


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  loci for asthma and AR while accounting for parent-of-origin effect.
2 logarithm of odds (LOD) 2), with a prominent parent-of-origin effect.
3 rted association in the region, again with a parent-of-origin effect.
4 es this pathway through a previously unknown parent-of-origin effect.
5 on of any tSNP to affected offspring or of a parent-of-origin effect.
6 phytic genes, some of which are subject to a parent-of-origin effect.
7 nner explicable by genome dosage rather than parent of origin effects.
8 /control studies and allows the detection of parent-of-origin effects.
9 igator may wish to look further for possible parent-of-origin effects.
10 at reside at nonimprinted loci but that show parent-of-origin effects.
11 portance, it is crucial to account for these parent-of-origin effects.
12 alignment of pulmonary veins (ACD/MPV), with parent-of-origin effects.
13 requent mosaicism, inconsistent activity and parent-of-origin effects.
14 imary insulin resistance and HCC with strong parent-of-origin effects.
15 disease (AD) pathology and whether there are parent-of-origin effects.
16 ed lethality and directly test for loci with parent-of-origin effects.
17 ence for any susceptibility locus subject to parent-of-origin effects.
18 provide insight into maternally mediated and parent-of-origin effects.
19 5, 62% transmission, P = 7 x 10(-5)) with no parent-of-origin effects.
20 an genome, providing insights into potential parent-of-origin effects.
21  of genetic and environmental mechanisms for parent-of-origin effects.
22 ility risk, on the basis of such evidence as parent-of-origin effects.
23            The likelihood formulations model parent-of-origin effect and allow for incorporation of a
24  susceptibility is characterized by maternal parent-of-origin effects and increased female penetrance
25 shown to influence disease severity, display parent-of-origin effects and interact with a major envir
26 t-offspring "trio" design was used to assess parent-of-origin effects and population stratification.
27  action of IDDM2 is complicated, however, by parent-of-origin effects and possible allelic heterogene
28 maternal versus paternal transmission rates (parent-of-origin effects) and nontransmission rates (non
29 suggest an important role for methylation in parent-of-origin effects, and by inference parental impr
30        Maternal-offspring HLA compatibility, parent-of-origin effects, and NIMA effects at DRB1 are u
31 igated maternal-offspring HLA compatibility, parent-of-origin effects, and NIMA effects at DRB1 in SL
32 candidate genes for complex conditions where parent-of-origin effects are involved, including Alzheim
33                                              Parent-of-origin effects are prominent at some of the lo
34 ct4 on CHR X, was demonstrated with a strong parent-of-origin effect associated with the paternal gen
35         However, the molecular basis for the parent-of-origin effect associated with trinucleotide re
36 2 microdeletion region, suggesting potential parent-of-origin effects associated with this genomic di
37 19q12 loci as RET-dependent modifiers, and a parent-of-origin effect at RET.
38            We found suggestive evidence of a parent-of-origin effect at the ABO locus by analyzing th
39 e a further characterization of the possible parent-of-origin effects at the 17q11 locus that were pr
40 multinomial modeling approach for estimating parent-of-origin effects at the test SNP.
41  consequent interest in seeking evidence for parent-of-origin effects at these loci.
42                  Several phenomena can cause parent-of-origin effects, but the best characterized is
43 vidence that nonimprinted genes can generate parent-of-origin effects by interaction with imprinted l
44 ased when analyzed with a model allowing for parent-of-origin effects, compared with analyses that as
45 r offspring point to quantitative epigenomic parent-of-origin effects confounding classical Mendelian
46                                              Parent-of-origin effects create differences in gene expr
47                       The imprinted gene and parent-of-origin effect database (www.otago.ac.nz/IGC) c
48 a catalogue of de novo mutations that show a parent-of-origin effect expands the scope of the databas
49                 These data strongly refute a parent-of-origin effect for 1p deletions in NB and exclu
50  backcross scheme that exploited a paternal, parent-of-origin effect for a X-linked gene (Gct4) that
51  linear models can be used to estimate these parent-of-origin effects for a broad class of phenotypes
52                                  We analyzed parent-of-origin effects for these variants, along with
53 hybrids that showed differential phenotypes (parent-of-origin effect) for CG or DT were selected for
54                                              Parent-of-origin effects have been difficult to screen f
55                                              Parent-of-origin effects have been reported for type 2 d
56 hould provide a powerful diagnostic tool for parent of origin effects in the study of aneuploidy, imp
57                                           No parent-of-origin effect in allelic expression was found
58                 We sought to investigate the parent-of-origin effect in childhood allergic diseases.
59 ed a likelihood-based method for testing for parent-of-origin effect in complex diseases.
60 dering ascertainment models when testing for parent-of-origin effect in complex diseases.
61 of genetic analyses, taking into account the parent-of-origin effect in families ascertained through
62                     Furthermore, the lack of parent-of-origin effect in LQT syndrome appears to be du
63   The difference in risk suggests a maternal parent-of-origin effect in multiple sclerosis susceptibi
64 0 other entries describe a range of reported parent-of-origin effects in animals.
65 to the sexual dimorphism in EAE and paternal parent-of-origin effects in female mice, raising the pos
66                      Thus, our study reveals parent-of-origin effects in heritable insulin resistance
67 urther research on familial transmission and parent-of-origin effects in LOAD.
68  500 genes exhibit statistically significant parent-of-origin effects in maize endosperm tissue, but
69                          This study confirms parent-of-origin effects in the association with type 2
70  testing for maternally mediated effects and parent-of-origin effects in the same framework.
71             fie and mea mutations also cause parent-of-origin effects, in which the wild-type materna
72                 We also observe two types of parent-of-origin effects, including classical imprinting
73         In this study, we questioned whether parent-of-origin effects influence EAE, using reciprocal
74      For example, both allelic variation and parent-of-origin effects influence the thymic expression
75   Methods are presented for incorporation of parent-of-origin effects into linkage analysis of quanti
76                                         This parent-of-origin effect is due to Gsalpha imprinting in
77                                          The parent-of-origin effect is important in understanding th
78                   However, the basis for the parent-of-origin effect is unknown.
79 icentromeric region of chromosome 18, with a parent-of-origin effect (linkage was present in pedigree
80                                              Parent-of-origin effects occur when the phenotypic effec
81 JL Gct4 allele (Gct4(J)) also shows a strong parent-of-origin effect, occurring only when the Gct4(J)
82 nd maternal effects as the cause of apparent parent-of-origin effects of alleles.
83  the molecular mechanism responsible for the parent-of-origin effects of mea mutations on seed develo
84                                        Thus, parent of origin effects on sharing and linkage to impri
85 some multicopy genes influences the paternal parent-of-origin effect on EAE susceptibility in female
86 e plants show that DNA hypomethylation has a parent-of-origin effect on seed size.
87                    No evidence was found for parent-of-origin effects on allelic transmission.
88 s (PO) and Peromyscus maniculatus (BW) yield parent-of-origin effects on both embryonic and placental
89 45,XO) has suggested that there are X-linked parent-of-origin effects on brain development and cognit
90 s usually result in viable seed that exhibit parent-of-origin effects on endosperm development and fi
91 n, DECREASE IN DNA METHYLATION1, also causes parent-of-origin effects on F(1) seed size.
92 l3 to be paternally imprinted, with profound parent-of-origin effects on gene expression.
93 culatus (BW) and P. polionotus (PO), produce parent-of-origin effects on growth and development.
94 rinting represents a mechanism through which parent-of-origin effects on offspring development may be
95 n, indicate that fie and mea mutations cause parent-of-origin effects on seed development by distinct
96 t although Brassica oleracea displays strong parent-of-origin effects on seed development, triploid b
97 ing variability could contribute to observed parent-of-origin effects on seed development.
98 ion, we demonstrate that previously reported parent-of-origin effects on standing mRNA levels in Dros
99  and CF28, were found to trigger significant parent-of-origin effects on the age of femoral capital o
100 cies where imprinting is observed, there are parent-of-origin effects on the expression of imprinted
101  epigenetic modification that can result in 'parent-of-origin' effects on phenotypic traits.
102      Most existing methods for investigating parent-of-origin effects operate on a SNP-by-SNP basis a
103                                           No parent-of-origin effect or somatic instability was obser
104 hole, nor was there evidence for significant parent-of-origin effect (pedigrees with paternal transmi
105                     The results suggest that parent-of-origin effects, perhaps including genomic impr
106 ca homologues of Arabidopsis genes linked to parent-of-origin effects revealed conservation of some m
107 rt reviews existing methods for detection of parent-of-origin effects, showing that each can be inval
108 ability, including expansions, deletions and parent-of-origin effects, somatic and early embryonic in
109 s also primarily caused by genetic loci with parent-of-origin effects, suggesting a possible role for
110  just one) are 'neutralized' with respect to parent-of-origin effects supports the hypothesis that pa
111 n outbred mice, that most phenotypes display parent-of-origin effects that are partially confounded w
112                                              Parent-of-origin effects thus provide new avenues for in
113 f nearly all genes analyzed, suggesting that parent-of-origin effect was minimal.
114                                            A parent-of-origin effect was observed, but it was not con
115                   Additionally, evidence for parent-of-origin effects was observed.
116 ariance, the expected LOD score was 4.5 when parent-of-origin effects were incorporated into the anal
117                                  Significant parent-of-origin effects were observed in affected femal
118                                              Parent-of-origin effects were observed in an Icelandic p
119         Statistically significant (P < 0.05) parent-of-origin effects were seen for association with
120                                        Thus, parent-of-origin effects were specified within the autos
121   A polymorphism in Fc epsilon RI-beta shows parent-of-origin effects when associated with severe inf
122 indings suggest that divergence in loci with parent-of-origin effects, which is probably driven by ge
123             We found both deletions showed a parent-of-origin effect with 100% embryonic lethality wh
124                       The ability to include parent-of-origin effects within linkage analysis of quan

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