


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                       VS is characterized by papular and honeycomb keratoderma associated with constr
2                   Conclusions and Relevance: Papular and nodular eruptions with scale, as well as muc
3 sting that H. ducreyi replicates between the papular and pustular stages of disease.
4            RANTES was present throughout the papular and pustular stages of experimental infection, b
5 imary skin lesions), eczematous, urticarial, papular, and/or nodular skin lesions were seen.
6              Mutations in the hr locus cause papular atrichia in humans and complete hair loss in mic
7        We observed the presence of a diffuse papular descending eruption, petechiae on the palate, an
8   The most common cutaneous AEs were macular papular eruption (24 [29%]), pruritus (10 [12%]), and hy
9 spite the substantial prevalence of pruritic papular eruption (PPE) among HIV-infected Africans, the
10 dabrafenib and trametinib (MEK inhibitor), a papular eruption concerning for progression of disease p
11                                     Pruritic papular eruption occurring in HIV-infected individuals m
12                                       Benign papular eruption on the left leg of a 72-year-old diabet
13 ng illness characterised by high fever and a papular eruption that started on the face.
14 nts developed erythematous, maculopapular to papular eruptions confined to the VCA, histologically co
15 ndition progresses to the subacute phase and papular-hyperkeratotic in the chronic phase.
16                                Atrichia with papular lesions (APL) and hereditary vitamin D-resistant
17  after birth, together with the formation of papular lesions on the skin.
18                                         Some papular lesions resolved spontaneously, indicating that
19                           Subjects developed papular lesions that evolved into pustules resembling na
20 ers described in patients with atrichia with papular lesions, abolished the demethylase activity of H
21                                     Multiple papular lesions, with microscopic changes in the skin, a
22 00 lesions that were a mixture of acneiform, papular, nodular, and ulcerated types.
23 al and histologic responses similar to acute papular onchodermatitis, including recruitment of eosino
24 have varied from eczematous or urticarial to papular or nodular skin lesions.
25 hems that are thought to be viral in nature: papular purpuric gloves and socks syndrome; pityriasis r
26 ith worsening of an erythematous generalized papular rash, he received one dose of pralatrexate.
27 e small erosions limited to the areas of the papular rash, sparing unaffected skin.
28 ffusing throughout the cutaneous system as a papular rash.
29 s a common, human poxvirus that causes small papular skin lesions that persist for long periods witho
30 acterized by a large number of acneiform and papular skin lesions, with very few or no parasites in t
31 volved into pustules, and 4% remained at the papular stage.
32                                       Bovine papular stomatitis virus (BPSV) and orf virus (ORFV), me
33 cation of unknown Parapoxvirus (e.g., bovine papular stomatitis virus and pseudocowpox virus) samples
34 re SERS spectral signatures of intact bovine papular stomatitis, pseudocowpox, and Yaba monkey tumor

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