different
26 ons, affecting one or a few nucleotides, are overrepresented among glutamatergic postsynaptic protein
27 ghly expressed in one caste than another are overrepresented among high-CpG genes.
28  B cells and AICDA binding sites were highly overrepresented among hypomethylated loci.
29 rs, and intracellular signaling proteins are overrepresented among maintained duplicates.
30 ntified TFs with binding sites significantly overrepresented among miRNA genes overexpressed in ovari
31 s, that is, obesity and tobacco smoking, are overrepresented among patients who despite antireflux su
32         The CYP11B2 -344CC genotype was also overrepresented among patients with extreme aldosterone
33  in healthy whites, and it was significantly overrepresented among patients with severe HCV recurrenc
34                        This state, which was overrepresented among patients, was characterized by hig
35     Ent(+) Ybt(+) strains were significantly overrepresented among respiratory tract isolates (P = 0.
36                            Because SDARs are overrepresented among science's most cited papers over t
37                                   Women were overrepresented among scleritis patients (P = .049).
38 8%) potential sources and were significantly overrepresented among sources (odds ratio, 6.43 [95% con
39 ate in the grass lineage, were significantly overrepresented among SPE genes.
40 hly penetrant CNVs (p = 0.017) and were also overrepresented among subjects with fragile X syndrome p
41         Cold-regulated (COR) genes were also overrepresented among targets, but the cognate BSs and t
42  (ERS), and inflammatory response genes were overrepresented among the 5C-specific genes.
43 at immune system functions are significantly overrepresented among the annotations associated with ge
44                                    Processes overrepresented among the genes expressed by all OSNs we
45 process, and the MAPK signaling pathway were overrepresented among the genes harboring the SNPs assoc
46                   Circadian clock genes were overrepresented among the top markers.
47 ndrial transcription and RNA processing were overrepresented among these early-expressed genes.
48          Indeed, stress-responsive genes are overrepresented among those hyperactive in arp6.
49  Genic and especially nonsynonymous SNPs are overrepresented among those most strongly correlated wit
50  theme, e.g. genes from the same pathway are overrepresented among those whose differential expressio
51 abolism and energy-generating functions were overrepresented and displayed the highest relative abund
52                      Lineage-2 (Beijing) was overrepresented and lineage-1 underrepresented among the
53 Joint biallelic hits in SMAD2 and SMAD3 were overrepresented and mutually exclusive to SMAD4 mutation
54 ed skin diseases, while 3 skin diseases were overrepresented, and 7 were underrepresented.
55 (TGF)-beta signaling were also significantly overrepresented, and miR-200 counteracted the suppressiv
56 of mRNAs normally targeted for decay by NMD; overrepresented are those encoding proteins controlling
57 gene enhancers and promoters but are instead overrepresented around genes associated with sprouting a
58 pulation, demonstrating that neutrophils are overrepresented as a proportion of infected cells.
59 hypomethylation of 10% of CpG loci that were overrepresented at enhancers.
60            Predicted hindbrain enhancers are overrepresented at genes expressed in hindbrain and asso
61 ion, is altered by neuronal activity, and is overrepresented at genes involved in neuronal function.
62                       A G-box-like motif was overrepresented at PRR binding regions, and we showed th
63 tegories of abiotic and biotic stresses were overrepresented between an A. thaliana autotetraploid an
64 neutrophil infiltration in lesions, the most overrepresented biological functional group was cell mov
65 d apoptosis via death domain receptors, were overrepresented biological processes in immature OSNs.
66 s based on Gene Ontology categories revealed overrepresented biological processes of development, dif
67                    We note that the evidence overrepresents breast cancer survivorship research and i
68 a are from North America and Western Europe, overrepresenting bumblebees and raising concerns that mo
69 ures, called 'enterotypes', each of which is overrepresented by a distinct set of bacterial genera.
70                 Biologic functions that were overrepresented by common variants modestly associated w
71 l regulation, whereas tandem duplicates were overrepresented by environmental responses.
72 ion of epithelial differentiation in asthma, overrepresented by insufficiency in insulin and Notch si
73  taxonomy to determine if certain genera are overrepresented by introduced, weedy or herbicide-resist
74                Those outside Cardiac 1A were overrepresented by people >65 years of age (32%) and ind
75 r response against transformation that, when overrepresented, can effectively inhibit progression to
76                                          The overrepresented coincidence of this posttranslational re
77 sive to seven cases, and RIT2 deletions were overrepresented common variant CNVs in the schizophrenia
78  and 0.1% (4mers) to 0.5% (5mers) are 2-fold overrepresented compared with a window-shuffled random m
79  transcript expression values) with SZ cases overrepresented compared with controls.
80  word clumps (4.7% of 5mer words) are 2-fold overrepresented compared with our simplest random model
81 ts, and Asian/Pacific Islanders appear to be overrepresented compared with the California population.
82 TUs, syntrophic bacteria were systematically overrepresented, demonstrating that syntrophs rebounded
83 xpressed T. vaginalis genes was searched for overrepresented DNA motifs and known eukaryotic core pro
84 roughput sequencing (ChIP-seq) and uncovered overrepresented DNA sequence motifs corresponding to kno
85 nt PEX6 allele (c.2578C>T [p.Arg860Trp]) was overrepresented due to allelic expression imbalance (AEI
86 tyrate (PHB) synthesis related proteins were overrepresented during subsequent growth on ethanol.
87          Genes selected are those that match overrepresented expression patterns, which can be used t
88                               In addition to overrepresented extracellular matrix (ECM)-receptor inte
89 n input to a resulting matrix whose rows are overrepresented features, and individual cells per-list
90  over a third of the species may still be in overrepresented FEs whereas more than one third of the F
91 , the regulatory region of the 128 genes was overrepresented for binding sites for the nuclear transc
92 ated transcription factor binding sites were overrepresented for differentially methylated loci assoc
93      Hierarchical clustering and analysis of overrepresented functional categories identified genes i
94                                   The highly overrepresented functional categories in the asthma grou
95                                          The overrepresented functional categories of the up-regulate
96                                  A number of overrepresented functional categories related to virulen
97 n detecting both differential expression and overrepresented functional categories.
98 DA proteins for which the most significantly overrepresented functional category was found to be inte
99                                              Overrepresented functions in A. wheeleri relative to N.
100 hed in putative operons and contain numerous overrepresented gene families.
101  which were associated with 74 significantly overrepresented gene ontology (GO) terms, particularly s
102                  The presence of a number of overrepresented Gene Ontology terms related to plant def
103              We identified 335 significantly overrepresented genes, of which 61 were validated by GFP
104 terings were particularly striking among the overrepresented genes, with albino and pigment dispersio
105                              A significantly overrepresented group of molecules identified included t
106 lty probation could improve outcomes for the overrepresented group of people with mental illness.
107                        Proteasome genes were overrepresented hits.
108 y underrepresented in H. pylori genomes, but overrepresented in a number of virulence genes, includin
109                          Asian Americans are overrepresented in academic departments of surgery relat
110 ncluding copy number gains of PRPH that were overrepresented in AD.
111 ognized that neuropsychiatric conditions are overrepresented in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) p
112 ere more abundant in female CRF-OE mice were overrepresented in an Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathway.
113                      Seventeen pathways were overrepresented in analyses of the initial data set.
114 analyses were used to identify sets of genes overrepresented in both cohorts.
115          We find that disease pairs that are overrepresented in both electronic medical record system
116 D, with Pneumocystis jirovecii significantly overrepresented in both groups.
117                  CNVs >1 Mb were found to be overrepresented in case versus control subjects (odds ra
118            AA homozygotes were almost 5-fold overrepresented in categories of never using deodorant o
119                 Type 1 diabetes was markedly overrepresented in celiac disease, especially in men, wh
120 ther mGluR Copy Number Variants (CNV's) were overrepresented in children with syndromic ASD and if mG
121  (or their proxies) from the PGC2 study were overrepresented in Chinese schizophrenia cases, includin
122 sm, and photosynthesis (dark reactions) were overrepresented in clusters showing reduced expression i
123 nstrated advance for the detection of motifs overrepresented in coding sequences.
124  remains unclear, but the HLA-B*57 allele is overrepresented in cohorts of these patients.
125    In block 3, the most common haplotype was overrepresented in comparison subjects (frequency, 47%)
126 y contain C-rich 3'-specific motifs that are overrepresented in comparison to Piwi-interacting RNAs a
127 lysis showed that this same mutation is also overrepresented in constitutional pathogenic and polymor
128 , neuronal-type differential methylation was overrepresented in CpG island shores, enriched within ge
129 ular calcium mobilization were significantly overrepresented in Daphnia magna (DM) exposed to subleth
130     The rs2254298 GG homozygous genotype was overrepresented in depressed mothers and their families,
131                       Compensated genes were overrepresented in developmental and cell organization f
132                             Among the miRNAs overrepresented in differentiated cells, we focused on m
133                   CART elements are commonly overrepresented in diverse sensory areas like the olfact
134 FHA) and BRCA1 C-terminal (BRCT) domains are overrepresented in DNA damage and replication stress res
135 uster to determine which sequence motifs are overrepresented in each geometry.
136 ory relationships between two regulators are overrepresented in early developmental stages.
137 ggrin loss of function mutation 2282del4 was overrepresented in EE compared with control individuals
138                              Also, DMSs were overrepresented in enhancer elements and enriched in enh
139 evolutionary lineages, lineage I strains are overrepresented in epidemic listeriosis outbreaks, but t
140 lass I alleles B*57/5801 and B*27, which are overrepresented in ES.
141 t, Copia-like and En/Spm-like sequences were overrepresented in exons.
142     Anxiety and unipolar mood disorders were overrepresented in females.
143 entified 158 gene ontology classes that were overrepresented in floral tissues, including 'pollen dev
144  1 million spacers showed that this motif is overrepresented in frequently acquired spacers compared
145 d whether genes overlapped by rare CNVs were overrepresented in functional pathways relevant to schiz
146 ccur relatively rarely in RNA but are highly overrepresented in functionally critical motifs in large
147                            Integrations were overrepresented in genes associated with cancer and favo
148 signals associated with polar ecoregions are overrepresented in genes associated with energy metaboli
149 tially cleaves RNA at UACAU sites, which are overrepresented in genes encoding pathogenicity factors.
150 gy functional analysis revealed that GQS are overrepresented in genes encoding proteins of certain fu
151 brains, a single aberrant expression pattern overrepresented in genes involved synaptic-related pathw
152     We found that ohnologs are significantly overrepresented in genes mapping to pathogenic CNVs, irr
153 ating to translation and RNA processing were overrepresented in genes with increased expression, and
154 ing for the observation that fast codons are overrepresented in highly expressed proteins.
155                                 SLO TRM were overrepresented in IL-15-deficient mice, suggesting inde
156 gastrointestinal tract of >90% of humans and overrepresented in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD).
157 s, whereas those that are hypomethylated are overrepresented in intergenic regions.
158  GC6 were isolated from all sources but were overrepresented in isolates from nonhospital and infecti
160        The lesions can be multifocal and are overrepresented in Maffucci syndrome, in which patients
161 ta revealed that some, but not all, lineages overrepresented in male mice supported a gender bias in
162 equent disorder in children (37.10%) and was overrepresented in males.
163 functions, and cilia-specific processes were overrepresented in mature OSNs.
164 ption factors, including GABPA and ELF1, are overrepresented in methylated regions.
165 , pY was underrepresented in peroxisomes but overrepresented in mitochondria.
166           Mammal-specific enhancers are also overrepresented in modules of coexpressed genes in the c
167 tamatergic neurotransmission genes that were overrepresented in multiple ADHD cohorts.
168 ever, a number of functional categories were overrepresented in multiple studies.
169 of model peptide precursors were found to be overrepresented in N-terminal flanking sequences of epit
170  celluloses and nitrogen fixation genes were overrepresented in N. corniger microbiota.
171 and 'phosphorelay signal transduction', were overrepresented in Namikonga at these time points.
172               Strikingly, C. perfringens was overrepresented in NMO (p = 5.24 x 10(-8) ).
173  and ribosome assembly factors were strongly overrepresented in nucleoid fractions, but protein chape
174     These sequence motifs are expected to be overrepresented in nucleotide sequences bound by a commo
175                  Yet, particular groups were overrepresented in one of the two templates, such as mar
176 lopmentally important genes are dramatically overrepresented in or near clusters of three or more CpG
177  Gene Ontology categories, some of which are overrepresented in our study as well as other large-scal
178 s and RNA binding; other categories are only overrepresented in our study, like embryonic development
179 ee functional categories were overwhelmingly overrepresented in P450s and proteases/serine proteases.
180 pathway is significantly (P value, 0.000048) overrepresented in p53-regulated genes in mESCs.
181 , which are frequently dosage sensitive) are overrepresented in pathogenic CNVs.
182 rmation because they were also significantly overrepresented in pathway analysis and were previously
183                Strongly regulated genes were overrepresented in pathways associated with immune funct
184                             These genes were overrepresented in pathways related to immune response (
185 h erosive RA, and the FCRL3 -169C allele was overrepresented in patients with erosive RA.
186    These concentration-invariant neurons are overrepresented in piriform cortex but not in olfactory
187  ends that lie within annotated 5'-UTRs were overrepresented in polysomes and were as stable as canon
188 ved, revealed that CK2alpha is significantly overrepresented in primary human melanocytes bearing NRA
189 nts (LGD and probably damaging missense) are overrepresented in probands (RR 1.37, p = 0.003).
190    Moreover, atypical Slou-binding sites are overrepresented in putative enhancers associated with ad
191 various types of N-glycan biosynthesis" were overrepresented in rabbit soft feces.
192 romoter regulatory regions but significantly overrepresented in regions flanking CpG islands (shores
193  transcription factor binding sites that are overrepresented in regions where nucleosomes are deplete
194                   The intermediate class was overrepresented in regulatory genes, further suggesting
195  (P = 2.77 x 10(-)(1)(4)) were significantly overrepresented in relation to refractive error.
196 RVs, and rare missense variants in FYCO1 are overrepresented in sIBM patients.
197   Genes in the module are also significantly overrepresented in signalling pathways that are known to
198 hinese translation BACKGROUND: Depression is overrepresented in smokers.
199 argeted mRNAs and found that these mRNAs are overrepresented in stress response and tumor-promoting p
200            Low-expression NPY genotypes were overrepresented in subjects with MDD after controlling f
201 n Huntington's disease and animal models are overrepresented in synaptic gene expression profiles, bu
202                   Novel DNA sequences motifs overrepresented in T-DMRs were identified as being assoc
203         Of these, 11 were also significantly overrepresented in the 661 methylated genes from two stu
204 cient cells carried fewer mutations and were overrepresented in the CD73(+) memory compartment.
205                 Fusobacteria are found to be overrepresented in the colorectal tumor microenvironment
206 KEGG, REACTOME and BIOCARTA whose genes were overrepresented in the compendium.
207  stress response processes are significantly overrepresented in the cross-linked motifs found within
208 APA isoforms with shorter 3' UTRs tend to be overrepresented in the cytoplasm and appear to be cell-t
209           Four major cellular processes were overrepresented in the data set, including phospholipid
210 H/VkappaRF-encoded B cells were still vastly overrepresented in the GC, and serum IgG anti-DNA Abs ar
211  in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and that are overrepresented in the general population.
212 ating to chaperone and protein turnover were overrepresented in the genes with decreased expression.
213  rare in the naive repertoire, were markedly overrepresented in the germinal center repertoire of bot
214      Traditional cardiovascular risk factors-overrepresented in the HIV population-associated with un
215 Ontology (GO) annotations, are statistically overrepresented in the identified gene groups.
216 al feedback loops and mixed bifan motifs are overrepresented in the integrated regulatory network and
217  pathogen-responsive genes were dramatically overrepresented in the intestinal miRISC, and that multi
218 ing Pneumocystis and other fungal species as overrepresented in the lung in HIV and in COPD, it is th
219 ) to thymine (T) transitions are found to be overrepresented in the mtDNA of Polg mutated mice.
220 Large supramolecular aggregates of AQP4 were overrepresented in the optic nerve and spinal cord relat
221  genes involved in cell differentiation were overrepresented in the probe set associated with mESCs m
222 enes involved in nucleic acid synthesis were overrepresented in the probe set associated with mESCs m
223 ch resembles the stress response element, is overrepresented in the promoters of Rph1-repressed genes
224 y Fingerprints--a set of Gene Ontology terms overrepresented in the PubMed abstracts linked to a gene
225    No biological pathways were significantly overrepresented in the results.
226 ns showed that calpain-related pathways were overrepresented in the secretome of ATP-stimulated cells
227 ucleotide polymorphisms, LTA (+252) was most overrepresented in the septic patient group (% severe se
228 ns directly involved in ubiquitinylation are overrepresented in the signature of FA bone marrow cells
229  associated with dilated cardiomyopathy were overrepresented in the titin A-band but were absent from
230  Delayed bone age and seizure disorders were overrepresented in the TTDN1 group (P=0.009 and P=0.024,
231  clonal and homozygous mutations, which were overrepresented in the tumor suppressor genes TP53 and N
232                We show that this sequence is overrepresented in the upstream regulatory regions of GA
233 epresent rare tRNA species, whose codons are overrepresented in the viral genome.
234 f specificities for each protein, which were overrepresented in their respective regulated and bound
235     Moreover, FOXP3(+) and ICOS(+) cells are overrepresented in this CD31(-) subpopulation.
236                                              Overrepresented in this class of mRNA are those involved
237 ated with hepatitis B nonresponsiveness were overrepresented in this group, and high IL-10 levels wer
238 ch year, and children with birth defects are overrepresented in this population.
239 eviously reported SCZ associations were also overrepresented in this SCZ sample: 16p11.2 duplications
240  stability elements, which are significantly overrepresented in transcripts displaying reduced stabil
241  the C allele of rs1417806 was significantly overrepresented in uninfected individuals.
242 stinguished female and male CRF-OE mice were overrepresented in unique pathways that were consistent
243 enes changed frequency, certain genes became overrepresented in vaccine serotypes, while others shift
244 aling was one of the top biological pathways overrepresented in validated biomarkers, which is of int
245 ed with developmental processes were heavily overrepresented, indicating the importance of reactivati
246 ata are drawn from a diverse population that overrepresents males and younger adults but contains lar
247 mate oxidation and aerobic respiration to be overrepresented metabolic pathways in a chemically induc
248 lly coupled to several input neurons, are an overrepresented motif in the C. elegans nervous system a
249                           However, detecting overrepresented motifs has been difficult because of int
250                                         Many overrepresented motifs in C. parvum upstream regions are
251 f nitrogen starvation by RNA sequencing, and overrepresented motifs were determined in promoters of g
252  their target RNA interactions, and strongly overrepresented motifs were found in the interaction sit
253 , we find that mammal-specific enhancers are overrepresented near genes involved in cell migration, c
254              Moreover, the identification of overrepresented network motifs, such as autoregulation a
255                              Substantial and overrepresented numbers of genes from the compendium enc
256                   Both types of clusters are overrepresented on the interaction interfaces of viral p
257                        African Americans are overrepresented on the kidney transplantation waiting li
258 strong gene expression levels in testes; and overrepresented on the X chromosome.
259 ation sets, reported TASs were significantly overrepresented only in nonsynonymous sites [OR = 3.9 (2
260  investigation into why certain diseases are overrepresented or underrepresented in the CDSR relative
261 rial operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were overrepresented or underrepresented relative to the neut
262 e amino acids (e.g., tryptophan) are greatly overrepresented or underrepresented, relative to the pro
263 g at least four alleles), were statistically overrepresented (OVR STs).
264              These genes are involved in the overrepresented pathways Metabolism of Xenobiotics by Cy
265 riety of estimation techniques, we show that overrepresented provinces in political unions around the
266             SNPs in PPARG were significantly overrepresented (ranked 7-11 and 67 of 556,000 SNPs; P <
267 netheless, long genomic homopolymer runs are overrepresented relative to random chance, implying posi
268 anscription 1 (STAT1)-binding sites were not overrepresented, repression was lost in absence of STAT1
269 of these selections yielded sets of HDs with overrepresented residues at specific recognition positio
270                  Finally, we identified four overrepresented RNA motifs in SARs that likely mediate S
271 quence from the miRNA database miRBase to an overrepresented sequence motif identified within the 3'-
272        Posterior uveitis and panuveitis were overrepresented significantly in cases with the homozygo
273 ubsp. polymorphum was the most significantly overrepresented species in the tumors followed by Pseudo
274 g on the United States, have discovered that overrepresented states appear to receive larger shares o
275 aled that recurring deletions preferentially overrepresent STOP genes and underrepresent GO genes.
276             Network motifs are statistically overrepresented sub-structures (sub-graphs) in a network
277 unctionally significant short, statistically overrepresented subsequence patterns (motifs) in a set o
278 nvolved in protein phosphatase activity were overrepresented, suggesting a negative feedback on ERK a
279 ng RNA processing factors were significantly overrepresented, suggesting that SFRS1 may broadly influ
280 rried up to 1,297 "Max" mutations (excess of overrepresented synonymous codon pairs) or up to 2,104 "
281 olumns of the spinal cord, it reorganizes to overrepresent the surviving inputs.
282 eloped to facilitate systematic discovery of overrepresented transcription factor binding motifs from
283 muscle combined with an in silico search for overrepresented transcription factor binding sites revea
284 Using de novo motif discovery, we identified overrepresented transcription factor consensus binding m
285 ariant association signals are significantly overrepresented under linkage peaks in RA, but the effec
286                  Remarkably, 5P-seq detected overrepresented uPSS and iPSS in the polycistronic opero
287                 Hepatocellular carcinoma was overrepresented, whereas chronic hepatitis C was underre
288 polymorphisms E59 and I60 were significantly overrepresented, whereas D58 and E62 were underrepresent
289  certain fish chromosomes are preferentially overrepresented, whereas others are underrepresented in
290 mong IVC results, common ospC genotypes were overrepresented while occurrence of rare genotypes was u
291 stress-related Gene Ontology categories were overrepresented, while housekeeping cellular functions w
292                                         This overrepresents white patients compared with the US popul
293 ion of chromosome 4, which was significantly overrepresented with genes hypomethylated after status e
294 RU(M) during metamorphosis are significantly overrepresented with genes known to be regulated in resp
295 esponse 1 (Egr1/Zif268/Krox-24) to be highly overrepresented within the Ca(V)3.2 promoter region.
296              Met-binding motif variants were overrepresented within the first 300 bases of the promot
297 were essentially absent, and late fates were overrepresented within the lineage.
298       Residues under positive selection were overrepresented within the predicted solvent-exposed fac
299            While the human proteome has many overrepresented word clumps, these words come from large
300                                    Consensus overrepresented words are not enriched in conserved regi

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