


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 y scalable to produce gram quantities of the ozonides.
2 system, as well as the primary and secondary ozonides.
3 s, avoiding the need to isolate or decompose ozonides.
4 oselective reduction of peroxides, including ozonides.
5                            For primary amino ozonides, addition of polar functional groups decreased
6                           For tertiary amino ozonides, addition of polar functional groups with H-bon
7                          For secondary amino ozonides, additional functional groups had variable effe
8 pical oxidation products identified included ozonides, aldehydes (hexanal, pentenal, nonanal and none
9 provide direct experimental evidence for the ozonide and establish its propensity for the solution-va
10  findings, showing that water stabilizes the ozonide and lowers the energy of the transition state at
11 mation and unimolecular reactions of primary ozonides and carbonyl oxides arising from the O(3)-initi
12                                              Ozonides and carboxylic acids were generated in certain
13 ol(-1) above the ground state of the primary ozonide, and the decomposition energies range from -5 to
14                       The observed secondary ozonides are consistent with the formation of mainly sec
15                                              Ozonides are known to generate cytotoxic free radicals i
16    It is evident that these tetrasubstituted ozonides are quite stable to triphenylphosphine, borohyd
17 ivity relationship (SAR) of the antimalarial ozonide artefenomel (OZ439).
18  led to the discovery of a second-generation ozonide, artefenomel (OZ439, 2), which has overcome this
19 ained from the discovery of the antimalarial ozonide arterolane (OZ277), we now describe the structur
20 CTs and the first generation fully synthetic ozonide, arterolane (OZ277, 1), suffer from rapid cleara
21                          Acetolysis of these ozonides at low temperature allowed selective cleavage o
22  progressing from quinine and artemisinin to ozonide-based compounds.
23 des collisional stabilization of the primary ozonide by roughly an order of magnitude in pressure.
24 ide, sulfone, and heterocycle-functionalized ozonides by a wide range of post-ozonolysis transformati
25        In this paper, we describe the SAR of ozonide carboxylic acid OZ78 (1) as the first part of ou
26 er metabolic stabilities than tertiary amino ozonides, consistent with their higher pKa and lower log
27                                              Ozonide decomposition resulted in omega-aldehyde and ome
28                                    Secondary ozonide formation is important even for syn-isomer Crieg
29 evidence for a rate limiting, surface active ozonide formed at the interface.
30  process at low carbon number to a secondary ozonide-forming process at high carbon number.
31 t, ozone-free synthesis of bridged secondary ozonides from 1,5-dicarbonyl compounds and H2 O2 .
32                  Primary and secondary amino ozonides had higher metabolic stabilities than tertiary
33 ts imply enhanced production of a persistent ozonide in airway-lining fluids acidified by preexisting
34                                  The primary ozonides initially generated upon ozonolysis can be redu
35  involved charge remote fragmentation of the ozonide initiated by homolytic cleavage of the peroxide
36 er interface through the formation of (1) an ozonide intermediate, (2) a hydroperoxide, and (3) cis,c
37 tion pathway for either positive or negative ozonide ion species involved charge remote fragmentation
38                        The structure of this ozonide is confirmed by tandem mass spectrometry and its
39 ones reveals that the major tetrasubstituted ozonide isomers possess cis configurations, suggesting a
40                                        These ozonides lose O(2) through thermolysis or photolysis to
41  acid plus a previously unreported ascorbate ozonide (m/z = 223) below pH approximately 5.
42                 The initial products are two ozonide monoadducts, identified as a,b- and c,c-C(70)O(3
43 ore 1,2,4-trioxolane substructure of dispiro ozonides OZ277 and OZ439, we compared the antimalarial a
44       The unprecedented homolytic opening of ozonides promoted and catalyzed by titanocene(III) is re
45 ion produces high-molecular-weight secondary ozonides (SOZ), which are known skin irritants, and a mo
46 ied to the phospholipid yielded a mixture of ozonide species with the maximum number of ozone molecul
47 hosphocholine lipids results in formation of ozonides that can be directly analyzed by mass spectrome
48 hyl sulfide gave a mixture of diastereomeric ozonides that proved to be stable for weeks at room temp
49                          Cleavage of primary ozonides to form carbonyl oxides occurs with a barrier o
50          The high curative efficacy of these ozonides was most often associated with high and prolong
51                                     Five new ozonides with antimalarial efficacy and ADME profiles su
52                   Primary and tertiary amino ozonides with cycloalkyl and heterocycle substructures w
53 eaction enables the selective preparation of ozonides without the use of ozone.

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