


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 above the penalty threshold and 2 were newly penalized).
2  longer-distance connections is increasingly penalized.
3 erform verification and false reports can be penalized.
4 ipating in the HAC program, 721 (22.0%) were penalized.
5 nt central fixation bias whereas others will penalize a model that does.
6  above the penalty threshold and 1 was newly penalized) and 5 hospitals within the 30-day window (3 w
7 ns with fewer than two unpaired nucleotides, penalizes asymmetry in the distribution of unpaired nucl
8                              The second term penalizes average visual aiming error, which is the inst
9                      We develop SparScape, a penalized Bayesian method for identifying DBFs active in
10 time, the holo protein becomes energetically penalized because the twisting back of H120 into Cu-boun
11 udy uses Bayesian sparse factor modeling and penalized binary regression to define peripheral blood g
12 ns, the L3MBTL1 binding pocket energetically penalizes both methylation states and has most probably
13 ith another with a 0% transfer rate would be penalized by 14 excess deaths per 1000 admissions when a
14 s the maximized log likelihood for the model penalized by a multiple of the model's degrees of freedo
15 which physicians can most easily avoid being penalized by avoiding or deselecting patients with high
16                   Off-pathway structures are penalized by excess distortion in local backbone configu
17 etraloop/tetraloop-receptor interactions are penalized by high conformational free energies.
18 maximizing a product of binomial likelihoods penalized by nearest neighbor interactions.
19 patients and are concerned that they will be penalized by performance measures or patient ratings of
20 f the posterior classification probabilities penalized by the number of incorrectly classified sample
21 rporate such prior knowledge into building a penalized classifier.
22  concrete examples, we apply the idea to two penalized classifiers, nearest shrunken centroids (also
23                           Contact inhibition penalizes clumped cells by halting their growth and give
24 , and that modifying the scoring function to penalize complex networks hampers model averaging.
25 llinearity problem, several methods based on penalized Cox proportional hazards models have been prop
26    Supervised principal components and lasso penalized Cox proportional hazards regression (Coxnet) w
27                                              Penalized Cox regression including microRNA expression,
28                  We propose to implement the penalized Cox regression with a lasso penalty via the gr
29 low- and high-risk groups was produced using penalized Cox regression.
30 A- and RNA-binding proteins, regression that penalizes cross-predictions, and a novel two-layered arc
31                                        Using penalized discriminant analysis, we have identified a pa
32 lographic errors and ambiguities, adequately penalizes domain and/or secondary structure rearrangemen
33              A grouping algorithm based on a penalized entropy measure is proposed to reduce the dime
34                              GFL is based on penalized estimation and is capable of processing multip
35                                   We discuss penalized estimation and present an efficient algorithm
36                   We propose to use the L(1) penalized estimation for the Cox model to select genes t
37  This article extends our recent research on penalized estimation methods in genome-wide association
38 , and desirable results are obtained using a penalized estimation techniques.
39 ty factors imply the existence of costs that penalize excess capacities.
40               In this article, we proposed a penalized Exponential Tilt Model (pETM) using network-ba
41        Various penalty functions are used to penalize extreme estimates of the fitnesses, thus correc
42 ovide a review of several recently developed penalized feature selection and classification technique
43 and low-quality, expensive providers will be penalized financially.
44                             As hospitals are penalized for not reaching specific rates of FTR, we mus
45 function for read-to-genome matchings, which penalizes for sequence dissimilarities and deviations fr
46 combinations with redundant information, and penalizes for unjustifiable complexity; each step is KWI
47 he modeled protein structures suggested that penalizing for exposed hydrophobic surface area can impr
48             We demonstrate the importance of penalizing gaps for best alignments.
49 r care, and pay-for-performance programs may penalize healthcare providers of patients with multiple
50            Several emerging payment policies penalize hospitals for low-value healthcare.
51            Several emerging payment policies penalize hospitals for low-value healthcare.
52                              The decision to penalize hospitals for readmissions is compelling health
53         Accordingly, the metric may unfairly penalize hospitals that care for underserved patients.
54 to measure readmission rates and financially penalize hospitals with higher-than-expected readmission
55  vs nontarget conditions for patients at the penalized hospitals but not at the other hospitals.
56  Readmission Reduction Program (HRRP), which penalizes hospitals for excess readmissions for acute my
57  The Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program penalizes hospitals that have high 30-day readmission ra
58 ices Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program penalizes hospitals with higher-than-expected risk-adjus
59 ogram accurately measures quality and fairly penalizes hospitals.
60 veloping quality indicators and any policies penalizing hospitals for surgical readmission.
61 cies to find out whether parasites favour or penalize hybridization.
62             Hospitals were more likely to be penalized if they were accredited by the Joint Commissio
63 ensatory trans-acting suppressors, cells are penalized in the long term by changes in gene expression
64 at produce the haplo-diploid pattern without penalizing inbreeding.
65  constraining trajectories to the target and penalizing intermediate movements.
66     We adapt a new measure of dissimilarity, penalized Kendall's tau-distance, which does not depend
67 r, the [Formula: see text]-norm penalty over-penalizes large coefficients and may incurs estimation b
68 ns from the cluster-membrane elastic energy, penalizing large clusters due to their high intrinsic cu
69                             Results By using penalized lasso Cox proportional hazards regression, we
70  which is fitted with a total variation (TV) penalized least squares model.
71 etection of DNA copy number alterations as a penalized least squares regression problem.
72  percent of hospitals (330 of 1186) would be penalized less than 1% of total Medicare revenue whereas
73 2.5 function and the inclusion of terms that penalize ligand-protein interactions that violate establ
74 PET reconstruction software using a Bayesian penalized likelihood (BPL) reconstruction algorithm (ter
75                                 We present a penalized likelihood approach, with penalties on QTL and
76 d depth information and utilizes the maximum penalized likelihood estimation (MPLE) model to identify
77 d here is a special case of what is known as penalized likelihood estimation.
78 od is based on (a) defining an (approximate) penalized likelihood for how recombination rate varies w
79 or a given value of the tuning constant, the penalized likelihood is quickly maximized by cyclic coor
80                                          The penalized likelihood method allows spurious QTL effects
81 lation studies also show that results of the penalized likelihood method are comparable to the Bayesi
82 nd replicated time course RNA-Seq data via a penalized likelihood method.
83       Flexible modeling approaches, based on penalized likelihood methods and expectation-maximizatio
84 is problem has recently been addressed using penalized likelihood methods, we adopt a Bayesian approa
85 th physical position and (b) maximizing this penalized likelihood over possible sets of recombination
86            Structure inference is based on a penalized likelihood ratio and an adaptation of Occam's
87 ementation of a divergence time method using penalized likelihood that can handle datasets of thousan
88 ession is a bias-reduction method based on a penalized likelihood to discover rare variants that are
89       Estimates are obtained by maximizing a penalized likelihood.
90                         We develop a maximum penalized-likelihood (MPL) method to estimate the fitnes
91 .44-.89; P = .009; fluoroquinolones: profile penalized-likelihood OR [log(days)], 0.62; 95% CI, .39-1
92                          Q.Clear, a Bayesian penalized-likelihood reconstruction algorithm for PET, w
93                                  Thanks to a penalized linear model, we also show that the number of
94 orithm, Treegl, an l(1) plus total variation penalized linear regression method, to effectively estim
95 ics with shrinkage by formally using the (1) penalized linear regression models for two-class microar
96                         And we show that the penalized linear regression models provide a rigorous an
97 model subject to a sum-to-zero constraint in penalized linear regression, where the correspondence be
98                          Here we explore the penalized linear regression.
99 or probabilities for feature relevance in L2 penalized linear regression.
100                A conservative version of our penalized LOD score provides strict control over the rat
101 e) selection step, however, must be added to penalized logistic modeling due to a large number of gen
102                                      We used penalized logistic regression and 1-sided gene-burden an
103 i-label predictor, namely mPLR-Loc, based on penalized logistic regression and adaptive decisions for
104 ed by an adaptive decision-based multi-label penalized logistic regression classifier.
105      We previously developed a network-based penalized logistic regression for correlated methylation
106 t article evaluates the performance of lasso penalized logistic regression in case-control disease ge
107               In this article, we proposed a penalized logistic regression model for correlated DNA m
108                                        Three penalized logistic regression models were fit using the
109 ical analysis was performed using linear and penalized logistic regression to assess associations wit
110                            Using elastic-net penalized logistic regression, 118 baseline predictors w
111 clinical prediction rule was developed using penalized logistic regression, evaluated using ROC analy
112 r interactions can also be examined by lasso penalized logistic regression.
113  the model and the optimal shrinkage for the penalized logistic regression.
114 ctor machine, kernel logistic regression and penalized logistic regression.
115 nes in a pathway were considered together, a penalized longitudinal model under the quadratic inferen
116 luate 2 bias correction approaches-the Firth penalized maximum likelihood method and Cordeiro and McC
117                                 We develop a penalized maximum likelihood method.
118            The PUMA framework implements the penalized maximum likelihood penalties previously propos
119 analysis, but the computational speed of the penalized method is orders of magnitude faster.
120                                     Although penalized methods have advantages for very small sample
121 ll the genes equally a priori as in standard penalized methods, we group the genes according to their
122 methods perform better than the two standard penalized methods, yielding higher predictive accuracy a
123 GPS models observed reads using a complexity penalized mixture model and efficiently predicts event l
124 h or without initial variable selection, the penalized mixture model performed much better in identif
125                                          The penalized mixture model seems to be promising for high-d
126                               We applied our penalized mixture model to a combined dataset containing
127 ional data as encountered here, we propose a penalized mixture model with a weighted L1 penalty to re
128   This estimation problem also succumbs to a penalized MM algorithm.
129 on of the 3-month biopsies and fitting a new penalized model, 100% sensitivity was observed in classi
130 ata variable selection is necessary, several penalized model-based clustering methods have been propo
131 henotypic data (67 continuous variables) and penalized model-based clustering, to define and characte
132 is present in FCS data sets and additionally penalizes model complexity to prevent over interpretatio
133 ons and correlated noise while appropriately penalizing model complexity according to Occam's Razor t
134  physical models for FCS data, appropriately penalizing model complexity according to the Principle o
135 e HAC Reduction Program, hospitals that were penalized more frequently had more quality accreditation
136                               A conservative penalized multinomial logistic regression model identifi
137                                              Penalized multinomial logistic regression was utilized t
138 ovel mapping of multiset gene set testing to penalized multiple linear regression.
139                                              Penalized Multiple Regression (PMR) can be used to disco
140                 Our methodology is the first penalized multiple regression approach that explicitly c
141                                Although many penalized multiple regression methodologies have been pr
142           Statistically, MotifExpress uses a penalized multivariate regression approach with a compos
143 gration of various biological networks using penalized non-negative matrix tri-factorization (PNMTF).
144             Low light in the vigorous blocks penalized norisoprenoids peak concentration.
145 ed NSC (ALP-NSC) and adaptive hierarchically penalized NSC (AHP-NSC), with two different penalty func
146 r two new methods, adaptive L(infinity)-norm penalized NSC (ALP-NSC) and adaptive hierarchically pena
147 roposed a regularized regression method that penalizes on the difference of signal strength between t
148 isms; a key feature of the method is that it penalizes overparameterization.
149     To serve the purpose, we propose a novel penalized partial least squares (PPLS) method to build a
150 est shrunken centroids (also called PAM) and penalized partial least squares (PPLS).
151 h as partial least squares (PLS) methods and penalized PLS (PPLS) methods.
152 of a prediction model, the misclassification-penalized posterior (MiPP), the sum of the posterior cla
153 criminant analysis via the misclassification penalized posterior algorithm.
154 s formula for controlling physician payments penalizes primary care physicians; and 4) private insure
155                              We combined the penalized procedure with a stability selection procedure
156 ompared with the unpenalized QIF method, the penalized QIF (pQIF) method achieved better estimation a
157                       RR classifier tends to penalize redundant features to a much larger extent than
158 tal results shows that different classifiers penalize redundant features to different extent and this
159  We describe a method, termed Differentially Penalized Regression (DiPR), which uses standard ridge r
160 n, we developed gene set Selection via LASSO Penalized Regression (SLPR), a novel mapping of multiset
161                         Alternatively, Lasso penalized regression allows one to jointly model the rel
162  better predictive performance than the L(2) penalized regression and a few other dimension-reduction
163 proach to detect such interactions that uses penalized regression and sparse estimation principles, a
164 zed set of guidelines for the application of penalized regression for reproducible class comparison a
165                  We implement our model in a penalized regression framework and demonstrate in a simu
166 h to confounder selection, using elastic net penalized regression in the latter case.
167              Rare variant discovery by group penalized regression is now implemented in the free prog
168                                        Lasso penalized regression is particularly advantageous when t
169  of functionally related genes, we propose a penalized regression method that maps multiple expressio
170                                              Penalized regression methods have been adopted widely fo
171                                          The penalized regression methods performed similarly in dete
172 ies for each variable unlike LASSO and other penalized regression methods.
173                                 We propose a penalized regression model incorporating grid search met
174                     We demonstrate a type of penalized regression model that can be estimated from la
175  best predictors of a phenotype by a concave penalized regression model, while estimating the impact
176 ks simultaneously usually with the aids of a penalized regression model.
177 diction methods including random forests and penalized regression models (ridge regression, elastic n
178 paper we systematically discussed the use of penalized regression models for analyzing microarray dat
179 roid used by Tibshirani et al. using the (1) penalized regression models.
180                         The algorithm uses a penalized regression that balances a data fitting term w
181 nsions at the sample size; second, a grouped penalized regression was applied to further refine the m
182                                              Penalized regression was chosen to prevent overfitting.
183                We impose sparseness by using penalized regression with a penalty based on the L0-norm
184 s, support vector regression and elastic net penalized regression) were explored.
185 xp R: essi O: n regulators identified W: ith penalized regression).
186 chine learning methods (regression trees and penalized regressions) designed to evaluate cross-valida
187 y of the scientific workforce, we should not penalize researchers who are unable to move abroad for l
188                   Here we show that soybeans penalize rhizobia that fail to fix N(2) inside their roo
189 e revenues, allocate resources, economically penalize risk behavior, and broadly regulate in the publ
190 is paper, we propose the truncated l 1 -norm penalized SCCA to improve the performance and effectiven
191 olute shrinkage and section operator (LASSO) penalized selection method and then evaluated the predic
192                               We developed a penalized selection operator for jointly analyzing multi
193 d to be of a generalized Boltzmann form that penalizes signals that are costly and sensitive to error
194 als with the highest quality score of 8 were penalized significantly more frequently than hospitals w
195 entiate insertions from deletions and end up penalizing single insertion events multiple times.
196 line correction function in XWINNMR 3.5, the penalized smoothing method provides more accurate baseli
197 e to concerns that quality measures unfairly penalizes SNH, NQF recently recommended that performance
198                         A piecewise constant penalized spline approach incorporating time-varying coe
199                                              Penalized spline models of long-term exposure indicated
200                                      We used penalized splines to assess potential nonlinear associat
201                                              Penalized splines were also fit to estimate the function
202                                              Penalized splines were implemented to explore possible n
203 r developmental patterns were examined using penalized splines within a general additive model.
204 he concentration-response relationship using penalized splines, and changes in the slope of the relat
205 e anxiety using general additive models with penalized splines, while controlling for gray matter den
206 CBF evolution with development as modeled by penalized splines.
207 XS-fitting score and a collision energy that penalizes steric collisions.
208 EM-fitting score and a collision energy that penalizes steric collisions.
209 ominance in the ensuing germ cell pool while penalizing stragglers.
210                 Smoothing can be achieved by penalizing strain changes from one marker to the next.
211                               We propose the penalized t-/F-statistics for two-class microarray data
212                  We generalize the two-class penalized t/F-statistics proposed by Wu to multi-class m
213                     Recently Wu proposed the penalized t/F-statistics with shrinkage by formally usin
214 mparable and significance thresholds tend to penalize TAs and FAs in a similar fashion.
215                                              Penalizing terminal AU base pairs by 0.45 kcal/mol relat
216                        We will show that the penalized test statistics intuitively makes sense and th
217  hospitals were almost twice as likely to be penalized than non-minority-serving hospitals (61% vs 32
218  deadlines for compliance and legislation to penalize the defaulting institutions and programs may he
219 ic regression is accordingly adopted here to penalize the homolog noise and to reduce the computation
220  a network-constrained penalty function that penalizes the L(1)-norm of the coefficients but encourag
221 an be tolerated in some cases without overly penalizing the tightness of binding.
222  than algorithms for correct predictions and penalized them less for incorrect predictions.
223 he gold standard treatments in amblyopia are penalizing therapies, such as patching or blurring visio
224  to a modified reproductive strategy without penalizing total seed production.
225 rtile of each measure were more likely to be penalized under VBP than other hospitals (62.9% vs. 51.0
226 lgorithmic and heuristic framework for PUMA (Penalized Unified Multiple-locus Association) analysis t
227 mented a smoothly clipped absolute deviation-penalized variable selection method to evaluate an optim
228 rization term in the objective function that penalizes vectorial invariants of the reconstructed surf
229 vor of this, as does the use of metrics that penalize volume mismatch less than the Tanimoto, e.g., T
230                                 We develop a penalized weighted low-rank approximation method (WPLA)
231 pitalization for a COPD exacerbation will be penalized with reduced reimbursement for the treatment o

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