


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                   As predicted by our model, overriding a familiarity-based response led to increased
2  of cognitive and neural systems involved in overriding a learned action in favor of a new one using
3 t Myc can repress p21 transcription, thereby overriding a p21-mediated cell cycle checkpoint.
4 ion of HER2 receptor but also because of the overriding activation states of cell signaling pathways.
5 aces led to severe EAE in 98.8% of the mice, overriding all sex-specific and non-sex-specific genetic
6 f C-terminal motifs, termed SWTY, capable of overriding an endoplasmic reticulum localization signal
7 ng primarily at the level of the macrophage, overriding anti-mycobacterial signals delivered by IFN-g
8  plate ventralise the somite, at high levels overriding any dorsal information and inducing the scler
9 subset of congenital heart defects that have overriding aorta and coronary artery anomalies, such as
10 , 76% demonstrated cardiac defects including overriding aorta and pulmonary atresia, while none of th
11 cts including double-outlet right ventricle, overriding aorta and pulmonary stenosis.
12 outflow tract alignment defects ranging from overriding aorta to double-outlet right ventricle and de
13 ormations that resemble tetralogy of Fallot, overriding aorta with ventricular septal defect, and bic
14 ortic dilatation, outflow tract malrotation, overriding aorta, double outlet right ventricle, aberran
15 clude atrial and ventricular septal defects, overriding aorta, double-outlet right ventricle, persist
16  mice display right ventricular hypertrophy, overriding aorta, ventricular septal defects, coronary v
17    Other developmental abnormalities include overriding aorta, ventricular septal defects, cranial ne
18 efects with double outlet right ventricle or overriding aorta.
19                                Nevertheless, overriding AraC resistance in AML remains an unmet medic
20 co-presented with the uninfected host odors, overriding attraction to uninfected hosts.
21 elf-affirmation, framing, communication, and overriding automatic responses.
22                                              Overriding cell cycle checkpoint in combination with the
23 ther, our results indicate that functionally overriding chemokine silencing at the maternal-fetal int
24  inherent to molecular diagnostics may be an overriding concern for a variety of clinical laboratorie
25 ent inhibition or, in some cases, excitation overriding concurrent inhibition.
26  as chemical and physical properties, become overriding considerations.
27                  Our findings demonstrate an overriding constitutive NF-kappaB activity in the lympha
28 to identify coherent decadal changes and the overriding controls on planetary scales.
29 ced response was consistently accompanied by overriding current transients that were blocked by APV a
30                      The generation of these overriding current transients was dependent upon intrace
31 pathway activation promotes tumorigenesis by overriding dependencies on the microenvironment that con
32                                          The overriding determinant of the absolute p70 activity was
33 ng anticipated results because there were no overriding differences in financial impact.
34 nduced quiescence but was not sufficient for overriding DNA damage-induced cell cycle arrest or for i
35 intestinal health primarily because of their overriding dominance in the feces of breast fed infants.
36         Our results confirm that dams are an overriding driver of native fish species losses, irrespe
37 that age and seasonal effects are capable of overriding eae5-dependent genetic control of susceptibil
38 e-induced Chk2 activation and G2 arrest, the overriding effect is protection from temozolomide-induce
39                          Our study shows the overriding effect of O3 despite a diversity of altered e
40           Influential individuals exerted an overriding effect on risk-taking by the entire group, fo
41 ced under stress in an ABA-dependent manner, overriding ethylene effects; and the interplay among ABA
42  production at the tip of the capillary were overriding experimental factors for successful analysis
43 he observed decline in growth rate may be an overriding factor affecting the success of this ecotype
44 ever, the presence of a signal peptide is an overriding factor in membrane orientation and renders al
45 e solid liquid ratio in the ASE cell was the overriding factor in obtaining high yields with both soy
46              Thus, CTL specificity can be an overriding factor in the ability of CTL to interact with
47                              Logging was the overriding factor influencing establishment of nonnative
48 oncomitant changes in [Cl]i appear to be the overriding factor.
49 e complexity of the calibration task are the overriding factors for making these recommendations.
50                     Public sentiment against overriding family wishes could cause low rates of pro-do
51 ionally rearranged V(H)4 gene segments as an overriding feature of MS CeSF repertoires.
52 d cells, even when bud size was decreased by overriding G1 size control.
53 mes in multiple sclerosis, which had, as its overriding goals, to review the state of the field and i
54 ling hypocotyl to the presence of obstacles, overriding gravitropism, to enable efficient circumnavig
55  role of ventral frontostriatal circuitry in overriding habitual and well learned actions and hippoca
56 -X-C motif) ligand 12 (CXCL12) explained the overriding immunosuppression by the FAP(+) cell: T cells
57                               An unexpected, overriding impact of the C10 stereochemistry in stereose
58 addition of even a single epitope, may be of overriding importance in achieving immune control of HIV
59  of enzymes by urea could become a factor of overriding importance in the biology of urea-rich cells.
60           Although arrhythmia is common, the overriding importance of five life-threatening arrhythmi
61  the common-garden experiment, suggesting an overriding importance of litter type.
62                  These results highlight the overriding importance of MTE for predicting nutrient flo
63 ve versions of these effectors confirmed the overriding importance of Ral guanine nucleotide exchange
64 llectively, these observations emphasize the overriding importance of the main chain interactions wit
65 le size, but the shape factor seems to be of overriding importance.
66       We conclude that renal function is the overriding independent determinant of fasting tHcy level
67 ical and socioeconomic histories reflect the overriding influence of Helicobacter pylori infection.
68  conservatively fertilized annual crops, the overriding influence of rotation phase on annual fluxes.
69            Computational studies support the overriding influence of steric effects on the stability
70  Hg cycle in aquatic environments due to its overriding influence on complexation, photochemical, and
71 eby polymorphism in the alpha 1 helix is the overriding influence on peptide-binding specificity of H
72  the native species, which might have had an overriding influence on the chemistry of the above-groun
73  block of LTF appeared to be attributable to overriding inhibitory effects of p-p38 MAPK, because LTF
74                                              Overriding IR in an effort to lower plasma glucose level
75  vigorous experimental system to identify an overriding, key effector mediating innate immunity to lu
76 and that attractant stimuli shift HAMP to an overriding kinase-off signalling state to elicit counter
77 eft AVV color diameter at annulus, right AVV overriding left atrium, and LV width.
78                      A second view posits an overriding limit from the atmosphere, which restricts di
79 assette was completely silenced: effectively overriding local lac promoter control.
80 at the down-going slab is decoupled from the overriding mantle wedge beneath the forearc, resulting i
81 at G1-to-S phase progression is accelerated, overriding mechanisms for mitotic arrest and producing a
82  that Bim is a possible treatment target for overriding melanoma's inherent defenses against cell dea
83 ion rate in mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is an overriding molecular predictor of the length of survival
84 educe OHT risk within the constraints of the overriding need to control the primary ocular inflammato
85  retention sequence (NRS) that is capable of overriding NESs.
86 t integration, pausing of replication forks, overriding nucleosome positioning sequences, repressing
87         This paradox can be explained by the overriding of Ca(2+) stimulation by paracrine inhibition
88                                          The overriding of satiety and homeostatic control mechanisms
89 tes forward translocation of RNAP, including overriding of the DNA-bound Gal repressor barrier at O(I
90 pped trailing haptic, haptic-optic adhesion, overriding of the plunger over the optic, and trauma to
91 ator of the ysc-yop genes that can act as an overriding off switch for this critical virulence system
92 our intramolecular OH-F(aryl) hydrogen bonds overriding OH-OH bonding.
93 rm leads to ectopic somatic muscle formation overriding other developmental cell fates.
94  appears to be primarily accommodated by the overriding Pacific forearc.
95 nts due to saccades, but instead reflect the overriding perception of target space during eye movemen
96 rovide a brief historical account of how the overriding perception regarding aspects of nucleosome st
97  evidence that korB of pSB24.2 is capable of overriding pIJ101 kilB-associated lethality supported th
98 with geodynamic models showing uplift of the overriding plate during incipient subduction.
99 ples of long-lived accretionary orogens, the overriding plate is subjected to episodes of crustal ext
100 t (the direction of plate convergence of the overriding plate), implying that the Love waves trigger
101 a locked zone, leading to deformation of the overriding plate.
102 ng subduction zones where the subducting and overriding plates are strongly locked.
103            However, it is paramount that the overriding principle behind CCT design validation must b
104 ber of adhesive and regulatory proteins, the overriding principle of a Golgi stack assembly is likely
105                                This poses an overriding problem for understanding brain mechanisms ne
106   The anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2 exerts an overriding protective role in this type of injury by pre
107 occurs during mitosis and is responsible for overriding quiescence.
108  Ab drove expansion of CD8alpha- DC subsets, overriding regulation by the HVEM-BTLA pathway.
109 anslocated CCND1, suggesting induction of an overriding repressor activity that blocks multiple oncog
110 r adaptations are constraints imposed by the overriding requirement for exceptionally fast release of
111      UES contraction and relaxation were the overriding responses to esophageal water and air distens
112 the very different tissues analysed share an overriding restriction: the frequency of polygon types c
113 M phases of the cell cycle, demonstrating an overriding role for Rb in maintaining the quiescent stat
114 hexamer onto the nascent transcript plays an overriding role in determining the template positions of
115 we provide strong evidence that AP1 plays an overriding role in the transcription of the BCSG1 gene a
116 perties of the matrix may be dominated by an overriding role of cytoskeletal prestress.
117 centration from ambient seawater likely play overriding roles.
118 y, differentiated selves improve outcomes by overriding selfishness when they allow for personal regu
119 r screen in front of their eyes, and thereby overriding sensory input.
120  the dmPFC might provide control signals for overriding simple heuristic learning algorithms based on
121  identify novel kinase inhibitors capable of overriding stromal-mediated resistance to TKIs, such as
122  and was more effective than (658)LL(659) at overriding strong apical sorting signals located in the
123 X-ray crystal structures of 2 and 3 shows no overriding structural arguments for the increased perfor
124 ritical for swarming, enabling hydration and overriding surface friction.
125 effect of Klar is particularly important for overriding temperature-induced changes in motility.
126 oral order of gene expression, in some cases overriding that of transcriptional control elements.
127 increased the release of GABA and glutamate, overriding the ability of these neurotransmitters to dec
128 1 preadipocytes blocks differentiation, thus overriding the adipogenic actions of dexamethasone and m
129  certain hypertrophic signals are capable of overriding the antigrowth program induced by Foxo.
130 ssion of ITGA5, RDX, and RhoA was capable of overriding the antimetastatic effects of ectopically exp
131 tant RAEB/AML constitutes a related disorder overriding the artificial separation between AML and MDS
132 a "hard stop" that prevents a clinician from overriding the CCDS without outside consultation, as wel
133 liferative response of Myc by binding to and overriding the checkpoint functions of the retinoblastom
134 hat dock and fuse with early endosomes, thus overriding the default pathway to the Golgi.
135 at genetic regulation can create patterns by overriding the default rule.
136 types, excluding two potential mechanisms of overriding the defect.
137 olishes the intimal response to injury, even overriding the effect of eNOS mutation.
138 f a benzylic dimethylamine and hydrosilanes, overriding the established directing-group effects obser
139                                           By overriding the G(2)/M checkpoint-mediated inhibition of
140  internalization of the M-CSF receptor, thus overriding the IL-6/M-CSF pathway.
141                                   As well as overriding the immunosuppressive effects of glucocortico
142 g to the heme prevents P450cam from opening, overriding the influence exerted by Pdx binding.
143 and cdk6 are coordinately increased, thereby overriding the inhibition by cdk inhibitors p18(INK4c) a
144  element regulating GM-CSF mRNA translation, overriding the inhibitory effects of the ARE and the pol
145  STAT2 forms a cytoplasmic complex with p48, overriding the intrinsic p48 nuclear targeting.
146 uces a dominant inhibitory signal capable of overriding the mitogenic response, absence of either STA
147 regulates transcriptional control of Pax3 by overriding the natural repressive effect of hDaxx.
148 otoxic T cells to kill virus-infected cells, overriding the need for major histocompatibility complex
149 induce neural crest around the neural plate, overriding the normal neural plate border limit of the e
150                                              Overriding the normal spatiotemporal control of zig gene
151  correlated with the percentage of errors in overriding the old stimulus-response association.
152 PTX in EAE susceptibility, and is capable of overriding the other genetic checkpoints in the pathogen
153     We tested the hypothesis that chemically overriding the oxygen-induced downregulation of hypoxia-
154                                              Overriding the phylogenetic divergence, primary structur
155 n oxazoline-based directing group capable of overriding the poisoning effect of a wide range of heter
156 n induced reactivation of disease pathology, overriding the protective adaptive immune response.
157 hermore, an array-based inhibitory feedback, overriding the regenerative Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) releas
158 tflow septation, resulting in a common trunk overriding the right ventricle.
159 3 integrin-dependent C2C12 cell spreading by overriding the soft signal of the biomaterial and impact
160  leptin therapy could sustain weight loss by overriding the tendency toward energy conservation.
161 tress or who are breathing spontaneously and overriding the ventilator.
162                                There was one overriding theme formulated: Vulnerability at the junctu
163 y protect against some chronic diseases, the overriding theme of studies performed to date is that pe
164 ant Development held on July 27th, 2005, the overriding theme was on the identity and maintenance of
165 ion during the normal course of development, overriding this control.
166                             With the goal of overriding tolerance and achieving optimal activation of
167                                              Overriding Treg inhibition is necessary for initiating p
168            To investigate the consequence of overriding uniparental inheritance, we generated mice co
169 elopment, with developmental down-regulation overriding up-regulation by P limitation.
170 r with the objective of a decent society, as overriding values beyond health to other domains of huma
171  may be directed against "stealth" epitopes, overriding viral chicanery.
172 re consistent: there is generally large bias overriding what would be considered a significant perfor

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