


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 g the presynaptic release function and using patch clamp recording.
2 d the protein in giant liposomes amenable to patch clamp recording.
3 e neocortical brain slices during whole-cell patch clamp recording.
4 ties of the encoded proteins with whole-cell patch-clamp recording.
5 ransduction, we examined its distribution by patch-clamp recording.
6 s using high-resolution confocal imaging and patch-clamp recording.
7 tate granule cells as measured by whole-cell patch-clamp recording.
8  performed using heterologous expression and patch-clamp recording.
9 in slices from trained rats using whole-cell patch-clamp recording.
10 g and performed whole-cell and cell-attached patch clamp recordings.
11 erived neurons are compared using whole-cell patch clamp recordings.
12 ow functional channel activity in whole-cell patch clamp recordings.
13 a preparation of peripheral nerve slices for patch-clamp recordings.
14 oaches in combination with lifted whole cell patch-clamp recordings.
15 ere a method for stable simultaneous octuple patch-clamp recordings.
16 red to wild-type mice could be detected with patch-clamp recordings.
17 es of L5 pyramidal neurons of mouse V1 using patch-clamp recordings.
18 neurons using optogenetic tools and in vitro patch-clamp recordings.
19  expressed in HEK293 cells and studied using patch-clamp recordings.
20 ) concentration ([Ca(2+)]i) measurements and patch-clamp recordings.
21  of MHbV (MHbVL and MHbVC) using brain slice patch-clamp recordings.
22  root ganglia (DRG) neurons using whole cell patch-clamp recordings.
23 ly induced nicotinic responses by performing patch-clamp recordings.
24 EK-293 cells using whole-cell and inside-out patch-clamp recordings.
25                                 Results from patch-clamp recordings agreed well with cellular assays
26 te mapping techniques with in vitro targeted patch-clamp recordings, allowed identifying a new type o
27                                              Patch-clamp recordings also showed increased CB1-sensiti
28 x vivo brain slice, combined with whole-cell patch clamp recording and capillary electrophoresis (CE)
29                                      We used patch clamp recording and substituted cysteine accessibi
30 f spine synapses were analyzed by whole cell patch clamp recording and two-photon image analysis of P
31  was impaired in eKO mice in single cells in patch clamp recordings and in the intact coronary circul
32 es was analyzed immunohistochemically and by patch clamp recordings and microfluorometry.
33  identified group of spinal INs, we combined patch-clamp recording and anatomical tracing with cluste
34            Using a combination of whole-cell patch-clamp recording and biochemical analyses in hippoc
35  sensitization/challenge to induce AIAD, (3) patch-clamp recording and Ca(2+) imaging to examine the
36                             Using whole-cell patch-clamp recording and immunohistochemistry, we teste
37 ate cells in the cerebellum using whole-cell patch-clamp recording and photolytic uncaging of RuBi-GA
38           We have assessed, using whole-cell patch-clamp recording and RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq), the
39 itochondrial assays; in addition, using both patch-clamp recording and somatic Ca(2+) imaging, we hav
40                                  Here, using patch-clamp recording and two-photon Ca(2+) imaging in r
41 ase by a combination of membrane capacitance patch-clamp recordings and biochemical measurements of s
42                                              Patch-clamp recordings and Ca(2+) imaging demonstrate th
43                                Here, we used patch-clamp recordings and confocal and electron microsc
44            Using a combination of whole-cell patch-clamp recordings and extracellular recordings in E
45   Here we have combined confocal microscopy, patch-clamp recordings and light-sensitive channel block
46  heterologous expression in mammalian cells, patch-clamp recordings and noise analysis to study and c
47 ne this, we used a combination of whole-cell patch-clamp recordings and optogenetics to demonstrate t
48 hway-specific retrograde tracing, whole-cell patch-clamp recordings and post hoc cell type identifica
49  used retrograde tracing in combination with patch-clamp recordings and recorded pre- and postsynapti
50                                              Patch-clamp recordings and synaptic CaV1.3 immunolabelin
51 ayers 2/3 of V1 of awake mice using targeted patch-clamp recordings and synchronous local field poten
52 , we used a combination of dual simultaneous patch-clamp recordings and targeted optogenetic stimulat
53                            Here we have used patch-clamp recordings and total internal reflection flu
54    Here, we used a combination of whole-cell patch-clamp recordings and two-photon Ca2+ imaging to re
55                          By a combination of patch-clamp recordings and two-photon calcium imaging, w
56 nderlying startle habituation in rats, using patch-clamp recordings and voltage-sensitive dye imaging
57 lution immunoelectron microscopy, whole-cell patch-clamp recording, and computational modeling to inv
58 s were harvested and prepared for whole-cell patch-clamp recording, and in treated rats, this occurre
59          Here we use multiphoton imaging and patch-clamp recording, and observe sparse and stereotype
60                                        Using patch-clamp recordings, artificial dynamic conductance i
61       In this study, live imaging and paired patch clamp recording at the zebrafish neuromuscular syn
62                                 Using paired patch-clamp recordings between bipolar cell terminals an
63                   This study used whole-cell patch clamp recordings combined with single-cell labelin
64                               Dual soma-axon patch-clamp recordings combined with axonal Na(+) imagin
65                                           In patch-clamp recordings, compound 21 displayed a signific
66                                Cell-attached patch clamp recordings confirmed that perisomatic Ih was
67                                              Patch-clamp recordings confirmed that KV1-C peptide atte
68                                   Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings confirmed that PVN AT1a deletion
69                               Single-channel patch-clamp recordings confirmed that the human BK chann
70 o study these questions, we performed paired patch-clamp recordings, deconvolution analysis, and nume
71                                   Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings demonstrate that these transient
72                                   Whole-cell patch clamp recordings demonstrated that this decrease w
73                            Single whole-cell patch-clamp recordings demonstrated that increased GABA
74                                      Ex vivo patch-clamp recordings demonstrated that the depolarizin
75 monstrated the pipettes' utility in targeted patch-clamp recording experiments and single-cell electr
76 ossal MNs from brain slices using whole-cell patch-clamp recording, followed by dye-filling these sam
77    Thus, we focused on optimizing whole-cell patch-clamp recordings for RVM neurons in animals older
78                      We optimized whole-cell patch-clamp recordings for RVM neurons in animals older
79                                              Patch clamp recordings from auditory brainstem neurons a
80 e endbulb of Held was assessed by whole-cell patch clamp recordings from auditory neurons in mature (
81 e endbulb of Held was assessed by whole-cell patch clamp recordings from auditory neurons in mature (
82 ts of the variant vs. wild type NaV1.1 using patch clamp recordings from channels expressed in Chines
83                                        Using patch clamp recordings from infralimbic mPFC pyramidal n
84                                              Patch clamp recordings from layer V pyramidal neurons sh
85                                              Patch clamp recordings from mouse DRG neurones identifie
86                                 We have made patch clamp recordings from Purkinje cells in vivo to id
87 art-brainstem preparation to make whole cell patch clamp recordings from T3-4 SPNs (n = 98).
88 ical stimulation of the efferent fibres with patch clamp recordings from the IHCs to measure efferent
89                                              Patch-clamp recording from neurons in the sensory layers
90            Analysis of simultaneous multiple patch-clamp recordings from 6068 pairs of rat neurons wi
91 e, we used paired motor neuron target muscle patch-clamp recordings from a rapsyn-deficient mutant li
92      We demonstrate platform validation with patch-clamp recordings from a variety of cells in the mo
93                                In whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from acute hippocampal slices, (+
94  action potential (AP) firing rates (FRs) in patch-clamp recordings from acutely isolated SAMs.
95                                   Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from astrocytes further suggest t
96 shed light on these mechanisms, we performed patch-clamp recordings from basal amygdala (BA) neurons
97                Here we use visually targeted patch-clamp recordings from basket cell terminals of mic
98                         Moreover, we show in patch-clamp recordings from brain slices that VLPO neuro
99                                              Patch-clamp recordings from Cabp2(LacZ/LacZ) IHCs reveal
100                                   Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from calyx endings were performed
101                                 We performed patch-clamp recordings from GPe neurons and found that b
102                                 We performed patch-clamp recordings from hippocampal CA3 pyramidal ne
103                         Utilizing whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from morphologically identified C
104                                   Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from neurons in slices removed at
105                                 We performed patch-clamp recordings from pyramidal cells in acute rat
106                             Using whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from pyramidal neurons and fast-s
107                             Using whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from rat cerebellar slices, we ha
108 ress this issue, we made two-photon targeted patch-clamp recordings from rat TC and TRN neuron dendri
109                                Consistently, patch-clamp recordings from retrovirally labeled new gra
110                                     Targeted patch-clamp recordings from SbC-RGCs under two-photon gu
111 -of-function Fbxl3(Afh) mutation and perform patch-clamp recordings from SCN brain slices across the
112                                   Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from SCN neurons revealed that ex
113                   To test this, we performed patch-clamp recordings from soma and dendrites of rat hi
114                             Using whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from spinal motoneurons and inter
115                                              Patch-clamp recordings from spiny projection neurones (S
116                          We performed direct patch-clamp recordings from the dendrites of pyramidal n
117 ted cardiac myocytes, and performed targeted patch-clamp recordings from the latter.
118 asis of this effect, we performed whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from the set of identified visual
119                           Here, we used dual patch-clamp recordings from turtle vestibular hair cells
120                                              Patch-clamp recordings further indicated that Fezf2-resp
121 e depletion to this activation pathway using patch clamp recording, GFP-PLCdelta1-PH imaging and co-l
122                                              Patch-clamp recording has enabled single-cell electrical
123                                While in vivo patch-clamp recording has recently benefited from automa
124                       Using a combination of patch clamp recording, immunoblotting, confocal imaging
125 ch-seq, a technique that combines whole-cell patch-clamp recording, immunohistochemistry, and single-
126  a single 24-hr episode of MD and whole-cell patch clamp recording in rat midbrain slices, we show th
127 s in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons using patch clamp recordings in acute slices from mice at diff
128                                              Patch clamp recordings in GCs reveal that movement is ac
129 cine 1331 to valine) by obtaining whole-cell patch clamp recordings in human embryonic kidney 293T ce
130                                              Patch clamp recordings in isolated mitoplasts suggest in
131 ining high-yield and high-quality whole-cell patch clamp recordings in vivo.
132 ke the RVM a challenging area for whole-cell patch-clamp recording in adults.
133 nnelrhodopsin-2 in mouse MS neurons and used patch-clamp recording in brain slices to determine the r
134                              Commensurately, patch-clamp recording in mPFC layer V pyramidal neurons
135      Using immunofluorescence and whole-cell patch-clamp recording in rat midbrain slices, we show th
136   The present study used voltage imaging and patch-clamp recording in slices of rat SC to test the hy
137 e inhibitory drive to PV+ INs using targeted patch-clamp recording in spinal cord slices from adult t
138 lfactory bulb slices and two-photon targeted patch-clamp recording in vivo to characterize the proper
139                                   Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in acute brain slices revealed th
140                              Here, by making patch-clamp recordings in acute slices of macaque retina
141                                              Patch-clamp recordings in acute slices showed that, 1 we
142                                    Moreover, patch-clamp recordings in acute VNO slices reveal that m
143 0 nm 3D resolution, which allows presynaptic patch-clamp recordings in all four configurations (cell-
144                                   Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in brain slices revealed that int
145 stimulation in vivo and conducted whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in brain slices to reveal how nan
146 rphin-A on MCPO/SI cholinergic neurons using patch-clamp recordings in brain slices.
147 otent role of gap junctions was confirmed in patch-clamp recordings in bulb slices from wild-type and
148                           In vivo whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in cat visual cortex revealed sma
149 loping the first robot to perform sequential patch-clamp recordings in cell culture and in vivo witho
150                  Moreover, we use whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in combination with local electri
151                                      In situ patch-clamp recordings in genetic mosaics reveal that Dm
152 aSM)-like activity patterns using whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in HEK293 cells (Cav1.2 alpha1-su
153 l of neuropathic pain in Long-Evans rats and patch-clamp recordings in layer II/III pyramidal neurons
154 dial entorhinal stellate cells, we performed patch-clamp recordings in mice navigating in a virtual-r
155 elrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) in TMN neurons and used patch-clamp recordings in mouse brain slices to examine
156 g these adaptations, we conducted whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in NAc core MSNs of "incubated ra
157                             Using whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in posthearing mice, we show that
158                                      We used patch-clamp recordings in prefrontal cortical slices fro
159                                   Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in rat DRG neurons revealed that
160 a(+)/K(+)-ATPase role was investigated using patch-clamp recordings in rat MnPO dissociated neurons.
161                                   Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in RPE derived from human-induced
162 sion of HP inputs onto MSNs using whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in slices from adult rats.
163                                   Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in spinal cord slices revealed th
164               Here we used paired whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in the cockroach Periplaneta amer
165                   The present study combines patch-clamp recordings in the intact neonatal rat spinal
166                                   Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in the spinal cord slice preparat
167                                Here, we used patch-clamp recordings in visual cortex of anesthetized
168                                With multiple patch-clamp recordings in vitro, we show that the cell s
169                  Here we combined whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in vivo and dynamic clamp recordi
170 ntact cell-medium interface using whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in vivo and in vitro.
171        Here we perform dendritic and somatic patch-clamp recordings in vivo combined with optogenetic
172                                   Using dual patch-clamp recordings in vivo, we reveal that in the pr
173  calbindin-D28k, and calretinin in mice with patch-clamp recording, in vivo physiology, and mathemati
174                                   Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings indicate sustained, thermally sta
175 docking, molecular dynamics simulations, and patch-clamp recordings indicate that residues K526 and K
176                                   Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings indicated that food restriction a
177                                     Targeted patch-clamp recording is a powerful method for character
178  = 44) and with sclerosis (n = 75) combining patch clamp recording, K(+) concentration analysis, elec
179 ine-regulated potassium current (IKACh) with patch clamp recording, messenger ribonucleic acid expres
180                       We combined whole-cell patch clamp recordings (n = 440) of NMDAR-mediated curre
181              A recent study using whole-cell patch clamp recording of MNs in acute spinal cord slices
182                                        Using patch clamp recording of olfactory bulb slices in the wh
183  (FRAP), quantitative RT-PCR, and whole cell patch clamp recordings of GFP-encoding Mus musculus nACh
184                      We performed whole cell patch clamp recordings of hippocampal neurons to determi
185 re prepared following stress, and whole-cell patch clamp recordings of inhibitory postsynaptic curren
186                                              Patch clamp recordings of isolated rat vagal neurons sho
187 quantitative PCR (q-PCR), immunostaining and patch clamp recordings of membrane current and voltage,
188                                   Whole-cell patch clamp recordings of spontaneous miniature postsyna
189                                In whole-cell patch clamp recordings of transfected HEK293T cells, cha
190 used high-throughput calcium-flux assays and patch clamp recordings of transiently transfected HEK-29
191                     Here, in vivo whole-cell patch-clamp recording of excitatory neurons revealed var
192                          Applying whole-cell patch-clamp recording of HEK cells, we found that wild-t
193                        Here, we used in situ patch-clamp recording of myenteric neurons from mice to
194 spite an age-dependent dendritic spine loss, patch-clamp recording of synaptic activity revealed an i
195                              We used in vivo patch-clamp recordings of binaural neurons in the Mongol
196                                Here, through patch-clamp recordings of channel population ensembles a
197                                  METHODS AND Patch-clamp recordings of cultured neonatal rat ventricu
198  microcircuit was investigated with targeted patch-clamp recordings of DA amacrine cells in TH-RFP mi
199                             Using whole-cell patch-clamp recordings of EPSCs in nucleus accumbens, we
200                                              Patch-clamp recordings of excitatory and inhibitory curr
201  spinal cord, allowing visualized whole cell patch-clamp recordings of fluorescent lumbar MN cell bod
202                                              Patch-clamp recordings of Ih currents in cells expressin
203 roscopy of the prokaryotic homolog GltPh and patch-clamp recordings of mammalian EAATs to determine h
204                                   Perforated patch-clamp recordings of MOPr-mediated activation of G-
205 thalamic afferents combined with whole-cell, patch-clamp recordings of MSNs and electrical stimulatio
206                       Here, we obtained dual patch-clamp recordings of neighboring IO neurons from yo
207                           We used whole-cell patch-clamp recordings of over 460 neurons to characteri
208                                   Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings of presynaptic terminals from S21
209                      We performed whole-cell patch-clamp recordings of principal neurons in the media
210                                  Altogether, patch-clamp recordings of single-photon responses in mou
211                                   Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings of synaptic conductances showed a
212 to underlie these differences using in vitro patch-clamp recordings of synaptic events and multiscale
213 x slices were prepared enabling simultaneous patch-clamp recordings of up to four labeled corticospin
214                                   Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings of XII motoneurons showed that DN
215 ned with emergent technologies for automatic patch-clamp recordings, permits automated, in vitro high
216 s (bright-field microscopy with simultaneous patch-clamp recording, phase contrast microscopy, and tr
217                                        Using patch-clamp recording, real-time PCR, Western blotting,
218                                              Patch-clamp recordings reveal that exposed MOR23 neurons
219                                              Patch clamp recordings revealed facilitated opening of C
220                        Clomeleon imaging and patch clamp recordings revealed that inhibition of NKCC1
221                                  Outside-out patch clamp recordings revealed that the maximum Na(+) c
222                         Ca(2)(+) imaging and patch-clamp recording revealed cell-wide propagating SCW
223                                   Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings revealed increased excitatory and
224                                              Patch-clamp recordings revealed increased inhibitory syn
225                                              Patch-clamp recordings revealed that 72% of the thoracic
226                                              Patch-clamp recordings revealed that anatomical rewiring
227 xpress NPY Y1 receptor immunoreactivity, and patch-clamp recordings revealed that both NPY and alpha-
228                                   Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings revealed that DEX (1-10 microM) r
229 ect measurement of I(KA) using cell-attached patch-clamp recordings revealed that there was significa
230         Here, we use a combination of paired patch-clamp recordings, serial EM, and large-scale multi
231 opathic pain, in vivo two-photon imaging and patch clamp recording showed initial loss and subsequent
232                                   Whole cell patch clamp recordings showed that CRF increased inhibit
233                                   Perforated patch clamp recordings showed that noradrenalin changes
234   Consistent with this observation, in vitro patch clamp recordings showed that reducing postsynaptic
235                           Ca(2+) imaging and patch-clamp recordings showed that although the platelet
236 hat combines whole-cell electrophysiological patch-clamp recordings, single-cell RNA-sequencing and m
237 sted, stable, simultaneous quadruple-viguple patch-clamp recording system.
238 s these questions, we developed a perforated patch-clamp recording technique and recorded from single
239  HEK293 cells, and studied p7 channels using patch-clamp recording techniques.
240     Here we provide evidence from whole-cell patch-clamp recording that dynorphin-A (Dyn-A) directly
241 LHb from the SCN, we show through whole-cell patch-clamp recordings that LHb neurones exhibit heterog
242           Here we demonstrate, using in vivo patch-clamp recordings, that four medulla neurons implem
243                                        Using patch-clamp recordings, this study measures dendritic pr
244        In this work, we used dual whole cell patch clamp recording to examine the functional effects
245                                 We have used patch clamp recording to identify high affinity Cd(2+) b
246                           We used whole-cell patch clamp recording to investigate the effect of chron
247                                 We then used patch clamp recording to monitor PNU potentiation of sin
248                          Here, we use paired patch clamp recording to study neuromuscular transmissio
249 e of the following procedures: 1) whole-cell patch clamp recordings to characterize AMPAR transmissio
250                         Here the authors use patch clamp recordings to show that selective tuning of
251                                Here, we used patch-clamp recording to measure NMDAR-mediated currents
252        In this study, we use 2-photon-guided patch-clamp recordings to characterize responses of vesi
253 logical manipulations and ex vivo whole-cell patch-clamp recordings to dissect the local circuit mech
254  retrograde labeling and in vitro whole-cell patch-clamp recordings to examine the effect of trace fe
255 re, we exploited the high time resolution of patch-clamp recordings to examine the effects of Zn(2+)
256  performed paired motor neuron target muscle patch-clamp recordings to investigate the mechanisms cau
257                            We used dendritic patch-clamp recordings to measure dendritic excitability
258        We used site-directed mutagenesis and patch-clamp recordings to probe the ion channel extracel
259                         Here, we use in vivo patch-clamp recordings to show that locomotion can be di
260 tion in muscle afferents, we used whole-cell patch-clamp recordings to study the properties of acid-e
261 ws simultaneous presynaptic and postsynaptic patch-clamp recording, to show that the postsynaptic res
262                           Here, we performed patch-clamp recordings, together with pharmacological an
263                      Using paired whole-cell patch-clamp recordings, trains of action potentials at 1
264 terize SbC-RGCs in mice, and target them for patch-clamp recordings under two-photon guidance.
265                                              Patch-clamp recording was used to analyze glutamatergic
266 , computational fluid dynamics modeling, and patch clamp recording, we discovered that OSNs situated
267            Using 2-photon Ca(2+) imaging and patch clamp recordings, we demonstrate that dantrolene t
268                     Using in vivo whole-cell patch clamp recordings, we found that many glutamatergic
269          Lastly, using gramicidin-perforated patch clamp recordings, we found that the GluK2-mediated
270                Using confocal microscopy and patch clamp recordings, we investigated the relevance of
271 olution flow cytometry assays and whole-cell patch clamp recordings, we revealed that the surface den
272                       Here, using whole-cell patch-clamp recordings, we assessed whether cocaine self
273                                   Using dual patch-clamp recordings, we find that ON and OFF RGCs rec
274                                With multiple patch-clamp recordings, we found that CeL neurons made c
275 fic transgenic mouse lines, optogenetics and patch-clamp recordings, we found that dentate gyrus cell
276                             Using whole-cell patch-clamp recordings, we found that Tg2576 DG granule
277                             Using whole-cell patch-clamp recordings, we observed a K(+) conductance m
278              Here, using in vitro whole-cell patch-clamp recordings, we show that 5-HT hyperpolarizes
279              Using in situ hybridization and patch-clamp recordings, we show that D1 receptors are al
280                             Using perforated patch-clamp recordings, we show that developing IHCs fir
281                                 Using paired patch-clamp recordings, we show that excitatory projecti
282 Using a combination of somatic and dendritic patch-clamp recordings, we show that the threshold for L
283                                              Patch clamp recordings were made from bulbospinal RVLM n
284                                   Whole cell patch clamp recordings were made from gastric-projecting
285                                   Whole-cell patch clamp recordings were used to compare the electrop
286 -gated Ca(2+) channel currents determined by patch-clamp recording were greater in neurons on stiff s
287 r in male lean and db/db mice and whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were conducted.
288                                   Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were made from layer V pyramidal
289                                   Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were made from rat dorsal motor n
290                                   Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were obtained from retrobead-labe
291     After >40 days of withdrawal, whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were performed in NAc core medium
292                                   Whole cell patch-clamp recordings were performed on isolated naive
293                            First, whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were performed on prepubertal mal
294                                   Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were performed to examine the eff
295 a platform for automated two-photon targeted patch-clamp recording, which solves this problem by maki
296 o calculate ion concentration changes during patch-clamp recordings, which validated our experimental
297                                    Combining patch clamp recording with measurement of PLS, we show t
298 he core nucleus accumbens (NAc) by combining patch-clamp recordings with calcium imaging and optogene
299                  We used in vitro whole-cell patch-clamp recordings with laser-scanning photostimulat
300  medial nucleus of the thalamus by combining patch-clamp recordings with two-photon fluorescence micr

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