


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 olved by curve fitting exhibits "equilibrium overshoot".
2  of pro-MMP9 to complex TIMP1 increases this overshoot.
3 d weaker compared with the subsequent signal overshoot.
4 id recovery of the levels of [Ca2+]o with an overshoot.
5 ic injury if warming results in hyperthermic overshoot.
6 nuated the fall of pH(i) and exaggerated the overshoot.
7 nM) reduced the undershoot and increased the overshoot.
8 y blocked the IL-1alpha-induced IkappaBalpha overshoot.
9 the rate of decline nor the magnitude of the overshoot.
10 creases in efferent discharge, often with an overshoot.
11 et levels while avoiding both undershoot and overshoot.
12 riod predicted grip force undershoot but not overshoot.
13  accepted therapeutic range for adults is an overshoot.
14 nt of calcineurin and dynamin in endocytosis overshoot.
15 njections cause most ipsiversive saccades to overshoot.
16 get during the saccade can make it appear to overshoot.
17 from inactivation approximately 250% without overshoot.
18 osis to rapid endocytosis and to endocytosis overshoot.
19 ed by faster dynamics, often featuring large overshoots.
20 t not at lower [Ca2+]c and abolished [Ca2+]c overshoots.
21  rate of force increases and large transient overshoots.
22 edly and recovers slowly to baseline without overshooting.
23 ther the patients' adopted strategy to avoid overshooting.
24  nutritional management to prevent catch-up "overshoot."
25 wed by a longer-lasting transient increase ("overshoot," 3-8%).
26  a brief 'dip' that is always followed by an overshoot above baseline, due to increased blood flow (n
27 t not the others, were often followed by an "overshoot" above the baseline, suggesting that a fractio
28 polarizing current pulses generally elicited overshooting action potentials (70.8 +/- 6.9 mV) which h
29 stances up to 130 M omega and fired regular, overshooting action potentials.
30  channels in the soma, which yielded normal, overshooting action potentials.
31 ned at higher rates were more likely to both overshoot adult mass and experience subsequent mass rece
32 hly non-monotonic, mass change trajectories (overshooting adult mass by up to almost 20%) among commo
33                                              Overshooting adult mass followed by extensive mass reces
34  (weight loss prior to fledging, preceded by overshooting adult mass), which is currently believed to
35                                 Reduction of overshooting afferents may be enhanced by a reduction of
36 itinib results in a modest reduction with an overshoot after 2 drug-free weeks.
37 randomized anterior-posterior projection and overshooting after crossing, reminiscent of Neuropilin-2
38 vel of endogenous gibberellin and generating overshoots after the removal of exogenous gibberellin.
39  (amplitude increase adaptation required) or overshoot (amplitude decrease adaptation required).
40 ts with iron-induced cardiomyopathy; (2) the overshoot and duration of the cardiac action potential d
41 wal (including adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate overshoot and hyperalgesia) that required N-methyl-D-asp
42                                  The [Ca2+]i overshoot and Mn2+ entry were both inhibited by Ni2+, bu
43 s, developmental changes in action potential overshoot and sodium current are absent despite the norm
44 naptic excitation, but mechanisms that limit overshooting and allow refinement of homeostatic adjustm
45 at can directly influence the degree of mass overshooting and recession.
46                                           AP overshoots and AHP durations were similar in nociceptors
47 ive embryo, action potentials acquire larger overshoots and briefer durations as both sodium and pota
48   C-cooling units had faster CVs, smaller AP overshoots and shorter AP durations than C-HTM units.
49 ion potential waveforms still included early overshoots and the delayed after-depolarizations associa
50 larization velocity (r=-0.68; 3 ms after the overshoot) and progressively suppressed the voltage of t
51 ssory subunit alone, abolishes MiRP3-induced overshoot, and allows biochemical isolation of the terna
52 uggests that three mechanisms cause the sag, overshoot, and slow recovery of sensitivity after the li
53 pproaches an initial plateau, rather than an overshoot, and then undergoes a "secondary rise" to a fi
54  In macho mutants the action potential never overshoots, and the sodium current remains small; alliga
55                                   Units with overshooting APs and membrane potentials (Vm) more negat
56 T-stellate cells (SCs), which do have normal overshooting APs.
57 In this work, we modeled the dynamics of the overshoot as a tool for gaining insight into Akt pathway
58 ees C, phosphorylation displayed a transient overshoot associated with an inorganic phosphate (P(i))
59  h and returned to normal levels at 8 h, the overshoot at 4 h being attributed to an adaptive up-regu
60  after 20-30 s and reached baseline after an overshoot at 40 s (second response, tubuloglomerular fee
61 epolarising 'sag' followed by an anode-break overshoot at the end of the pulse.
62 30%, and enhances restored currents so they 'overshoot' baseline levels.
63 op in activity level, followed by a positive overshoot beyond baseline, triggered by stimulus reappea
64 y, chosen value cells presented an "activity overshooting" closely related to the decision difficulty
65 um warming in our model is identical for non-overshoot concentration stabilization profiles having th
66 er, synaptogenesis by surviving interneurons overshoots control levels.
67 the breathing pattern by causing ventilatory overshooting during hypercapnia and undershooting during
68 phill diffusion occurs, we observe transient overshoots during equilibration; the equilibration proce
69  at stable states and that synaptic strength overshoots during recovery from visual deprivation.
70  temporal niche opportunities eliminates the overshooting dynamics of adaptive radiation typically se
71 empirical patterns including "area effect," "overshooting effect," and "least action effect," as well
72                       A system for reducing "overshoot" effects produced by compression gave small bu
73                 Efforts to reduce ecological overshoot encourage enhancement of life cycle efficiency
74 ctin, are crucial for slow, rapid, bulk, and overshoot endocytosis at large calyx-type synapses, and
75                                          The overshoot error may be representative of the development
76 ue to overshooting the target and 68% of the overshooting error occurred at 2 of the 5 least flexed k
77 ced a significantly greater global reaching (overshoot) error during the early stage of de-adaptation
78 ning an undershoot after the initial dip and overshoot, even though it, too, detects hemodynamic-rela
79  postsynaptic receptors, and are all-or-none overshooting events, rather than graded potentials as ha
80 esent two short-lived (less than 500 years) "overshoot" events, with Atlantic meridional overturning
81 ng (t 1/2 = 7.1 +/- 0.7 s) phase of the Ca2+ overshoot evoked by addition of extracellular Ca2+ to th
82 docytosis, rapid endocytosis and endocytosis overshoot (excess endocytosis), with each being evoked w
83  to the tectal target zone in the former and overshoot followed by biased branching toward the target
84       Juvenile weasels also exhibit a growth overshoot, followed by a shrinkage period lasting until
85 ude, both of which were largest for the ISOI overshoot, followed by the undershoot and then the initi
86  of reaction intermediates, (4). equilibrium overshoots for progress curves measured in D(2)O, and (5
87 upon refeeding indicates that the lipogenic "overshoot" for fatty-acid synthase gene expression known
88 phill' fluxes, covering the entire period of overshooting from initiation until final equilibration.
89 e visual hierarchy, the reappearance-related overshoot gradually subsided for blinks but not for gaps
90                 Although this phenomenon of 'overshooting' has been observed previously, it is only r
91                     Affected patients showed overshooting horizontal saccades, macrosaccadic oscillat
92 espite careful monitoring, often resulted in overshoot hyperthermia.
93 h desmopressin and it is important to avoid 'overshoot' iatrogenic syndrome of inappropriate antidiur
94 pression but needs to be terminated to avoid overshooting immune reactions.
95  macrophage activation protects tissues from overshooting immune responses.
96  the free Met pool from being depleted by an overshoot in AdoMet synthesis.
97                        There was a prominent overshoot in animals that received apomorphine compared
98  weight and height, indicating a substantial overshoot in catch-up growth.
99 uggesting that the approximately 20 p.p.m.v. overshoot in CO2 at the end of Termination 2 (T2) approx
100 ing on the concentration of the drug, a peak overshoot in corneal thickness in the range of 40% to 90
101  and alpha2AR reduced the expression of cAMP overshoot in DAMGO-dependent cells.
102 e latter may be responsible for the observed overshoot in ellipticity at 222 nm in kinetic refolding
103 wheel running is associated with a prolonged overshoot in epididymal fat triacylglycerol synthesis.
104 nounced a heavy weight produced a consistent overshoot in grip force.
105    It was also positively correlated with AP overshoot in positive neurons.
106 r exhibited a pertussis toxin-sensitive cAMP overshoot in response to chronic application of SNC80.
107 ate refeeding can be attributed to a similar overshoot in SREBP-1 binding.
108                                 PCr recovery overshoot in the developing brain may indicate a protect
109 not with intrinsic fluorescence, there is an overshoot in the fluorescence that has not been observed
110 ximal cell surface recruitment and transport-overshoot in the G2/M phase-enriched cell population.
111                                        These overshoots in [Ca2+]i were not a consequence of store re
112  extracellular Ca2+ removal induced a large "overshoot" in cytosolic Ca2+.
113 recovered to higher than its baseline level (overshoot); in subjects with unfavourable outcome maximu
114 ternal Ca2+ resulted in a pronounced [Ca2+]i overshoot, indicating an increased permeability to Ca2+.
115 a-adrenergic modulation might be involved in overshooting inflammation in MS, whereas hyperactivity o
116  However, because type I processes appear to overshoot into type II territory postnatally, specificit
117 e WG3 database, the magnitude of temperature overshoot is more sensitive to the rate of decarbonizati
118 yme in D2O; however, an unprecedented double overshoot is observed when D,L-diaminopimelate is incuba
119                            A single solvent "overshoot" is observed when L, L-diaminopimelate is incu
120  target concentrations and 22 degrees C, an "overshoot" is observed, wherein a large amount of target
121 bition such that MMP9 is able to temporarily overshoot its final equilibrium value in the latter.
122                              Tension did not overshoot its steady-state value in control simulations
123 s developed that accounted for the observed "overshoot" kinetics.
124           This Ca(2+)-dependent recovery and overshoot may be attributed to Ca(2+)-dependent stimulat
125 ief transient phosphocreatine (PCr) recovery overshoot (measured absolutely or relative to nucleotide
126             The mechanism that retrieves the overshoot membrane pool and the role of this pool remain
127 stinct ways, such as signal amplification or overshoot minimization.
128 nder parabolic base flow the friction factor overshoots Moody's correlation.
129 depend on both the magnitude and duration of overshoot, not just long term residual warming.
130 We investigate via stochastic simulation the overshoots observed in the fluorescence intensity of pyr
131         It has been proposed that an "oxygen overshoot" occurred during the early Paleoproterozoic Gr
132 ith non-overshoot profiles demonstrates that overshoot of a given stabilization target can significan
133  abundant tree growth can lead to structural overshoot of aboveground tree biomass due to a subsequen
134 owed poor reconstitution of B2 cells, and an overshoot of B1 cells in the peritoneal cavity.
135   Removal of tetracaine produced a transient overshoot of contraction to levels greater than the cont
136 l recovery from inactivation, similar to the overshoot of I(to) described for human epicardial myocyt
137 ere was usually little or no poststimulation overshoot of NADH fluorescence.
138 edback induces fast responses and an initial overshoot of nitric oxide production for given doses of
139           The resting membrane potential and overshoot of the action potentials were comparable in bo
140 ulation and its reversal produce the initial overshoot of the biphasic [Ca2+](i) response.
141  of I(t), is responsible for the larger peak overshoot of the simulated endocardial AP.
142     Exogenous SPAR expression can rescue the overshooting of homeostatic reductions at excitatory syn
143  Endogenous protective pathways mitigate the overshooting of inflammation after sterile or infectious
144                            Comparable to the overshooting of nerve fibers, sensory neurons migrate be
145  the ionization injection process based upon overshooting of the laser-focusing in plasma which can r
146 ed by the observation that MiRP1 induced an "overshoot" of Kv4.2 current amplitude during channel rec
147 ion of possible temporary exceedance (i.e., "overshoot") of temperature targets on sustainable energy
148                            The extent of the overshoot or undershoot increased with increasing peak [
149 e, small sample volume (10 microliters), and overshooting or undershooting of the temperature set poi
150 and action potentials either have diminished overshoots or are not generated.
151 mbrane potential or action-potential height, overshoot, or rate of depolarization of either young-adu
152 dition, elevated intracellular Na+ causes an overshoot outward current upon washout of AMPH that refl
153 uring acid challenge and abolished the pH(i) overshoot over baseline observed after acid challenge, w
154           The transport process exhibits the overshoot phenomenon, indicating uphill lactate transpor
155                In particular, an interesting overshooting phenomenon of CSCs proportion arises in thr
156       We found that every calyx contained an overshoot pool approximately 1.8 times the readily relea
157 Potential mechanisms for how the endocytosis overshoot pool enhances endocytosis efficiency are discu
158 ompensatory endocytosis, suggesting that the overshoot pool enhances endocytosis efficiency.
159               These results suggest that the overshoot pool exists at every nerve terminal, is of lim
160                             Depletion of the overshoot pool slowed down compensatory endocytosis, whe
161 nsatory endocytosis, whereas recovery of the overshoot pool via exocytosis that deposited stranded ve
162 of overshoot profiles in comparison with non-overshoot profiles demonstrates that overshoot of a give
163                              Our analysis of overshoot profiles in comparison with non-overshoot prof
164 ion level and approach trajectory, including overshoot profiles.
165 01) during recovery, suggesting that tension overshoots reflect a temporary increase in the number of
166                                  The sag and overshoot remained in voltage-clamped cones.
167                                          The overshoot response was blocked by the Ca2+ influx inhibi
168 low cationic current tails and smaller rapid overshoot responses than did cone-dominated cells.
169  facilitate better projections of structural overshoot responses, enabling improved prediction of cha
170       The dependencies of temperature target overshoot's properties upon currently untested negative
171  The P(i) burst exceeded the decay of the EP overshoot, suggesting that rephosphorylation of the enzy
172 share an unusual property: their APs are not overshooting, suggesting that the cells have very low so
173 se was linearly related to the change of the overshoot summed error in the de-adaptation process.
174 mprove gradually, the proportion of patients overshooting target hemoglobin levels under epoetin ther
175 orescence peak appears to be a concentration overshoot that may develop, in part, from an electrokine
176 stration of MOR and DOR agonists caused cAMP overshoot that was not additive, suggesting that sensiti
177 especially in A-fibre neurons) and larger AP overshoots that are typical of nociceptors.
178 nd that the nerve action potential shows an "overshoot"--that is, the interior of the fibre becomes e
179 -posterior (A-P) tectal axis; temporal axons overshoot the greatest distance and nasal axons the leas
180 t structure-only methods both undershoot and overshoot the number and which sets of critical variable
181  enter the tel-encephalon prematurely and to overshoot the olfactory bulb.
182 e combination of two such steps is likely to overshoot the optimum.
183       In addition, retinal axons transiently overshoot the SC and extend aberrantly into the inferior
184 range will elicit responses whose directions overshoot the stimulus angle, while responses to stimuli
185  ear sensory epithelia shows numerous fibers overshooting the organ of Corti, followed by a reduction
186           About 80% of this error was due to overshooting the target and 68% of the overshooting erro
187 t periods of time where the mean trait value overshoots the moving optimal trait value, thereby exhib
188 hin a small number of run/tumble events) and overshoot (the degree of excessive response before the r
189                                   During the overshoot, the sensitivity of the cone required several
190                         Initially, RGC axons overshoot their appropriate termination zone (TZ) along
191 had abnormally short latencies and tended to overshoot their mark.
192 ory responses are tuned to prevent them from overshooting their optimal range of activity.
193 elevation in [Ca2+](i) consisting of a rapid overshoot to a level > 1 microM, followed by a slow deca
194            However, limiting the duration of overshoot to less than two centuries requires ambitious
195  was defined as the ratio of the ventilatory overshoot to the preceding reduction in ventilation.
196  was defined as the ratio of the ventilatory overshoot to the preceding reduction in ventilation.
197 el has been developed which allows these two overshoots to be simulated.
198 ated cost of the technology and its link to "overshoot" trajectories, where atmospheric CO2 levels ar
199            Beyond the undershoot, additional overshoot/undershoot fluctuations were also mapped, but
200 ion and caused profound midline stalling and overshooting/wandering of post-crossing axons.
201                     The relative size of the overshoot was <5% in pCa 6.5 and pCa 4.5 solutions but e
202 nditions, uptake was dramatically slowed and overshoot was abolished by probenecid.
203              Furthermore, the Ca2+-dependent overshoot was larger for trabeculae from hypertrophied t
204                         Furthermore, greater overshoot was observed in YH than in AHC (21 +/- 8 %HbO(
205 , [NADH]m fell similarly, but no recovery or overshoot was observed.
206                                    A similar overshoot was triggered by a constant level of Ca2+ infl
207                                         This overshooting was independent of choice hysteresis.
208 sumed this peak and decline behavior (i.e., "overshoot") was due to receptor internalization.
209                                 Both sag and overshoot were blocked with 1 mM Cs+.
210 fterhyperpolarization (AHP) durations and AP overshoots were significantly greater for nociceptive th
211                                  Endocytosis overshoot, which retrieves more membrane than vesicles j
212                       PG influx displayed an overshoot with rapid accumulation of tracer PGE2, follow
213  membrane potential exhibits a rapid rebound overshoot with robust sustained or transient spike firin
214 so able to detect the VP position errors: VP overshooting with ROC-AUC, 0.91 +/- 0.01; sensitivity, 1
215 ment/detachment events 1), exhibited tension overshoots with a Ca(2+) dependence similar to that meas
216 slowed the kinetics of the IL-1alpha-induced overshoot without affecting that produced by TNF-alpha.

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