


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 sfer in pure water for azaindoles as well as pave a new avenue for 2,6-diazatryptophan, an analogue o
2                                These results pave a new path towards achieving energy-efficient magne
3                     This demonstration would pave a way for a compact and portable quantum device req
4 ctured material with plasmonic nanobiosensor paves a fascinating platform towards early detection of
5  surface anisotropies in the LSSE in YIG and paves a new pathway for developing novel spin-caloric ma
6                                    This work paves a new pathway for improving the catalytic activity
7                                         This paves a path forward for a decoder that employs a neural
8 egy developed for multibiomarker measurement paves a very promising way to define multiple indicators
9                                              PaVE also now contains an image library containing gross
10                Our synthetic methodology may pave an avenue for constructing polymers with tailored s
11                                         This paves an expressway to extensive subclonal diversificati
12 The demonstrated self-sufficient methodology paves an important way for a complete structural underst
13            The papillomavirus genomes within PaVE have been further annotated, and now includes the m
14                 The Papillomavirus Episteme (PaVE) is a database of curated papillomavirus genomic se
15 imensional direct band-gap semiconductor, is paving new pathways toward atomically thin electronics.
16                To assist in viral discovery, PaVE offers a typing tool; a simplified algorithm to det
17             Evolutionary relationships among PaVE reference protein sequences can be analysed using m
18 teness increased in 2013 (no connectivity by paved road 186 [57%] in 2005 vs 797 [87%] in 2013, p<0.0
19 pogenic factors, such as nonpoint sources of paved runoff and point sources of sanitary sewage within
20 cused on the anthropogenic influences of the paved runoff and sanitary sewage on the DOM quality of W
21                                 Our findings pave the path for developing more detailed hypotheses of
22                            These results may pave the path toward developing electronically controlla
23  tackle difficult phylogenetic questions and pave the road to a better understanding of how fundament
24 echanistic repertoire of Bateman domains and pave the road to new approaches targeting IMPDHs.
25                                These results pave the way for "spectral" cytology of urine using Rama
26 nversion detection mode has the potential to pave the way for a new generation of digital immunoassay
27          These new materials and new devices pave the way for a new generation of electronics that wi
28                                 Our findings pave the way for a variety of applications including opt
29 citations without contacting the sample, and pave the way for an on-chip circuit element of practical
30 ns for HB patients at diagnosis; our results pave the way for clinical collaborative studies to valid
31 tion of proteins at the nodes of Ranvier and pave the way for deeper investigations of the molecular
32                    The results of this study pave the way for designing and launching trials aimed at
33                     The findings may help to pave the way for designing high-Ni layered oxide cathode
34              This amplification strategy can pave the way for developing a new generation of rapid, l
35 reased cardiovascular (CV) risk in PTSD will pave the way for developing interventions to improve sym
36                                 Our findings pave the way for development of biomedical implants and
37 ic components that interact with AbetaOs may pave the way for development of novel approaches aimed a
38                                 Our insights pave the way for drug design strategies targeting nAChRs
39                               These findings pave the way for dynamics analysis and system designs of
40                                  Our results pave the way for efficient harmonic generation based on
41                             Our research can pave the way for employment of the dynamic green nanoche
42 tication practices in African rice, and also pave the way for enhancing crop yield to meeting the cha
43    In summary, the results of this study may pave the way for exploiting moesin as a novel target for
44                               These findings pave the way for exploring many exotic transport and opt
45                                 Our findings pave the way for fabricating nontrivial surface architec
46 aordinary electron-phonon superconductor and pave the way for further exploration of this novel super
47                         These novel findings pave the way for further metabolomic and functional geno
48                         These data will help pave the way for further studies on the influence of end
49 loped in this research have the potential to pave the way for further studies.
50                                These studies pave the way for future characterisation of biosynthetic
51                                These results pave the way for future gene by environment interaction
52                     These novel observations pave the way for future research to identify molecular m
53                             This work should pave the way for future researches into sulfur-silicon f
54                   The methods presented here pave the way for future structural studies of a variety
55 e early genome evolution in Brassicaceae and pave the way for future whole-genome sequencing and asse
56                    This work can potentially pave the way for hardware that directly mimics the compu
57 al principles of binding site interplay will pave the way for improved drug design and protein design
58 stematic study presented here is expected to pave the way for improving the potency, toxicity, and AD
59 filaments from patient-derived material, and pave the way for investigation of a range of neurodegene
60                                  Our results pave the way for nanoscale control and imaging of spin t
61  The unique mechanisms outlined herein could pave the way for new approaches to transition-metal-free
62                        These methods further pave the way for new comparative studies in animal commu
63       Future applications of our method will pave the way for new strategies to generate next-generat
64 ors that regulate their spiking, which could pave the way for new therapeutic targets to increase end
65 th their broad band plasmon absorption could pave the way for novel and competitive nanoporous-graphe
66 accuracy of object characterization and will pave the way for observing dynamic changes of the object
67                                These results pave the way for optogenetic manipulation with the spati
68 ology, improve risk assessment for ESRD, and pave the way for personalized treatment.
69 future association mapping studies and hence pave the way for precision medicine initiatives, which n
70 s thus define the NSAID/ASIC interaction and pave the way for small-molecule drug design targeting pa
71 vskite solar cells via a simple process, and pave the way for solar cell fabrication via scalable met
72 ned with integrated single photon detectors, pave the way for successfully integrating QKD into futur
73 m splitter or wavelength converter, it could pave the way for superconducting qubit processors with m
74 of the main causes of atrial fibrillation to pave the way for the clinical development of stratified
75  successful execution of such strategies can pave the way for the commercialization of bio-based chem
76                             Our approach may pave the way for the construction of a comprehensive atl
77 al properties, this bioinspired approach may pave the way for the design of next-generation high-perf
78 lation during melanoma development, but also pave the way for the development of new strategies for t
79                              In this way, we pave the way for the development of new synthetic cell c
80                           These findings may pave the way for the development of therapeutic protocol
81  shows how examples in model pathogens could pave the way for the discovery of new mechanisms in othe
82 istant pathogens (VRSA and VRE), the studies pave the way for the examination of synthetic analogues
83                           All these findings pave the way for the future employment of this novel pep
84 ermoelectric chalcogenide materials and will pave the way for the implementation of hollow nanostruct
85  black phosphorus photonic devices, but also pave the way for the investigation of electrically tunab
86                    Thus, tolerance mutations pave the way for the rapid subsequent evolution of resis
87                             This work should pave the way for the rational design of inhibitors of Fa
88 als and across grain boundaries will help to pave the way for the spatial design of next-generation h
89                                  Our results pave the way for the treatment or prevention of PVAN wit
90 al mesocircuit induced by cardiac arrest and pave the way for the use of combined brain quantitative
91                               Their findings pave the way for the use of glutamine restriction as an
92 ological insights into the role of Hmox1 and pave the way for the use of the model to study the role
93 tatistical models into fusion detection, and pave the way for unbiased discovery of potentially drivi
94                                These studies pave the way for understanding how mutations far from th
95                                These results pave the way for understanding polycrystalline material
96                               These findings pave the way for use of the 3-HP-inducible system in syn
97 techniques to control linear oscillators and pave the way for utilizing their large Hilbert space as
98   Taken together, these two results may help pave the way for widespread screening for nutritional an
99                       Altogether our results pave the way not only for the thorough application of in
100                           These findings may pave the way to a new era of precision cancer immunother
101 s of classical nanomechanical resonators and pave the way to a new generation of chemical and biologi
102 ogue of the mammalian lysosome, our findings pave the way to better understand the role of m(6)A meth
103 the development of new diagnostic assays and pave the way to clinical approaches aimed ultimately to
104 tching of excited-state configuration should pave the way to control the stereochemical course of pho
105 -organizing according to various rules could pave the way to creating artificial intelligence of a no
106                                  The results pave the way to develop other aptamer-based biosensors f
107                                  Our results pave the way to experimentally mapping the low-temperatu
108 lavoenzymes with oxidoreductase activity and pave the way to explore new protein engineering approach
109 led molecular mechanism of ObgE, which might pave the way to further studies into how this GTPase reg
110 er previously reported in the same material, pave the way to future multiferroic and magnetoelectric
111 transitions in sex determination systems and pave the way to molecularly characterize these systems.
112                                These results pave the way to practical applications including polariz
113  during Plasmodium's hepatic development and pave the way to the exploitation of strategies to impact
114  that can overcome all these limitations and pave the way to the industrial application of such surfa
115                                These results pave the way to the integration of graphene-based SA wit
116               SMLM thus has the potential to pave the way toward a better understanding of how cells
117 rolled morphology and unusual stresses could pave the way toward advanced integrated in-fiber electro
118  in multiple electron-transfer reactions and pave the way toward better chiral dye-sensitized photoel
119 e feasibility of analogue synaptic array and pave the way toward building an energy efficient and lar
120 sable to other group 9 transition metals and pave the way toward rational design of C-H functionaliza
121                                 Our findings pave the way toward supramolecular machines that would p
122 erved in natural Diels-Alderase enzymes, and pave the way toward the development of novel, supramolec
123 ation direction via purely E-field means can pave the way toward ultra-low energy AFM-based MeRAM dev
124                                These results pave the way towards a gene replacement approach for OPM
125                        Our results therefore pave the way towards a statistical description of hetero
126 ature of ecosystem properties to drought and pave the way towards a truly mechanistic understanding o
127                     Findings from this study pave the way towards adapting novel QUS-based frameworks
128 delivery in a large animal model of DMD, and pave the way towards clinical trials of rAAV-microdystro
129 ty to generate a tunable ionic current could pave the way towards precise ion-system control in a bro
130 ment.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT In this work, we paved the road for a new therapeutic approach for the tr
131                               This discovery paved the way for carrying out chemistry on frameworks w
132 ent advances in multi-ferroic materials have paved the way for electric field induced low energy and
133 s have systematically reduced its spread and paved the way for eradication.
134 cing and genome engineering techniques, have paved the way for future investigation into enhancer-med
135                              Artemisinin has paved the way for the current malaria treatment, the so-
136  back on the historical milestones that have paved the way for the discovery of CRISPR and its functi
137                       Notably, those results paved the way for the discovery of the high CO2 uptake (
138 ify suspected vulnerable plaques in vivo and paved the way for the evaluation of therapeutic agents t
139 ctivation radical polymerization (RDRP) have paved the way for the exploration of new possibilities i
140         Convincing genetic associations have paved the way for the identification of effector transcr
141 genetic and molecular technologies gradually paved the way for the transition from traditional fungal
142 reased understanding of these mechanisms has paved the way for using immunotherapy to treat virus-ass
143 of non-radiative wireless power transfer has paved the way towards real-world applications such as wi
144                                 Our approach paves the path toward in vivo, quantitative, reference s
145          A control of the metal/carbon ratio paves the road for an efficient reutilization of this en
146                              This study also paves the road for further understanding of the skin wri
147 n turn, invites experimental realization and paves the road for new active, intelligent, or phase-tra
148 cal phenomena peculiar to nanoconfined water paves the way for a better design of nanoporous material
149                               The 2DPT array paves the way for a large-scale and integrated productio
150                The current study, therefore, paves the way for a more comprehensive understanding of
151 operties of each expanded T cell subset, and paves the way for a more detailed evaluation of the effe
152 ally programmed crinophagy in Drosophila and paves the way for analyzing this process in metazoans.
153 hy, this work presents an important step and paves the way for arbitrary control of individual pens i
154 ding modes to the surface of amyloid fibrils paves the way for better understanding of the binding me
155                                    Our study paves the way for black phosphorus applications in infra
156 A-like mycoredoxin cluster reported here now paves the way for correctly classifying similar enzymes
157 phologies to high-speed motility data, which paves the way for cross-disciplinary microswimmer resear
158                                     Our work paves the way for deciphering the secrets of DNA methyla
159   The resulting roadmap to symmetry breaking paves the way for deterministic engineering of fractiona
160                                    Hence, it paves the way for development of fundamental understandi
161                                     Our work paves the way for follow-up studies on these fascinating
162 sm behind oxide-based memristive devices and paves the way for further device performance optimizatio
163                                 This finding paves the way for further investigation of the effects o
164                                   This study paves the way for further studies of thapsigargin biosyn
165                                    Our study paves the way for future time resolved correlation imagi
166                                   This study paves the way for homogeneous gold-catalyzed processes i
167 t-carrier transport from high-field regions, paves the way for improving efficiency in hot-carrier ex
168 ystem is functional in aqueous buffer, which paves the way for integrating the system in biological n
169 ltraviolet transient absorption spectroscopy paves the way for investigating few- to sub-femtosecond
170          This successful application of SBDD paves the way for lead optimization for VEEV antivirals,
171 lifetime imaging with a high sensitivity and paves the way for many important biomedical applications
172                                    This work paves the way for memristors in hardware security applic
173                 Its computational efficiency paves the way for model comparison and optimal experimen
174                                         This paves the way for neuromorphic and non-volatile memory a
175                                         This paves the way for new research aimed at investigating th
176  of NAMPT inhibitors in colitis, this result paves the way for novel applications for this class of c
177                                    This work paves the way for overcoming the structural and function
178                                   Our method paves the way for precision measurement of the magnetic
179  observed in clinically diagnosed tumors and paves the way for predicting personal cancer susceptibil
180                                         This paves the way for proposed good manufacturing practices
181                           This demonstration paves the way for reproducing advanced neural processes
182 ials through ecosystems, and our methodology paves the way for rigorous in situ measurements of the b
183 on of exceptional-point-enhanced sensitivity paves the way for sensors with unprecedented sensitivity
184                            Our demonstration paves the way for sources that allow for the implementat
185 ational transitions of MsbA to flip LPS, and paves the way for structural characterization of other l
186                                This protocol paves the way for synthesizing a variety of 7-amino indo
187                                This analysis paves the way for the application of coupled polariton c
188 provide novel biological insights, this work paves the way for the broad application of this model to
189 ne, obtained by the droplet transfer method, paves the way for the construction of novel and more fun
190                                     Our work paves the way for the control of cold atoms above hyperb
191  Controlling nucleation through alloy design paves the way for the development of cache-type PCRAM te
192                                 This finding paves the way for the development of macaques and pigs a
193 e knowledge gained from these recent studies paves the way for the development of new therapies for t
194 ssium plating/stripping electrochemistry and paves the way for the development of potassium metal bat
195   The non-primed binding mode presented here paves the way for the development of selective broad-spe
196 rth highlighting that the approach developed paves the way for the fabrication of highly polarized wh
197     Such key improvement in BRET measurement paves the way for the simultaneous monitoring of indepen
198  to design better catalyst architectures and paves the way for the use of such parameters in a host o
199 ptide-1 agonist exendin-4 in transgenic mice paves the way for translating this innovative treatment
200 Identification of PRAS40 as a linker protein paves the way for understanding how stress regulates exo
201     A comprehensive annotation of its genome paves the way for understanding the functions and activi
202                         Most importantly, it paves the way for undertaking novel studies of the relat
203                                     Our work paves the way for utilizing non-Hermitian degeneracies i
204                                     Our work paves the way for widespread integration of surrogates f
205                             Sequencing of OG paves the way to address chemical and biological questio
206    This powerful material-device combination paves the way to carbon-based polariton emitters and pos
207 otational rates, and transition temperatures paves the way to controlling and understanding the role
208                                    This work paves the way to describe matter-photon interactions fro
209                                   This study paves the way to develop high-performance three-dimensio
210                                    This work paves the way to efficient multimode wavelength-to-time
211 utomata combined with our analytical results paves the way to explore the relevance of memory and ano
212                                     Our work paves the way to extend our understanding of the origin
213                                         This paves the way to fabricating microscale devices for a va
214  medicinal chemistry and protein design, and paves the way to further engineering of insulin and othe
215                                     Our work paves the way to further work with this new modelorganis
216 ructure of III-V semiconductor materials and paves the way to future high-speed and high-reliability
217 idation of human physiology and disease, and paves the way to improved diagnostics, drug development,
218 ation between different synthetic nanomotors paves the way to intelligent nanoscale robotic systems t
219                                   This study paves the way to investigations on the unbinding dynamic
220                                    This work paves the way to new organic TTA upconversion techniques
221 platinum-based nanowires are obtained, which paves the way to practical application as a next-generat
222 ically modular nature of cluster states, and paves the way to section-by-section analysis of larger p
223                                           It paves the way to studying biological systems on a large
224 dynamic approach established in this report, paves the way to tailor elastic material parameters thro
225 tasis in DKO pigs for two major xenoantigens paves the way to their use in (pre)clinical studies.
226  complete synaptic wiring diagram of the LON paves the way to understanding how circuits with reduced
227                          The proposed scheme paves the way toward implementing high-performance broad
228                          Our technology thus paves the way toward single molecule imaging in cells an
229                            The growth method paves the way toward the scalable production of 1T' MoTe
230 fficient characterization of EVs by nanoFACS paves the way towards further study of EVs and their rol
231                            Our demonstration paves the way towards realization of hybrid organic-inor
232                                     Our work paves the way towards spin caloritronic devices for micr
233                                     Our work paves the way towards the fabrication of thin films of c
234                                 Our approach paves the way towards the realisation of cheap and compa
235 ide an important resource for the community, paving the path toward functional and mechanistic dissec
236 etization reversal at low current densities, paving the road towards ultralow-dissipation spintronic
237 , initiating a genome for such materials and paving the way for a broadly applicable high-throughput-
238  low leakage currents and high on/off ratios paving the way for a cost-effective high power device pa
239 easure subcellular and molecular events, are paving the way for a more complete understanding of the
240 gulated pathways underlying these processes, paving the way for a new era of rational piloting of the
241 urs inside the magnetic field-induced phase, paving the way for a systematic study of the BCS-BEC-lik
242  demonstrates tunable nonlinear diffraction, paving the way for all-optical spatial signal processing
243 epresents a new level of optical encryption, paving the way for broad industrial and biomedical appli
244  in our understanding of DN pathogenesis are paving the way for critical mechanism-based therapy deve
245 g inter-segment interactions in rotaviruses, paving the way for delineating similar RNA-RNA interacti
246 to be a good tool for scaffold repopulation, paving the way for experimental investigations focused o
247 se pathophysiology for epigenetic disorders, paving the way for explorations of novel therapeutics.
248 NA expression at the single-cell level, thus paving the way for exploring expression heterogeneity am
249 type dyes for NIR OLEDs applications thereby paving the way for further optimisation.
250 oncentrations (at least to 40 mM carbonate), paving the way for future higher capacity columns.
251 otease disrupts apical-junctional complexes, paving the way for H. pylori to access the basolateral c
252  population health so that we may intervene, paving the way for healthier populations.
253 tern of up to 4 x 4 pixels are demonstrated, paving the way for intelligent hardware technology with
254 n in silico with high whole-genome accuracy, paving the way for large-scale reconstruction of hydroxy
255 talk between allergic response and cancer is paving the way for new avenues of treatment.
256 variant effects on multiple phenotypes, thus paving the way for novel discoveries and insights into b
257  monomers enable detailed structural insight paving the way for novel modulators of complement.
258 r neutron radiation-tolerant materials, thus paving the way for organic semiconductors to enter avion
259 d therapeutic responses in patients, thereby paving the way for personalized medicine.
260 study of a smartphone-based chloride sensor, paving the way for point-of-care diagnostic systems for
261 andscape of mixed anaerobic infection in HS, paving the way for rationale targeted antimicrobial trea
262 nd their fine tuning in conventional design, paving the way for realistic all-optical photonic device
263 low technically simplified signal detection, paving the way for single molecule-based point-of-care d
264 study naturally occurring genetic variation, paving the way for SNP mapping and QTL analysis, as well
265 , and unbiased classification of cell types, paving the way for systematic charting of cell atlases.
266 site growth in a dose-dependent manner, thus paving the way for testing its potential as a new drug c
267 uppressed for months by using ionic liquids, paving the way for the development of BP-based technolog
268 HTB1, into target-specific proteins, thereby paving the way for the development of new selective drug
269  able to produce a pi nonlinear phase shift, paving the way for the development of practical devices
270 se design to address the dendrite challenge, paving the way for the development of robust, fully oper
271 from metallic to pixelated or matt textures, paving the way for the development of truly sustainable
272 ith electrolyte components, thus potentially paving the way for the direct use of Li metal in battery
273 s of circRNA types and sequence composition, paving the way for the elucidation of circRNA functions.
274 berately targeted and successfully isolated, paving the way for the long-awaited (6,12)-c MOF with al
275 s for the defined conversion of this analyte paving the way for the realization of light-switchable s
276                                              Paving the way for translational imaging, radiocaine pro
277 onic nanotriangular arrays are controllable, paving the way of such optical platforms for multiplexin
278 bining the archaellum and its motor complex, paving the way to a molecular understanding of archaeal
279 xpression in periodontal health and disease, paving the way to clinical investigation of the possibil
280 maging with a 3.4 THz quantum cascade laser, paving the way to compact and versatile THz imaging syst
281 lenging 1D/2D NMR experiments feasible, thus paving the way to determine the structures of surface si
282  different microenvironmental conditions and paving the way to identify the specific role of PMEI div
283 into molecular recognition with hexaphyrins, paving the way to innovative Mobius-type molecular hosts
284 electrons in the multiple scattering regime, paving the way to nanometer-scale 3D structure determina
285 nables a delicate control of oxygen content, paving the way to novel electrochemical concepts in futu
286  volume changes upon protein unfolding, thus paving the way to proteome-wide computational comparison
287 compressed and focused at desired locations, paving the way to such control in any physical system.
288          Importantly, recent discoveries are paving the way to the development of innovative therapeu
289 ric coupling with many practical advantages, paving the way toward ion-liquid-gating spintronic/elect
290 integer edge states of opposite chiralities, paving the way towards 1D helical conductors with fracti
291 for development of advanced test procedures, paving the way towards higher reliability of space missi
292 ic sensors fabricated with other techniques, paving the way towards mass-produced, low-cost, disposab
293 omprising integrated biomimetic functions is paving the way towards rudimentary forms of artificial c
294  species over many hours for the first time, paving the way towards the controlled, industrially viab
295                                           It paves to enrich a life without affecting living cells le
296                      Thus, our results could pave way to produce low- cost light source with high lum
297                                   This study paves way for a combinatorial strategy to treat as well
298                                 Our approach paves way for future development of universal, highly se
299 ing functions within an ultrathin dimension, paving way towards flat and highly integrated photonic d
300     The results reported in this study would pave ways for high-resolution structural and topological

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