


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  care must be prompt, multidisciplinary, and patient-centered.
2 ed to provide care that is goal-directed and patient-centered.
3 ery system was fragmented, variable, and not patient-centered.
4 the nature of the ND-patient interaction: 1) patient-centered, 2) holistic health rather than diabete
5 sting literature, 3 organizing principles of patient-centered access are proposed and discussed: work
6         The goal of this paper is to present patient-centered access as an integrated concept and phi
7  databases, emerging information technology, patient-centered and -driven clinical decision support,
8 t; data transparency; and encouragement of a patient-centered and family-centered orientation.
9 , and it potentiates improvement toward more patient-centered and prevention-oriented oral health car
10 reporting of routine data to facilitate more patient-centered and prevention-oriented oral health car
11                                              Patient-centered and professional dermatology organizati
12 ted these oncologists' communication as less patient-centered and supportive.
13 at optimal strategies include those that are patient-centered and tailored to individual needs, are e
14 rong consideration should be given to a more patient-centered approach taking into account the likeli
15  factors influencing medication adherence, a patient-centered approach that tailors interventions aim
16 ty, and performance seems to impede a modern patient-centered approach to care and to act as a barrie
17 e groundwork for implementing a value-based, patient-centered approach to chronic liver diseases with
18 m recommendations and toward a more nuanced, patient-centered approach to HbA1c therapeutic targets.
19 ecause of new molecular knowledge and a more patient-centered approach to healthcare.
20 emphasizing evidence-based data as well as a patient-centered approach to the treatment of motor and
21                        For these patients, a patient-centered approach will place more emphasis on pa
22 ust in physicians can be improved by using a patient-centered approach, being sensitive to patient co
23 g in naturopathic medicine (NM) emphasizes a patient-centered approach, health promotion, and routine
24                                 In this more patient-centered approach, three attainable treatment go
25 fted the focus of cataract surgery to a more patient-centered approach.
26                                              Patient-centered approaches may also be important to ens
27 strate how cardiovascular clinicians can use patient-centered approaches to identify and address soci
28 ramework into measure development to promote patient-centered, as opposed to single-disease-specific,
29 CE provides a unique opportunity to obtain a patient-centered assessment of fellows' ACGME-mandated c
30                This study aimed to assess if patient-centered barriers have a role in impeding serolo
31                        There are significant patient-centered barriers that impede serologic screenin
32        Telehealth interventions can overcome patient-centered barriers to accessing face-to-face prog
33 nditions associated with celiac disease, and patient-centered barriers to screening for celiac diseas
34 failed to show a consistent association with patient-centered benefit.
35 seling about reproductive genetics was to be patient centered but nondirective.
36 tionnaires assessing a variety of aspects of patient-centered cancer care.
37                                              Patient-centered care (PCC) has been advocated by the In
38 ctive surgery and there is a new emphasis on patient-centered care and an optimization of the refract
39   This study examines the effectiveness of a patient-centered care and engagement program in the medi
40                                   Structured patient-centered care and engagement training program an
41 pective of the years in practice, to provide patient-centered care and increase patient participation
42 es key features of the guideline in 7 areas: patient-centered care and shared decision making, glycem
43 ndividuals value health states is central to patient-centered care and to health policy decision maki
44      Health care providers are not providing patient-centered care by applying scientific evidence to
45 ient self-rating is critical information for patient-centered care for hirsute patients.
46 rticipants were asked to identify aspects of patient-centered care important to their practice, repor
47 elationship of PPC with select indicators of patient-centered care in a nationally representative US
48        The aim of this study was to describe patient-centered care in Swiss acute care hospitals and
49                                              Patient-centered care is a central pillar of the World H
50                                 Establishing patient-centered care is a challenging goal, but fortuna
51 y common feature of quality measurement, and patient-centered care is a key aspect of high-quality cl
52                                              Patient-centered care is a key element of high-quality h
53                                     Although patient-centered care is a priority, little is known abo
54                                              Patient-centered care is associated with improved patien
55                                              Patient-centered care is no longer just a buzzword.
56                             The principle of patient-centered care must respond to the preponderance
57 rporated as a complementary value metric for patient-centered care of chronic conditions in pay-for-p
58                                              Patient-centered care recognizes the obligation to under
59                        The implementation of patient-centered care requires an individualized approac
60                                    Achieving patient-centered care requires effective communication b
61                                New models of patient-centered care that draw on community-based resou
62  In addition, providers, while demonstrating patient-centered care through sensitivity to patients ex
63                     Patients' perceptions of patient-centered care were assessed using four items fro
64 e and, in so doing, provide high-quality and patient-centered care while limiting rising healthcare c
65                                              Patient-centered care will require closing the diagnosti
66 h care delivery system that delivers quality patient-centered care will require the direct involvemen
67  evidence is available on the association of patient-centered care with characteristic such as the nu
68 , client-centered care, individualized care, patient-centered care, culture change, Eden Alternative,
69 ng care were associated with lower levels of patient-centered care, e.g., adapted treatment and care
70 dequacy was associated with higher levels of patient-centered care, e.g., sufficient information (bet
71 ile hospital-level characteristics influence patient-centered care, little evidence is available on t
72                In the age of information and patient-centered care, new methods of delivering postope
73                                      We used patient-centered care, self-management, coaching, and a
74                            As a proponent of patient-centered care, the American College of Physician
75                                   To improve patient-centered care, the nurse work environment and th
76                              With a focus on patient-centered care, there is increasing policy intere
77                                   To improve patient-centered care, these results should guide shared
78 r health care, which is necessary to achieve patient-centered care.
79 re delivery models for providing high-value, patient-centered care.
80 culation and treatment decisions can enhance patient-centered care.
81 t in shared decision making (SDM) to promote patient-centered care.
82 o care call for differentiated approaches to patient-centered care.
83  in well-being and attitudes associated with patient-centered care.
84 is essential to safe, timely, efficient, and patient-centered care.
85  initiatives have become an integral part of patient-centered care.
86 gate these barriers to one crucial aspect of patient-centered care.
87 ent and promoting high-value, individualized patient-centered care.
88             Patients reported high levels of patient-centered care: 90% easily understood nurses, 91%
89 tween implicit rationing of nursing care and patient-centered care: i.e.the lower the level of implic
90 jects for high-prevalence CV conditions; (2) patient-centered care; (3) translation of the best scien
91                             The inclusion of patient-centered clinical and economic outcomes in futur
92 ecision-making is crucial in order to inform patient-centered clinical approaches to care (such as sh
93 s to continue to evolve to meet the needs of patient-centered clinical decision making.
94 tered Outcomes Research Institute's National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network, called the A
95                                              Patient-centered communication (PCC) affects psychosocia
96 cer survivors may require efforts to improve patient-centered communication and coordination.
97 h advanced cancer was effective in improving patient-centered communication but did not affect second
98 d primary outcome was a composite measure of patient-centered communication coded from audio recordin
99 g to disclose concerns when physicians use a patient-centered communication style.
100 dvanced cancer, and caregivers would promote patient-centered communication, and to estimate interven
101 ervational studies demonstrate links between patient-centered communication, quality of life (QOL), a
102 y makers are similarly in need of a rigorous patient-centered, comparative effectiveness data to info
103 icant improvement to provide cost-effective, patient-centered, comprehensive secondary ASCVD preventi
104 en poorly aligned with clinical practice and patient-centered considerations.
105 ls sufficiently powered to demonstrate their patient-centered costs, benefits and harms before widesp
106                                            A patient-centered counseling and educational intervention
107  counseling, patient-centered counseling, or patient-centered counseling with audio counseling reinfo
108 glaucoma counseling: traditional counseling, patient-centered counseling, or patient-centered counsel
109 ighlights the critical need for high-quality patient-centered data collected with standard definition
110                  Using Seizuretracker.com, a patient-centered database of 684,825 seizures, we simula
111                  We designed and developed a patient-centered decision aid (PCI Choice) to promote sh
112                              We identify key patient-centered decision attributes, and explore relati
113                                              Patient-centered decision making (PCDM) is the process o
114 lth-care related costs in the context of the patient-centered decision making process.
115 and use of health care services to assist in patient-centered decision making.
116 uding rates of complications, to assist with patient-centered decision making.
117 ential benefits of LDKT and may benefit from patient-centered decision support to facilitate a risk-b
118 re unit as characterized by more consistent, patient-centered decisions with reduced decisional regre
119               We identified professional and patient-centered dermatology organization activity on so
120 by dermatology journals and professional and patient-centered dermatology organizations remains large
121 ss the inpatient and outpatient setting, and patient-centered discharge instruction.
122           This approach opens a new field of patient-centered drug testing that could deliver superio
123  was undertaken to examine the efficacy of a patient-centered educational intervention on patient wil
124 mmunication is an effective way to implement patient-centered, effective, and timely care with changi
125  sufficient power to identify differences in patient-centered endpoints.
126 of creating a quality laboratory fostering a patient-centered environment with transparent procedural
127 ating a safer, efficient, cost-effective and patient-centered environment.
128          The LLQ may ultimately be useful in patient-centered evaluation of the outcome of interventi
129   We made use of data generated in the China Patient-Centered Evaluative Assessment of Cardiac Events
130 nationwide cross-sectional survey (the China Patient-Centered Evaluative Assessment of Cardiac Events
131 licable to older patients, thereby enhancing patient-centered evidence-based care of older people wit
132                             Despite multiple patient-centered factors being associated with the risk
133 mes in conjunction with objectively measured patient-centered factors, and discusses the value of suc
134 rather as a means of delivering it in a more patient-centered fashion.
135 t satisfaction could serve as an innovative, patient-centered focus for increasing retention in HIV c
136 he pay-for-performance debate forward with a patient-centered focus--one that puts the needs and inte
137 idence does not support the use of low-dose, patient-centered, goal-directed physiotherapy and occupa
138        3) Are treatment options matched with patient-centered goals?
139                                              Patient-centered health care interventions, such as hear
140 goal of better decision making and promoting patient-centered health care.
141              Sociodemographic, clinical, and patient-centered health outcomes data were gathered at t
142  pattern of correlations obtained with other patient-centered health outcomes was consistent with exp
143                                              Patient-centered health status measures-assessments of p
144 sion for a more transparent, evidence-based, patient-centered healthcare system.
145 in the United States to receive either brief patient-centered HIV risk-reduction counseling with a ra
146  Guidelines for support of the family in the patient-centered ICU.
147 radiation accountability framework fostering patient-centered imaging and shared decision-making in c
148 actice is necessary to achieve high-quality, patient-centered imaging and will require a shared effor
149 dverse event free admissions as a potential, patient-centered indicator aligned directly with the goa
150                           We conclude that a patient-centered, individualized, and parsimonious appro
151 eps reflect guidelines and, along with novel patient-centered information technologies, may help supp
152           We hypothesize that a multifaceted patient-centered intervention could improve adherence to
153  to generate comprehensive cost estimates of patient-centered interventions in heart failure or other
154 ms are commonly used to assess the impact of patient-centered interventions.
155 and provide comprehensive and individualized patient-centered interventions.
156 iable causes of vulnerability, and improving patient-centered longitudinal outcomes.
157 volving nurses who provided guideline-based, patient-centered management of depression and chronic di
158 ideline-recommended care may be applied in a patient-centered manner in the oldest subset of patients
159 ch in low vision rehabilitation, we must use patient-centered measurements that reflect clinically me
160 d primary and secondary outcomes, as well as patient-centered measures, such as adherence to medicati
161  also have an increasingly important role in patient-centered medical decision making.
162                               Effects of the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) are unclear.
163 me neighbor (PCMH-N) extends the work of the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) as a means of impro
164                                          The patient-centered medical home (PCMH) describes mechanism
165                                          The Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) model is an approac
166                                          The patient-centered medical home (PCMH) model of primary ca
167               To achieve the benefits of the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) model, the American
168 ssociated with a health center's rating as a patient-centered medical home (PCMH).
169 ations in healthcare delivery, including the patient-centered medical home and accountable care payme
170                         Receipt of care in a patient-centered medical home is associated with better
171             Conclusion: Receipt of care in a patient-centered medical home is associated with better
172 imary care delivery platform and the related patient-centered medical home model to effectively addre
173 College of Physicians' position paper on the patient-centered medical home neighbor (PCMH-N) extends
174 ity health centers, which have established a patient-centered medical home practice environment.
175  and could earn bonus payments for achieving patient-centered medical home recognition by the Nationa
176 ive delivery and payment models, such as the patient-centered medical home, accountable care organiza
177 ice delivery and payment models, such as the Patient-Centered Medical Home, the Health Home and the A
178                                              Patient-centered medical homes (PCMHs) have been endorse
179 l Committee for Quality Assurance-recognized patient-centered medical homes and propensity score-matc
180 l Committee for Quality Assurance-recognized patient-centered medical homes and propensity score-matc
181                                              Patient-centered medical homes have not been shown to re
182           Despite the widespread adoption of patient-centered medical homes into primary care practic
183 ckground: Despite the widespread adoption of patient-centered medical homes into primary care practic
184 udy criteria, 18 611 (5.9%) received care in patient-centered medical homes.
185 udy criteria, 18 611 (5.9%) received care in patient-centered medical homes.
186 e glycemic control does not lead to improved patient-centered microvascular outcomes for at least 8 y
187 ed a series of validation studies to build a patient-centered multi-item rating scale of disability f
188 ay not be a reliable surrogate for long-term patient-centered or hard clinical outcomes.
189 uggests several possible physician-centered, patient-centered, or system-centered barriers to treatme
190 e selected by organizational routines or non-patient-centered organizational priorities.
191                 The most popular dermatology patient-centered organizations were the Skin Cancer Foun
192 enefits of medical interventions, and use of patient-centered outcome data to justify reimbursement.
193 ge to a nonhome destination, is an important patient-centered outcome measure.
194                        A standardized set of patient-centered outcome measures to inform value-based
195 keholder contributions included selection of patient-centered outcome measures, refinement of interve
196 dity of critical illness and is an important patient-centered outcome with clear implications for qua
197 to describe hospital-level variation in this patient-centered outcome, or its association with mortal
198                      Loss of independence, a patient-centered outcome, was associated with postoperat
199 MWI weights diseases by severity using PF, a patient-centered outcome.
200 ocesses of care that maximize this important patient-centered outcome.
201 resident work-hours regulations with a major patient-centered outcome.
202 rted during conventional daily practice, and patient-centered outcomes (i.e., esthetic, visual analog
203 ry: determine association between delays and patient-centered outcomes (mortality and mechanical vent
204  and Affordable Care Act and its emphasis on patient-centered outcomes and effectiveness.
205 ctiveness of statin therapy for clinical and patient-centered outcomes are needed to better inform sh
206 and objective wireless monitoring program of patient-centered outcomes can be carried out in patients
207 itoring of combined subjective and objective patient-centered outcomes can be carried out in the surg
208 n outcome reporting and frequent omission of patient-centered outcomes can diminish the value of tria
209 mortality and did not impact other important patient-centered outcomes compared with a conservative s
210  were not associated with better clinical or patient-centered outcomes compared with narrow-spectrum
211 or PDR were identified for most of the other patient-centered outcomes considered.
212 nts to ICUs, and little is known about other patient-centered outcomes following critical illness.
213 e effectiveness research projects to improve patient-centered outcomes for African American and Hispa
214 es, to develop a standard set of value-based patient-centered outcomes for breast cancer (BC).
215  be critical for understanding and improving patient-centered outcomes for this population.
216               Preoperative and postoperative patient-centered outcomes have the potential of identify
217 reduced peritoneal desiccation would improve patient-centered outcomes in children after laparoscopic
218 spoiled identities might allow us to improve patient-centered outcomes in chronic musculoskeletal pai
219 ed evidence gaps related to incorporation of patient-centered outcomes into future research, developm
220 or the development of ARDS and for important patient-centered outcomes like mortality.
221  proof-of-concept pilot study of a wireless, patient-centered outcomes monitoring program before and
222 mes and a prospective cohort study assessing patient-centered outcomes of children between the ages o
223  specific gaps in understanding longitudinal patient-centered outcomes of CRC treatment.
224     Recognition of rates and causes of hard, patient-centered outcomes of death and cerebrovascular e
225       The aim of this study was to determine patient-centered outcomes of nonoperative treatment of a
226 nd then to focus on the rapid development of patient-centered outcomes over the last several years.
227 oving sleep hygiene and associated effect on patient-centered outcomes remains uncertain.
228 king in clinical practice, and is central to patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR).
229 alid and generalizable, and are essential in patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR).
230                                          The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) has
231  The inaugural round of merit review for the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) in
232 atient Protection and Affordable Care Act, a Patient-centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) was
233 Care Act signed into law in 2010 created the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), wh
234 loping a prioritized research agenda for the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute as informed
235                                          The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute is funding
236                                          The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute offers subs
237                                          The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute tasked the
238 tly launched pragmatic clinical trial by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute's National
239               This article will describe the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute-funded asth
240 er and Effectiveness Research (PROSPER) is a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute-funded rese
241  osteoarthritis management developed for the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute.
242  and long-term sequelae of childhood asthma, patient-centered outcomes research, and precision medici
243                                              Patient-centered outcomes should be incorporated into su
244 the association between procedure volume and patient-centered outcomes such as functional status.
245 epeatedly failed to show an association with patient-centered outcomes that might include mortality,
246 er how simple or sophisticated, will improve patient-centered outcomes unless coupled with a treatmen
247 rted during conventional daily practice, and patient-centered outcomes were assessed as well.
248 erative feedback regarding the study design, patient-centered outcomes, and intervention.
249 primary outcomes were quality of life, other patient-centered outcomes, and patient-reported adverse
250  strategies, the effect of antipsychotics on patient-centered outcomes, and the influence of various
251                        Primary outcomes were patient-centered outcomes, including QoL and function, w
252 ty and readmission, but also emphasizes true patient-centered outcomes, including quality of life, kn
253                   Studies should also assess patient-centered outcomes, such as infection, when possi
254 C transfusion with 90-day mortality or other patient-centered outcomes.
255 c celiac disease and T1D on key diabetes and patient-centered outcomes.
256 and determine the effect of acetaminophen on patient-centered outcomes.
257 or research and clinical practice to enhance patient-centered outcomes.
258 the potential to increase access and improve patient-centered outcomes.
259 tes believe will have the greatest impact on patient-centered outcomes.
260  management can reduce VAE rates and improve patient-centered outcomes.
261 [95% CI, -2.4% to -0.4%]) but not with other patient-centered outcomes.
262 endently assessed each study for saliency on patient-centered outcomes.
263 ch are shifting to place greater emphasis on patient-centered outcomes.
264 o outlined, including diagnostic utility and patient-centered outcomes.
265 tients, and to enable decisions that improve patient-centered outcomes.
266 ntion and teamwork with short- and long-term patient-centered outcomes.
267 econdary outcomes included complications and patient-centered outcomes.
268 entives and fairly reimbursing hospitals for patient-centered outcomes.
269 cluded the need to determine or evaluate key patient-centered outcomes; optimal duration, intensity,
270 or dietary management); short-term clinical (patient-centered) outcomes, such as pain and joint swell
271                                      SCoC is patient-centered, outcomes-driven, value-based approach
272 changes that challenge clinicians to provide patient-centered palliative care within a complex and of
273 opics is essential for clinicians to deliver patient-centered, preference-sensitive care.
274   At the start of the 21st century, a vital, patient-centered primary care system has much to offer a
275 r developing integrated, evidence-based, and patient-centered protocols for preventing and treating p
276                   Discharge disposition is a patient-centered quality metric that reflects difference
277                             We implemented a patient-centered quality of cancer care survey to examin
278      This study revealed substantial gaps in patient-centered quality of care, difficult to character
279               There were significant gaps in patient-centered quality of supportive care, beginning w
280  adjustment for cross-hospital comparison to patient-centered quantitative risk assessment during the
281 Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Patient-Centered Radiology Steering Committee survey wer
282 general attitudes and experiences concerning patient-centered radiology, with specific attention paid
283  pattern (multiplexed bead immunoassay), and patient-centered (regarding morbidity) evaluations were
284                                              Patient-Centered Research Into Outcomes Stroke Patients
285 e outcome in critical care trials yielding a patient-centered result and major gains in statistical p
286 r focused, the opportunity exists to develop patient-centered resuscitation strategies that optimize
287 randomized to counseling received individual patient-centered risk-reduction counseling based on an e
288 ents, suggesting no added benefit from brief patient-centered risk-reduction counseling.
289                                              Patient-centered solutions for facilitating follow-up po
290                                     However, patient-centered strategies and interventions necessitat
291  and adult and pediatric cardiology used the patient-centered Strength of Recommendation Taxonomy (SO
292  team successfully refined and implemented a patient-centered study protocol.
293             We introduced a novel measure of patient-centered surgical risk assessment: morphometric
294 ore protective of patients, tended to prefer patient-centered surrogate decision-making models.
295         Reorienting the language to the more patient-centered term of high blood pressure may help pa
296 nesthesia evaluation provides guidelines for patient-centered testing.
297 n the emphasis in the United States on being patient centered, there will be situations where patient
298 as defined as testing being safe, effective, patient-centered, timely, equitable, and efficient.
299  The Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ) is a patient-centered tool for evaluating asthma control.
300 lure) is a multicenter randomized trial of a patient-centered transitional care intervention in patie

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