


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nally inactivated in hereditary and sporadic parathyroid tumors.
2 r understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of parathyroid tumors.
3 o HPT-JT and in development of some sporadic parathyroid tumors.
4 rmed with a large group of uremia-associated parathyroid tumors.
5  might account for false-negative studies in parathyroid tumors.
6 nally inactivated in hereditary and sporadic parathyroid tumors.
7  from those involved in mutant MEN 1-related parathyroid tumors.
8 s to better define the molecular genetics of parathyroid tumors.
9                                              Parathyroid tumors are heterogeneous, and diagnosis is o
10                                              Parathyroid tumors are virtually always benign with an e
11 ncreased in the transfectants expressing the parathyroid tumor-derived receptor.
12                                              Parathyroid tumor infiltrating lymphocytes are T cells b
13 nctional and discussion of the management of parathyroid tumors is tantamount to the discussion of pr
14                                          The parathyroid tumors may arise as diffuse areas of hyperpl
15 nesis not only of cancer, but also in benign parathyroid tumors occurring in HPT.
16                             Four tumors (two parathyroid tumors, one gastrinoma, and one lung carcino
17           Two tumors (one gastrinoma and one parathyroid tumor) showed an LOH boundary that placed th
18 ned occurrence of pituitary, pancreatic, and parathyroid tumors showing loss of heterozygosity in the
19 ished role in parathyroid tumorigenesis, and parathyroid tumor suppressor genes on chromosome arms 1p
20 sion profiling of 53 hereditary and sporadic parathyroid tumors to better define the molecular geneti
21  men, 14 women; age range, 24-72 years) with parathyroid tumors undergoing parathyroid arteriography
22 ions, was the most striking, suggesting that parathyroid tumors with somatic HRPT2 mutation or tumors

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