


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nts, and insects, may arise through a simple Pavlovian ability to integrate two learned associations.
2   This complex form of conditioning involves pavlovian and instrumental components, which produce com
3 olves interaction between systems regulating Pavlovian and instrumental control of behavior.
4 showed that motivational biases reflect both Pavlovian and instrumental effects: reward and punishmen
5  new insights into contributions of not only Pavlovian and instrumental learning but also habit learn
6 at contextual drug-memory reconsolidation in Pavlovian and instrumental settings involves distinct ne
7 ould be apparent only in the presence of the pavlovian and instrumental stimuli that underwent freque
8 des, amygdala research has been dominated by pavlovian and operant conditioning paradigms.
9 tivity in reward prediction functions during Pavlovian and operant conditioning tasks, less is unders
10 evaluation performance when switched between Pavlovian and operant devaluation tasks, but not when sw
11 e, D1 receptor blockade preferential reduces Pavlovian and operant response likelihood.
12 remained in the food compartment during both Pavlovian and operant task performance.
13     In addition, modeling the acquisition of Pavlovian and spatial conditioning tasks has suggested t
14                    Recent research examining Pavlovian appetitive conditioning has extended the assoc
15 ected subjective cue values, as expressed in Pavlovian appetitive responses.
16 kg) on the likelihood and duration of a cued Pavlovian approach and a cued operant lever-press respon
17 of trials in which animals executed both the Pavlovian approach and operant lever-press, while raclop
18 d instrumental response and faster to reduce Pavlovian approach behavior under an omission schedule.
19 effect could be better captured as increased Pavlovian approach in an approach-avoidance decision mod
20   Here, we investigated a potential role for Pavlovian approach in biasing which information humans w
21 s to determine how individual differences in Pavlovian approach responses are represented in neural f
22 valence of all three biases was related to a Pavlovian approach-avoid parameter quantified within an
23 trumental responses (dorsal CPu) rather than pavlovian associations (NAc).
24                                        These Pavlovian associations can drive motivated behavior via
25 s impacts on instrumental learning via these Pavlovian associations is unknown.
26 tors, most strikingly by biases arising from Pavlovian associations that facilitate action in pursuit
27 re-encounter by combining previously learned Pavlovian associations with novel physiological informat
28 ed a severe deficit in the ability to update Pavlovian associations.
29 oidance computational model, we found that a Pavlovian attraction to potential reward declined with a
30     Here, using rats with fully consolidated pavlovian auditory fear memories, we demonstrate a doubl
31 cess in which fear is first acquired through Pavlovian aversive conditioning (so-called fear conditio
32                                              Pavlovian aversive conditioning requires learning of the
33       While the neural circuitry of aversive Pavlovian behavior has been extensively studied, less is
34                             We conclude that Pavlovian behavioural inhibition shapes highly flexible,
35 ce, in accordance with theories that ascribe Pavlovian behavioural inhibition, via serotonin, a role
36 meters reflective of the latent influence of Pavlovian bias and how it was modulated by midfrontal th
37                                         This Pavlovian bias has been linked to dopamine, suggesting t
38  of ability to overcome the influence of the Pavlovian bias, and this effect was most pronounced in s
39 arning model that characterizes a prepotent (pavlovian) bias to withhold responding in the face of ne
40                                              Pavlovian biases influence learning and decision making
41  non-selective increase in the expression of Pavlovian biases; or that stress, as an aversive state,
42 bens core (NACc)-mediated reconsolidation of Pavlovian cocaine memories.
43 ued reward representation was used to modify Pavlovian conditional goal-approach responses according
44                                      Using a Pavlovian conditioned approach (PCA) procedure, sign-tra
45 tly in STs and GTs, as indicated by tests of Pavlovian conditioned approach and conditioned reinforce
46 ell)), enhances selectively a unique form of pavlovian conditioned approach and mediates D1R-dependen
47 ntenance, extinction, and reacquisition of a Pavlovian conditioned approach procedure in adult rats w
48 rning modulates affect, decision-making, and Pavlovian conditioned approach responses.
49 king behavior if treated systemically before pavlovian conditioned approach training with the CHT inh
50 ntal cortex (antOFC) on anxious behavior and Pavlovian conditioned autonomic and behavioral fear resp
51 (neuroanatomical subdivisions) in processing Pavlovian conditioned fear has been studied extensively,
52   These results are the first to demonstrate Pavlovian conditioned inhibition in SHRs and to use summ
53 xperiments in rats, variation in the form of Pavlovian conditioned responses (CRs) and associated dop
54 ne exposure enhances behavioral responses to pavlovian conditioned stimuli by amplifying accumbal res
55  such as amphetamine enhances the effects of pavlovian conditioned stimuli on conditioned behavior.
56 ing for a reinforcer when in the presence of Pavlovian conditioned stimuli that were separately paire
57 he environmental context in which a discrete Pavlovian conditioned stimulus (CS) is experienced can p
58            In addition, fear to an explicit, Pavlovian conditioned stimulus (fear-potentiated startle
59 ehaviors that reduce the fear aroused by the Pavlovian conditioned stimulus are reinforced through in
60 lished the general excitatory influence of a Pavlovian conditioned stimulus on instrumental performan
61 centive salience onto a specific reward cue (pavlovian conditioned stimulus, or CS).
62 ue that predicts reward (sign-tracking) in a Pavlovian-conditioned approach task.
63 s previously reported), but also in updating Pavlovian-conditioned responses to morphine-associated s
64 ug seeking, the influence of drug-associated Pavlovian-conditioned stimuli on drug seeking and relaps
65 outcome devaluation or to the influence of a pavlovian-conditioned stimulus.
66 ral reinforcement learning contexts, such as Pavlovian conditioning and decisions guided by reward hi
67                                              Pavlovian conditioning and extinction are particularly i
68  In this study, human participants underwent Pavlovian conditioning and extinction before we manipula
69  of membrane DOR expression in CINs and both pavlovian conditioning and pavlovian-instrumental transf
70 e projections from the VTA are necessary for Pavlovian conditioning and specifically implicate the PF
71 ygdala (LA) during consolidation of aversive pavlovian conditioning and that this memory requires cap
72                                              Pavlovian conditioning experiments indicate that a retri
73 rogress in understanding the neural basis of Pavlovian conditioning has stimulated a new wave of rese
74 hat the interaction between instrumental and Pavlovian conditioning induces powerful motivational bia
75                                              Pavlovian conditioning involves encoding the predictive
76           An issue of increasing interest in Pavlovian conditioning is to identify ways to facilitate
77 s from studies of memory modification in the Pavlovian conditioning literature.
78                                              Pavlovian conditioning occurred in a specific context (a
79 % of normal dopamine in the striatum using a Pavlovian conditioning paradigm.
80 ution of dopamine, we used a food-reinforced Pavlovian conditioning paradigm.
81  or anticipatory activity in a D1R-dependent Pavlovian conditioning paradigm.
82 iggered food approach in mice trained with a Pavlovian conditioning paradigm.
83                                        Using Pavlovian conditioning procedures in macaque monkeys, we
84                                              Pavlovian conditioning processes contribute to the etiol
85                          Next, rats received Pavlovian conditioning sessions in which a 10 s CS (15 t
86               Male, Long-Evans rats received Pavlovian conditioning sessions in which one auditory co
87             Trace eyeblink conditioning is a Pavlovian conditioning task that involves the associatio
88                         Here, we use a novel Pavlovian conditioning task, embedded in a normative fra
89 frontal neurons in mice during an appetitive Pavlovian conditioning task.
90 y of AC5KO mice to learn a simple appetitive pavlovian conditioning task.
91                                       During Pavlovian conditioning the expression of a conditioned r
92                                              Pavlovian conditioning underlies many aspects of pain be
93                           Over the course of Pavlovian conditioning using food as the unconditioned s
94  to assay these phenomena: Food consumption, Pavlovian conditioning, and visual discrimination.
95                                       During Pavlovian conditioning, pairing of a neutral conditioned
96                                       During Pavlovian conditioning, phasic dopamine (DA) responses e
97 ss tasks that examine food-specific satiety, Pavlovian conditioning, reinforcer devaluation, and simu
98                                           In Pavlovian conditioning, sign- and goal-tracking behavior
99  and computes a negative prediction error in Pavlovian conditioning.
100 c effects are typically demonstrated through Pavlovian conditioning.
101 a classical Model-Free system, necessary for Pavlovian conditioning.
102  NMDARs in the dopamine system to appetitive Pavlovian conditioning.
103 lic voltammetry was combined with appetitive Pavlovian conditioning.
104 ning and a similar dichotomy in the realm of Pavlovian conditioning.
105 omotes a negative reward prediction error in Pavlovian conditioning.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Stimuli th
106 ing in dopamine neurons was not required for Pavlovian conditioning; however, NMDARs in D(1) dopamine
107 N=25, aged 19-52 years) completed a passive (Pavlovian) conditioning task with appetitive (monetary g
108 n subjects, those who performed better under Pavlovian conflict exhibited higher midfrontal theta pow
109            In subsequent experiments using a Pavlovian contingency degradation procedure, we found th
110 gated the involvement of these structures in pavlovian contingency learning using a task in which the
111 ts cast light on the underlying structure of Pavlovian control and argue that generally this influenc
112               We modified previously learned pavlovian CS+ stimuli such that they became an ambiguous
113              Rats learned repulsion toward a Pavlovian cue (a briefly-inserted metal lever) that alwa
114 xt A) or a novel context (context B) using a Pavlovian cue extinction procedure designed to mimic hum
115 ponse inhibitory cue from CRIT was used as a Pavlovian cue predictive of reward.
116 ng behavior during the previously inhibitory Pavlovian cue than adults, indicative of greater behavio
117 ng adrenergic signaling on the strength of a Pavlovian cue-alcohol memory, using a behavioral procedu
118 ch a target for disrupting well-consolidated pavlovian cue-drug memories following an extensive drug
119 ly effective in the disruption of appetitive pavlovian cue-food memories.
120 trumental (drug-seeking and drug-taking) and pavlovian (cue-drug associations) memories.
121 uired for memory formation, is necessary for Pavlovian cued fear conditioning, whether it is downstre
122                                              Pavlovian cues associated with junk-foods (caloric, high
123                                              Pavlovian cues for rewards become endowed with incentive
124  demonstrate in rats that dopamine evoked by Pavlovian cues increases during acquisition, but dissoci
125 attenuated the inhibiting effect of aversive Pavlovian cues on instrumental behavior, while leaving u
126 nd that MD damage disrupted the influence of pavlovian cues over action selection but left intact rat
127 erent liquid food rewards in the presence of pavlovian cues previously associated with one of these o
128                In outcome-specific transfer, pavlovian cues that are predictive of specific outcomes
129 rst learned to associate a fixed sequence of Pavlovian cues with sucrose reward.
130 fest as a propensity to approach and contact pavlovian cues, and for addiction-like behavior.
131 rons are crucial for appetitive responses to Pavlovian cues, including cue-induced reinstatement of d
132 naltered the activating effect of appetitive Pavlovian cues.
133  the instrumental actions in the presence of pavlovian cues.
134 tion of a learned cue contradicts views that Pavlovian desires are essentially based on previously le
135 uation tasks, but not when switched from one Pavlovian devaluation task to another Pavlovian devaluat
136 om one Pavlovian devaluation task to another Pavlovian devaluation task.
137 aluation impairment in a multiple-reinforcer Pavlovian devaluation task.
138 agnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of aversive pavlovian differential delay conditioning.
139         Next, all rats learned an appetitive Pavlovian discrimination and voltammetric recordings of
140            Later, rats learned a first-order Pavlovian discrimination where a conditioned stimulus (C
141  to exhibit greater relapse vulnerability to Pavlovian drug cues paired with drug delivery, here, we
142 cotine as a contextual CS in that appetitive Pavlovian drug discrimination task.
143 es have been proposed to reflect cue-based, 'Pavlovian' effects.
144 ial agonist d-cycloserine administered after pavlovian extinction of cocaine cues in the nucleus accu
145 xtinction learning with methods that involve Pavlovian extinction.
146  the essential cerebellar brain circuits for Pavlovian eyeblink conditioning appeared relatively comp
147           In this study, we demonstrate that pavlovian eyeblink conditioning in adult mice can induce
148 uronal correlates of cross-modal transfer of pavlovian eyeblink conditioning in rats.
149                                           In Pavlovian eyeblink conditioning, a conditioned stimulus
150                                           In Pavlovian eyeblink conditioning, the conditioned respons
151 tus nucleus (IpN) neurons over the course of Pavlovian eyeblink conditioning.
152       Conceptual and practical advantages of pavlovian eyelid conditioning facilitate analysis of cer
153                                              Pavlovian eyelid conditioning, because of how directly i
154 AP044 reduces freezing during acquisition of Pavlovian fear and reduces innate anxiety, which is cons
155 ely deleting A2ARs in the striatum increased Pavlovian fear conditioning (both context and tone) in s
156                                        Using Pavlovian fear conditioning (electric shock), we quantif
157                              The paradigm of pavlovian fear conditioning (FC) can be used to address
158                                     In novel Pavlovian fear conditioning and extinction paradigms, ph
159 ies in associative memory processes, such as Pavlovian fear conditioning and extinction, have been ob
160 t plasticity in the amygdala is required for pavlovian fear conditioning and extinction.
161                 Traditional rodent models of Pavlovian fear conditioning assess the strength of learn
162          Such compensation is exemplified by Pavlovian fear conditioning following damage to the dors
163               The neuroplasticity induced by Pavlovian fear conditioning has likewise been shown to r
164                               Using auditory Pavlovian fear conditioning in a rodent model, we examin
165                                              Pavlovian fear conditioning is a particularly useful beh
166                                              Pavlovian fear conditioning is highly conserved across s
167                                              Pavlovian fear conditioning is one of the most common an
168                                   Studies of Pavlovian fear conditioning measuring freezing have demo
169 r losartan treatment, we performed classical Pavlovian fear conditioning pairing auditory cues with f
170                     Recently, in a classical Pavlovian fear conditioning paradigm, Gruene and colleag
171                                    Classical Pavlovian fear conditioning remains the most widely empl
172 obiological models of fear stem largely from Pavlovian fear conditioning studies that focus on how a
173                    Here we investigate human Pavlovian fear conditioning under the blood-brain barrie
174  of fear have been studied extensively using Pavlovian fear conditioning, a procedure that allows exp
175  study the effect of a sleep phase on rodent Pavlovian fear conditioning, a task with both hippocampu
176 upt the consolidation and reconsolidation of Pavlovian fear conditioning, a widely studied rodent mod
177                                 By combining Pavlovian fear conditioning, activity-dependent immediat
178 ypes can be modeled in animal subjects using Pavlovian fear conditioning, allowing investigation of t
179                                           In Pavlovian fear conditioning, an aversive unconditional s
180                                           In Pavlovian fear conditioning, pairing a neutral cue with
181 t inactivation of striatal A2ARs facilitates Pavlovian fear conditioning, while inactivation of extra
182 e imaging) and local field potentials during Pavlovian fear conditioning.
183  heightened fear learning following auditory Pavlovian fear conditioning.
184 nal memories, including those learned during Pavlovian fear conditioning.
185 the formation and expression of memory after Pavlovian fear conditioning.
186 no difference in depressive-like behavior or Pavlovian fear conditioning.
187 stimulus involving footshock delivery during Pavlovian fear conditioning.
188 so examined modafinil (0.075 to 75 mg/kg) on Pavlovian fear conditioning.
189 ensive response in laboratory animals during Pavlovian fear conditioning.
190 results reveal that S-S associations support Pavlovian fear memories after overtraining in both intac
191 s not known whether the associative basis of Pavlovian fear memory acquired by rats with BLA lesions
192 s the consolidation and reconsolidation of a Pavlovian fear memory and associated neural plasticity i
193 g the consolidation and reconsolidation of a Pavlovian fear memory, a widely studied animal model of
194 solidation of an amygdala-dependent auditory pavlovian fear memory.
195 consolidation' of a recently formed auditory Pavlovian fear memory; fear memory retrieval (reactivati
196 d impairs the 'consolidation' of an auditory Pavlovian fear memory; short-term memory (STM) is intact
197 A2AR)), impaired fear acquisition as well as Pavlovian fear retrieval.
198 FC safety signaling, we used neuroimaging of Pavlovian fear reversal, a paradigm that involves flexib
199 ation or control subjects while they learned Pavlovian first- and second-order associations.
200 cause cues associated with drugs can acquire Pavlovian incentive motivational properties, and acting
201 he neural mechanisms by which basic negative Pavlovian influences guide decision-making during planni
202  is recomputed at reencounter by integrating Pavlovian information with the current brain/physiologic
203 st that serotonin is selectively involved in Pavlovian inhibition due to aversive expectations and ha
204                             Outcome-specific Pavlovian-instrumental transfer (PIT) demonstrates the w
205                                              Pavlovian-Instrumental Transfer (PIT) is one of the key
206                             Outcome-specific Pavlovian-instrumental transfer (PIT) provides an animal
207 irected actions in tests of outcome-specific Pavlovian-instrumental transfer (PIT).
208 gate in humans the role of serotonin in such Pavlovian-instrumental transfer in both the aversive and
209                              Then, using the Pavlovian-instrumental transfer paradigm, we assessed th
210 menon is studied in the laboratory using the pavlovian-instrumental transfer protocol in which a stim
211  in CINs and both pavlovian conditioning and pavlovian-instrumental transfer provides a highly specif
212                                   During the Pavlovian-instrumental transfer test these glutamate tra
213 which these stimuli biased choice during the pavlovian-instrumental transfer test.
214 fluence choice using outcome revaluation and pavlovian-instrumental transfer tests.
215 ve cues to influence reward-seeking actions (Pavlovian-instrumental transfer).
216  on response invigoration and action bias in Pavlovian-instrumental transfer, a test of cue-elicited
217 late the performance of instrumental action (Pavlovian-instrumental transfer, PIT), serve as conditio
218  stimulus-outcome associations essential for pavlovian-instrumental transfer.
219                    This pruning strategy was Pavlovian: it was reflexively evoked by large losses and
220  hypofunction, decreasing MD activity during Pavlovian learning impaired the ability of conditioned s
221                                We found in a Pavlovian learning task that reward probability-dependen
222                                      Using a Pavlovian learning task, we induced conditioned hallucin
223                           In addition, while Pavlovian learning was not affected by MD hypofunction,
224                                       During Pavlovian learning, previously neutral stimuli that pred
225 onversely, AC5KO mice showed intact aversive pavlovian learning, suggesting the deficit was specific
226 procedure that facilitates the extinction of Pavlovian learning, there was no evidence in any experim
227 jumped and gnawed on the suddenly attractive Pavlovian lever cue, despite never having tasted intense
228 nce in rats when BLA lesions were made after pavlovian light-food pairings but before devaluation by
229 ifically impact action production due to the Pavlovian linkage between inaction and aversive states.
230  of the outcome, an effect consistent with a Pavlovian linkage between punishment and inaction.
231 nt cues promoted generalized (in)action in a Pavlovian manner, whereas outcomes enhanced instrumental
232 pting the reconsolidation of the maladaptive Pavlovian memories that can precipitate relapse to drug-
233 the specific contribution of one maladaptive Pavlovian memory to relapse, the acquisition of a new al
234                                  Following a Pavlovian model that relies on the proboscis extension r
235 can provoke the pursuit of cocaine through a Pavlovian motivational process.
236 igated this issue in the context of aversive Pavlovian olfactory memory in Drosophila.
237 evaluation performance in rats, using either pavlovian or instrumental training procedures and either
238       Those studies differed in their use of pavlovian or operant training contingencies, single or m
239 ion task, varying the type of contingencies (Pavlovian or operant), the number of reinforcers (one vs
240 ol in which a stimulus predicting a specific pavlovian outcome biases choice toward those actions ear
241 l review evidence, from our own work using a Pavlovian over-expectation task as well as from other so
242  the proposed linkage, showing in a modified Pavlovian over-expectation task that brief pauses in the
243 it activity from BLA in rats during the same Pavlovian over-expectation task used previously.
244 for using such information for learning in a Pavlovian over-expectation task.
245  in the face of unexpected outcomes during a Pavlovian over-expectation task.
246                               Here we used a pavlovian overexpectation task to test whether outcome s
247                                         In a Pavlovian overexpectation task, inactivation of OFC prev
248 ls do not contribute to the opioid-dependent Pavlovian overshadowing obtained in our preparation.
249                              In a subsequent Pavlovian overshadowing phase designed to assess attenti
250                                           In Pavlovian overshadowing, a stimulus that predicts a biol
251 and to motivate future cue selection using a Pavlovian paradigm.
252 ion of cocaine- and fear-related memories in Pavlovian paradigms.
253 actions consistent and inconsistent with the pavlovian-predicted outcome.
254  in this circuit separately from signals for Pavlovian predictions (learning).
255                                   Here, in a Pavlovian procedure in which monkeys displayed a diverse
256 neurons in monkeys (Macaca mulatta) during a Pavlovian procedure with appetitive and aversive outcome
257 l mechanisms, we conditioned monkeys using a Pavlovian procedure with two distinct contexts: one in w
258 y) a rewarding or punishing outcome during a Pavlovian procedure, or unexpectedly received an outcome
259 tioning is not tied explicitly to the use of pavlovian procedures.
260 ortcut, namely aversive pruning, a reflexive Pavlovian process that involves neglecting parts of the
261  neural signatures of an important reflexive Pavlovian process that shapes goal-directed evaluations
262  review behavioral studies that suggest that Pavlovian processes can exert an important influence ove
263 ceives dopaminergic input and is involved in Pavlovian processes that influence choice behavior.
264 pproach behavior, sustained task engagement, Pavlovian processes, and instrumental learning.
265 l-based control can be further extended into pavlovian processes.
266           We found that the tendency towards Pavlovian pruning was selectively predicted by the degre
267  facilitate learning processes that underlie Pavlovian, rather than purely operant, extinction.
268  AA produces an ilPFC-mediated diminution of pavlovian reactions that extends beyond the training con
269 ) to inhibit central amygdala (CeA)-mediated Pavlovian reactions.
270 and punishment on instrumental learning from Pavlovian response biasing.
271  which we assessed extinction of the learned Pavlovian response, first by pairing two cues together i
272 m and studied the acquisition of conditioned Pavlovian responses using combined physiological recordi
273  if episodic memories reconsolidate, or only Pavlovian responses.
274 receptors mediates action selection based on Pavlovian reward expectations, but is not critical for f
275            To address this, we established a Pavlovian serial feature-negative conditioning paradigm,
276 ats were trained to discriminate between two pavlovian stimuli.
277 n shown to play an important role in forming Pavlovian stimulus-outcome associations.
278 re not restricted to forelimb movement, as a Pavlovian task evoked similar responses.
279 bitofrontal cortex (OFC) of monkeys during a Pavlovian task in which the relative amount of liquid re
280                                       During Pavlovian threat (fear) conditioning (PTC), sensory and
281  Similarly, threat responses acquired during Pavlovian threat conditioning often return after extinct
282 retroactively strengthen episodic memory for Pavlovian threat-conditioned events, but that, in contra
283                                              Pavlovian threat-conditioning studies suggest that a rem
284                                              Pavlovian to Instrumental Transfer (PIT) refers to the b
285                               We adapted the Pavlovian-to-instrumental (PIT) paradigm to explore this
286 ngency degradation, outcome devaluation, and Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer (n = 134 mice).
287 vational incentive learning, as reflected in Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer (PIT).
288                                          The Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer paradigm is commonly
289 tor system in cue-motivated behavior using a Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer task designed to asse
290 leus accumbens core of rats (n = 9) during a Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer task in which the eff
291 cue-evoked incentive motivation for food-the Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer task.
292             Rats were then given a series of Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer tests, an assay of cu
293  over reward-seeking decisions as assayed by Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer.
294  dorsal hippocampus (DHPC) in acquisition of Pavlovian trace conditioning and interval timing was exa
295                                              Pavlovian trace conditioning depends on the temporal gap
296         To test this, mice were trained on a Pavlovian trace conditioning procedure in which the pres
297 er maze, T-maze spontaneous alternation, and pavlovian trace fear conditioning), mutants were impaire
298 hange in reward in rats during training in a Pavlovian unblocking task, finding more cells responding
299 ive conditioning paradigm in which different Pavlovian visual cues probabilistically predicted therma
300          Using single-neuron recording and a Pavlovian visual-cue/liquid-reward association task in r

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