


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ers, but in layer 4C, one eye's columns were pale.
2 or two beer types: an amber ale and an India pale ale.
3                                          The pale aleurone color1 (pac1) locus, required for anthocya
4 t level was observed in the number of type A pale and centrally located spermatogonia.
5 field is represented, there were alternating pale and dark bands resembling ocular dominance columns.
6 nto regular, alternating pairs (doublets) of pale and dark laminae.
7 c classes of stable derivative alleles, very pale and extremely pale, condition <1% of wild-type acti
8 fetal livers in homozygous ATF4 mutants were pale and hypoplastic.
9                              Cotyledons were pale and seedling growth was retarded in the mutant.
10 in stripes and interpatch columns project to pale and thick stripes.
11 olstered by injecting different tracers into pale and thick stripes; 10-27% of cells were double labe
12 n of interpatches to common V2 stripe types (pale and thick) merges parvo and magno inputs, making it
13 ina contains two types of ommatidia, called 'pale' and 'yellow', defined by different rhodopsin pairs
14                    Mrg15-/- embryos appeared pale, and microarray analysis revealed that alpha-globin
15 in functional organization between the thin, pale, and thick stripes of V2.
16 patches) and three compartments in V2 (thin, pale, and thick stripes).
17 tracts from hypoxic (red), but not normoxic (pale), animals.
18 onocytes are replaced by adult dark (Ad) and pale (Ap) spermatogonia that make up the spermatogonial
19 han one large granule, and the plants have a pale appearance and reduced growth.
20 ations in C14orf133 encoding VPS16B revealed pale-appearing platelets in blood films and electron mic
21  orientation selectivity corresponding to CO pale areas.
22         The second pattern consisted of thin pale bands from reduced metabolic activity in both eyes'
23 phenomenon, whereby reef corals turn visibly pale because of the loss of their symbiotic dinoflagella
24 ized samples grafted in methanol resulted in pale blue and light purple colors with lambdamax at appr
25           The resulting cocrystals start out pale blue but turn shiny and copper-colored as the polym
26 rly-stage, loosely compacted lesions such as pale bodies in patient tissue, whereas Lewy bodies, cons
27 assical Parkinson's disease lesions, such as pale bodies or Lewy bodies.
28 two animals with a weak fixation preference, pale border strips were found within the central visual
29 chrome P450 specific to male antennae of the pale-brown chafer, Phyllopertha diversa, has evolved as
30 t terminal bands of human chromosomes appear pale by conventional G-banding techniques.
31 troduction of sulfur-containing substituents pales by comparison.
32 ontributes to a pair oflaminae, one dark one pale, called a doublet, that extends through the mushroo
33           In the right calcarine cortex, the pale CO columns matched the labeled proline columns of t
34            In the left calcarine cortex, the pale CO columns overlapped the unlabeled columns of the
35                           The thin dark-wide pale CO pattern was more widespread in the three animals
36 stinct system of alternating thick-pale-thin-pale CO stripes was present.
37 aviest [(3)H]proline labeling was located in pale CO stripes.
38  [11-15] indicates that the fossil snake was pale-colored in ventral regions; dorsal and lateral regi
39 uality flaw of the muscle characterised by a pale colour and grainy and exudative texture.
40                                     The wide pale columns resulted from loss of CO activity in the su
41 d of thin dark columns alternating with wide pale columns.
42 n of thin dark columns alternating with wide pale columns.
43  derivative alleles, very pale and extremely pale, condition <1% of wild-type activity as a result of
44 hiff (PAS) stain identified large cells with pale cytoplasm along the endocardium of PV muscle sleeve
45 th moderately clumped chromatin and a rim of pale cytoplasm infiltrated the sinusoids of the spleen,
46 inal pigment epithelium atrophy and adjacent pale deposits in both eyes.Retinal anatomy was investiga
47    Female heterozygotes (GATA-1+/-) are born pale due to random inactivation of the X chromosome bear
48 23, and two genetically distinct mouse loci, pale ear (ep) and ruby-eye (ru), both with mutant phenot
49                The recessive mutation at the pale ear (ep) locus on mouse chromosome 19 was found to
50                                          The pale ear (ep) mouse strain is a model for the Hermansky-
51 t phenotypes similar to human HPS, including pale ear (ep), the mouse homolog of HPS1.
52                      Euthymic C57BL/L ep/ep (pale ear [PE]) mice halt the visceral replication of int
53 d HPS3/cocoa; and BLOC-3, consisting of HPS1/pale ear and HPS4/light ear.
54                     The mouse genes for HPS, pale ear and pearl, orthologous to the human HPS1 and HP
55 in ep but not in ru mice, establishing mouse pale ear as an animal model for human HPS.
56 ified in AMs and BAL from another HPS model, pale ear HPS1 mice.
57               The phenotypes of Hps1-mutant (pale-ear; ep) and Hps4-mutant (light-ear; le) mice and h
58  littermates after day 9.5 in that they were pale, edematous, and growth retarded.
59                    During early development, pale ehrlichias with a tight cell wall dominated, but by
60  mutants, all R7 and most R8 cells adopt the pale fate, whereas overexpression of spineless is suffic
61  the recombinant molecule developed atypical pale, flat, slightly indurated, and nonulcerative reacti
62 earance of leaf anthocyanin pigmentation and pale flower color as a result of drastic decreases in th
63 les, w4-dp (dilute purple flowers) and w4-p (pale flowers).
64 rt-day conditions, eaf1 plants were slightly pale green and had elongated petioles, phenotypes that a
65                  However, double mutants are pale green in all photosynthetic tissues and chloroplast
66 ts in the nearly quantitative formation of a pale green intermediate with lambda(max) at 724 nm ( eps
67 reasingly impaired photosynthesis along with pale green leaves and severely stunted growth.
68 e absence of sucrose, noa1 has low fumarate, pale green leaves, slow growth and reduced chlorophyll c
69 y comparing the targeting of APG1 (albino or pale green mutant 1), an example of a stop-transfer subs
70  CSP41a in mature leaves, correlating with a pale green phenotype and reduced accumulation of the ATP
71                       This mutant displays a pale green phenotype, and its transgene contains a parti
72 teins, especially PsbF, lower PSII activity, pale green pigmentation, smaller leaf and plant sizes, a
73 taining media, and have white cotyledons and pale green rosette leaves.
74                             Leaves contained pale green sectors and lacked part or all of the leaf la
75 45 degrees C and above, 2-NCMe converts to a pale green species 3 (lambda(max) = 753 nm, epsilon = 28
76 ly seedling development and smaller and more pale green than WT throughout development.
77 is thaliana) cpSRP54 null mutant, ffc1-2, is pale green with delayed development.
78 e-silencing lines are albino, variegated, or pale green, confirming that HDR is essential for plants.
79            Seedlings homozygous for elm1 are pale green, show pronounced elongation of the mesocotyl,
80 show that an EMB14 transgene complements the pale green, slow growth phenotype conditioned by mutatio
81  Mutant DeltarbcL plants were heterotrophic, pale-green and contained round plastids with reduced amo
82 nd atHsp93V-DeltaNu failed to complement the pale-green and protein import-defective phenotypes of an
83 AYER1 (AtML1) promoters failed to rescue the pale-green Atglk1 Atglk2 mutant phenotype, confirming th
84 tion of the ClpPRS protease complex led to a pale-green phenotype with delayed shoot development, sma
85 al, whereas a weak allele (rh3-4) results in pale-green seedlings with defects in splicing of several
86               We show that bnq3 mutants have pale-green sepals and carpels and decreased chlorophyll
87  SUFB overexpression and segregated from the pale-green SUFB-deficient phenotype, indicating it is no
88 for upstream regulators we identified a LONG PALE HYPOCOTYL (LPH) gene whose activity is indispensabl
89 t GABAergic terminals often encircled large, pale, immunonegative profiles that may be dendritic.
90 s that innovations in proteomic technologies pale in comparison to the advances in NGS, with current
91 vances made in the past quarter century will pale in comparison to those anticipated for the next 25
92                    All these accomplishments pale in comparison with the impact that Sig had on a per
93 arlier times, these neurons were swollen and pale in Nissl-stained preparations.
94 ity of all known homogeneous metal catalysts paled in comparison to their heterogeneous and biologica
95 e past 1200 years, we show that this drought pales in comparison to an earlier period of elevated ari
96 ngs, at least in part, because the taste cue pales in comparison to the highly rewarding drug expecte
97 taste cue because the value of the taste cue pales in comparison to the highly rewarding drug of abus
98 contribution of imaging to cancer care costs pales in comparison to those of other key cost component
99 he pentose xylose, the fermentative capacity pales in comparison with glucose, limiting the economic
100 t -1.5 mo of education per generation (which pales in comparison with the increases in EA observed in
101 nfrastructure supporting nephrology research pales in comparison with those for other internal medici
102 c Dgcr8 knockout mice displayed enlarged but pale interscapular brown fat with decreased expression o
103 educed locomotion in the presence of food, a pale intestine, increased intestinal fat storage, and a
104 ed for as long as 2.5 months, with a diffuse pale/lacy appearance and persistent damage to centrilobu
105 lg(+) and Plg(o) mice had a similar diseased pale/lacy appearance, followed by restoration of normal
106 ol concentrations were determined in diluted pale lager beer and in nonalcoholic beer.
107 been applied to determination of furfural in pale lager beers with different storage times at room te
108 ve, being modulated by odor stimuli, whereas pale laminae are intermittently activated.
109                                     Axons in pale laminae are sparsely equipped with vesicles.
110 l axons having few vesicles and forming the "pale" laminae.
111 om layers 2/3, only one set of pale stripes (pale lateral) receives significant projections from laye
112 lumns-to-thick stripes, interblob columns-to-pale(lateral) stripes, layer 2/3-4A interblobs-to-pale(m
113 ronounced chloroplast defects exemplified by pale leaves, reduced accumulation of plastid proteins, a
114 rebral hyperplasia and pulmonary hypoplasia, pale livers, hypoplastic spleen, thymus, and bone marrow
115                    Myopathic changes include pale M-lines devoid of MURF-1, and gradual sarcomeric di
116 ondrial morphologic abnormalities (swelling, pale matrix, and disorganized cristae) were found predom
117 jections from layer 4B, while the other set (pale medial) receives few or no layer 4B projections.
118 lateral) stripes, layer 2/3-4A interblobs-to-pale(medial) stripes.
119 rafiltration on the antioxidant potential of pale, melano80 and black malts was evaluated.
120 ontaining large, round synaptic vesicles and pale mitochondria, characteristic of retinal terminals (
121 e terminals, identified by their distinctive pale mitochondria, were similar to type II corticothalam
122  including large round synaptic vesicles and pale mitochondria.
123 ts (cue3, cue6, and cue8), and (c) uniformly pale mutants (cue4 and cue9).
124 thologic analysis, acute lesions appeared as pale necrotic areas surrounded by hyperemic rims, while
125 are individually induced by hypoxia, lending pale normoxic animals a visible red color when challenge
126 ble chromosomal alterations and that a phase paling observed within 1-2 s of laser exposure is associ
127 e between pale, soft and exudative (PSE) and pale-only muscles.
128 I, the ocular variables (such as strabismus, pale optic disc and visual field defects) were compared.
129 causes (N = 80) strabismus (88% versus 64%), pale optic discs (65% versus 27%) and visual field defec
130                                        After pale or thick stripe injection, labeled cells were conce
131  are classified into two subtypes, known as 'pale' or 'yellow', depending on Rhodopsin expression in
132                                          The pale-orange, formally divalent trimanganese complex rapi
133                                         Four pale (P1-P4) and four black (B1-B4) BSG extracts were in
134  thaliana L. Heynh. mutant lcd1-1 exhibits a pale phenotype compared to the wild type.
135 produced in each chloroplast, suppresses the pale phenotype of ss4, and nearly restores normal growth
136 ne rescued both the chloroplast division and pale phenotypes of ftsHi1-1 and the embryo-lethal phenot
137 and easy-to-chew arils); however, arils have pale pink colour and flat sensory profile.
138 ceived colour of the white side changes from pale pink to deep magenta when the perceived shape of th
139                Light microscopy demonstrated pale pink, oval to crescentic intracytoplasmic inclusion
140                 Specifically, Punch (Pu) and pale (ple) mutants with reduced dopamine synthesis show
141 nents of the TGFbeta pathway specifically in pale R7.
142 gulator Melted regulates the choice between 'pale' R8 (pR8) fate defined by Rh5 expression and 'yello
143 e edges of ocular dominance columns appeared pale, reflecting a loss of activity in binocular cells f
144                    Fundus examination showed pale retina with no cherry red spot.
145          The ap3 bnq3 double mutant displays pale second-whorl organs, supporting the hypothesis that
146 nd replication of chloroplasts 1) mutant has pale seedlings and smaller, more numerous chloroplasts t
147 ction, spleens from IFN-gamma R-/- mice were pale, shrunken, and fibrous.
148                                              Pale skin color showed a protective effect (men: -21.0%D
149 evated vulnerability, minors and people with pale skin should also be the focus of such interventions
150                                  People with pale skin, red hair, freckles and an inability to tan--t
151 e genes displayed a lipid-depleted phenotype-pale, skinny, larval-arrested worms that lack fat stores
152                                          The pale SMI32 columns are those that are dark with CO in la
153 uccessful to completely discriminate between pale, soft and exudative (PSE) and pale-only muscles.
154 le, early protein oxidation and the onset of pale, soft and exudative (PSE) condition in chicken brea
155 s of high marbling score, rare occurrence of pale, soft, exudative (PSE) meat, but low growth rate an
156 ity problems which are strikingly similar to pale, soft, exudative (PSE) pork.
157 in the development of abnormally swollen and pale staining mitochondria.
158 ncy department with jaundice, dark urine and pale stools.
159 erpatch projections, we injected CTB-Au in a pale stripe and horseradish peroxidase in an adjacent th
160                                        After pale stripe injection, cells were found in layer 2/3 (87
161  of layer 2/3 cells only project to a single pale stripe type.
162 eover, different tracer injections in nearby pale stripe types revealed that 97-99% of layer 2/3 cell
163 ll retrograde tracer injections in different pale stripe types.
164 nt V1 input from layers 2/3, only one set of pale stripes (pale lateral) receives significant project
165 ection maps, however, were found in V2 thick/pale stripes and avoided thin stripes.
166 s: the middle of the interblob projecting to pale stripes and the blob/interblob border region projec
167           Here we have asked whether the two pale stripes are also anatomically distinct in macaque.
168 results demonstrate that in macaque, the two pale stripes are anatomically distinct compartments, and
169 ive field properties of neurons in thick and pale stripes are generated by local V2 circuits, or by o
170 ulations of cells supplying thin stripes and pale stripes are quite independent.
171 ere we examined the projections to thick and pale stripes in macaques, revealed by retrograde tracer
172 , recent studies have suggested that the two pale stripes may be functionally distinct, and in marmos
173 reas a separate pathway from interpatches to pale stripes mediates form.
174 stinct projection streams from V1 to the two pale stripes of V2.
175                     We found that while both pale stripes receive a predominant V1 input from layers
176 e V1 inputs from blob columns, and thick and pale stripes receive common input from interblob columns
177 s in macaque, but both models viewed the two pale stripes within a single stripe cycle as a single co
178 t pathways: magno to thick stripes, parvo to pale stripes, and konio to thin stripes.
179 ate that V1 cells project to either thick or pale stripes, but rarely to both.
180  of their input from layer 4B, compared with pale stripes, consistent with reports that thick stripe
181          Here, we demonstrate that thick and pale stripes, instead, receive spatially segregated V1 i
182 ns outside blob columns project to thick and pale stripes, suggesting functional specialization of V1
183 as no clear enrichment of labeling in the CO pale stripes.
184 f CO staining in V2, with strongest input to pale stripes.
185 ck stripes, and no projections to one set of pale stripes.
186  higher antioxidant activity than those with pale testa, and a positive correlation was found between
187  V2 contains a system of repeating pale-thin-pale- thick stripes of cytochrome oxidase (CO) activity.
188 taining in V2 reveals a repeating pattern of pale-thick-pale-thin stripes.
189 V2 reveals a repeating pattern of pale-thick-pale-thin stripes.
190 n V2, a distinct system of alternating thick-pale-thin-pale CO stripes was present.
191            V2 contains a system of repeating pale-thin-pale- thick stripes of cytochrome oxidase (CO)
192 f PtdIns(3,5)P2 in cultured fibroblasts from pale tremor mice demonstrates the conserved biochemical
193            The cytoplasm of fibroblasts from pale tremor mice is filled with large vacuoles that are
194 se type-4J (CMT4J) and its animal model, the pale tremor mouse (plt), are caused by mutations of the
195 euronopathy and diluted pigmentation in the 'pale tremor' mouse.
196                                     The plt (pale tremor) mouse carries a null mutation in the Fig4(S
197  Sdc1-positive stromal cells contrasted with pale tumors developing in the presence of mock-transfect
198     However, rats given LDL-DHA had smaller, pale tumors that were devoid of vascular supply and >80%
199 ing the Industrial Revolution, of the common pale typica form by a previously unknown black (carbonar
200                                            A pale ventral coloration distinguishes the light-bellied
201                           The choice between pale versus yellow ommatidia is made in R7 cells, which
202                    The m1 immunostaining was pale, whereas m3-positive neurons exhibited denser label
203  SU5416 was accompanied by the appearance of pale white tumors that were resected from drug-treated a
204             Day-13.5 K-Ras(-/-) embryos were pale with a marked reduction of mature erythrocytes in t
205             Day-14.5 p85alpha-/- embryos are pale with a marked reduction of mature erythrocytes in t
206 found that Plg(0) livers became enlarged and pale with foci of red nodules as early as 4 weeks after
207 sions associated with SpeB- strains appeared pale with surrounding erythema.
208                     chx23 mutant leaves were pale yellow and had a much reduced chlorophyll content.
209                      However, one site had a pale yellow area of central necrosis surrounded by a fib
210  paint microsamples taken from yellow-orange/pale yellow areas of 12 Van Gogh paintings, demonstratin
211 ney exhibited low antioxidant potential with pale yellow colour.
212 ced by approximately one-third, resulting in pale yellow cotyledons and leaves with reduced chlorophy
213                             The colorless or pale yellow crystals are remarkable for the formation of
214  brown seed (br), salmon flower colour (sa), pale yellow flower colour (pa), virescent juvenile leaf
215 (6)H(6) (S2A) and [L(2)].2DMF.4MeOH (S2B) as pale yellow tablets and blocks, respectively.
216 opper(II) induces a colorimetric change from pale yellow to orange-red and results in imine hydrolysi
217 nstruct was ineffective at complementing the pale-yellow phenotype of hsp93 Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis
218 reased, leading to a growth phenotype (small pale-yellow plants) that is reminiscent of the pgp1-1 mu
219     Characterization of the maize (Zea mays) pale yellow9 (y9) locus has brought to light a new isome

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