


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 o other related cysteine proteases (SpeB and papain).
2 and internalization of the cysteine protease papain.
3  for B cells to rapidly bind and internalize papain.
4 monstrate retrieval of the cysteine protease papain.
5 he S2 pocket, which is more spacious than in papain.
6 ngth Cal1 with the general cysteine protease papain.
7  inhibitors of IdeS inhibit neither SpeB nor papain.
8 but also weakly blocks the cysteine protease papain.
9 to prototypic proteases, namely, trypsin and papain.
10 -RAM support before and after treatment with papain.
11 iocarbazate with key active site residues in papain.
12 e result seen for the equivalent mutation in papain.
13 lisin A, trypsin, chymotrypsin, thrombin, or papain.
14  activity to inhibit cathepsins K, B, L, and papain.
15 ns) upon the immunization with ovalbumin and papain.
16 r-Phe-EDANS by the proteases thermolysin and papain.
17 anonical ITAM signaling was not activated by papain.
18 t Th2 cell response to the protease-allergen papain.
19 erential proteolysis profiles of the mAbs by papain.
20 peptidic inhibitors of the cysteine protease papain.
21 n each) but not by chymotrypsin, Pronase, or papain (0.1%, up to 2 min each).
22                                              Papain, a cysteine protease allergen with inherent adjuv
23                        Barrier disruption by papain, a protease with structural homology to Der p 1,
24  pinna, contact sensitization, CpG, LPS, and papain all mobilized DDCs in three distinct phases: incr
25 f target cells with proteases (proteinase K, papain, alpha-chymotrypsin, and trypsin) abrogated entry
26 n induced by two proteases allergens HDM and papain and a classical allergen ovalbumin was evaluated
27 olled and non pH-controlled conditions using papain and a microbial-derived alternative (papain-like
28            Protease preparations from plant (papain and bromelain) and fungal (FP400 and FPII) source
29 ysed using protease preparations from plant (papain and bromelain) and fungal (FP400 and FPII) source
30 ctivities against cysteine proteases such as papain and calpain as well as the human 20S proteasome.
31 nce similarity to cysteine peptidases of the papain and calpain families.
32 ses 1, which inhibits the cysteine proteases papain and cathepsins B, K and L up to 2 times more pote
33  greater selectivity toward cathepsin L than papain and cathepsins B, K, V, and S with no activity ag
34  and disparate to the archetypical proteases papain and chymotrypsin.
35  are equally susceptible to PK and proteases papain and chymotrypsin.
36      Less effective endopin 2C inhibition of papain and elastase occurred with k(ass) association rat
37 ractions of the RSL domain of endopin 2 with papain and elastase were indicated by cleavage of endopi
38 Recombinant N-His-tagged endopin 2 inhibited papain and elastase with second-order rate constants (k(
39   Endopin 2 formed SDS-stable complexes with papain and elastase, a characteristic property of serpin
40 teases, indicated by effective inhibition of papain and elastase, respectively.
41 rity (greater than 80%) to the prodomains of papain and other papain-like enzymes isolated from papay
42        We immunized mice in the footpad with papain and studied leukocyte recruitment and inflammator
43 mined by susceptibility of its C terminus to papain and the endoproteinase, Asp-N, followed by SDS/PA
44 e in reducing gliadin content than the crude papain and the resultant loaves had acceptable crumb and
45  pore size of the support, and the amount of papain and time that were used for support treatment.
46 denatured RBP fractions were hydrolyzed with papain and trypsin for 3h at optimum conditions.
47                   At the studied conditions, papain and trypsin were more effective in hydrolyzing Na
48  trypsin, chymotrypsin, pepsin, thermolysin, papain, and calpain.
49 ormed SDS-stable complexes with cathepsin L, papain, and elastase that are typical of serpins.
50                                     Trypsin, papain, and proteinase K do not cleave band 3 at or near
51 eases such as Pronase, proteinase K, pepsin, papain, and subtilisin.
52 to cysteine proteases, such as bromelain and papain, as a model for allergens.
53                                We found that papain at a range of concentrations is nearly as active
54 C) value was obtained for WP hydrolysed with papain at constant pH of 7.0 compared to the associated
55 ble type I collagen membrane were exposed to papain based gel, irradiated with laser and analyzed abo
56     Overall than hydrolysates generated with papain, bromelain and FP400.
57 he range 0.8-3.2mM inhibited the activity of papain, bromelain and zingibain, iso-AA acted as an inhi
58  organic solvents, hot alkali, or proteases (papain, bromelain) diminished the adsorption rates of th
59 AA) on the activity of four plant proteases (papain, bromelain, actinidin and zingibain) and three mi
60 like cysteine proteases (clan CA, family C1) papain, bromelain, and human cathepsins L, V, K, S, F, B
61 different functions, including plant enzymes papain, bromelain, ficin, and mammalian lysosomal cathep
62  preparations from plant and fungal sources (papain, bromelain, FP400 and FPII) were used to hydrolys
63 d zingibain, iso-AA acted as an inhibitor of papain but as an activator of zingibain and had no signi
64 modern cathepsin B, which is a member of the papain (C1) family of cysteine proteinases.
65  acceptors showed no cross reactivity toward papain, cathepsin B, and calpain.
66 vity with clan CA cysteine proteases such as papain, cathepsin B, and calpains.
67                   Cruzain is a member of the papain/cathepsin L family of cysteine proteases, and the
68 ; and the cysteine proteases cathepsin B and papain (clan CA), and legumain (clan CD).
69  uncleaved actins protect myosin loop 1 from papain cleavage equally well.
70 ges in near-UV CD spectra, susceptibility to papain cleavage in an adjacent CDR2 loop, and the tenden
71 und in healthy subjects are specific for the papain cleavage site of any Fab fragments and, although
72  or regulator released from the Fc following papain cleavage.
73             In peripheral blood lymphocytes, papain cleaved off HLA class I proteins as effectively a
74 action, affinity purified immunoglobulin, or papain-cleaved antibody fragments had no effect on growt
75                        Under conditions when papain could cut both Fab arms of non-nmAbs, only one Fa
76 plication, other eukaryotic PC synthases are papain Cys protease superfamily members but ones, unlike
77 d near that of the extensively characterized papain Cys25.
78 nduced gene silencing (VIGS), that the plant papain cysteine protease cathepsin B is required for the
79  may use a similar catalytic strategy as the papain cysteine proteases, holding its Cys184 side chain
80      Identification and analysis of Clan CA (papain) cysteine proteases in primitive protozoa and met
81 treated and control groups was quantified by papain digest and fluorescence spectrophotometry.
82 ontrol groups was quantified with the use of papain digest and fluorescence spectrophotometry.
83  and small angle x-ray scattering results of papain-digested products revealed that 1) the Fab-Fc or
84 y binds to CD105, was generated by enzymatic papain digestion and conjugated to NOTA (1,4,7-triazacyc
85 trometry-based approach, in combination with papain digestion and partial reduction, to obtain site-s
86 a combination of cation-exchange separation, papain digestion, and a panel of mass spectrometry techn
87                                              Papain directly activated naive T cells through protease
88 b)-tsA58/+; HRhoGFP/+) or C57BL/6 mice after papain dissociation.
89              Muller cells were isolated from papain-DNase-digested human retina.
90 en bond is absent in nitrile-bound wild-type papain due to the flexibility of the imidazole ring of H
91 family of cysteine proteinases, particularly papain (EC itself, continue to contribute to t
92                                   Studies on papain (EC, the most thoroughly investigated m
93  model applications: (1) characterization of papain enzyme kinetics using rapid-mixing experiments, (
94  in invertebrates, cysteine proteases of the papain family and aspartic proteases assume the role.
95 e have now characterized five genes encoding papain family cathepsins from Toxoplasma gondii, includi
96                       Falcipain-2 (FP2) is a papain family cysteine protease and important hemoglobin
97 how that CSP is proteolytically cleaved by a papain family cysteine protease of parasite origin.
98 le is a 262-amino-acid thiol protease of the papain family expressed as a combination of isoforms and
99 nhibitors of human cysteine proteases of the papain family have been made and assayed versus a number
100                               Members of the papain family of cysteine cathepsins are among the prote
101                               Members of the papain family of cysteine proteases (cathepsins) mediate
102                                 Although the papain family of cysteine proteases has been considered
103 is contrasts with the evolutionarily related papain family of cysteine proteases, which uses Gln-19 (
104 hanism of human cathepsin K, a member of the papain family of cysteine proteases.
105 racteristically observed with members of the papain family of cysteine proteinases, help to stabilize
106                    Studies on members of the papain family of cysteine proteinases, particularly papa
107 ely 130 amino acids is weakly similar to the papain family of proteases and is highly conserved from
108                         Unlike other studied papain family proteases, falcipain-2 does not require it
109 e I, is a lysosomal cysteine protease of the papain family that catalyzes the sequential removal of d
110 d to cathepsin K, a cysteine protease of the papain family that is abundantly and selectively express
111 in F is a lysosomal cysteine protease of the papain family, and likely plays a regulatory role in pro
112 ncoding a lysosomal cysteine protease of the papain family, highly up-regulated in the developing lun
113 substrates for cysteine peptidases of the C1 papain family, important in many biological processes.
114           Cysteine proteases of the Clan CA (papain) family are the predominant protease group in pri
115  instead requires the expression of a second papain-family cathepsin protease, TgCPL.
116 udies suggest ideas for inhibitor design for papain-family cysteine proteases and strategies to progr
117                                              Papain-family cysteine proteases of the malaria parasite
118 his enzyme differs in this regard from other papain-family enzymes.
119                  Available data suggest that papain-family proteases require prodomains for correct f
120 red in a circular permutation of the classic papain fold.
121 ly of cysteine proteases, which uses Gln-19 (papain) for stabilizing the transition state.
122  study intended to evaluate the effects of a papain-gel with a red-light absorbing pigment (methylene
123                                              Papain generated RBCF hydrolysates exhibited higher ferr
124 were similar for the thiolate forms of hAGT, papain, glutathione, and the bacterial hAGT homologue Og
125 onitrile, I) catalyzed by Gln19Glu mutant of papain has been studied by nanosecond molecular dynamics
126 acterized the cellular response activated by papain in basophils.
127 e challenged with house dust mite extract or papain in the absence of TSLPR have a drastic reduction
128 n of eosinophils and heightened responses to papain in the lung and increased ability to expulse the
129 fluenza infection model in mice, and blocked papain-induced acute lung inflammation.
130 otoxin shock, and in the lung alveoli during papain-induced allergic airway inflammation.
131 tion of basophils caused a resolution of the papain-induced eosinophilia and mucus production.
132  principles, was performed in six sheep with papain-induced experimental emphysema (EMPH).
133                                 We find that papain-induced IL-4 production requires calcium flux and
134                               Interestingly, papain-induced IL-4 production was dependent on the immu
135                                              Papain-induced ILC2 activation and Th2 cell differentiat
136 nd the contribution of various leukocytes to papain-induced immune responses.
137                         We found that during papain-induced lung inflammation, IL-9 production was la
138 eas interleukin-4 (IL-4) was dispensable for papain-induced Th2 cell differentiation, ILC2-derived IL
139                               We studied how papain induces basophil migration to LNs and the contrib
140 rephthalate (PET), trehalose, and a peptide (papain inhibitor) are enhanced by 35x, 12x, and 3.5x wit
141 o displays specificity: the three identified papain inhibitors did not covalently react with UbcH7, U
142                                              Papain is a protease with potential use in transplantati
143                          In distilled water, papain is as active in cleaving a test substrate at a te
144              This finding also holds true if papain is dissolved in Belzer-UW solution.
145                         A cysteine protease, papain, is a prototypic protease allergen that can direc
146 lymerase (RdRp), the self-interaction of the papain like protease, and ORF3 interactions with the pap
147  contains a central domain homologous to the papain-like (clan CA, family C1) protease family.
148 ses: the chymotrypsin-like main protease and papain-like accessory proteases (PLpros).
149  and this part did not exhibit any effect on papain-like activities.
150                           WP hydrolysed with papain-like activity under pH regulation at 7.0 displaye
151  papain and a microbial-derived alternative (papain-like activity).
152 a family of calcium-dependent proteases with papain-like activity, the calpains.
153 ribed here reveals that the protein adopts a papain-like alpha+beta fold and identifies a substrate-b
154  fungus Cryphonetria parasitica, encodes two papain-like autocatalytic leader proteases, p29 and p48,
155                       Embedded in nsp1beta's papain-like autoproteinase domain, we identified a highl
156 conserved N-terminal domain and a conserved, papain-like C-terminal domain.
157 of TG2 (residues 139-471, rat) comprises the papain-like catalytic triad and the GTP-binding domain (
158 esidues, His-162 and Asp-180 of the putative papain-like catalytic triad of AtPCS1, are essential for
159 7 as a possible third member of the proposed papain-like catalytic triad.
160 ssesses dual specificity for inhibiting both papain-like cysteine and elastase-like serine proteases.
161 s-class inhibitor with activity against both papain-like cysteine and trypsin-like serine proteinases
162                      Rcr3 encodes a secreted papain-like cysteine endoprotease.
163                     XCP1 is a xylem-specific papain-like cysteine peptidase in Arabidopsis.
164                          Cruzipain, the main papain-like cysteine peptidase of T. cruzi, is an import
165                       Two domains, X and the papain-like cysteine protease domain (PCP), of HEV ORF1
166 rotease domain, a Ca(2+)- and Zn(2+)-binding papain-like cysteine protease domain within the nonstruc
167 phagoides pteronyssinus, that belongs to the papain-like cysteine protease family.
168                     Cathepsin K, a lysosomal papain-like cysteine protease, forms collagenolytically
169 o Rcr3(pim) perturbs the active site of this papain-like cysteine protease.
170               The substrate specificities of papain-like cysteine proteases (clan CA, family C1) papa
171                   The primary specificity of papain-like cysteine proteases (family C1, clan CA) is d
172                                              Papain-like cysteine proteases (PLCPs) are a large class
173  provides an increasing body of evidence for papain-like cysteine proteases (PLCPs) being central hub
174 (GAGs) is unique for cathepsin K among human papain-like cysteine proteases and that different GAGs c
175  and relatively limited number of vertebrate papain-like cysteine proteases during blood feeding.
176                                          The papain-like cysteine proteases encoded by the coronaviru
177                       Cathepsins K and S are papain-like cysteine proteases with known elastolytic ac
178 0, which may be significantly different from papain-like cysteine proteases.
179     The core of this structure resembles the papain-like cysteine proteases.
180       Residue Y283 is highly conserved among papain-like cysteine proteases.
181 tor of both chymotrypsin-like serine and the papain-like cysteine proteinases by employing an RSL-dep
182 ity of serpins to inhibit both serine and/or papain-like cysteine proteinases may not be a recent eve
183                   Using an expanded panel of papain-like cysteine proteinases, we now show that SQN-5
184 to inhibit both chymotrypsin-like serine and papain-like cysteine proteinases.
185 is essential in blood stages and possesses a papain-like domain, prompting speculation that it functi
186 n 80%) to the prodomains of papain and other papain-like enzymes isolated from papaya (Carica papaya)
187 of parasitic protozoa belong to the group of papain-like enzymes known as clan CA.
188 cifers when compared with all other reported papain-like enzymes.
189 t EPIC2B interacts with and inhibits a novel papain-like extracellular cysteine protease, termed Phyt
190               Cathepsin W is a member of the papain-like family of cysteine proteases.
191  that the Josephin domain binds Ub and has a papain-like fold that is reminiscent of that of other de
192  structure of SpvD and show that it adopts a papain-like fold with a characteristic cysteine-histidin
193                            M48(USP) adopts a papain-like fold, with the active-site cysteine forming
194 frames (ORF), each encoding an autocatalytic papain-like leader protease.
195 ositive-strand RNA viruses encode one or two papain-like leader proteinases.
196 counterparts, which, in addition to having a papain-like N-terminal catalytic domain that undergoes p
197 pressors, comprise a vertebrate subfamily of papain-like or NlpC/P60 thiol proteases that function as
198                           Our group reported papain-like properties of beta-expansin of Timothy grass
199 plication depends in part on a virus-encoded papain-like protease (PL(pro)) that cleaves the viral re
200 er of the viral SARS-unique domain (SUD) and papain-like protease (PL(pro)), and, as a consequence, t
201 o 68% amino acid identity to torovirus (ToV) papain-like protease (PLP) (ToV-PLP).
202  identified as interferon (IFN) antagonists, papain-like protease (PLP) and N protein.
203                    Structural studies of the papain-like protease (PLP) domains of coronaviruses (CoV
204      In this study, we focus on the SARS-CoV papain-like protease (PLP), which engages and antagonize
205 ch multifunctional domain is the coronavirus papain-like protease (PLP), which processes the viral re
206 s that are processed by two viral proteases, papain-like protease (PLpro) and 3C-like protease (3CLpr
207 ins (nsps 1 to 16) by two viral proteases, a papain-like protease (PLpro) and a 3C-like protease (3CL
208 rs of MERS-CoV replication, we expressed the papain-like protease (PLpro) and the 3-chymotrypsin-like
209 teracting innate immunity, we identified the papain-like protease (PLpro) domain as a potent IFN anta
210                                          The papain-like protease (PLpro) domain from the deadly Midd
211 mmediately adjacent to the N-terminus of the papain-like protease (PLpro) domain in coronavirus polyp
212 timization of a potent inhibitor against the papain-like protease (PLpro) from the coronavirus that c
213 nhibitors with nanomolar potency against the papain-like protease (PLpro) from the SARS coronavirus (
214 cute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus papain-like protease (PLpro) is a DUB that cleaves ISG15
215  efficacy of inhibitors directed against the papain-like protease (PLpro) of severe acute respiratory
216 part of its viral genome, MERS-CoV encodes a papain-like protease (PLpro) that has been observed to a
217 ry syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), encode a papain-like protease (PLpro) that possesses the ability
218 dulators encoded by the SARS-CoV genome: the papain-like protease (PLPro), nonstructural protein 1 (n
219  a chymotrypsin-like protease (3CLpro) and a papain-like protease (PLpro).
220 ong arteriviruses in having three N-terminal papain-like protease 1 (PLP1) domains.
221 ly linked domains of MHV nsp3, including the papain-like protease 2 (PLP2) catalytic domain, the ubiq
222 e an ovarian tumor (OTU) domain DUB known as papain-like protease 2 (PLP2).
223 native processing independent of the encoded papain-like protease activities.
224 rocessing pathway independent of the encoded papain-like protease activities.
225 f ORF3 interactions with the viral helicase, papain-like protease and methylase, which suggest a regu
226 ike protease, and ORF3 interactions with the papain-like protease and putative replicase components:
227                       The protein contains a papain-like protease domain (PLP2) that plays a crucial
228                   Interestingly, a conserved papain-like protease domain similar to a multifunctional
229  More interestingly, we detected a conserved papain-like protease domain that commonly exists in ssRN
230   We performed bioinformatics analysis on 16 papain-like protease domains from nine different coronav
231                                 The SARS-CoV papain-like protease is encoded next to SUD within nonst
232  the in vivo efficacy of an inhibitor of the papain-like protease of severe acute respiratory syndrom
233                                          The papain-like protease p29, derived from the N-terminal po
234            The combined results suggest that papain-like protease p48 plays an essential role in the
235 conserved domain adjacent to the coronavirus papain-like protease, altered the viral protease activit
236  the chimeric-virus platform to evaluate the papain-like protease/deISGylating activity of Middle Eas
237  proteins 1 to 3 are processed by one or two papain-like proteases (PLP1 and PLP2) at specific cleava
238  polyprotein 1a is predicted to encode three papain-like proteases (PLP1alpha, PLP1beta, and PLP1gamm
239 locking the secrets of how coronavirus (CoV) papain-like proteases (PLpros) perform their multifuncti
240 s multiple structural domains, including two papain-like proteases (PLPs) and a highly conserved ADP-
241 oronavirus (MERS-CoV) encode multifunctional papain-like proteases (PLPs) that have the ability to pr
242 ase gene products and characterize two viral papain-like proteases (PLPs), PLP1 and PLP2, which proce
243 roteases via its carboxy-extended domain and papain-like proteases by its amino-terminal domain.
244 scribe a novel tool for studying the role of papain-like proteases in diverse biologic phenomena and
245        Rcr3 and Pip1 are paralogous secreted papain-like proteases of tomato.
246 e position of the canonical catalytic Cys of papain-like proteases, and the function of SERA5 or whet
247 fungus Cryphonectria parasitica, encodes two papain-like proteases, p29 and p48.
248 d on analogy with inhibitor complexes of the papain-like proteases, we propose a model for the substr
249 (MHV), nsps 1, 2, and 3 are processed by two papain-like proteinase activities within nsp3 (PLP1 and
250 domain located immediately downstream of the papain-like proteinase domain.
251 ensively processed by three proteinases, two papain-like proteinases (PLPs), termed PLP1 and PLP2, an
252 to proteolytically modify the SERA family of papain-like proteins.
253 ole OcXII gene presented higher legumain and papain-like proteolytic activities, resulting in a faste
254 in Z, which are both cysteine proteases of a papain-like structure.
255 s from other sources have the hallmarks of a papain-like, Clan CA Cys protease.
256       After exposure to the natural allergen papain, mice selectively lacking the miR-17 approximatel
257 immunization with ovalbumin (OVA) along with papain or alum.
258 EKTI did not inhibit the cysteine proteinase papain or cathepsin K, L, or S.
259 ective inhibition of cathepsin L compared to papain or elastase.
260 ce interleukin 13 (IL-13) when stimulated by papain or house dust mite extract (HDM) and induce eosin
261 eras were treated with the protease allergen papain or the cytokines IL-25 and IL-33 or infected with
262 rface of the support then being treated with papain (or a related agent) to release and remove their
263 n with other proteases such as chymotrypsin, papain, or cathepsin B.
264 sted with proteases such as trypsin, pepsin, papain, or endopeptidase Gly-C.
265 Sensitization to protease allergens, such as papain, or helminth infection is associated with basophi
266 eg cells, thereby suppressing development of papain- or IL-33-induced airway eosinophilia.
267   Sodium caseinate (NaCas) was hydrolyzed by papain, pancreatin and trypsin from 10 min to 24h, and t
268               Subcutaneous immunization with papain plus antigen induced reactive oxygen species (ROS
269 ase (CpL-PME; EC from a commercial papain preparation.
270 ubiquitin recognition and a variation on the papain protease catalytic site configuration that appear
271                     Although a member of the papain protease superfamily, Gly m Bd 30 K has a glycine
272 ven within these families of proteins (e.g., papain-related Cys-dependent hydrolases and rhodanese/Cd
273 ubunit with some of the BK channels and that papain removes inactivation by cleaving extracellular si
274 -Lys-Thr-Phe-Cys]-OH (11), starting with the papain-resolved Fmoc-DAgl(Boc).
275                                      We test papain's HLA class I removing activity under recognized
276                             The mechanism of papain's immunogenic activity remains unknown.
277                              The activity of papain's substrate selectivity was tested using both a t
278                  These findings suggest that papain's targeted enzymatic cleavage of donor HLA class
279       The hH1 region(s) responsible for this papain sensitivity was localised by testing a series of
280      Experiments performed in the absence of papain showed that the activation voltages of the double
281                 Intranasal administration of papain stimulated ILC2s and Th2 cells, causing allergic
282 btilisin subfamilies of serine proteases and papain subfamily of cysteine proteases.
283 Finally, studies with the cysteine protease, papain, suggest that the reduction of sulfinamide to the
284                    Cysteine proteases of the papain superfamily are implicated in a number of cellula
285 psin S, a lysosomal cysteine protease of the papain superfamily, has been implicated in the preparati
286 psin K, a lysosomal cysteine protease of the papain superfamily, is abundantly and selectively expres
287 t induce T helper type 1 (Th1) responses, or papain that induces T helper type 2 (Th2) responses.
288 d for cathepsin K, while for cathepsin B and papain, the values were 2-4 orders of magnitude lower.
289 xpanded in response to the protease allergen papain, they produced ILC3 but not ILC2 cytokines and ca
290 , and the captured material was treated with papain to generate Fab and Fc for LC/MS analysis.
291                   The potential for XCP1 and papain to perform common functions as catalysts of autol
292                                              Papain-triggered innate immune responses were dependent
293 lter cell surface charge, including trypsin, papain, tunicamycin, neuraminidase, and polybrene, allow
294                              The activity of papain was also tested at 4 degrees C, the temperature o
295 ctivated receptor (PAR)-2; TSLP induction by papain was partially dependent on PAR-2.
296                                              Papain was the enzyme of choice, based on in silico anal
297 water fish (Cirrhinus mrigala) muscle, using papain, were investigated.
298 f IdeS are even more potent as inhibitors of papain, whereas smaller analogues that are active inhibi
299  of dionain-1 was largely similar to that of papain with a preference for hydrophobic and aliphatic r
300 erlase (WPH-Ever; zeta-potential, -39mV) and papain (WPH-Pap; zeta-potential, -7mV), during simulated

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