


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 r superficial injury by blotting with tissue paper.
2 rs of human serum loaded onto chromatography paper.
3 rial in central Poland are presented in this paper.
4 nd stroke is the focus of the present review paper.
5 accordance with the description in the cited paper.
6          The error has not been fixed in the paper.
7  contents as well as to pristine V2O5 and GO papers.
8 ally arranged, highly flexible ceramic-based papers.
9               The initial search yielded 468 papers.
10 er on transparent cellulose nanofibril (CNF) papers.
11       Stimulated by our 2015 Current Biology paper [1], Zambon et al. reinvestigated how three myosin
12 600 mg/mL) and prints were realized on plain paper (80 g/m(2)).
13                                      In this paper, a novel array of quasi-three-dimensional (quasi-3
14                                      In this paper, a simple and effective analytical procedure based
15                                   Two recent papers advance our understanding of how the cancer genom
16                          This EAACI Position Paper aims to harmonize current concepts in AECs and to
17                                      In this paper, an innovative diagnostic platform is presented wh
18                                         This paper analyzes the relationships between two comprehensi
19 substrate that minimizes both the overlap of paper and fluorophore emission spectra and the fluoresce
20 uential fluid delivery have been achieved in paper and have enabled analytical capabilities comparabl
21 ct survey in Hong Kong in 2015/16 using both paper and online questionnaires.
22 roving fabrication processes, such as in the paper and textile industries.
23 laced into the context of total fluorine for papers and textiles.
24           Non-English languages, non-journal papers, and studies that only included a description of
25                  The ideas developed in this paper are directly applicable to many other open questio
26                     The datasets used in the paper are publicly available.
27 ches with interest for simple and disposable paper-based (bio)sensing applications.
28 o-hybrid based electrochemical micro fluidic paper-based analytical device (EmuPADs) for electrochemi
29            Herein, we present a colorimetric paper-based analytical device (PAD) combined with immuno
30 describe the design and characteristics of a paper-based analytical device for analyte concentration
31               Three-dimensional microfluidic paper-based analytical devices (3D-muPADs) are an evolut
32 hese goals, many researchers have focused on paper-based and printed electrode technologies as the ma
33 t-order rate constant model, and tested in a paper-based assay format using a fusion construct consis
34 cial inkjet printer to fabricate a thin-film paper-based biophotovoltaic cell consisting of a layer o
35 ow-cost strategies for signal enhancement on paper-based carbon platforms through gold nanoparticles
36                                 The proposed paper-based colorimetric DNA sensor has potential to be
37 amined and, more importantly, AuNPs-embedded paper-based lab-in-a-syringe (LIS) device is developed a
38 erties of paper determine the performance of paper-based microfluidic devices and permit the design o
39 ized liquid holding geometries, specifically paper-based microfluidic devices.
40                                              Paper-based microfluidic diagnostics first emerged in 20
41 PA) groups, pCB-(DOPA)4, were applied onto a paper-based sensor surface via a simple "graft-to" immer
42 cost, rapid, equipment- and electricity-free paper-based test capable of detecting sickle hemoglobin
43 iomarkers, and analytical performance of the paper biosensors with their respective applications in r
44                    Thus, I personally select papers (both original investigations and review articles
45      Yet, advances directly along the patent-paper boundary are notably more impactful within their o
46                                          The paper by Diez-Roux et al. represents an important expans
47                                     A recent paper by Doan et al. focuses attention on mutations in h
48                                     A recent paper by Izawa et al. (2017) identifies Vms1 as a key pl
49                                          The paper by Li et al. in this issue of Molecular Microbiolo
50                        See also the response papers by Hong et al. (2017) and Zhao et al. (2017) publ
51                                   Two recent papers by Telerman et al. and Yang et al. unravel new mo
52 pact on subsequent NET patient management (4 papers, change in management in 51%); and comparison wit
53                                              Papers cited herein mainly concern milk, cheese, meat an
54                           Most of scientific papers concern the qualitative or semi-quantitative anal
55 d young chickens to discriminate a stimulus (paper cone) placed at two locations in an arena, one ass
56                The network we create in this paper consists of major cities in China and contains inf
57                                         This paper contains the results of a study on the interaction
58  mice are moving.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT This paper contains three novel findings about the representa
59                                         This paper demonstrates here electrochemically powered carbon
60                                         This paper demonstrates the capability of the "quasi-coarse-g
61                                         This paper describes a new method, SANJAY, for visualizing hi
62                                         This paper describes a novel, quantitative metric system that
63                                         This paper describes a simple and rapid approach for fabricat
64                                         This paper describes and discusses the application of trimeth
65                                         This paper describes the algorithms used to construct and sea
66                                         This paper describes the development of a class of peptide-ba
67                                         This paper describes the development of simple, sustainable,
68                                         This paper describes the fossil taxon Cystodium sorbifolioide
69                                         This paper describes the required theoretical knowledge, skil
70 is Feature, we discuss how the properties of paper determine the performance of paper-based microflui
71                                  The present paper discusses 3 common cognitive distortions: 1) dicho
72                              MAIN TEXT: This paper discusses progress in the area of insertion-deleti
73  consensus reports to international position papers (EAACI, AAAAI-ACAAI, WAO).
74  user-friendly method for the fabrication of paper electrode (PE) using silver nanoparticles capped w
75 ious published and unpublished sources, this paper elucidates the development of specific treatments
76 forms such as lab-on-chip, lab-on-CD, lab-on-paper etc.
77                                         This paper evaluates impact fee allocation under Pennsylvania
78                                         This paper examines: healthcare support workers' access to tr
79                                         This paper explores the effects of experiencing the death of
80                                  This Series paper explores the global health and public policy lands
81 nd dark-field detection of microscopes, this paper first reports a compact confocal LED epifluorescen
82                                         This paper focuses on developing a label-free electrochemical
83                              An accompanying paper focuses on the integrative role of K(+) channels i
84                                  This Series paper focuses on the most relevant clinical questions, s
85  widely known as the ancient Japanese art of paper folding, has recently inspired a new paradigm of d
86 been explored to prepare ink-free rewritable paper for security documentation.
87                                      In this paper, for the first time an InGaP (GaInP) photon counti
88                            Compared with the paper-free non-hybrid microfluidic biochip over a period
89          This is the second of the two White Papers from the fourth UC Davis Cardiovascular Symposium
90                                          The paper has the merit of being among the very few publicat
91                                 Thousands of papers have been published on these topics.
92 It must therefore be avoided, and two recent papers highlight the roles of p53, senescence, and the i
93                                         This paper highlights current and critical issues and themes
94                                      In this paper, hydroxy-telechelic isotactic PPO is synthesized f
95                                       The 10 papers identified all pointed out gaps or deficiencies i
96                                  In a recent paper in Science, Kim et al. (2017) revealed that Clostr
97                                  In a recent paper in Science, Wang et al. (2017) reveal that the gut
98                                     Now, two papers in Cell (Pawluk et al. and Rauch et al.) identify
99                                   Two recent papers in Nature propose that heterochromatic domains ar
100                                         This paper includes a novel strategy for in-situ monitoring t
101    Searches were conducted in Cos Conference Papers Index, the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied
102                      Guidelines and position papers indicate that allergen immunotherapy (AIT) is the
103 d to replicate selected experiments from the paper "Inhibition of BET recruitment to chromatin as an
104                                         This paper introduces a "blue pyjama syndrome" (whereby weari
105                                         This paper introduces a free, web-based tool for creating an
106                       For this purpose, this paper introduces a novel methodology based on dispersive
107                                         This paper introduces Translational Mobilisation Theory, outl
108                                         This paper investigates linear growth and weight gain among 1
109                                         This paper investigates the use of synchronous fluorescence,
110                                    Cellulose paper is an ideal diagnostic platform for low-cost, easi
111                    The detection zone in the paper is delimited by drawing a hydrophobic line with an
112                                          The paper is placed in the broader context of the nature of
113                         The emphasis in this paper is strongly on exploratory analysis; the more form
114                    The major purpose of this paper is to briefly describe recent advances in defining
115 ping of single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) papers is presented.
116 ss to do with the particular findings in the paper itself and more to do with the method that it prom
117                                      In this paper, laser ablation electrospray ionization ion mobili
118 e amount of the cholesterol measured by this paper-loaded DART mass spectrometry (pDART-MS) is statis
119                             In a recent Cell paper, Madigan et al. (2017) use a zebrafish model of M.
120 tact materials (FCMs) that include plastics, paper, metal, glass, and printing inks.
121  flow assays and analytical devices based on paper microfluidics.
122                                In this first paper of the Series on health, equity, and women's cance
123 lenge the data published in our previous JEM paper on the preventive effect of tolerogenic vaccinatio
124  A scientist may publish tens or hundreds of papers over a career, but these contributions are not ev
125 rformance of markers with different types of paper, plotting speeds, and pattern dimensions.
126         In this commentary, I reflect on the paper "Poverty and Health: Prospective Evidence From the
127 c prescription (15.2%) than patients given a paper prescription (31.5%).
128                                         This paper presents a method for determining phospholipids in
129                                         This paper presents a multiscale approach to study the nonlin
130                                         This paper presents a new direct PMD (DPMD) method that measu
131                                         This paper presents a novel experimental procedure to accurat
132                                         This paper presents a novel poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) mic
133                                          The paper presents a novel two-stage particle swarm optimiza
134                                         This paper presents a set of good computing practices that ev
135                                         This paper presents a systematic study of the relation betwee
136                                          The paper presents estimates of the turbulence diffusion coe
137                             METHODS AND This paper presents findings from the United Nations Multi-co
138                                         This paper presents large-scale numerical simulations of zone
139                                         This paper presents parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) of flu
140                                  This review paper presents the different ways ferulic acid can be pr
141                                         This paper presents the first multi-site study for sediment s
142                                         This paper presents the primary analysis of programmatic data
143                                         This paper presents TurboFold II, an extension of the TurboFo
144          In order to address this issue, our paper presents, for the first time, the integration on a
145                                         This paper proposes a cultural evolutionary theory to explain
146                                         This paper proposes a first step toward an alternative comput
147                                         This paper proposes a model based on archaeological and ethno
148  reference in this domain and genre, and the paper proposes that many mentions that would be consider
149                                Overall, this paper provides a blueprint for ML use with clinical data
150                                         This paper provides a new model for understanding staff inter
151 hanges that damage the brain over time, this paper provides a potential target for blocking the progr
152                                         This paper provides a systematic review and analysis of diffe
153                                         This paper provides an overview of cigarette smoke and urban
154                                         This paper provides an overview of these developments.
155                                         This paper provides the most comprehensive analysis so far of
156                                         In a paper published in the September 1979 issue of the Journ
157  SCOPUS and Google Scholar were accessed for papers published between 2000 and 2016.
158                                 Using 19,257 papers published by participants, we reconstructed their
159                                          Two papers published recently in the New England Journal of
160        Dermal absorption of BPA from thermal paper receipts occurs but BPA pharmacokinetics following
161          The mesoporous structure of the CNF paper rendered strong adhesion of the AZO layer and exhi
162                               Several recent papers report spectacular, and unexpected, order of magn
163                                         This paper reports a joint experimental and simulation study
164                                         This paper reports an improved method for the identification
165                                         This paper reports experimental and computational studies on
166                                         This paper reports on patients with coronary artery disease.
167                                         This paper reports that the abundances of endogenous cardioli
168                                         This paper reports the characterization and evaporation perfo
169                                         This paper reports the evaluation of antioxidant potential of
170                                         This paper reviews and critically analyzes the latest develop
171                                         This paper reviews the current status of available pacing opt
172   This paper, the second in a Series of four papers, reviews available methods to collect public heal
173                                          The paper's impact had less to do with the particular findin
174                             In a recent Cell paper, Samwer et al. (2017) show that by non-covalently
175 on of discrete mating strategies in the rock-paper-scissors (RPS) game.
176 ); and comparison with (111)In-octreotide (2 papers, sensitivity of DOTATOC on a per-lesion basis was
177 papers, yield was only 13%); sensitivity (12 papers; sensitivity, 92%) and specificity (7 papers; spe
178 research avenues.Dual Perspectives Companion Paper: Should a Few Null Findings Falsify Prefrontal The
179                The results presented in this paper show the capabilities of this procedure to evaluat
180                                         This paper showed the occurrence of both phenotypic and genet
181                                         This paper shows how to design such markets, called Bayesian
182                                         This paper shows that the most predictable components of inte
183                                  The present paper shows that this is consistent with the largely ign
184                        In a recent series of papers, some suggestive theoretical evidence has been of
185 er evaluating the assay system in the hybrid paper-SPCE cell, the three-electrode system consisting o
186 papers; sensitivity, 92%) and specificity (7 papers; specificity, 82%); identification of site of unk
187 t to facilitate the aerosol capture onto the paper spray cartridges.
188   Two versions of a 3D-printed cartridge for paper spray ionization (PSI) are demonstrated, assessed,
189                                          The paper spray ionization (PSI) technique coupled to MS mig
190 fluorescence spectroscopy and single droplet paper spray mass spectrometry.
191                                            A paper strip sensor has been fabricated for successful de
192                        Inexpensive, portable paper strips were designed for a rapid, on-site detectio
193 e sufficient information to select candidate paper substrates for fluorophore-labeled assays.
194                                         This paper summarizes recommendations from a two-day summit t
195                                      In this paper, superhydrophobic micro-scale artificial hairs wit
196 ncluded (34% [100 of 297] response rate from paper survey, 23% [41 of 179] from online survey; 85 [60
197                                         This paper synthesizes ideas stressing the multifaceted biolo
198                    We reported in a previous paper that four earlier traumas involving interpersonal
199                      We further show in this paper that the stability of the total glutathione conten
200 ing, I have become quite familiar with every paper that we publish.
201                            We report in this paper the design and generation of potential alpha1,6-fu
202 d to replicate selected experiments from the paper "The common feature of leukemia-associated IDH1 an
203                                      In this paper, the effects of biochar on the biodegradation of n
204                                         This paper, the second in a Series of four papers, reviews av
205                                      In this paper, the stiffness of single adherent cells are optome
206                            In this follow-up paper to our previous work on single analyzer precursor
207 ning on the cleaned surfaces and on a wiping paper towel in a trash can was able to transform ammoniu
208                                         This paper uses a formal model of optimal policing to explore
209 as prepared by direct writing onto the photo paper using a ball-point pen filled with nanoink (10 wt
210                    As we demonstrate in this paper, using our new approach, a viral RNA sequence can
211  open-channel structures reported while this paper was in preparation.
212                            I discuss why the paper was influential and how the premise of this type o
213                         The main aim of this paper was to assess the impact of Gluten-Friendly (GF) t
214                             The goal of this paper was to evaluate the in vivo kinetics of the novel
215   We find support for a biological market in paper wasps, Polistes dominula.
216                                      In this paper we describe HistomicsML, an interactive machine-le
217                                      In this paper we developed a new algorithm called ESPRIT-Forest
218                                      In this paper we discuss the link between the domain of physical
219                                      In this paper we extend the theory of so-called neighbourhood ef
220                                      In this paper we focus on the removal of fecal indicator bacteri
221                                      In this paper we have described a potentially miniature fiber-op
222                               In this Series paper we investigate a range of levers for eliminating m
223                                      In this paper we pose the question to what extent sequence- and
224                                      In this paper we present a detailed theoretical investigation of
225                                      In this paper we present a physical discussion of the indirect t
226                                      In this paper we provide evidence that a general model in the ne
227                                      In this paper, we aimed to report an atypical imaging presentati
228                                      In this paper, we analyze fundamental properties of Granger-Gewe
229                                      In this paper, we apply weighted graphical LASSO (wgLASSO) algor
230                               In this Series paper, we argue that violence against women is also a pr
231                                      In this paper, we compare different approaches using data from 3
232                                      In this paper, we compare these two methods, while also using a
233                                      In this paper, we demonstrate that controlling self-assembly ext
234                                      In this paper, we demonstrate the use of genetic programming to
235                                      In this paper, we demonstrate the working of a low cost, robust,
236                                      In this paper, we describe the crystal structures of CCT5 and th
237                                      In this paper, we design a unified non-convex SCCA model, based
238                                      In this paper, we develop a random forest model incorporating ae
239                                      In this paper, we develop a suite of methods, grounded in inform
240                                      In this paper, we develop a theoretical framework to investigate
241                                      In this paper, we dissolve (13)C-labeled calcites in natural sea
242                               In this Series paper, we explore several new ideas that could improve u
243                                      In this paper, we explore the anatomy of the information space o
244                                      In this paper, we first introduce Dual Label Propagation (DLP) t
245                                      In this paper, we focus on the evolution of baculoviruses, a gro
246                                      In this paper, we focus on two common classes of integration alg
247                                      In this paper, we give an overview of catalyst systems capable o
248                                      In this paper, we have reported quantitative differentiation of
249                                      In this paper, we introduce 3dPCR, a method to sort DNA molecule
250                                      In this paper, we introduce a new IM calibrant (CCS and K0) usin
251                               In the current paper, we look for direct evidence of a relationship bet
252                                      In this paper, we pose the following working hypothesis: in huma
253                                      In this paper, we present a method termed oblique scanning laser
254                                      In this paper, we present a novel data independent acquisition (
255                                      In this paper, we present a photonic crystal device which perfor
256                                      In this paper, we present a reaction kinetics-based technique th
257                                      In this paper, we present a short immunoassay (10 min) using a f
258                                      In this paper, we present a simple yet efficient membrane free e
259                                Thus, in this paper, we present a user-friendly tool, called iTop-Q (i
260                                      In this paper, we present an efficient pentamer algorithm by spl
261                                      In this paper, we present iDNAProt-ES, a DNA-binding protein pre
262                                      In this paper, we propose 2 propensity score-based approaches to
263                                      In this paper, we propose a meta-analytic framework for detectin
264                                      In this paper, we propose a new approach to use Parylene C as a
265                                      In this paper, we propose a novel approach to construct a signed
266                                      In this paper, we propose a novel method, piRNAdetect, for relia
267                                      In this paper, we propose a type of planar chiral metamaterial c
268                                      In this paper, we propose an iterative smoothing algorithm with
269                                      In this paper, we provide an overview of bioprosthetic valve dur
270                                      In this paper, we report a small/wide angle scattering study of
271                                      In this paper, we report molecular kinetic analyses of water spr
272                                      In this paper, we report on the successful loading and solubiliz
273                                      In this paper, we report sustained glycolytic oscillations in si
274                               In the current paper, we report that CGRP-mAbs prevent the activation o
275                                      In this paper, we report that primary fibroblasts that have been
276                                      In this paper, we report the analysis of a concentric circular r
277                                      In this paper, we report the fabrication and characterization of
278                                      In this paper, we review recent experimental and computational w
279                                      In this paper, we review the rationale for tOPV disposal and des
280                                      In this paper, we review the specific role of several cardiovasc
281                                      In this paper, we show that violation of ergodicity in the fast
282                                      In this paper, we study the performance of the Ising model coupl
283                                      In this paper, we suggest an alternative model of inter-structur
284                               In this Series paper, we summarise the existing recommendations for the
285                                      In this paper, we use a high-throughput microfluidic platform as
286        Here, in the first in a Series of two papers, we discuss why slums are unhealthy places with e
287 ll, the three-electrode system consisting of paper-WE, wire-RE and wire-AE, was employed for glucose
288                                     Selected papers were assessed using the Mixed Methods Appraisal T
289                                          265 papers were chosen for closer screening of the abstracts
290                After detailed evaluation, 17 papers were finally selected.
291                       A total of 42 research papers were included in this review.
292                               Whatman filter papers were used not only as support for electrode fabri
293                                         This paper will help researchers to better design spin trappi
294 eparated from whole blood was trapped by the paper with microelectrodes.
295 otensile tests reveal that the ceramic-based papers with 0.5 wt% GO show superior in-plane mechanical
296 in-plane mechanical performance, compared to papers with higher GO contents as well as to pristine V2
297 w their structures with positional labels on paper, with some training.
298 al analysis of a sample of more than 200,000 papers written on HIV/AIDS during the past three decades
299 n primary in patients with metastatic NET (4 papers, yield was 44%); impact on subsequent NET patient
300 T, but with negative conventional imaging (3 papers, yield was only 13%); sensitivity (12 papers; sen

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