


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 CACA in four species (human, mouse, rat, and ovine).
2  and genital mucosal surfaces of bovines and ovines.
3 enotype data generated using the caprine and ovine 50K SNP BeadChips from Barki goats and sheep that
4                 These findings indicate that ovine AANAT is dual-phosphorylated.
5 -3 binding was also observed using humanized ovine AANAT, which has a different C-terminal sequence (
6 recently emerged as the predominant cause of ovine abortion in the United States.
7 ampylobacter infection is a leading cause of ovine abortion worldwide.
8 cter infection is one of the major causes of ovine abortions worldwide.
9 nthase inhibition shows potential benefit in ovine acute lung injury by reducing nitrosative stress i
10 , as well as with those of the stramenopilan ovine agent Pythium insidiosum.
11 fter the onset of hypoxia was analysed using ovine Agilent 15.5k array and validated with qPCR and im
12 emical properties of complex I prepared from ovine and bovine mitochondria and that ovine complex I r
13  avium subsp. paratuberculosis isolates from ovine and bovine sources from the same state were more c
14 hich specifically amplified small amounts of ovine and caprine BSE agent which had been mixed into a
15   The motif is strongly conserved across the ovine and caprine lentiviruses, implying a critical func
16 st-partum variation of polyamine content, in ovine and caprine milk, from indigenous Greek breeds.
17            PadA was able to activate bovine, ovine and caprine Plg, but not human Plg.
18 ed-tube method allowing us to detect bovine, ovine and caprine species and authenticate Greek PDO Fet
19 overed from human, poultry, bovine, porcine, ovine, and canine sources by multilocus sequence typing
20                             PGs from bovine, ovine, and porcine cartilage, which otherwise have no ef
21 e the safety and effectiveness of polyclonal ovine anti-TNF fragment antigen binding (Fab) fragments
22                     In the present study, an ovine antibody-based platform for passive immunotherapy
23          Screening of these proteins against ovine antisera identified eight immunogenic proteins tha
24 tigation of the neutralizing activity of the ovine antisera in vitro revealed that it neutralized EBO
25 a 2-dimensional model and optical mapping of ovine atrial scar-related AF.
26 s when reconstituted onto DNA containing the ovine beta-lactoglobulin gene.
27 NA, encompassing the chicken beta-globin and ovine beta-lactoglobulin genes, respectively, we mapped
28 kinase-dead Pak1 mutant under the control of ovine beta-lactoglobulin promoter, we found that the mam
29                             We conclude that ovine betaretrovirus Env proteins transform the rodent f
30                                          The ovine betaretroviruses jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus (JSRV
31 g mouse model, resulting in 96% knockdown of ovine BLG in milk.
32 uct was expressed in the mammary gland of an ovine BLG-expressing mouse model, resulting in 96% knock
33 -ray structure of the unliganded form of the ovine BMPR-II ECD as a guide.
34    Mesenchymal stem cells were isolated from ovine bone marrow and characterized by their morphology
35 hate (beta-Ca3(PO4)2 scaffold implanted into ovine bone.
36 es of D-spacings was previously reported for ovine bone; however, this report demonstrates that the e
37 eutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD), experimental ovine bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), and natura
38 eir ability to react with recombinant mouse, ovine, bovine, or human PrP dimers.
39 iated virus that infects neural cells in the ovine brain was injected into the subventricular zone (S
40 d at similar levels in fetal, lamb and adult ovine brain.
41 er/lower-quality milks from non-autochthones ovine breeds compromises the quality of the final produc
42  a blinded series of brain samples, in which ovine BSE and distinct isolates of scrapie are mixed at
43 ood can become infectious at early stages of ovine BSE infection and that the PrP(d) immunohistochemi
44 once we include exposure from the worst-case ovine BSE scenario examined.
45 at leads to its rapid intracellular decay in ovine but not in Culicoides cells and to the attenuation
46  found that NS3 protein turnover may vary in ovine but not in Culicoides cells due to a single amino
47 feration of near-term serum-stimulated fetal ovine cardiomyocytes in vitro.
48                                   Similar to ovine cathelicidin SMAP-29, putatively mature fowlicidin
49                         Infection of primary ovine cells with an ORFV024 deletion mutant virus result
50 and phosphorylated ERK1/2 in adult and fetal ovine cerebral arteries.
51 , claudin-1, claudin-5 or ZO-1 expression in ovine cerebral cortices.
52  investigate the single-channel behaviour of ovine CFTR and the impact of the most common CF mutation
53 , the F508del mutation had reduced impact on ovine CFTR channel gating in contrast to its marked effe
54 y and efficacy, ATP more strongly stimulated ovine CFTR channel gating.
55 TR modulator phloxine B failed to potentiate ovine CFTR Cl(-) currents.
56                             Like human CFTR, ovine CFTR formed a weakly inwardly rectifying Cl(-) cha
57                             We conclude that ovine CFTR forms a regulated Cl(-) channel with enhanced
58 re-sensitive folding defect, which disrupted ovine CFTR protein processing and reduced membrane stabi
59                  However, for three reasons, ovine CFTR was noticeably more active than human CFTR.
60 gment to bovine chromosome 12 on caprine and ovine chromosomes 12 and 10, respectively, providing, mo
61 sent an early marker of LV dysfunction in an ovine chronic MR model.
62            The L-BSE agent differs from both ovine classic BSE or CH1641 scrapie maintaining its spec
63 ell as splenotropism, clearly differing from ovine classic BSE or from scrapie strain CH1641.
64 n the subunit composition of subcomplexes of ovine complex I as compared with bovine, suggesting diff
65  from ovine and bovine mitochondria and that ovine complex I represents a suitable alternative target
66  the bovine enzyme, remains tightly bound to ovine complex I.
67 essed in the trophectoderm of the elongating ovine conceptus after day 12 of pregnancy.
68  of SLC7A1 mRNA, the arginine transporter in ovine conceptus trophectoderm (Tr).
69 ction of arginine transporter SLC7A1 mRNA in ovine conceptus trophectoderm.
70  and differentiation in the periimplantation ovine conceptus.
71 was found to be a poor inhibitor of purified ovine COX-1 and a relatively weak inhibitor of purified
72 COX-1 selectivity, the crystal structures of ovine COX-1 in complexes with an enantiomeric pair of th
73 F (r/h CRF), the preferential CRF(1) agonist ovine CRF (oCRF), and the CRF(2) agonist mouse (m) Ucn 2
74                                              Ovine CRF(9-33) that is devoid of intrinsic activity at
75 RE's in the proximal promoter regions of the ovine cry1 and mt1 genes, and confirmed their functional
76 se type-2, and >100-fold selectivity against ovine cyclooxygenase-1 and human cyclooxygnease-2.
77 5-hLO, platelet 12-hLO, epithelial 15-hLO-2, ovine cyclooxygenase-1, and human cyclooxygenase-2.
78  a protein (GIF) that binds and inhibits the ovine cytokines granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulatin
79  is present 2 years following ovariectomy in ovine dermal samples.
80 munoreactive cells were spread widely in the ovine diencephalon and overlapped with the known distrib
81                                   Contagious ovine digital dermatitis (CODD) is an important foot dis
82 y poor in interferon (IFN)-competent primary ovine endothelial cells compared to replication of BTV8L
83 s of this process, studies were performed in ovine endothelial cells transfected with the human COX-1
84                   In experiments in cultured ovine endothelial cells, physiological concentrations of
85                                              Ovine enzootic abortion (OEA) resulting from infection o
86 erent C-terminal sequence (Gly-Cys) than the ovine enzyme (Asp-Arg), indicating that that characteris
87 hat that characteristic is not unique to the ovine enzyme.
88 testinal (GI) tracts of six species (bovine, ovine, equine, porcine, chicken, and deer) and from two
89 c for human red blood cells but did not lyse ovine erythrocytes.
90 peared hyperintense in both freshly prepared ovine eyes and living rat eyes using T2-weighted MRI.
91       This study investigated the effects on ovine fetal basal cardiovascular and endocrine functions
92 aglandin endoperoxide synthase-2 (PGHS-2) in ovine fetal brain regions.
93 cts of fetal treatment with dexamethasone on ovine fetal cardiovascular defence responses to acute hy
94 udy used a novel Langendorff, biventricular, ovine fetal heart preparation to investigate the effects
95 roliferation of beta cells isolated from the ovine fetal pancreas is sensitive to physiological conce
96 on the expression of Ang II receptors in the ovine fetal placenta with particular emphasis on the eff
97 tric-oxide synthase 3) protein expression in ovine fetoplacental artery endothelial cells (oFPAEC).
98 eNOS) and production of nitric oxide (NO) in ovine fetoplacental artery endothelial cells.
99 ticular emphasis on the effects of Ang II on ovine fetoplacental endothelium.
100                                   Studies in ovine fetus and placenta have pointed to an interaction
101 turation of the cardiovascular system as the ovine fetus approaches term.
102 These results demonstrated that the infected ovine fetus is able to initiate an innate and adaptive i
103 We have shown that antenatal exposure of the ovine fetus to partial compression of the umbilical cord
104  hypothesis was tested in the late gestation ovine fetus using a novel NO clamp technique, which invo
105 lood-brain barrier permeability in premature ovine fetuses and the incidence of intraventricular hemo
106  before the development of immunocompetency, ovine fetuses at 35 days of gestation were inoculated in
107                  To address these questions, ovine fetuses at 35 days of gestation were inoculated in
108 und guidance we applied steroids directly to ovine fetuses at d62 and d82 of gestation, and examined
109 al-abdominal adipose tissue was sampled from ovine fetuses to which either cortisol (2-3 mg kg(-1) da
110 tion (TJ) proteins in the cerebral cortex of ovine fetuses with and without exposure to in utero brai
111 ormations have been previously reproduced in ovine fetuses.
112 vestigated in chronically prepared near-term ovine fetuses.
113 ormations have been previously reproduced in ovine fetuses; however, no studies have established the
114                                              Ovine footrot is a highly prevalent bacterial disease ca
115                 Dichelobacter nodosus causes ovine footrot, a disease that leads to severe economic l
116  proximal promoter between -172/-1 bp of the ovine FSHB gene are required for gonadotrope expression
117 ssary for gonadotrope-specific expression of ovine FSHB in vivo.
118 quately recognize regulatory elements on the ovine FSHB promoter associated with gonadotrope-specific
119 ntify sequences between -1866/-750 bp of the ovine FSHB promoter that are also required for tissue/ce
120 e element between -750 bp and -232 bp of the ovine FSHB promoter.
121 ontained -2871 bp, -750 bp or -232 bp of the ovine FSHB promoter.
122 e are required for gonadotrope expression of ovine FSHB.
123                           Two alleles of the ovine gene were found to encode protein products with di
124 s of VEGF and NO metabolite (NOx) throughout ovine gestation and to determine if there was an effect
125 o critical to the GIF protein for binding to ovine GM-CSF (ovGM-CSF).
126 hibitors or AA to the cyclooxygenase site of ovine H386A PGHS-1 reopens the constriction in the cyclo
127 welfare, the recent increase in diagnoses of ovine haemonchosis caused by the nematode Haemonchus con
128 l intravenous boluses of a (P)RR antagonist, ovine handle region peptide (HRP) (1, 5, and 25 mg at 90
129  (MVO2) were determined in control (n=5) and ovine heart failure (n=5).
130 ate effect of varying restraint levels in an ovine heart failure model.
131 ventricular restraint were then evaluated in ovine heart failure with (n=3) and without (n=3) restrai
132 s mitral annular strains in a normal beating ovine heart preparation.
133  increased AML strains in the normal beating ovine heart.
134 ation of complex I purified from Ovis aries (ovine) heart mitochondria.
135                          In healthy, beating ovine hearts, annuloplasty rings (COS, RSA, PHY, ETL, an
136   Two variants of an organism resembling the ovine hemoplasma, Mycoplasma ovis, were detected by PCR
137                                              Ovine herpesvirus 2 (OvHV-2) is a gammaherpesvirus in th
138                                     Entry of ovine herpesvirus 2 (OvHV-2), the causative agent of she
139                                              Ovine herpesvirus 2 (OvHV-2), the major causative agent
140 e three deceased rhebok were coinfected with ovine herpesvirus-2, and two animals additionally had a
141  is an obligate inhabitant of the bovine and ovine host, the formation of a biofilm may be crucial to
142                             A pool of intact ovine immunoglobulin G, herein termed EBOTAb, was prepar
143         In response to the 2014 outbreak, an ovine immunoglobulin therapy was developed, termed EBOTA
144 ocardial tissue during acute fibrillation in ovine isolated left atria.
145 A1 and OmpA2, are associated with bovine and ovine isolates, respectively.
146                        Two natural models of ovine IUGR are those of hyperthermic exposure during pre
147 triction and postnatal obesity on the UPR in ovine juvenile offspring.
148 and biological properties of QQ171 and RQ171 ovine L-BSE prions were investigated in transgenic mice
149                         In both mouse lines, ovine L-BSE transmitted similarly to cattle-derived L-BS
150 oited a validated finite element model of an ovine left ventricle with an anteroapical infarct to exa
151     Like human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), ovine lentivirus (OvLV) is macrophage-tropic and causes
152  transmission of Visna/maedi virus (VMV), an ovine lentivirus, is thought to be via the respiratory t
153 ith saline (0.9% NaCl; n = 6) or recombinant ovine leptin (0.5-1.0 mg kg(-1) day(-1); n = 6) for 5 da
154 were cultured in the presence of recombinant ovine LGALS15.
155 e developmental ontogeny of UCP2 mRNA in the ovine lung is under local glucocorticoid hormone action
156 ed the infection of specific segments of the ovine lung.
157              We have directly cannulated the ovine lymphatic vessels to detail the in vivo innate and
158 ble domains of OmpA proteins from bovine and ovine M. haemolytica isolates are very different but are
159  immune specificity of OmpA among bovine and ovine M. haemolytica isolates, recombinant proteins repr
160 ciated with divergent lineages of bovine and ovine M. haemolytica strains, respectively, indicating a
161  were associated with bovine M. haemolytica, ovine M. haemolytica, and M. glucosida strains, respecti
162 loped by comparing two RNA-seq datasets from ovine macrophages, identical except for RNA selection me
163 d a dry stack mixture of equine, bovine, and ovine manure.
164                             Here we analysed Ovine medium-density SNP array genotypes of 92 mouflon f
165 fy the structures within the fetal and adult ovine medulla and hindbrain which express immunoreactive
166       Human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells and ovine mesenchymal stem cells (oMSCs) were printed at tis
167 Pa) were injected into a clinically relevant ovine MI model to evaluate the associated salutary effec
168  produced from A: 100% whey; B: 90% whey+10% ovine milk and C: 90% whey+10% skimmed ovine milk and we
169 y+10% ovine milk and C: 90% whey+10% skimmed ovine milk and were evaluated.
170 er comprising samples manufactured with only ovine milk or milk admixtures.
171                                           In ovine milk, the profile of the mean concentrations showe
172 se and yoghurt made from spiked and incurred ovine milk.
173 terolateral infarcts were investigated in an ovine model (n>/=6 per group), with injection of saline
174 he impact of CF on lesion formation using an ovine model both endocardially and epicardially.
175   Biocompatibility was studied in vivo in an ovine model by implanting the scaffolds into femoral art
176                    Here, we show that, in an ovine model of a variant late-infantile NCL, there is ab
177 g 2D and real-time 3D echocardiography in an ovine model of chronic IMR, we evaluated the geometric i
178 insufficiency and ventricular function in an ovine model of chronic postoperative pulmonary insuffici
179 , and preserves biventricular function in an ovine model of chronic pulmonary insufficiency.
180                          In humans and in an ovine model of combined smoke inhalation and burn injury
181 anical strain on the hypoplastic lung of the ovine model of congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
182 acute lung injury using our well-established ovine model of cutaneous burn and smoke inhalation.
183                     In this study we used an ovine model of fetal bladder outflow obstruction to exam
184                                     Using an ovine model of granulomatous skin inflammation, we demon
185 small RNA sizes in the bovine leukemia virus ovine model of leukemia/lymphoma, we provide in vivo evi
186                                        In an ovine model of long-standing persistent AF we tested the
187                                     Using an ovine model of myocardial infarction, we aimed to determ
188 expansion, and preserves contractility in an ovine model of myocardial infarction.
189 e of sleep deficits in a naturally occurring ovine model of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (NCL, Batt
190 xpression of this growth factor family in an ovine model of placental insufficiency-FGR, in relations
191                                     Using an ovine model of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), (pregna
192 he objective of this study was to develop an ovine model of septic acute lung injury and characterize
193 onine, with or without hydrocortisone, in an ovine model of septic shock did not markedly alter norep
194 renal structure and function over time in an ovine model of septic shock.
195 mmune response induced by AS01 in an outbred ovine model, 2) to develop a lymphatic cannulation model
196 steum-mediated bone regeneration in a common ovine model, it was shown that mechanistic models incorp
197                                        In an ovine model, tubular SIS-ECM TV bioprostheses demonstrat
198                                 In a chronic ovine model, we tested whether isolated mitral regurgita
199  using irrigated RFA on the epicardium in an ovine model.
200  at late induction studies </=200 days in an ovine model.
201 scending coronary artery was performed in an ovine model.
202  and also fully resorbed by 18 months in the ovine model.
203 R) implantation using the Melody valve in an ovine model.
204 system) that ameliorates functional MR in an ovine model.
205 ion of the mitral annulus and leaflets in an ovine model.
206 stinal inflammation and mucosal injury in an ovine model.
207 growth, structure, and function in a growing ovine model.
208 somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) in an ovine model.
209 nd the uterine cavity, in swine and pregnant ovine models in vivo.
210 etofore have not typically been pursued with ovine models of developmental insults.
211 and compared its expression pattern in adult ovine, mouse, and human hypothalamic tissues.
212                   We have confirmed that the ovine Nectin-4 protein, when overexpressed in epithelial
213 ant species, one from Ovis aries, designated ovine (O), and the other from Bos taurus, designated bov
214 e of naturally or preclinical prion-diseased ovine or cervids.
215                          Both the bovine and ovine orthologs displayed fusogenic activity by conferri
216                                              Ovine (ov) ISG15 has three additional amino acids within
217  We isolated, mapped and fully sequenced the ovine (ov) TKDP-1 gene.
218 resent a nearly complete atomic structure of ovine (Ovis aries) mitochondrial complex I at 3.9 A reso
219 tion rates were determined in isolated fetal ovine pancreatic islets in vitro.
220 promote beta cell proliferation in the fetal ovine pancreatic islets, and that growth retardation in
221 enomic analysis of a wild-type strain of the ovine pathogen Chlamydia abortus and its nitrosoguanidin
222                                Characterized ovine peripheral blood endothelial progenitor cells were
223 TGF)-beta1.Method and Results- Characterized ovine peripheral blood EPCs were seeded onto poly (glyco
224 )] designed to match the surface antigens on ovine peripheral blood-derived EPCs.
225                                           In ovine PGHS-1 crystallized in the absence of an NSAID, th
226 c coupling: residues 148, 348, 404, and 504 (ovine PGHS-1 numbering).
227                                              Ovine polyclonal antibodies were raised using an immunog
228                                           An ovine polyclonal antibody therapy has been developed aga
229  adaptation to prolong gestation in multiple ovine pregnancies; however, such an adaptation does not
230 opurinol on fetal cardiovascular function in ovine pregnancy in late gestation.
231 ed ARQ sheep with variation elsewhere in the ovine prion gene.
232                             Variation in the ovine prion protein amino acid sequence influences scrap
233 ion structure of the full-length recombinant ovine prion protein PrP(25-233), together with that of t
234 icrosecond folding and unfolding kinetics of ovine prion proteins (ovPrP) were measured under various
235 onventional mice has shown some diversity in ovine prion strains.
236 lies in the absence or presence of exogenous ovine prions.
237                                     Known as ovine progressive pneumonia virus (OPPV) in the U.S., an
238 locked only by a very high dose of unlabeled ovine prolactin.
239 heir encoded proteins, including cloning the ovine Prop1 gene and its products, we demonstrate that t
240                                          The ovine Prop1 gene has three exons and two introns, a diff
241 roducts formed by native and mutant forms of ovine prostaglandin endoperoxide H synthase-1 (oPGHS-1)
242  2.0 A resolution X-ray crystal structure of ovine prostaglandin H2 synthase-1 in complex with alpha-
243 ce, Tg mice overexpressing human, bovine, or ovine PrP did not develop prion disease after inoculatio
244                                    Cytosolic ovine PrP expressed in Drosophila was not overtly detrim
245                              While cytosolic ovine PrP expressed in Drosophila was predominantly dete
246 enerated Drosophila transgenic for cytosolic ovine PrP in order to investigate its toxic potential in
247 tedly, HMM PrPres was found in the spleen of ovine PrP transgenic mice infected with L-BSE from RQ171
248 to contain prion infectivity by bioassays in ovine PrP transgenic mice.
249 be found in RQ171 sheep and in the spleen of ovine PrP transgenic mice.
250 and MovS6 cell lines, which both express the ovine PrP VRQ allele, to assess to what extent natural a
251 scribe a new chemical category that inhibits ovine PrP(Sc) accumulation in primary sheep microglia an
252  transgenic mice expressing either bovine or ovine PrP.
253  in PT cell cultures, and is rhythmic in the ovine PT with a nadir in the early night.
254                                              Ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma (OPA) is an infectious lu
255  retrovirus (JSRV) is the causative agent of ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma (OPA), a transmissible lu
256 f a contagious lung cancer of sheep known as ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma (OPA).
257  retrovirus (JSRV) is the causative agent of ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma, a contagious lung cancer
258  retrovirus (JSRV) is the causative agent of ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma, a transmissible lung can
259 ent of a transmissible lung cancer in sheep, ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma.
260 sheep that induces a contagious lung cancer, ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma.
261 ng tumor of a sheep with naturally occurring ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma.
262                              Twelve weeks of ovine "pure" MR caused LV remodeling with early changes
263 sferred bovine blastocysts into synchronized ovine recipients and allowed them to develop for 13 days
264 T- and sialyl T-antigen varied in bovine and ovine reproductive tract mucins, and terminal N-acetylga
265 ection chemical defaunation of the bovine or ovine rumen.
266 , at two time points (6 and 12 months) in an ovine scapula drillhole model using micro-CT, histology
267                                              Ovine scrapie and cervine chronic wasting disease show c
268 ng with implications for the transmission of ovine scrapie and very likely other prion diseases.
269 sess to what extent natural and experimental ovine scrapie can be detected ex vivo.
270 ignificantly, the toxic phenotype induced by ovine scrapie in cytosolic PrP transgenic Drosophila was
271                  Biological strain typing of ovine scrapie isolates by serial passage in conventional
272 o discriminate field cases of mouse-passaged ovine scrapie isolates.
273 tosolic PrP transgenic Drosophila exposed to ovine scrapie showed a toxic phenotype absent from simil
274             Our data show that mouse-adapted ovine scrapie strains can be discriminated by their dist
275 ted with two principal Prnp(a) mouse-adapted ovine scrapie strains, namely, RML and ME7, in order to
276 ministration exerts beneficial effects in an ovine septic shock model.
277 a bovine serotype A1 isolate (rOmpA1) and an ovine serotype A2 isolate (rOmpA2) were overexpressed, p
278 e purification of polyclonal antibodies from ovine serum using the synthetic protein A absorbent MAbs
279                                          The ovine sexually dimorphic nucleus (oSDN) is characterized
280 preoptic area of the adult sheep contains an ovine sexually dimorphic nucleus (oSDN) that is larger a
281                               Infestation of ovine skin with the ectoparasitic mite Psoroptes ovis re
282 ome-wide homozygosity mapping using Illumina Ovine SNP50 BeadChips on lambs descended from one carrie
283 of genomic variation by genotyping, with the Ovine SNP50K microarray, 394 individuals from five popul
284  major node, whereas isolates from human and ovine sources showed greater genetic diversity.
285 berculosis isolates recovered from human and ovine sources.
286     We generated pharmacologic quantities of ovine-specific neutralizing anti-IL-6 mAbs and systemica
287 ilarly treated with five naturally occurring ovine STEC isolates or stx-negative E. coli.
288 om an M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map) ovine strain (S-type) contained no identifiable glycopep
289 tains three amino acid specifying modules in ovine strains, compared to five modules in bovine strain
290 we present three architectures of mammalian (ovine) supercomplexes determined by cryo-electron micros
291 taining protein, Tck6, capable of modulating ovine T cell cytokine responses.
292 ffective in ameliorating functional MR in an ovine tachycardia model.
293  between changes in protein expression in an ovine tachypacing-induced HF model and ultrastructural r
294            In summary, the data suggest that ovine toxin A and B antibodies may be effective in the t
295                     Genetic variation in the ovine transmembrane protein 154 gene (TMEM154) has been
296 GALS15 moderately increased proliferation of ovine trophectoderm (oTr) cells.
297 ostability of yeast ADP/ATP carrier AAC2 and ovine uncoupling protein UCP1 allow optimal conditions f
298 stimulate proliferation of pregnancy-derived ovine uterine artery endothelial cells (P-UAECs) through
299 e endometrial luminal epithelium (LE) of the ovine uterus in concert with blastocyst growth, elongati
300 the unnamed Mr 14,000 (14K) protein from the ovine uterus that forms crystalline inclusion bodies in

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