


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  how data from extant species can complement paleontological accounts of evolutionary history, openin
2 from Egyptian antiquity with direct lines of paleontological and archeological evidence to infer loca
3                                 The combined paleontological and comparative approach taken here allo
4                               Integration of paleontological and developmental data suggests that hin
5                                  Comparative paleontological and developmental studies will allow fur
6 ary biology is the apparent conflict between paleontological and embryological evidence regarding the
7                              In combination, paleontological and molecular approaches indicate that l
8  in primate evolution is the discord between paleontological and molecular clock estimates for the ti
9 ovides a powerful context for integration of paleontological and neontological approaches.
10 rd origins provides a premier example of how paleontological and neontological data can interact to r
11 d therefore are best analyzed by integrating paleontological and neontological data.
12                     Here, we used a combined paleontological and paleogenomic approach to provide a r
13 ng with floral, invertebrate, and vertebrate paleontological and taphonomic evidence associated with
14             Here, integrating morphological, paleontological, and ecological evidence, we project the
15        Considerable geological, geochemical, paleontological, and isotopic evidence exists to support
16 rate ancestry is supported by morphological, paleontological, and paleoclimatic evidence, which colle
17 he dating and correlating of archaeological, paleontological, and paleoenvironmental data between seq
18  on assessment of phylogenomic, geochemical, paleontological, and stratigraphic evidence.
19 ontological approach complements more common paleontological approaches to discover directional trend
20         Thus, DNA persisting in specimens of paleontological, archaeological or forensic interest is
21  element alteration of phosphatic tissues in paleontological, archeological, and crystal-chemical con
22                         One of the strongest paleontological arguments in favor of the origin of bila
23 ierarchical phylogeny and discontinuities of paleontological change.
24 uman primates and extensive osteological and paleontological collections to refine our assessment of
25 namented microfossils comprise a distinctive paleontological component of sedimentary rocks deposited
26  of cerium geochemistry at the microscale in paleontological contexts, in particular across fossil hi
27        Such claims have been made using both paleontological data and molecular estimates of the age
28 lyse detailed phylogenies of amniote clades, paleontological data and simulations to reveal the mecha
29                                              Paleontological data can be used to explicitly test many
30                                Molecular and paleontological data demonstrate that modern bird orders
31                                              Paleontological data for the diversity of marine animals
32  allows for the integration of molecular and paleontological data in deciphering one of the most inno
33 he reliability of continuous geochemical and paleontological data in individual sections and of inter
34                                              Paleontological data provide essential insights into the
35                                              Paleontological data show that older marine invasions ha
36 nalyses of embryological, morphological, and paleontological data suggest that proboscideans and sire
37 al difference in how ages are estimated from paleontological data versus molecular phylogenies.
38 likely to come from morphological studies of paleontological data, whether known or still to be disco
39 d extant taxa, integrating embryological and paleontological data.
40 two phenotypes vary across neontological and paleontological datasets, we find that the major Middle
41            However, although it is true that paleontological dates are often too young (missing fossi
42  explain discrepancies between molecular and paleontological dates for explosive radiations in the fo
43 wever, the discrepancy between molecular and paleontological dates for three key "explosive" radiatio
44         The relative merits of molecular and paleontological dates of major branching points in the t
45 es comparisons with paleoanthropological and paleontological dates, which are few and uncertain.
46 lar date estimates are up to twice as old as paleontological dates.
47                                  Integrating paleontological, developmental and genetic data, we prop
48 esolve the discordance between molecular and paleontological estimates for divergence date estimates
49           Both estimates are consistent with paleontological estimates.
50 ple well-documented sea-level, tectonic, and paleontological events.
51 teps by providing a framework; however, only paleontological evidence can determine the sequence of m
52 chemical evidence for anoxic conditions, but paleontological evidence for at least episodically oxic
53 ttus split or a more basal split, conclusive paleontological evidence for the nodal assignments has b
54                            Morphological and paleontological evidence for this molecular phylogeny is
55             The cytological, biochemical and paleontological evidence for this theory is presented, a
56                                              Paleontological evidence indicates that rapid brain evol
57                                       Taking paleontological evidence of early vertebrates into accou
58 stimates of divergence times consistent with paleontological evidence over a range of perissodactyl r
59 eater bamboo lemur is critically endangered, paleontological evidence shows that it was once broadly
60                                              Paleontological evidence suggests acanthomorphs exhibit
61 pedal terrestrial precursor, yet some recent paleontological evidence suggests that adaptations for b
62                           Conversely, recent paleontological evidence supports a deeper evolutionary
63                  The model is congruent with paleontological evidence that plumulaceous feathers are
64 om a theoretical standpoint and supported by paleontological evidence, we lack a practical understand
65 oboration from molecular, morphological, and paleontological evidence.
66 mates that are grossly inconsistent with the paleontological evidence.
67 d production of local rare earth patterns in paleontological fossil tissues through X-ray fluorescenc
68 in time, a finding that is in agreement with paleontological inferences.
69 Less clear, however, is how to integrate the paleontological information with molecular phylogeny and
70 with previous comparative, developmental and paleontological information, our findings suggest that t
71 oorganisms, and provide good comparisons for paleontological interpretation of ancient hydrothermal s
72      Next, we use systematic, molecular, and paleontological lines of evidence to argue that the late
73                                 In contrast, paleontological localities of the greater bamboo lemurs
74  process are unable to explain this uniquely paleontological observation of faunawide coordinated sta
75                    We conclude that observed paleontological patterns, including the prevalence of st
76                                     However, paleontological reconstructed transition forms lack a fu
77                     A notable feature of the paleontological record of animal evolution is the establ
78                        As a consequence, the paleontological record of biodiversity provides an indir
79 ural selection versus other processes in the paleontological record of evolution.
80 phology, ecology, chemical defenses, and the paleontological record of the group's ancient history.
81                                          The paleontological record of the lower and middle Paleozoic
82 chaeological record and terminal Pleistocene paleontological record.
83 gnitude greater than rates inferred from the paleontological record.
84 ng a low representation of felid lineages in paleontological remains.
85 model can reproduce important aspects of our paleontological results.
86 tionship through time, which we attribute to paleontological sampling biases.
87  enough duration so as to rarely register in paleontological sampling.
88 ompiled lists of direct radiocarbon dates on paleontological specimens of extinct genera from North a
89                                     Numerous paleontological studies have examined trait-based extinc
90                        Twenty-nine published paleontological studies suggest preservational or scient
91 an-chimpanzee divergence, from molecular and paleontological studies, are unlikely to be correct.
92                Morphological, molecular, and paleontological studies, however, have presented conflic
93  fossils from sub-Saharan Africa has limited paleontological testing of competing models of recent hu
94 of morphological evolution obtained from the paleontological time-series with phylogenetic rates indi
95 e persistence of DNA over archaeological and paleontological timescales in diverse environments has l
96                                              Paleontological work carried out over the last 3 decades

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