


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 imultaneously protecting the Si from surface passivation.
2 (1) kinetic control or (2) selective surface passivation.
3 minority carrier lifetime, induced by defect passivation.
4 ive in serving as the first layer of surface passivation.
5  chloride termination, and organic monolayer passivation.
6 um antagonists may also contribute to plaque passivation.
7 hin film as the dielectric layer for surface passivation.
8 he reactivity of nanoparticles using surface passivation.
9 ion of new spontaneous nucleation via second passivation.
10 gh control of the doping profile and surface passivation.
11 ide to goethite, resulting in pyrite surface passivation.
12 er energy by M(oleate)2 passivation vs amine passivation.
13 ves M(oleate)2 and restores the L-type amine passivation.
14 type amine passivation for Z-type M(oleate)2 passivation.
15 solar cell with grain boundary and interface passivation achieves a steady-state efficiency of 18.42%
16 12) are found to impart the most stable GeNW passivation against oxidation upon extended exposure to
17 m and also utilized Tween 20 to serve as the passivation agent by surface modification on the NWFET t
18 ile the presence of chloride anion acts as a passivation agent that protects the electrode surface fr
19 s increased CrIII solubility lowered surface passivation allowing for more reactive sites to particip
20  interface: (i) an in situ hydrogen-Si (001) passivation and (ii) the application of oxygen-protectiv
21                                     A second passivation and a multistage carbon-source supply (CSS)
22 ing mechanisms of antibody-mediated platelet passivation and aid in the development of novel anti-pla
23 ccumulates on cycling resulting in electrode passivation and capacity fading.
24                                      Surface passivation and contact optimization will be critical to
25 al interlayer, which combines efficient trap-passivation and electron-extraction.
26 nced, thus leading to the positive electrode passivation and explaining the early end of discharge.
27 ving the product Li2 O2 , avoiding electrode passivation and forming large particles of Li2 O2 produc
28                            Moreover, surface passivation and functionalization of CQDs allow for the
29 polymer chemistries for microchannel surface passivation and improved DNA separation matrix performan
30 um deposited CIGS are mainly used for defect passivation and reduction of charge recombination.
31 akly influenced by the nature of the surface passivation and that colloidal quantum wires have intrin
32 phene-matrix bonding by the coupled hydrogen passivation and ultrasonication technique.
33                  A method combining hydrogen passivation and ultrasonication was developed for the fi
34 ations are, we suggest, driven by oxidation (passivation) and reduction reactions.
35 tio computations to determine the stability, passivation, and dissolution behavior of Pt as a functio
36 luding field effect investigation, electrode passivation, and fluorescent measurement, indicate a com
37 hirality level for nanotube sorting, on-chip passivation, and nanoscale lithography.
38 the aluminum surface, and the faster surface passivation are all consistent indications that cerium c
39 ion, the electronic improvement and chemical passivation are presented.
40 e the risk of an invasive approach by plaque passivation before interventional therapy.
41 ature, showed that the Ti-5Ag alloy had good passivation behavior, similar to that of pure titanium.
42 rface destabilize the lattice, and that self-passivation by formation of a chemically stable surface
43 g observations of NC surface termination and passivation by ligands, helps to explain and predict the
44 ed as a protective barrier against electrode passivation by proteins.
45 siloxane upon an F-SAM surface, (iv) surface passivation by reaction of the trimethylsilyl cation, Si
46 as followed by a slow decline due to surface passivation by reaction products, mainly sorbed or preci
47                                      Surface passivations by a silanization procedure followed by a c
48                                       Plaque passivation can be defined as a process by which the str
49 gh-density DNA films and strict assembly and passivation conditions.
50                   In this review, QD surface passivation, conjugation to biomolecules, and purificati
51  CMP of CZT wafers, indicating by the lowest passivation current density among silica, citric acid an
52      The present results inform that surface passivation does not always prevent immunological reacti
53 graphene, periodic patterning using defects, passivation, doping, nanoscale perforation, etc., is par
54 ion time to 2 min, the problems of electrode passivation due to phenols polymerization were overcome.
55  by this protocol may be limited by hydrogen passivation during the polymerization step.
56 sport layer engineering, especially the trap passivation effect of the double fullerene layer.
57 mics in samples containing PbI2 are due to a passivation effect, in line with other recently reported
58 +)/Au(0)-halide interactions, as well as the passivation effects of the halides on the gold particle
59 rformance were identified, including channel passivation, electroosmosis control, and IEF linearity c
60 oxidation, which can be prevented by surface passivation, encapsulation, or in-situ cleaving to recov
61 m proteins as an additional layer of surface passivation for stable sensor performance.
62 ults in a rapid exchange of the L-type amine passivation for Z-type M(oleate)2 passivation.
63                                       With H passivation from a postprocessing anneal, we show that t
64  with tightly bound chlorothiols that retain passivation from solution to film, achieving an 8.5% pow
65 gic agents to reduce plaque vulnerability by passivation has been explored.
66                                      Surface passivation has enabled the development of silicon-based
67  nanoparticles with various forms of surface passivation, have achieved the performance level of semi
68 uch as fluid handling and operation, surface passivation, imaging uniformity, and detection sensitivi
69 rrent hysteresis and its elimination by trap passivation in perovskite solar cells provides important
70 similar mechanism of sterol-induced platelet passivation in the human disease.
71 ical studies highlighting the role of plaque passivation in the management of ACS patients.
72              We investigated several surface passivations in an attempt to identify 'PCR friendly' su
73                                      Surface passivation is a general issue for Si-based photoelectro
74                                       Halide passivation is critical to the growth of these (100) fac
75 r electrical activity: this effect of defect passivation is crucial to the performance of many photov
76                                  Such mutual passivation is expected to be a general phenomenon for e
77 lic lithium anode to form a Li(+)-conducting passivation layer (solid-electrolyte interphase) contain
78 o synthesize a thin film that acts as both a passivation layer and an antireflective coating.
79 phobic carbon chains, serves as an effective passivation layer in the ambient environment.
80 rs based on epitaxial growth of an inorganic passivation layer is presented.
81 ng process involves dissolution of a surface passivation layer of zinc oxide in CH3 COOH/H2 O and sub
82                     Moreover, formation of a passivation layer on the anode robs Li from the cathode
83 raphene that is shown to act as an excellent passivation layer protecting Cu surface from any deterio
84 ions to form a thin (1-2 monolayers) PbCl(x) passivation layer which effectively prevents oxidation d
85 ted at the surface of the electrode act as a passivation layer which prevents further reduction of th
86               Combining the pre-patterned Ag passivation layer with thermal treatment, we can design
87  strands immobilized on top of the PEG-based passivation layer, results in nearly unaltered enzymatic
88 rication compatible PMMA coating as a viable passivation layer.
89 pical electrode-tissue gap associated to the passivation layer.
90 in emission after growth of an epitaxial AlN passivation layer.
91 complexes and impeded the formation of U(VI) passivation layer.
92 rface oxidation to U(VI) detachment as U(VI) passivation layers developed.
93  method to create air-stable organic surface passivation layers on silicon using a vapor-phase treatm
94                                      With Ag passivation layers on top of the Co/Pt multilayers, we c
95 y by investigating and controlling electrode passivation layers, improving the rate of Li(+) transfer
96 ever, the real potential of surface chemical passivation lies in the ability to replace surface hydro
97                        To mimic this dynamic passivation mechanism, beta-casein was encapsulated into
98                          We report a surface passivation method based on dichlorodimethylsilane (DDS)
99                                  Therefore a passivation method is required to study the intrinsic ma
100  phosphorus degradation which can aid future passivation methods.
101                 CDots with different surface passivation molecules, 2,2'-(ethylenedioxy)bis(ethylamin
102 resulting gold nanoparticles through surface passivation (more so than kinetic effects).
103                                  This mutual passivation occurs in Si-doped GaN(x) As(1-x) through th
104 birnessite-rich column parts, indicating the passivation of birnessite and its transformation product
105 a carbon surface with an alumina coating for passivation of carbon defect sites.
106 minant mechanism of QD-ligand interaction is passivation of Cd(2+) surface sites through sigma-donati
107 results demonstrate that epitaxial inorganic passivation of defect-based quantum emitters provides a
108 is reaction ceased after 10 h due to surface passivation of GR(C12).
109 aspects of interface electrostatics, such as passivation of interface states and alignment of energy
110 h modulated composition and/or doping enable passivation of interfaces and the generation of devices
111 oped a systematic study on the oxidation and passivation of mechanically exfoliated black phosphorus
112 nto nanocrystal films, implicating reductive passivation of midgap surface electron traps.
113 e control of the Fermi level, and (2) ligand passivation of nanoparticle surfaces prevents interfacia
114 me, which are attributed to a combination of passivation of nonradiative surface trap states and rela
115 NH2), were introduced onto PDMS surfaces for passivation of nonspecific protein absorption and attach
116                                          The passivation of nonspecific protein adsorption to paper i
117                         As a result, surface passivation of oxide materials has been attempted via se
118                                              Passivation of PbSe quantum dots was achieved via a new
119 the surface ionic double layer on electronic passivation of QD surfaces, which we find can be explain
120                                              Passivation of semiconductor surfaces is conveniently re
121               Surface oxidation and chemical passivation of single-crystal Ge nanowires with diameter
122                    Topographic smoothing and passivation of surface activity are observed for the alk
123     To explain the phenomenon, the effective passivation of surface trap states by mobile carriers is
124 ventricular assist device (LVAD) promote the passivation of the biomaterial caused by the accumulatio
125 V for 1.4 eV PbS QDs is a result of improved passivation of the defective QD surface, demonstrating V
126 ups on the graphene surface without complete passivation of the electrode.
127 ability suggests new therapeutic strategies: passivation of the endothelium, reduction of low-density
128 ith blood, which is explained with a partial passivation of the inner Ag/AgCl element.
129 sport of large biomolecules, thus minimizing passivation of the inner surfaces while permitting acces
130 sed with regard to wave guidance, electrical passivation of the interdigital transducers from the liq
131 addition, the effectiveness of H2-HPA on the passivation of the interface states was compared for bot
132 used silica floor of the ZMW was achieved by passivation of the metal cladding surface using polyphos
133 rystals point to highly efficient electronic passivation of the nanocrystal surface.
134 velengths beyond 1 mum, and results from the passivation of the PbS cores by the CdS shells against i
135                        Through rapid, simple passivation of the PCR chamber with a silanizing reagent
136                     With appropriate surface passivation of the porous silicon material to prevent su
137 ved, indicating that air exposure results in passivation of the small Pt clusters.
138 O5 decreases, thus demonstrating the partial passivation of the surface during the deceleration stage
139 r to the Si dimer rows, followed by hydrogen passivation of the surrounding Si surface.
140                                 Finally, the passivation of these rings has been put forward as a key
141  and hexagonal boron nitride can be used for passivation of ultrathin black phosphorus.
142 od and are used for gettering and electrical passivation of unwanted impurities.
143                                              Passivation of vulnerable plaque represents a therapeuti
144 ner, organic ligands have been used for the 'passivation' of metal clusters, that is, inhibition of t
145 eds to thousands of times without undergoing passivation or macroscale dendrite formation.
146                           The contamination, passivation, or fouling of the detection electrodes is a
147 n, while still maintaining excellent surface passivation (preventing defect formation, which otherwis
148 by the formation of ferrihydrite and surface passivation processes.
149  films with excellent insulating and surface passivation properties, enhancing both organic and inorg
150 ansfer mediators can help to avoid electrode passivation resulting from polymer film formation on the
151 ient absorption assays document that surface passivation results in substantial changes in the intens
152                          An effective defect passivation route has been demonstrated in the rapidly g
153 m to demonstrate the power of this inorganic passivation scheme.
154  and predict the effect that different sp(3) passivation schemes-F or H termination, thin oxide shell
155 improvements to material quality and complex passivation schemes.
156 matic activation (DNA functionalization) and passivation (self-assembled monolayers) of specific surf
157 hat the inlet hydrogen atoms in the hydrogen passivation serve as a source of the second atoms to ter
158 o induce compressive stresses in the alumina passivation shell surrounding Al core.
159 air conditions with the protection of a Li2O passivation shell, indicating that these nanoparticles a
160 n theory modeling of silicon hydride surface passivation shows an Si-Hx monolayer can remove all the
161                                  This sensor passivation strategy is versatile and can potentially be
162 anding problem by applying two complementary passivation techniques for the reactive EuO/Si interface
163 rted on carbon with and without hydrogen (H) passivation that arises with postprocessing of nanoparti
164 nces the secondary ion yield through surface passivation, the enhanced oxygen uptake due to C(60)(+)
165                                      Surface passivation through ultrasonic treatment of CNDs was per
166 g applications require a paradigm shift from passivation to functionalization, wherein surface functi
167 e truncated cuboctahedral structure due to H passivation via adsorption energetics of hydrogen on Pt(
168 rsibly shifted to lower energy by M(oleate)2 passivation vs amine passivation.
169             Taking advantage of robust facet passivation, we unveil a laser "fossil" buried within a
170 solution-phase routes to Ge nanowire surface passivation were studied, including sulfidation, hydride
171 oward the alloyed interface during ZnS shell passivation, which provides an efficient method to contr
172                     This approach to surface passivation will allow the use of semiconducting oxides
173 llar-array photovoltaics employing epitaxial passivation with air mass 1.5 global power conversion ef
174                                          The passivation with GO layers can effectively lead to enhan
175                                    Thin-film passivation with iodide salts is shown to enhance film a
176 d a fast response, with little indication of passivation with repeated voltammetric cycling but a rel
177 etectors exhibited low surface leakage after passivation with SiO2, allowing the use of very small si
178 vity of GNPs can be inhibited by its surface passivation with target-specific aptamer molecules.
179  then present a novel avenue for in-solution passivation with tightly bound chlorothiols that retain

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