


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 d by an inhibitor of aldehyde dehydrogenase (pargyline).
2 n vitro in the presence of the MAO inhibitor pargyline.
3 inhibitors, tranylcypromine, clorgyline, and pargyline.
4  monoamine oxidase B inhibitors deprenyl and pargyline.
5 t the enzymatic level with the MAO inhibitor pargyline.
6                            Local infusion of pargyline (100 or 300 microm) into the mPFC or striatum
7   The brains of four adult cats treated with pargyline (a nonhydrazide monoaminoxidase inhibitor) wer
8                                Combined with pargyline, a monoamine oxidase inhibitor, reserpine incr
9                             However, neither pargyline, a specific monoamine oxidase inhibitor, nor s
10                       Three TEMPO-conjugated pargyline analogues (ParSL-1, ParSL-2, and ParSL-3) have
11               Coincubation of the cells with pargyline and 5-hydroxytryptamine further reduced the re
12      Accordingly, monoamine oxidase blockers pargyline and l-deprenyl had no effect on DAcyt levels i
13 tes of interaction for the enzyme inhibitors pargyline and lazabemide (Ro 19-6327).
14 take inhibitor imipramine, the MAO inhibitor pargyline and the MEK inhibitor PD 98059.
15 aperitoneal injection of the LSD1 inhibitors pargyline and tranylcypromine led to dramatically reduce
16 xpression abolished the inhibitory effect of pargyline and tranylcypromine on neural progenitor proli
17                             The injection of pargyline and tryptophan increased 5-HT immunostaining c
18  reboxetine, the monoamine oxidase inhibitor pargyline, and the atypical antidepressant bupropion, ev
19 nged following a dose of the MAO B inhibitor pargyline at 2mg/kg.
20                                            A pargyline based nitroxide spin labeled irreversible inhi
21 drugs, diazepam, haloperidol, phenobarbital, pargyline, D-amphetamine, imipramine, piracetam or N-met
22 ntidepressant MAO acetylenic inhibitors like pargyline do not inhibit LSD1.
23 ized NEM in clorgyline-inactivated MAO A and pargyline-inactivated MAO B, respectively.
24 " than that of MAO B and that clorgyline and pargyline inactivation of MAO A and B, respectively, inc
25       Inhibition of MAO activity with either pargyline or di-deuterium substitution did not significa
26 ntral nervous system is the direct result of pargyline or if it occurs indirectly as a result of inhi
27 ne (MAO) inhibitors, l-deprenyl, clorgyline, pargyline, or in vivo nialamide produced 30-50% inhibiti
28 linkers to the para or meta positions of the pargyline phenyl ring, respectively.
29 he linkers connecting the TEMPO group to the pargyline phenyl ring.

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