コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 red by surface electromyography from leg and paraspinal muscles.
2 ion of distal and upper posterior leg and of paraspinal muscles.
3 one mineral density, abdominal fat area, and paraspinal muscle area were inversely associated with sk
4 Bone mineral density and abdominal fat and paraspinal muscle areas were quantified with quantitativ
6 ctly parallel, in plane, or perpendicular to paraspinal muscle fibers; in kidney tissue, in the corte
7 es to noxious mechanical stimulation of deep paraspinal muscles increased after MO application (P < 0
10 ne fragments) approximately 7 cm deep in the paraspinal muscles of nine Yorkshire pigs by using each
11 patients with genetically documented SMA and paraspinal muscle samples from 3 patients with SMA-II un
13 nt ischemia causes edema and necrosis of the paraspinal muscles, subsequently increasing the pressure
14 dard for muscle mass was quantified with the paraspinal muscle surface area at the L4 vertebrae in th
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