


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ds to the problem of defense for a parasite (parasitoid).
2 sitoid relationships to the advantage of the parasitoid.
3 t that is often similar in size to the adult parasitoid.
4 China by providing them with protection from parasitoids.
5 es, three aphid species and their specialist parasitoids.
6 and host DNA sequenced from the gut of adult parasitoids.
7 wth and attraction of Cotesia marginiventris parasitoids.
8 anges in the chemical signals from plants to parasitoids.
9 hids but attractive to aphid enemies such as parasitoids.
10 exclusively on a few species of hymenopteran parasitoids.
11 uence antagonistic encounters among immature parasitoids.
12 stence in healthy aphids and protection from parasitoids.
13 ever, little SPI information is available in parasitoids.
14 r than against other species, in particular, parasitoids.
15 rough parasitism of both hosts by one of the parasitoids.
16 under different levels of superparasitism by parasitoids.
17 get organisms in the guilds or predators and parasitoids.
18 ractions between herbivores and their insect parasitoids.
19 significantly with the densities of maternal parasitoids.
20 phid species and their associated specialist parasitoids.
21 ndividuals infected by more or less virulent parasitoids.
22 s in hosts and counter-defence mechanisms in parasitoids.
23  eggs and indirect defenses that involve egg parasitoids.
24 , as we found by excluding a small number of parasitoids.
25 geneous spatio-temporal patterns of host and parasitoid abundance.
26 plant-mutualist networks with herbivores and parasitoids added, and one of which is an extended inter
27                             Reintegration of parasitoids after host escape shows these communities to
28                                       An egg parasitoid, Anagrus nilaparvatae, parasitizes eggs of bo
29 wasps are descendants of a single endophytic parasitoid ancestor that lived around 247 mya.
30 uding their genomes, morphology, venoms, and parasitoid and eusocial life styles.
31 management; their inappropriate use disrupts parasitoids and has resulted in field resistance to all
32                     The host range of insect parasitoids and herbivores is influenced by both prefere
33 aled by combining molecular information from parasitoids and hosts with rearing data, versus rearing
34  the biology, ecology, and behavior of these parasitoids and how it relates to biological control.
35 epending on the previous host species of the parasitoids and if such differences were connected to di
36 on benefited cereal aphids more than primary parasitoids and leaf-dwelling predators, while suppressi
37 or the study of the behaviour and ecology of parasitoids and many other species of small organisms be
38 nd controlled (cultivated) environments, and parasitoids and predators had equally strong top-down ef
39 herbivores and their natural enemies such as parasitoids and predators, and this can lead to host shi
40 erent trophic levels (plants, herbivores and parasitoids) and signals of co-evolution (i.e. phylogene
41 ctions are better predicted than pathogenic, parasitoid, and parasitic interactions.
42 ria caused the observed CI phenotype in this parasitoid, and whether the two symbionts interacted wit
43 ist aphid species (foliar herbivores), their parasitoids, and a dipteran species (root herbivore).We
44 e interactions among encyrtids, heteronomous parasitoids, and ants shape parasitoid species complexes
45 rotect their insect hosts against pathogens, parasitoids, and other parasites by synthesizing specifi
46 havior of native insects such as herbivores, parasitoids, and pollinators.
47 rvae were still acceptable for egg laying by parasitoids, and the parasitoids thereafter transmitted
48 leomegilla maculata and Eupeodes americanus; parasitoid Aphidius colemani) of the green peach aphid,
49 aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum from attack by the parasitoid Aphidius ervi by killing developing wasp larv
50 bility to protect pea aphids attacked by the parasitoid Aphidius ervi.
51                            The consumer, the parasitoid Aphytis, rapidly controlled an experimentally
52                                    Hosts and parasitoids are a popular guild for study, and quantitat
53                                       Insect parasitoids are considered the most likely vectors, but
54 nisms through which these factors may target parasitoids are discussed.
55 oid community (the harlequin bug and its egg parasitoids) as a model system, we report three key find
56  to test whether surviving parasitism by the parasitoid Asobara tabida has an effect on the resistanc
57                        Insect (herbivore and parasitoid)-associated microbes can favor or improve ins
58                 Substantial turnover in host-parasitoid associations means that coevolution must have
59      Survival rate of mealybugs experiencing parasitoid attack was significantly higher on ant-tended
60 igated direct effects of the manipulation on parasitoids attacking B. dracunculifoliae, as well as in
61 ess of intrinsic competition differs between parasitoids attacking growing hosts and parasitoids atta
62 Opiinae subfamily best represent the primary parasitoids attacking olive fruit fly in its native rang
63 ween parasitoids attacking growing hosts and parasitoids attacking paralyzed hosts.
64 micals (VOCs) emitted by the host plant; (3) parasitoids avoid ovipositing in aphids feeding on plant
65 ns for the evolution of fruit preference and parasitoid avoidance in fruit flies.
66 elated traits on the host range of the aphid parasitoid Binodoxys communis (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)
67 12 species of aphids and 37 species of their parasitoids), body lengths of 2,151 parasitoid individua
68  densities, but increased significantly with parasitoid brood sizes.
69 y is compatible with the use of the tachinid parasitoid, but that the two methods can act synergistic
70 l behavioral plasticity in these belowground parasitoids can amplify signaling by plant defense pathw
71                                The idea that parasitoids can be divided into capital-breeders or inco
72   Prey species sharing an enemy (predator or parasitoid) can be linked by apparent competition, but i
73 effects between species, mediated via shared parasitoids, can significantly explain future parasitism
74    In most cases, ants directly attacked the parasitoid, causing the parasitoid to take evasive actio
75                                 Using a host-parasitoid community (the harlequin bug and its egg para
76 ences in chemistry predicted caterpillar and parasitoid community structure among host plant populati
77  on the population dynamics of a plant-aphid-parasitoid community with one plant species, three aphid
78 ergence for each of the three members of the parasitoid community.
79 itoid-vectored infection into a one-host-two-parasitoid competition model.
80 rasitoid life-history theory is that, within parasitoid complexes (species assemblages associated wit
81 gm to be generally representative of natural parasitoid complexes.
82                                       Larval parasitoids constitute clear danger to Drosophila, as up
83 les were highly attractive to females of the parasitoid Cotesia marginiventris.
84 oid wasp, it caused 1- to 4-day-old immature parasitoids death in the host, whilst a small proportion
85 s a host cohort ages, availability to female parasitoids declines, as can the risk that the host - an
86 on of ecologically important traits, such as parasitoid defense.
87                                              Parasitoids develop during their immature stages by feed
88 bivory interact to reduce the performance of parasitoids developing in aphids; (2) drought stress and
89 antify the probing behavior of the fruit-fly parasitoid Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Braconidae) at
90                                              Parasitoids display remarkable inter- and intraspecific
91 has been written about latitudinal trends in parasitoid diversity and biology, though it is widely re
92 two complementary sources of molecular data: parasitoid DNA sequenced from the tissues of their hosts
93 c networks comprising insect hosts and their parasitoids, drawn from 28 studies from the High Arctic
94 plicated in the recruitment of predators and parasitoids (e.g. terpenes) were induced relatively weak
95  and adults avoid sites smelling of the main parasitoid enemies, Leptopilina wasps.
96 esources for understanding host-endosymbiont/parasitoid evolutionary relationships, resolving species
97 haroneura) and their lethal parasitic wasps (parasitoids) exhibit both extreme specialization and app
98 ol and Normal-variance microcosms, hosts and parasitoids exhibited distinct population cycles.
99 esting massive under-description of tropical parasitoid faunas.
100 ar genetic background, and evaluated several parasitoid fitness parameters.
101 om fatal attack by an acoustically orienting parasitoid fly (Ormia ochracea).
102   In Hawaii, T. oceanicus encounter a deadly parasitoid fly found nowhere else in their range.
103 ow the quantitative structure of a herbivore-parasitoid food web changes with elevation in an Austral
104 ange may have a restructuring effect on host-parasitoid food webs.
105 nation in Heterospilus prosopidis Viereck, a parasitoid from a relatively primitive subfamily of the
106 by the parasitoid wasp not only protects the parasitoid from the host's immune defenses, but also is
107  for parasitoids from G. pusilla and low for parasitoids from G. calmariensis.
108            Virulence was in general high for parasitoids from G. pusilla and low for parasitoids from
109 phids were then retrieved and mortality from parasitoids, fungal pathogens and other causes assessed.
110 e been diffuse, probably contributing to the parasitoid generalism seen in this and similar systems.
111  group of organisms for studying parasitism, parasitoid genomics, and mating biology.
112  feeding niches, and work with pathogens and parasitoids has revealed the manner in which top-down pr
113 rasitoid species (14 Bellopius species), and parasitoid-host associations, all discovered through ana
114 y unstable systems such as predator-prey and parasitoid-host interactions.
115 oplasma-mediated protection against distinct parasitoids in divergent Drosophila hosts suggests a gen
116 nfect noctuid larvae, and are transmitted by parasitoids in the fields.
117 of their parasitoids), body lengths of 2,151 parasitoid individuals were, to an excellent approximati
118 s to examine whether geographic variation in parasitoid infectivity or host immune response could exp
119 n addition to the known effects on immunity, parasitoids influence host pro-neuropeptide gene transcr
120 sity dependence on the stability of the host-parasitoid interaction by heuristically incorporating th
121 results connecting the stability of the host-parasitoid interaction with different forms of density d
122  these metrics with empirical data on a host-parasitoid interaction yield realistic estimates of temp
123 ures the key biological features of the host-parasitoid interaction.
124  pioneering work in the field of insect host-parasitoid interactions beginning with endocrine influen
125                               Arthropod host-parasitoid interactions constitute a very important clas
126          As the northernmost network of host-parasitoid interactions quantified, our data point exert
127 pressure for particular co-evolved herbivore-parasitoid interactions.
128 ne began 7 y (14 host generations) following parasitoid introduction, despite releases being staggere
129 emporal dynamics: stable travelling waves of parasitoid invasion exhibit increasingly irregular perio
130 spects in understanding how control by these parasitoids is exerted.
131 use evolution of resistance to predators and parasitoids is prevented by several factors (e.g., spati
132 ation of heritable germline mutations in the parasitoid jewel wasp, Nasonia vitripennis, a rising ins
133 - to 6-day-old and the majority of 7-day-old parasitoids larvae survived from the virus-infected host
134            An important assumption in insect parasitoid life-history theory is that, within parasitoi
135 sects, including eusocial, phytophagous, and parasitoid lineages, occurred at least during the Early
136 rceived host specificity of parasitoids, the parasitoid load of host species, and the web-wide role o
137 es feeding above- and below-ground and their parasitoids, mediated by changes in the chemical signals
138                                         Host-parasitoid microcosms were subjected to two treatments:
139 sis; Argentine stem weevil) by an introduced parasitoid (Microctonus hyperodae) was initially nationa
140 eir history, arguing against major roles for parasitoid niche evolution or competition during communi
141 stored initial associations, with generalist parasitoids no better able to track their hosts than spe
142         This decline was not attributable to parasitoid numbers released, elevation, or local climati
143 rted as ant parasite, and the third known as parasitoid of invasive ants, confirming a unique habit i
144  (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) is an endophagous parasitoid of the larval stages of the tobacco budworm,
145          Aenasius bambawalei is an important parasitoid of the the invasive mealybug Phenacoccus sole
146 trol efforts have focused on the addition of parasitoids of Asian origin.
147               These are conspicuous, diurnal parasitoids of bees and wasps that defend themselves wit
148 tomopathogenic nematodes are obligate lethal parasitoids of insect larvae that navigate a chemically
149                                              Parasitoids of the hymenopterous family Encyrtidae are o
150                             When two or more parasitoids of the same or different species attack the
151        First, highly efficient predators and parasitoids of the vector prove to be effective biologic
152 nes, as can the risk that the host - and the parasitoid offspring it carries - succumbs to extrinsic
153 ces of secondary consumers (predators and/or parasitoids) only in woodland brown food webs and green
154 logical strategies that introduce predators, parasitoids, or pathogens have achieved more durable con
155                             Plant and native parasitoid phylogenetic diversity changed markedly acros
156      More significantly, periodicity in host-parasitoid population dynamics disappeared in the High-v
157 y differential equations, modelling the host-parasitoid population dynamics, has a unique positive st
158                                           As parasitoids, predators, and pollinators, Hymenoptera pla
159 root herbivory, on the olfactory response of parasitoids (preference), plant volatile emissions, para
160  herbivores, and in olfactometer experiments parasitoids preferred the odour from well-watered plants
161  trade-off was only detected in studies with parasitoids present.
162             Interestingly, wingless maternal parasitoids produced more winged progeny.
163 t is thus possible to increase winged female parasitoid production for the purposes of biological con
164              The percentage of winged female parasitoid progeny increased exponentially with temperat
165 bout 20%) of reads was affiliated with known parasitoid protists.
166 arasitize olive flies, one from the guild of parasitoids (Psyttalia concolor) and two from the guild
167 s escaped their enemies for millennia before parasitoid pursuit restored initial associations, with g
168                              Within an aphid-parasitoid-radish community, we created a fully factoria
169 , the evolution of gregarious development in parasitoids reflects differences in various developmenta
170 ng reveals a new mechanism operating in host-parasitoid relationships to the advantage of the parasit
171                              Thus, we relate parasitoid reproduction both to inter- and intraspecific
172 a strong effect of host phylogeny on overall parasitoid reproduction on the 20 host species tested, b
173 production strategies in females, by placing parasitoid reproduction within physiological and ecologi
174 sent an overview of the current knowledge of parasitoid reproductive biology, focusing on egg product
175 tance to A. tabida to test whether increased parasitoid resistance has an effect on resistance agains
176 icates that leaf-mining herbivores and their parasitoids respond differently to environmental conditi
177 oles in the endosymbiont's virulence against parasitoids, resulting in aphid protection.
178 (or benefits) of competition for the winning parasitoid reveal that time lags between successive atta
179 ng of wing morphology and development in the parasitoid S. pupariae under varied environmental cues,
180 y between the host's self-limitation and the parasitoids' saturating functional response causes the l
181 the wing morph differentiation of a bethylid parasitoid Sclerodermus pupariae.
182               While the size of the braconid parasitoids significantly affected the total amount of e
183 epresenting 14 Blepharoneura fly species, 18 parasitoid species (14 Bellopius species), and parasitoi
184 ds, heteronomous parasitoids, and ants shape parasitoid species complexes and consequently have a dir
185 ced the performance (e.g. fecundity) of both parasitoid species developing in foliar herbivores.
186  introgression of the host preference of one parasitoid species into another, as well as one of the f
187 ities, that harvesting of single carnivorous parasitoid species led to a significant increase in exti
188  methods, including the release of coevolved parasitoid species targeting invasives, have been promot
189                      However, related native parasitoid species tended to feed on related herbivore s
190                                              Parasitoid species were almost entirely specialized to i
191                                    All three parasitoid species were negatively affected by the light
192  increased extinction rates of non-harvested parasitoid species when their host had become rare relat
193 conidae), and test the effects of body size (parasitoid species), age (time since collection), and DN
194 G1), a previously uncharacterized Drosophila parasitoid species, and found that G1 venom contains a h
195 s caused increased extinction rates of other parasitoid species, compared to controls, but only when
196 nd root herbivory on the efficacy of the two parasitoid species, drought stress partially reversing t
197 ificant increase in extinction rate of other parasitoid species, separated by four trophic links.
198 lter fly immune success against G1 and other parasitoid species.
199 on 10 other galler species and 50 associated parasitoid species.
200  resulted in the extinction of the two other parasitoid species.
201 t R. insecticola LSR1, significantly reduced parasitoid success and increased aphid survivorship.
202  spatio-temporal dynamics of a two host, two parasitoid system is presented.
203       We conducted an experiment with a host-parasitoid system to test the prediction that increased
204                                         Host-parasitoid systems are characterized by a continuous dev
205    This co-evolutionary arms race makes host-parasitoid systems excellent for understanding trade-off
206 owever, knowledge obtained from natural host-parasitoid systems on such trade-offs is still limited.
207 ransition in the parameter space of the host-parasitoid systems, and explain how this is related to t
208 ribution in simple spatially structured host-parasitoid systems.
209    Wasps of the genus Nasonia are non-social parasitoids that are emerging as a model for studies of
210 ing that this habitat may impose stresses on parasitoids that constrain them to attack only host spec
211 ults alter the perceived host specificity of parasitoids, the parasitoid load of host species, and th
212 such a hybrid approach in discrete-time host-parasitoid theory.
213 table for egg laying by parasitoids, and the parasitoids thereafter transmitted virus to healthy host
214 t factors, such as plant quality, may affect parasitoids through effects on immunity and nutrition.
215 irectly attacked the parasitoid, causing the parasitoid to take evasive action.
216 nce relating the responses of herbivores and parasitoids to abiotic factors.
217 d web structure may depend on the ability of parasitoids to adapt to novel hosts.
218 f DNA sequence data for 12 herbivores and 19 parasitoids to reconstruct the assembly of an insect com
219                                           As parasitoids upon solitary bees and wasps and their nest
220 uch that the best defensive strategy against parasitoids varied for each aphid genotype; one performe
221 tly isolated from Spodoptera exigua, without parasitoid vector identified previously.
222 n to investigate the effect of introducing a parasitoid-vectored infection into a one-host-two-parasi
223  These findings suggest ongoing evolution in parasitoid virulence and host immune response, making th
224  study, the aim was to examine trade-offs in parasitoid virulence in Asecodes parviclava (Hymenoptera
225 tionary changes in host immune responses and parasitoid virulence.
226                                     When the parasitoid was excluded, there was no difference in surv
227                              When the female parasitoid wasp acquired the virus and served as a vecto
228 obacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, host and its parasitoid wasp Apanteles congregatus (now Cotesia congr
229                                       In the parasitoid wasp Asobara tabida the presence of Wolbachia
230 he ecologically relevant sensory stimulus of parasitoid wasp attack.
231 ior and reproduction of diploid males of the parasitoid wasp Cotesia vestalis (C. plutellae), for whi
232 that inbreeding for eight generations in the parasitoid wasp Cotesia vestalis leads to increasing pro
233    Thus, atypical quasisocial behaviour in a parasitoid wasp directly enhances reproductive success a
234                                          The parasitoid wasp Encarsia inaron is naturally infected wi
235                       In the doubly infected parasitoid wasp Encarsia inaron, Wolbachia manipulates h
236                                          The parasitoid wasp Encarsia suzannae (iES), infected by Car
237 e variation in resistance to its most common parasitoid wasp enemy, Aphidius ervi, which is sourced f
238 he processes underlying those changes in the parasitoid wasp genus Nasonia.
239  involved in Drosophila larval escape from a parasitoid wasp invasion.
240 ogaster larvae induce after infection by the parasitoid wasp Leptopilina boulardi.
241 netic analysis has shown that embryos of the parasitoid wasp Nasonia vitripennis depend more on zygot
242 a sweep in North American populations of the parasitoid wasp Nasonia vitripennis, a cosmopolitan spec
243 antitative genetic basis of polyandry in the parasitoid wasp Nasonia vitripennis, a species in which
244 sexual communication and host finding in the parasitoid wasp Nasonia vitripennis.
245  male wing size between species of the model parasitoid wasp Nasonia.
246 es show that the polydnavirus carried by the parasitoid wasp not only protects the parasitoid from th
247 sms and found that the overharvesting of one parasitoid wasp species caused increased extinction rate
248                                 The braconid parasitoid wasp subfamily Microgastrinae is perhaps the
249                      Our characterization of parasitoid wasp venom proteins led us to identify plasma
250                          New work shows that parasitoid wasp venom toxins evolve by the co-option of
251 host took place during the life cycle of the parasitoid wasp, it caused 1- to 4-day-old immature para
252 , we describe the cysLGIC superfamily of the parasitoid wasp, Nasonia vitripennis, which is emerging
253 7 SPI genes in total through the genome of a parasitoid wasp, Pteromalus puparum.
254 isia nymph was parasitized by an Eretmocerus parasitoid wasp.
255 t's resistance to natural enemies, including parasitoid wasps and a pathogenic fungus.
256  specifically associated with insects called parasitoid wasps and exhibit many traits associated with
257 is (Geometridae: Larentiinae) and associated parasitoid wasps and flies.
258                                              Parasitoid wasps are abundant and diverse hymenopteran i
259         They also confirm that all primarily parasitoid wasps are descendants of a single endophytic
260 nicotinoids might compromise the function of parasitoid wasps as natural enemies with potentially dir
261 an escape the attack of Leptopilina boulardi parasitoid wasps by rolling, occasionally flipping the a
262                 The species-rich lineages of parasitoid wasps constitute a monophyletic group as well
263        Fruit flies are regularly infected by parasitoid wasps in nature and, following infection, fli
264 on mode of acquisition of new venom genes in parasitoid wasps is co-option of single-copy genes from
265                      Immature development of parasitoid wasps is restricted to resources found in a s
266                   In Drosophila, exposure to parasitoid wasps leads to a sharp decline in oviposition
267 on of metabolite profiles of individual 1 mg parasitoid wasps of different ages is possible when usin
268 o of 10.4 for Pten in the lineage leading to parasitoid wasps of the Nasonia genus, indicating very s
269 provide a selective advantage in escape from parasitoid wasps that are ubiquitously present in the na
270       Polydnaviruses (PDVs) are symbionts of parasitoid wasps that function as gene delivery vehicles
271 virus (BV) (Polydnaviridae) are symbionts of parasitoid wasps that specifically replicate in the ovar
272  we use the rapid turnover of venom genes in parasitoid wasps to study how new gene functions evolve.
273 uasisociality (cooperative brood care) among parasitoid wasps without invoking or precluding kin sele
274 sts (protection against fungal pathogens vs. parasitoid wasps) and symbionts with overlapping functio
275                  The evolutionary success of parasitoid wasps, a highly diverse group of insects wide
276 s protect against entomopathogenic fungi and parasitoid wasps, ameliorate the detrimental effects of
277 l divergence in a community of host-specific parasitoid wasps, Diachasma alloeum, Utetes canaliculatu
278 t females and males from two closely related parasitoid wasps, Nasonia vitripennis and Nasonia giraul
279 sects and their orthologs from three Nasonia parasitoid wasps, the hybrids of which suffer from an in
280 symbiont species protect their hosts against parasitoid wasps, which are major natural enemies.
281 naviruses are associated with insects called parasitoid wasps, which are of additional applied intere
282 ia (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) is a genus of parasitoid wasps, which is fast emerging as a model syst
283 otinoids on other beneficial insects such as parasitoid wasps, which serve as natural enemies and are
284 re all obligate mutualists of insects called parasitoid wasps.
285 chemical defense, armyworm caterpillars, and parasitoid wasps.
286 lant volatiles (HIPVs) and attractiveness to parasitoid wasps.
287 ciated with some subfamilies of ichneumonoid parasitoid wasps.
288 ects, protects its aphid host from attack by parasitoid wasps.
289 dnaviridae are symbiotically associated with parasitoid wasps.
290 ruses that are symbiotically associated with parasitoid wasps.
291 n is crucial for the reproductive success of parasitoid wasps.
292 DNA viruses that are beneficial symbionts of parasitoid wasps.
293                Non-ant EFN consumers include parasitoids, wasps, spiders, mites, bugs, and predatory
294 un to be used extensively in studies of host-parasitoid webs to clarify species concepts.
295 ferent types of networks (such as food webs, parasitoid webs, seed dispersal networks, and pollinatio
296       A total of 5030 insects, including 603 parasitoids, were reared, and summary food webs were cre
297 wer herbivore natural enemies (predators and parasitoids) when damaged.
298 's self-limitation is moderately strong, the parasitoid with the higher attack rate and conversion ef
299                             In contrast, the parasitoid with the lower attack rate and conversion eff
300 n their ability to confer protection against parasitoids, with some conferring almost complete protec
301 ly important traits, such as defense against parasitoids, within and among symbiont and animal host l

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