


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ng a requirement for the T4SS to elicit this pathological change.
2 mouse models has been identified as an early pathological change.
3 ns in cytoplasm has been observed as a major pathological change.
4  adiponectin treatment corrected HFD-induced pathological changes.
5  susceptibility or resilience to Alzheimer's pathological changes.
6 ging system for Lewy body disease-associated pathological changes.
7 t them are limited and insensitive to subtle pathological changes.
8 ion has not been dissociated from coexisting pathological changes.
9 t of nidogen-1 in the mouse showed only mild pathological changes.
10 SHHF rats were also assessed at 6 months for pathological changes.
11 normal synaptic transmission, plasticity and pathological changes.
12 man proteins can sensitively reflect various pathological changes.
13 tion or with densities of common age-related pathological changes.
14  after transfer, mediating more long-lasting pathological changes.
15 argeted replacement (TR) mice, which lack AD pathological changes.
16 h less progression and earlier resolution of pathological changes.
17  are associated with a variety of normal and pathological changes.
18 te burden and to determine if there were any pathological changes.
19  However, neuronal bodies showed very little pathological changes.
20 ocalization in response to physiological and pathological changes.
21 acrophages of the CNS and act as sensors for pathological changes.
22 ty is necessary for the progression of these pathological changes.
23 sting a potential mechanism for the observed pathological changes.
24 elium (RPE), reportedly display the earliest pathological changes.
25 y barrier function, thereby exacerbating the pathological changes.
26 eimer's disease is characterized by multiple pathological changes, a biomarker panel reflecting co-oc
27 od pressure in these circumstances or on the pathological changes accompanying hypertension.
28                                      Similar pathological changes also occur at every level of the sp
29 perhomocysteinemia results in liver or brain pathological changes and accelerates atherosclerosis.
30 ction is widely implicated in cardiovascular pathological changes and development of vascular disease
31                 Some patients show tau-based pathological changes and in familial cases mutations hav
32 ry was enhanced by pyrazole, as indicated by pathological changes and increases in ALT and AST, and p
33  Geniposide caused liver injury evidenced by pathological changes and increases in serum alanine amin
34 beta1 by integrin alphavbeta6 contributes to pathological changes and may impair endothelial cell fun
35 r UV-stimulated signal transduction inducing pathological changes and skin damage.
36 at have been postulated to set the stage for pathological changes and symptoms that are observed at l
37 f this study was to compare radiological and pathological changes and test the adjunct efficacy of So
38                       In this scenario, some pathological changes and their clinical correlates could
39                                              Pathological changes and viral infection were observed a
40 nst lethal MA15 or IAV challenge and reduced pathological changes and virus loads in the lungs at ear
41 ice displayed a similar onset of disease and pathological changes, and none of the analyses to assess
42 ampus causes cognitive deficiency, NFTs-like pathological changes, and oxidative stress as seen in AD
43 ursor protein (APP) Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathological changes are believed to be secondary to inc
44 , and microbial dysbiosis and that these gut pathological changes are linked to hypertension.
45 ions and bursting, suggesting that all three pathological changes are mechanistically linked.
46 ous FUS has no effect, confirming that these pathological changes are mutant FUS dependent.
47 ng-based) cognitive processing, and that the pathological changes are not related to implicit memory
48                                              Pathological changes associated with acute rejection, in
49 better understand the increasingly important pathological changes associated with aging.
50 et isolates resulted in death accompanied by pathological changes associated with ARDS.
51  Mycoplasma spp. to dramatically augment the pathological changes associated with asthma likely expla
52 imited resolving power for discerning subtle pathological changes associated with early diseases.
53 plication to high levels and displays severe pathological changes associated with infection, includin
54                              The spectrum of pathological changes associated with known gene defects
55 ineage, are thought to contribute to various pathological changes associated with poor patient outcom
56  PGD(2) and/or activation of DP1 may prevent pathological changes associated with TED.
57 rogression depending on the stage and on the pathological changes associated with the stage.
58 roviding direct evidence of undefined unique pathological changes at different bone hierarchical leve
59 e have developed, tend to detect microscopic pathological changes based on features derived from gene
60                       However, over time the pathological changes become dominated by widespread micr
61 ction via multiple mechanisms and that these pathological changes can be reversed, in part, with aero
62                                        These pathological changes cause abrupt development of a sever
63                               Therefore, the pathological changes caused by pVHL inactivation in skin
64 individuals who are older than 40 years have pathological changes characteristic of Alzheimer's disea
65 zation while its loss-of-function results in pathological changes characteristic of ASDs.
66       Overdistension of hollow organs evokes pathological changes characterized by smooth muscle remo
67               Likewise, in mice IMQ triggers pathological changes closely resembling psoriatic plaque
68  major disease condition, in turn leading to pathological changes collectively recognized as metaboli
69 epleted infected wild-type mice displayed no pathological changes, compared to untreated infected con
70                                        Renal pathological changes consisted of intimal swelling, peri
71 sic PD with Lewy bodies, although concurrent pathological changes consistent with Alzheimer's disease
72  over time, and mutant lungs appear prone to pathological changes consistent with insufficient mucoci
73                                              Pathological changes consisting of atheromatous plaques,
74 1 and how it might contribute to some of the pathological changes detected in infected mice.
75             A specific anatomical pattern of pathological changes developing in the brain suggests th
76 t now be considered in the interpretation of pathological changes due to loss of RUNX3 tumour suppres
77   Histological analysis of tissues showed no pathological changes due to predatory bacteria.
78 s that lead to granuloma formation and other pathological changes during infection.
79 HIV replication and associated virus-induced pathological changes during the acute and asymptomatic s
80 oE isoforms contribute to various AD-related pathological changes (e.g., amyloid plaques and synaptic
81 e metabolic fuels and oxygen, contributes to pathological changes following traumatic spinal cord or
82 of naPPA are associated with the spectrum of pathological changes found in frontotemporal lobar degen
83 allenged with WT bacteria compared to severe pathological changes found in the infected and nonimmuni
84     The view that Abeta proteins cause these pathological changes has been challenged by suggestions
85 on signaling network are integrated to yield pathological changes has not been defined.
86                         Cardiac function and pathological changes (hypertrophy, fibrosis, inflammatio
87                                              Pathological changes identified include plaque and tangl
88                Synaptic loss is the earliest pathological change in Alzheimer disease (AD) and is the
89            Endocytic dysfunction is an early pathological change in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Down
90     A chronic proinflammatory state precedes pathological change in arterial endothelial cells locate
91  ocular blood flow deficit could be an early pathological change in diabetic retinopathy.
92 d early recognition and intervention of this pathological change in future trials will help to optimi
93 e Sod1 gene; this mutation is identical to a pathological change in human familial ALS (fALS) which r
94                             The most obvious pathological change in multiple sclerosis is multifocal
95                 Our results suggest that any pathological change in plasma composition, RBC cytosol v
96 nerally viewed as a gradually developing and pathological change in T cell function.
97                   Thus, our results identify pathological change in the nonlinear interaction between
98 y objective was to describe and quantify the pathological changes in 33 ET and 21 control brains.
99 mal cells is associated with amelioration of pathological changes in a human model of graft-vs-host d
100 rocesses also lead to similar behavioral and pathological changes in a neuropathic pain model of peri
101 Increased titers were associated with marked pathological changes in all organs examined, especially
102 ework for investigating how OPTN may trigger pathological changes in ALS and other OPTN-linked neurod
103                                 The hallmark pathological changes in Alzheimer disease (AD) are abund
104 f primary importance in developing models of pathological changes in Alzheimer's disease (AD).
105                                      Because pathological changes in AMs and neutrophil migration cor
106  anti-Abeta antibodies on the behavioral and pathological changes in an aged Tg2576 mouse model of AD
107  a prominent theory supported by genetic and pathological changes in an array of neurodegenerative di
108 may underlie vessel-specific differences and pathological changes in arterial wall size and structure
109 crease of alanine aminotransferase and liver pathological changes in association with a decrease in C
110                                     Although pathological changes in axonal morphology have emerged a
111                                              Pathological changes in axons undergoing radial expansio
112 extreme, may be a factor that contributes to pathological changes in behavior or physiological respon
113 e practitioners and even patients to monitor pathological changes in biomarker levels.
114                                 For example, pathological changes in blood flow-induced shear stress
115 n and increased FGF23 expression, leading to pathological changes in bone mineralization.
116  derived from affected individuals displayed pathological changes in both the enteric nervous system
117 ufficiency in chronic stroke might be due to pathological changes in brain areas remote from the init
118 of dendritic spines with consequential major pathological changes in brain function.
119 us macaque model of NeuroAIDS confirmed that pathological changes in brains of macaques with encephal
120 l when attempting to distinguish normal from pathological changes in cardiac function during exercise
121 emerged as key sites of vulnerability during pathological changes in cell excitability in disease sta
122 s a sensitive indicator of physiological and pathological changes in cells, with many potential appli
123 thy controls, subjects with TLE demonstrated pathological changes in circumscribed regions of the FF,
124 defined as biomarker evidence of Alzheimer's pathological changes in cognitively healthy individuals.
125 l tissue birefringence properties to monitor pathological changes in collagen and elastin.
126                                    Major BBB pathological changes in contralateral remote striatum an
127 aques, alpha-synuclein inclusions, and other pathological changes in cortical regions.
128                              We compared the pathological changes in cutaneous axons and Schwann cell
129    The results suggest that physiological or pathological changes in Derlin-1 expression levels may a
130                                              Pathological changes in diabetes include mesangial expan
131                  These data demonstrate that pathological changes in DNA methylation homeostasis may
132                                              Pathological changes in excitability of cortical tissue
133 d that normal system x(c)- activity prevents pathological changes in extracellular glutamate that may
134 's disease (AD), but the molecular basis for pathological changes in FAT were undetermined.
135       Dysregulated MET signaling may lead to pathological changes in forebrain maturation and connect
136 ical for gamma oscillations, indicating that pathological changes in gamma activity may depend on sub
137 on, improves lymphatic function and reverses pathological changes in gene expression in lymphatic end
138 mental animals have not fully duplicated the pathological changes in humans, and animal models of alc
139      Our findings demonstrate that it is the pathological changes in IF organization that cause the l
140 ERS-CoV clearance and reduce the severity of pathological changes in infected lungs, with efficacy pr
141 sal route with type A F. tularensis, and the pathological changes in infected tissues were characteri
142 to be strongly efficient in the detection of pathological changes in injured wrists.
143 ain in vivo in response to physiological and pathological changes in insulin and glucose.
144 en in heart failure, and can directly induce pathological changes in ion channels, Ca(2+) handling an
145 zed by inflammatory processes that result in pathological changes in joint tissues, including cartila
146 fects of 30 rmTBIs, examining structural and pathological changes in mice up to 365 days after injury
147 cal neurons are associated with clinical and pathological changes in mild cognitive impairment (MCI),
148                 Electron microscopy revealed pathological changes in mitochondria, myofibrils, and mi
149 ading to actions that reflect or precipitate pathological changes in mood.
150 linically important site that is affected by pathological changes in most patients with multiple scle
151 sought to determine if lung hemodynamics and pathological changes in Mtb infected cells can be used f
152  may also contribute to our understanding of pathological changes in mucociliary epithelia that accom
153 of IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13 and leads to severe pathological changes in mucosal organs.
154 e the progression of feline SMA, we assessed pathological changes in muscle and spinal cord from 3 da
155                                              Pathological changes in network function can be directly
156                                              Pathological changes in neuronal density in the amygdalo
157 owever, mechanisms by which physiological or pathological changes in osmolality impact chondrocyte fu
158        However, recent studies have revealed pathological changes in other cells and tissues of the n
159  contrast, post-mortem studies indicate that pathological changes in Parkinson's disease (Lewy neurit
160 ctroscopy, can detect non-focal, spinal cord pathological changes in patients with multiple sclerosis
161 gates of p190RhoGEF and NF-L appear as early pathological changes in presymptomatic G93A mutant SOD1
162                        The importance of the pathological changes in proteoglycans has driven the nee
163 emain in our understanding of the underlying pathological changes in pulmonary arteries and veins in
164                                          The pathological changes in remote brain areas likely indica
165        Together, these findings suggest that pathological changes in renal iron homeostasis occurs in
166    In stark contrast, we did not observe any pathological changes in S129D-treated animals.
167 cess glutamate signaling also contributes to pathological changes in sensory hair cells.
168                                              Pathological changes in specific catabolic pathways, whi
169 ese networks may contribute to expression of pathological changes in stress-related disorders.
170 echanism may contribute to developmental and pathological changes in synapse numbers.
171 stained seizure-induced physiological and/or pathological changes in synaptic reorganization and apop
172 itochondrial distribution occur secondary to pathological changes in tau.
173                        Second, CD40 promoted pathological changes in the airways, including intralumi
174      TLR5 stimulation significantly improves pathological changes in the cecum and colon of C. diffic
175 cimens revealed differential ultrastructural pathological changes in the cellular elements of the mic
176 s (25/33, 75.8%) had no Lewy bodies, but had pathological changes in the cerebellum.
177 odel of temporal lobe epilepsy to test which pathological changes in the dentate gyrus correlate with
178 sitive to detect more subtle and progressive pathological changes in the dermis, such as those seen i
179                                              Pathological changes in the dorsal fornix were beyond th
180 novel explanation for the development of the pathological changes in the early stages of globoid cell
181 may be candidates for enhancement to correct pathological changes in the FX brain.
182 bolic control is associated with significant pathological changes in the gastric wall that affect all
183 anding of the regulatory networks that drive pathological changes in the heart, this approach has bee
184  may be beneficial against the metabolic and pathological changes in the heart.
185                               Therefore, the pathological changes in the inner ear of the mice with S
186 pment of novel chemotherapeutics that target pathological changes in the lipid composition of cancero
187 6 by HSCs could be an important mechanism of pathological changes in the liver.
188 clearance, more weight loss, and more severe pathological changes in the lung than did WT and Egr1 KO
189 ly, we performed comparative analyses on the pathological changes in the models and the HIV-1 patient
190 ircadian rhythms plus HFD potentiate OA-like pathological changes in the mouse joints.
191  overexpressed beta-synuclein does not cause pathological changes in the nervous system of transgenic
192 s, a phantom auditory percept, is encoded by pathological changes in the neural synchrony code of per
193 ges in visual evoked cortical potentials and pathological changes in the optic nerve and CNS, whereas
194  A major cause of inaccurate examinations of pathological changes in the paranasal sinuses may be due
195 a, and other retinal diseases that can cause pathological changes in the photoreceptors.
196             Here, we investigated postmortem pathological changes in the PPN of PD cases.
197 re extensive acidophilic necrosis and severe pathological changes in the Pyr/Jo2-treated mice.
198 set of SCI in a mouse model inhibits several pathological changes in the spinal cord including genera
199  expansion of germinal center B cells led to pathological changes in the spleens of chronically infec
200 , chronic gammaherpesvirus infection induced pathological changes in the spleens of infected animals.
201 acterial numbers in vagina and prevention of pathological changes in the upper genital tract.
202         Elevated copper is thought to induce pathological changes in tissues by stimulating the produ
203 acid substitutions in these proteins lead to pathological changes in tissues in which they are expres
204                                 Further, the pathological changes in tumors following treatment with
205                                              Pathological changes in vascular permeability are driven
206  alone can induce WT MN death and associated pathological changes in vivo.
207 he hand may play a smaller role in provoking pathological changes in WC than in MD.
208 tly it was shown that, in HD patients, early pathological changes in white matter precede selective c
209                                        These pathological changes include spongiform neurodegeneratio
210 -rex1(-/-) mice showed significantly reduced pathological changes including the expression of alpha-s
211 cy and multiple sclerosis (MS) share certain pathological changes, including conduction disturbances.
212 e were challenged with type A F. tularensis, pathological changes, including extensive cell death, we
213 animals from the majority of asthma-specific pathological changes, including inhibition of eosinophil
214 vealed by the absence of Brucella associated pathological changes, including splenomegaly, hepatomega
215 r accumulation coincided with behavioral and pathological changes, indicating that these oligomers ma
216 the immunological mechanisms involved in the pathological changes induced by chronic exposure to mult
217 ter PH was also effective at alleviating the pathological changes induced by the MCD diet.
218 focusing on the possibility that the initial pathological changes involve oxidative-induced inflammat
219 ly on the idea that the temporal sequence of pathological changes is as critical as the changes per s
220 of stress fibers and increased lamellipodia, pathological changes leading to proteinuria in HIV-assoc
221  change in Alzheimer disease (AD) and is the pathological change most directly correlated with the de
222                           Clinical signs and pathological changes noted for these guinea pigs were co
223                                    The first pathological change observed in the PPT1(-/-) brain is r
224                                   All of the pathological changes observed in children with congenita
225 mutant protein in heterozygotes prevents the pathological changes observed in homozygotes.
226 uboptimal T cell response contributes to the pathological changes observed in SARS.
227 paradigm has been challenged because not all pathological changes observed in the asthmatic airways a
228                                              Pathological changes observed in the eyes of Tg mice are
229                                              Pathological changes observed within 5 days of Ang II in
230                                      Diverse pathological changes occur in the white matter (WM) of p
231                                        These pathological changes occur very early in the course of t
232                        This study identified pathological changes occurring before the development of
233 ivo characterization of dynamic inflammatory pathological changes occurring in newly forming lesions
234 d hence could be promising for understanding pathological changes of brain connectome.
235 n fecal water content, without producing the pathological changes of colitis, and it did not cause we
236                                          The pathological changes of ET seem to be heterogeneous and
237 s inflammatory response is necessary for the pathological changes of lymphedema, including fibrosis,
238 ta1 in subchondral bone seem to initiate the pathological changes of osteoarthritis, and inhibition o
239 ase progression is characterized by numerous pathological changes of the cellular immune system.
240 , CD4/CD8) are most strongly associated with pathological changes of the immune system.
241 (H & E) staining was performed to detect the pathological changes of the lung and liver tissues.
242 ermidis colonising the gut can cause serious pathological changes on certain organs such as kidney, l
243 rotein isoforms can be indicative of initial pathological changes or pathology development.
244                                 In addition, pathological changes outside of the motor system leading
245 loid plaques and followed the progression of pathological changes over time.
246 was performed to evaluate the individualized pathological changes over time.
247 ese relate to physiological, biochemical and pathological changes remains a critical problem.
248 ibe a novel model of tauopathy that develops pathological changes reminiscent of early stage Alzheime
249 NA-Seq data from young mice prior to retinal pathological changes revealed that increased vulnerabili
250 nificantly greater rescue and prevented both pathological changes, revealing a non-cell-autonomous ba
251  the mature ~44kDa protein, identical to the pathological changes seen in AD.
252 icient mouse model, therefore, resembles the pathological changes seen in Duchenne muscular dystrophy
253 pression of intracellular Abeta(1-42) led to pathological changes seen in human Alzheimer disease bra
254 ould underlie some of the motor deficits and pathological changes seen in JNCL patients.
255         This includes specific microvascular pathological changes seen in patient biopsies and is dep
256                                              Pathological changes seen in the endometrial biopsies in
257 s complemented mutant developed clinical and pathological changes similar to those observed in WT-inf
258                        So far unknown, these pathological changes somehow divert growing axons away f
259  are affected by ALS-causing mutations, with pathological changes starting at their peripheral nerve
260            Existing techniques measure gross pathological changes, such as fibrosis, but are not suff
261                                        These pathological changes suggest that Parkinson's disease is
262 arkinson's disease, before the appearance of pathological changes, supports the view that disturbed c
263 ples for better understanding of the complex pathological changes taking place in mitochondrial disea
264   Moreover, little is known about the subtle pathological changes that can characterize the brain of
265 ity to successfully adapt to stress produces pathological changes that can lead to depression.
266 , repetitive injuries produce behavioral and pathological changes that continue to evolve many months
267 ption of the MeCP2-ATRX interaction leads to pathological changes that contribute to mental retardati
268 ach provides a novel model to understand the pathological changes that follow from localized apoptosi
269 e results are relevant for interpretation of pathological changes that have been reported in response
270 unctional hepatocytes to a broad spectrum of pathological changes that impose both cellular and metab
271                     This remodeling involves pathological changes that include chamber dilation, card
272 ssection is complicated by the wide range of pathological changes that occur after dissection.
273                         Here, we examine the pathological changes that occur in LTs during HIV and si
274  silica into the lungs of rodents results in pathological changes that strongly mimic human silicosis
275 diabetes, by ameliorating the glucolipotoxic pathological changes that underlie the development of pe
276 eficiency in myofiber triggers the disease's pathological changes, the degree of satellite cell (SC)
277 creased ACh activity in AD may contribute to pathological changes through global alterations in alter
278 of neurobiological events that may result in pathological changes to brain structure and function tha
279 Neurological disease drives symptoms through pathological changes to circuit functions.
280  mice, which have impaired contractility and pathological changes to fibres and their extracellular m
281             Status epilepticus (SE) triggers pathological changes to hippocampal dendrites that may p
282            HIV infection results in profound pathological changes to LTs induced by persistent chroni
283 unlikely to be a prerequisite for subsequent pathological changes to occur in vivo.
284                                              Pathological changes to the tau protein, including confo
285                             Physiological or pathological changes to titin stiffness therefore affect
286 o predict locations to monitor for potential pathological changes, to detect early signs of disease,
287 37H/+) or Sod2(+/-) exhibited no significant pathological changes until 12 months of age.
288         We have quantified small nerve fiber pathological changes using the technique of intraepiderm
289 critical role of the A2AR signaling in these pathological changes was confirmed by alleviation of the
290                                 To trace the pathological changes, we performed a comprehensive analy
291                    Importantly, the observed pathological changes were associated with severe loss of
292                                Most of these pathological changes were attenuated by PARP inhibitors.
293                                           No pathological changes were detected in noninfected d3Tx m
294 on, and secretion of cytokines and all these pathological changes were effectively inhibited by DCPIB
295 rvations, viral loads, immune responses, and pathological changes were examined on days 2, 4, 6, 8, 1
296 ross lesions was identified, but microscopic pathological changes were seen in the liver of infected
297 le-knockout mice did not show an increase in pathological changes with age.
298 (MCI) and glucose hypometabolism is an early pathological change within AD brain.
299    We explore how obesity can actually cause pathological changes within the hypothalamus of the brai
300 mpression (CNC) injury initiates a series of pathological changes within the peripheral nerve at the

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