


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ppropriate or not inappropriate (to evaluate overuse).
2 not be a reliable indicator of the extent of overuse.
3  increased risk of future extreme salbutamol overuse.
4 pulations may, in part, be due to procedural overuse.
5 se procedures has raised questions regarding overuse.
6  areas: screening, diabetes, depression, and overuse.
7 iated with performance on depression care or overuse.
8  inpatient admission, suggesting large-scale overuse.
9 underuse of medicines and leads to potential overuse.
10 ources as "cheap" or "free" encourages their overuse.
11  significant morbidity, and limit antibiotic overuse.
12 f a local population to minimise underuse or overuse.
13  levers for eliminating medical underuse and overuse.
14 nd nonfinancial strategies to reduce albumin overuse.
15 soil and groundwater pollution and pesticide overuse.
16 her a single episode of trauma or repetitive overuse.
17  hospitalization and is linked to antibiotic overuse.
18 d overall, whereas BS demonstrates continued overuse.
19 y, which may have the benefit of reducing GC overuse.
20 upporting the view that new technologies are overused.
21 ately, but harmful when applied routinely or overused.
22 or control were: short acting bronchodilator overuse [2.129 (2.091; 2.164)], days-off due to asthma [
23 , patients had 7.0% lower odds of antiemetic overuse (95% CI, 4.4%-9.5%) during the 6 months after th
24 standardized price), and a direct measure of overuse-advanced imaging for prostate cancer at low risk
25 Heart Association guidelines, IE prophylaxis overuse among negligible-risk patients and underuse amon
26 underuse of transplantation among blacks and overuse among whites.
27            Early tracheostomy is potentially overused among mechanically ventilated trauma patients,
28         Most chronic daily headache patients overuse analgesics or ergots.
29  prone to elbow injuries resulting from both overuse and acute trauma.
30 teral damage to the human microbiome through overuse and broadening spectrum, which has likely been t
31                                         Both overuse and disuse of joints up-regulate matrix metallop
32               However, little is known about overuse and its drivers, especially in hospitals.
33  is underused overall, important problems of overuse and misuse also exist.
34                    Studies aimed at reducing overuse and misuse and at enhancing the quality and freq
35 re are serious concerns about the widespread overuse and misuse of antibiotics contributing to increa
36                                          The overuse and misuse of antibiotics has been identified as
37 lobal health threat and is often linked with overuse and misuse of clinical and veterinary chemothera
38 igns is recommended to control antimicrobial overuse and resistance.
39 creases in cost of colonoscopy, evidence for overuse and studies demonstrating missed cancers have le
40   Despite the public attention to antibiotic overuse and the specter of antimicrobial-resistant patho
41  needs and preferences, contributing to both overuse and underuse of health care resources.
42                       The global ubiquity of overuse and underuse of health-care resources and the gr
43                                To assess the overuse and underuse of medical procedures, various meth
44 tations at the workshop that highlighted the overuse and underuse of screening, treatments, and techn
45 ntinue to debated, and studies point to both overuse and underuse of this operation in the management
46 e aspects of screening practices, especially overuse and underuse, are low value.
47 nding of the system-level factors that drive overuse and underuse, as well as the various incentives
48 enewable resources such as water may also be overused and become a limiting factor.
49                           These tests can be overused and contribute little to clinical management.
50  in order to better understand when IUCs are overused and inform the development of methodologically
51 tions: to some extent the technique has been overused and its results overinterpreted.
52  The perception that the insanity defense is overused and misused is not borne out by data.
53 k for infection, the avoidance of antibiotic overuse, and early deescalation policies are key to achi
54               No studies focused on reducing overuse, and very few focused on misuse.
55 owever, primary tumor resection may still be overused, and current treatment practices lag behind evi
56 t CRC screening is simultaneously underused, overused, and misused and that adequate patient-provider
57 tinker at the policy edges after underuse or overuse arises.
58 emia, but not glucose intolerance or alcohol overuse as significant risk factors that deserve further
59 bservers believe that cancer chemotherapy is overused at the end of life, there are no published data
60 ider knowledge of guidelines may help reduce overuse, but despite awareness of the guidelines, physic
61 provide a donor infrastructure, and to limit overuse by defining risk and region adapted indications
62  significantly reduce medical ICU antibiotic overuse by earlier modification or cessation of antibiot
63  has been identified as an important area of overuse by several professional societies.
64 ients with individual preferences and needs; overuse can also be measured indirectly through examinat
65 cutely at sufficient quantities and repeated overuse can lead to addiction and deleterious effects on
66                             However, triptan overuse can lead to an increased frequency of migraine h
67                                      Triptan overuse can lead to increased frequency of headache in s
68  argument, which states that individuals may overuse care if they do not share in its costs.
69                   The problems of antibiotic overuse compel us to seek alternative antibacterial agen
70 suspected health risks related to fertilizer overuse, contributed to the negative image that inorgani
71                          Reducing antiemetic overuse could have paid for 6.1% (95% CI, 5.8%-6.4%) of
72                    We also examined rates of overuse defined as combined use of bone scintigraphy (BS
73                The criteria for underuse and overuse derived from these ratings were then applied to
74 echo) raises questions of whether echo is an overused diagnostic procedure in the United States.
75 rosclerosis exists independently of putative overuse factors directly related to obesity.
76 estigators underuse simple randomisation and overuse fixed-block randomisation.
77 mediate/major resections, does not result in overuse for benign indications and some of the 2009 -con
78           These findings indicate that CT is overused for routine surveillance of patients with HL.
79 rends, determinants, and costs of antiemetic overuse from January 1, 2008, through March 31, 2015.
80 trol (ACQ-5 >/= 1.5) or 'extreme' salbutamol overuse (> 32 salbutamol actuations/24-h period).
81 e is not without consequence, and carbapenem overuse has contributed to the emergence of carbapenem-r
82 gh nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity, and their overuse has led to the development of resistance to impo
83                          Although harms from overuse have not been well quantified and trends have no
84      Various hypotheses, including pesticide overuse, have been suggested to explain the disorder.
85                                   Medication-overuse headache (MOH) is a well described clinical enti
86 ds, are considered to suffer from medication-overuse headache (MOH).
87 ty of headache, a syndrome termed medication overuse headache (MOH).
88  the neural mechanisms underlying medication overuse headache resulting from triptans.
89 tors for chronic migraine such as medication-overuse headache, temporomandibular disorders, obstructi
90 the transformation of migraine to medication overuse headache.
91 ome patients, a phenomenon termed medication overuse headache.
92 ibition in preventing or treating medication overuse headache.
93              Physicians reported substantial overuse in 2 common clinical situations in the hospital.
94                                They reported overuse in 52% to 65% of the preoperative evaluation vig
95             Efforts to prevent antimicrobial overuse in aquaculture must include education of all sta
96 ffer from underuse in high-risk patients and overuse in average to moderate-risk patients, based upon
97  investigation to determine whether there is overuse in FFS vs underuse in prepaid settings.
98  antagonists in eligible patients as well as overuse in settings in which therapy may be harmful.
99 those at moderate-to-high risk of stroke and overuse in those at low risk.
100              Whether this reflects potential overuse in whites, men, and privately insured patients,
101 cate underuse of the procedures in blacks or overuse in whites.
102                               The antibiotic overuse in zoothechnics, due to prophylactic and therape
103                     Anticoagulation might be overused in a group of low-risk patients.
104 d without a proper indication and frequently overused in critical care units, resulting in many compl
105                      Preoperative testing is overused in patients undergoing low-risk, ambulatory sur
106                  Some of the genes that were overused in the cDNA libraries were also observed to rea
107             Diagnostic testing is frequently overused in the intensive care unit.
108       These findings suggest that SLK may be overused in the MELD era and that current prioritization
109          There is concern that mastectomy is overused in the United States.
110 used VH gene segment in intact mice, also is overused in this plasmid assay, 15 to 30 times that of a
111                                       Tendon overuse injuries and tendinitis are accompanied by catab
112 al details of major representative acute and overuse injuries characteristic to pediatric athletes wi
113 the frequency and severity of both acute and overuse injuries continues to rise.
114                  To evaluate the increase in overuse injuries in the adolescent athlete, specifically
115      As a result, the incidence of pediatric overuse injuries is rapidly increasing.
116                         This article reviews overuse injuries on the basis of location.
117      Most injuries in adolescent runners are overuse injuries rather than sudden traumatic events.
118 o be aware of the clinical manifestations of overuse injuries, to prescribe current recommended treat
119 so been implicated in the etiology of tendon overuse injuries.
120  into two categories: traumatic injuries and overuse injuries.
121                       Tendinosis is a common overuse injury and may occur on the lateral, medial, or
122                                   Medication overuse is an important concern in migraine therapeutics
123                                 Beta-agonist overuse is associated with adverse outcomes in asthma, h
124 ied and trends have not been well described, overuse is likely to be increasing worldwide.
125                                   Antiemetic overuse is prevalent and results in unnecessary spending
126                 This implies that medication overuse is the cause of headache chronification.
127                       Repetitive trauma from overuse is the most common etiologic factor in athletes.
128 spite the challenges, the high prevalence of overuse is well documented in high-income countries acro
129 e adopted, or worthwhile technologies become overused-is a controversial question.
130                                              Overuse may lead to permissive decision making favoring
131                              The emphasis on overuse may result from financial incentives inherent in
132                              Antiemetic use, overuse measure, and expenses before and after the publi
133 Medicine's definition of quality as reducing overuse, misuse, and underuse.
134                                              Overuse more frequently resulted from a physician's desi
135                         Responses indicating overuse (more testing than recommended by American Colle
136 ession have been identified (e.g. medication overuse, obesity, etc.).
137                                   Antiemetic overuse occurred in 24.1% (n = 163451) of patients, with
138     Patients with chronic daily headache and overuse of analgesics, triptans, or other acute headache
139            There is substantial underuse and overuse of antibiotic prophylaxis.
140                                          The overuse of antibiotics for disease prevention has led to
141                                              Overuse of antibiotics has contributed to microbial resi
142                                              Overuse of antibiotics is widespread across geographical
143                           Efforts to control overuse of antibiotics should be pursued.
144           However, in high-income countries, overuse of antibiotics, changes in diet, and elimination
145 with approaches to counseling families about overuse of antibiotics, teen pregnancy, hyperactivity, v
146 al resistance is attributed, in part, to the overuse of antibiotics.
147 lity testing (AST) would decrease misuse and overuse of antibiotics.
148 eclassification of stroke risk could prevent overuse of anticoagulants in very low stroke risk patien
149                                              Overuse of antifungal agents has resulted in the selecti
150 s malaria, resulting in misdiagnosis and the overuse of antimalarial drugs.
151                                              Overuse of antimigraine medications can promote an incre
152 sues have emerged that need to be addressed: overuse of arrhythmia monitoring among a variety of pati
153 r the SMART regimen would reduce the risk of overuse of beta agonist, reduce the likelihood of patien
154                           As a result of the overuse of broad-spectrum antimicrobials such as the car
155                                              Overuse of BS and PET occurred in 25% of patients.
156                                     Avoiding overuse of caffeine is desirable apart from its potentia
157 well-identified causes such as hand hygiene, overuse of catheters, and to a lesser extent, the airbor
158                                    Potential overuse of CCTA has prompted multisociety appropriate us
159    Although practice aids adaptations, early overuse of cells adjacent to the site of injury might le
160 ccess health care system, we found potential overuse of chemotherapy among young and middle-aged adul
161 tion is based in part on the assumption that overuse of cholesterol-lowering drugs will otherwise bec
162 rs, there has been growing concern about the overuse of colonoscopy (CC).
163 rence to colonoscopy guidelines could reduce overuse of colonoscopy and associated healthcare costs.
164 nal variation in recommended PET imaging and overuse of combined BS and PET.
165  not exacerbate cardiovascular problems from overuse of diuretics or inotropes because of the unusual
166 , in which concerns about medicalisation and overuse of drug treatments are paramount.
167  autoimmune disorder has led to the possible overuse of endomyocardial biopsy and immunosuppressive a
168 13 Choosing Wisely (CW) campaign discouraged overuse of expensive antiemetics in patients with low ri
169 ial for unwarranted behavior changes and the overuse of health care resources in response to direct-t
170 n this Series have outlined how underuse and overuse of health-care services occur within a complex s
171 ncrease D-dimer specificity and may decrease overuse of imaging procedures and overdiagnosis of PE.
172 y for most patients, thereby contributing to overuse of imaging services.
173                                          The overuse of imaging, opioids, and surgery remains a wides
174  received treatment unnecessarily; there was overuse of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) as first-li
175 tify clinical predictors that would decrease overuse of isolation beds while maintaining satisfactory
176 rculosis on admission but involved an 8-fold overuse of isolation rooms.
177 sease in the large majority of cases without overuse of laboratory testing.
178 an lead to overdiagnosis, overtreatment, and overuse of medications.
179                    However, due to extensive overuse of N fertilizer, China's cropland was found to s
180 d to a NICU, which raises the possibility of overuse of neonatal intensive care in some newborns.
181  underused cost-effective care or reduce the overuse of new and expensive treatments may not always m
182                       Inappropriate care and overuse of new technologies can be reduced through share
183 s with treatment of substance use disorders, overuse of opioid medications, concerns with the structu
184                                   Increasing overuse of opioids in the United States may be driven in
185 ents with chronic migraine-like headache and overuse of pain medication improve after detoxification,
186 rol guidelines, these issues could result in overuse of pharmacologic management.
187 h underuse of long-term control medications, overuse of quick-relief inhalers, and a significant numb
188  care costs encourage initiatives that avoid overuse of resources and identify opportunities to promo
189  systems and deduce general solutions to the overuse of resources.
190                                     Although overuse of revascularization procedures has been studied
191 ulting in underuse of screening for some and overuse of screening for others.
192 istent with screening guidelines, reflecting overuse of screening.
193                                         Less overuse of services, however, may not be reliably associ
194                                          The overuse of some screening and diagnostic tests is an imp
195                                 However, the overuse of some tests, particularly computed tomography
196  In community practice, there is substantial overuse of surveillance colonoscopy among low-risk subje
197                       This may be due to the overuse of terminology that stresses regulatory sanction
198  systems than national efforts to reduce the overuse of testing.
199 ng autoantibodies remains a concern, as does overuse of tests for antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoanti
200 eloped nations are attributable, in part, to overuse of tests, treatments, and procedures that provid
201 chanism of decreased pain associated with an overuse of the degenerated joint has been referred to as
202 s after FL-SMC lesions, we found that forced overuse of the impaired forelimb during the first 7 days
203 the adult brain is more vulnerable to forced overuse of the impaired forelimb during the first 7 days
204                          In contrast, forced overuse of the impaired forelimb during the second 7 day
205  appear to be vulnerable to prolonged forced overuse of the impaired forelimb throughout the first 15
206 he first 15 days after surgery, which forces overuse of the impaired forelimb.
207 al injury, presumably attributable to forced overuse of the impaired limb.
208 nder-reporting) and overdiagnosis (due to an overuse of the term 'allergy') are common.
209                          We should avoid the overuse of these antibiotics to prevent undesired diseas
210  environmental dangers have emerged from the overuse of these compounds.
211                                              Overuse of these medications could induce neural adaptat
212                                              Overuse of unneeded services can harm patients physicall
213                                              Overuse of urea, low nitrogen (N) utilization, and large
214                                              Overuse of urine testing is a driver of inappropriate an
215               This result indicates that the overuse of V81x in the early B cell repertoire can be a
216  contributor to growing demand, and possible overuse, of peripherally inserted central catheters (PIC
217 niversal solutions, panaceas, to problems of overuse or destruction of resources.
218 d be prefaced with AR determination to avoid overuse or misuse of the antibiotic.
219 e most often associated with musculoskeletal overuse or trauma.
220 l differences in clinical appropriateness or overuse or underuse of inappropriate care.
221 known about patterns or trends in antiemetic overuse or whether any change has occurred with the publ
222 e identified "Choosing Wisely" lists of five overused or low-value services.
223 oblems, which may be classified as underuse, overuse, or misuse, occur in small and large communities
224 ents directed at a novel therapeutic target, overuse phase II studies of FDA-approved agents, and fai
225                                          Its overuse provokes liver injury and it is the second most
226 e commons" metaphor helps explain why people overuse shared resources.
227 ontaining opioids and barbiturates, caffeine overuse, stressful life events, depression, sleep disord
228 oups' QA programs monitored areas subject to overuse, such as cesarean delivery and angioplasty rates
229 d to know the syndromes that can result from overuse, such as ITBFS.
230 Low-risk intravenous chemotherapy agents had overuse that continued to decrease 6 months after the CW
231 es not, except in extreme cases of pesticide overuse that result in negative agricultural/economic co
232                                    To combat overuse, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
233                    Due to rampant antibiotic overuse, the enzyme is evolving new resistance activitie
234 aive rats via a mechanism involving receptor overuse.The current data support that, whereas D1LR-modu
235                        Direct measurement of overuse through documentation of delivery of inappropria
236        Bacteriuria contributes to antibiotic overuse through treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria (A
237 g process, it can substantially decrease the overuse, underuse, and misuse of health care services.
238 nds and factors responsible for chemotherapy overuse very near death and underutilization of hospice
239      The three-way kappa statistic to detect overuse was 0.52 for coronary revascularization and 0.51
240                                   Antiemetic overuse was associated with higher costs.
241 a rhematologist with a history of repetitive overuse, weakness, pain and involuntary, end-range postu
242 rease was transitory: the odds of antiemetic overuse were 7.4% (95% CI, 4.6%-10.2%) higher than basel
243           Short-term decreases in antiemetic overuse were associated with the CW recommendation, but
244 rends, determinants, and costs of antiemetic overuse were estimated in cases stratified by risk for c
245                                              Overuse, which is defined as the provision of medical se
246 mpact of agriculture by eliminating nutrient overuse, while still allowing an approximately 30% incre
247                          Efforts to mitigate overuse will be unsustainable without learning and coord
248 c upper extremity stress injuries related to overuse with a focus on anatomic location, patient histo
249                                              Overuse wrist injuries are mainly represented by tendino

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