


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  a unique network characterized by covarying pallidothalamic and brainstem metabolic activity.
2 motor area (pre-SMA) are located relative to pallidothalamic and cerebellothalamic inputs and nuclear
3 ved a gradient pattern in the density of the pallidothalamic and cerebellothalamic projections.
4                                        These pallidothalamic and nigrothalamic projections provide ro
5 de a mechanistic explanation for paradoxical pallidothalamic coactivations observed during behavior t
6        The mode of termination of individual pallidothalamic fibers in the densicellular subdivision
7 he findings from this study suggest that the pallidothalamic fibers originating from the caudal porti
8                                  The labeled pallidothalamic fibers projected principally medially ac
9                                              Pallidothalamic fibers, upon entering the VAdc, gave off
10 ase in thalamic CBF, consistent with reduced pallidothalamic inhibition via the indirect pathway.
11 We found that both the cerebellothalamic and pallidothalamic label consisted of dense plexuses of lab
12 e the activity of prefrontal cortico-striato-pallidothalamic loops and related transcortical pathways
13 he preoperative overaction of the inhibitory pallidothalamic projection.
14                To assess the organization of pallidothalamic projections originating from motor and a
15 inetic movement disorders, the course of the pallidothalamic projections originating, in particular,
16 onjugated to horseradish peroxidase, and the pallidothalamic projections were labeled with biotinylat
17 findings indicate that the fine structure of pallidothalamic terminals in the monkey is similar to th
18  the posterior VL (VLp), whereas the labeled pallidothalamic terminals were concentrated in the anter
19 with the cerebellothalamic, but not with the pallidothalamic terminations within VLp.
20                                          The pallidothalamic territory included VApc, VLo, and the ve

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