


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  the expression of 21 genes was altered with oxandrolone.
2 s determined before and after treatment with oxandrolone.
3    No serious adverse events were related to oxandrolone.
4 n care plus oxandrolone for at least 7 days (oxandrolone 0.1 mg/kg body weight q.12 hours p.o, n = 45
5 uary 1, 2001, and June 15, 2003, 18 received oxandrolone (10 mg po BID) and 23 received a placebo.
6                                              Oxandrolone, 20 mg/d (n = 108), or placebo (n = 104) unt
7 ndomization was between an anabolic steroid, oxandrolone, 20 mg/d, and placebo.
8 se drugs, and the combined administration of oxandrolone and propranolol at the same doses, for 1 yea
9                   Combined administration of oxandrolone and propranolol attenuates burn-induced grow
10 mined whether the combined administration of oxandrolone and propranolol has added benefit.
11                              Combined use of oxandrolone and propranolol shortened the period of grow
12 eutic roles of growth hormone, testosterone, oxandrolone, and megestrol acetate and emerging data on
13 d use of the synthetic testosterone analogue oxandrolone are the most cost effective and least toxic
14                                              Oxandrolone attenuates body catabolism during the acute
15                                              Oxandrolone did not adversely affect the endocrine and i
16 control, n = 190) or standard burn care plus oxandrolone for at least 7 days (oxandrolone 0.1 mg/kg b
17 mol/L (9.8 [5.4] mg/dL) significantly in the oxandrolone group (P < .001 compared with placebo).
18 ression changes were seen in 14 genes in the oxandrolone group compared to placebo.
19                           One subject in the oxandrolone group discontinued the study because of elev
20                                          The oxandrolone group received higher caloric and protein in
21 (SD) gains were significantly greater in the oxandrolone group than in the placebo group (5.6 [2.1] v
22                       The improvement in the oxandrolone group was associated with increased protein
23 ce decreased in controls and improved in the oxandrolone group.
24                           Patients receiving oxandrolone had a longer intensive care unit stay but no
25 ilator-dependent surgical patients receiving oxandrolone had a more prolonged course of mechanical ve
26                                              Oxandrolone improved body composition and strength in se
27                                              Oxandrolone improved lean body mass, bone mineral conten
28 he administration of the testosterone analog oxandrolone improves lean body mass accretion and bone m
29                             In burn victims, oxandrolone improves muscle protein metabolism through e
30                                              Oxandrolone improves protein net balance and lean mass i
31       These findings suggest the efficacy of oxandrolone in impeding muscle protein catabolism in cac
32                     To study the efficacy of oxandrolone in severely burned children for 12 months af
33           The authors previously showed that oxandrolone increased net muscle protein synthesis in em
34                                              Oxandrolone is an anabolic steroid that attenuates loss
35                                              Oxandrolone is an anabolic steroid that has been used in
36 e of mechanical ventilation, suggesting that oxandrolone may be detrimental in this circumstance.
37                                              Oxandrolone may enhance collagen deposition and fibrosis
38 treatment with placebo (n = 18) or 0.1 mg/kg oxandrolone (n = 14) twice a day was started.
39 tients were randomized into those to receive oxandrolone (n = 30) or placebo (n = 31) for the first 1
40                               The effects of oxandrolone on clinical outcome, body composition, endoc
41                    The beneficial effects of oxandrolone on height and weight were observed 1 year af
42 , recombinant human growth hormone, insulin, oxandrolone, or anticatabolic drugs such as propranolol
43 week follow-up, 16.7% (CI, 9.6% to 23.7%) of oxandrolone recipients and 15.4% (CI, 8.5% to 22.3%) of
44 re elevated in 32.4% (CI, 23.6% to 41.2%) of oxandrolone recipients and 2.9% (CI, 0.0% to 6.1%) of pl
45    24.1% (95% CI, 16.0% to 32.1%) of TPUs in oxandrolone recipients and 29.8% (CI, 21.0% to 38.6%) in
46 ble-blinded, randomized single-center study, oxandrolone shortened length of acute hospital stay, mai
47                                              Oxandrolone showed no benefit over placebo for improving
48  to children for 1 year after a severe burn, oxandrolone significantly improves lean body mass, bone
49                                              Oxandrolone significantly increased serum prealbumin, to
50 ntrary to our hypothesis, patients receiving oxandrolone spent significantly longer time on the venti
51 iopsies were taken 1 week after treatment in oxandrolone subjects to examine gene expression changes
52                                  Control and oxandrolone subjects were similar in age, weight, and pe
53 n regimen that included an anabolic steroid, oxandrolone, substantially increased the lean tissue acc
54 d, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of oxandrolone therapy for surgical/trauma patients requiri
55 are unit stay was significantly decreased in oxandrolone-treated patients (0.48 +/- 0.02 days/% burn)
56 /- 1% of their lean body mass (LBM), whereas oxandrolone-treated patients had preserved LBM (+9 +/- 4
57 e did not change in the placebo group, while oxandrolone-treated subjects had a significant improveme
58 bo group, while no changes were found in the oxandrolone-treated subjects.
59 s after admission, and again after 1 week of oxandrolone treatment at 0.1 mg/kg by mouth twice daily
60    Muscle net protein balance increased with oxandrolone treatment compared to placebo.
61                           Postburn long-term oxandrolone treatment improves hypermetabolism and body
62              Children who received 0.1 mg/kg oxandrolone twice a day (n = 7) were compared to placebo
63 nificant increases in height and weight with oxandrolone were observed after the end of treatment.
64                        It is unclear whether oxandrolone would have any beneficial effects during lon
65                         We hypothesized that oxandrolone would improve outcome for ventilator-depende

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