


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ing the function of the PDS-encoded protein (pendrin).
2 ene and the function of its encoded protein (pendrin).
3  for the unconventional trafficking of H723R-pendrin.
4 ach the apical compartment in the absence of pendrin.
5 tations in the PDS/SLC26A4 gene that encodes pendrin.
6 members of the SLC26 family DRA, SLC26A6 and pendrin.
7  albeit at a much lower level than wild-type pendrin.
8  a putative transmembrane protein designated pendrin.
9 ncodes for a putative ion transporter called pendrin.
10 ding Slc26a3/Dra, Slc26a6/Pat-1, and Slc26a4/pendrin.
11 less active in the airways in the absence of pendrin.
12 onventional cell-surface expression of H723R-pendrin.
13 ed 3 chemical classes of inhibitors of human pendrin.
14 ) concentration, [HCO(3)(-)], independent of pendrin.
15 cell in ultrastructure, but does not express pendrin.
16 e regulation, the most important of which is pendrin, a luminal Cl/HCO(3)(-) exchanger.
17    In contrast, WNK4 showed no inhibition of pendrin, a related Cl(-)/base exchanger.
18 ressed sequence tag database for homologs of pendrin, a transporter previously shown to mediate Cl(-)
19           At least in some treatment models, pendrin acts in tandem with the Na(+)-dependent Cl(-)/HC
20                                    Wild type pendrin also mediates iodide efflux in transiently trans
21                              SLC26A4 encodes pendrin, an anion-base exchanger expressed in inner ear
22 secretes HCO(3) by an apical Cl:HCO(3) named pendrin and a basolateral vacuolar (V)-ATPase.
23 e are canonical beta-type cells, with apical pendrin and basolateral or diffuse/bipolar V-ATPase.
24                                     Although pendrin and ENaC localize to different cell types, ENaC
25 use intracellular trafficking regulates both pendrin and H(+)-ATPase, we hypothesized that AngII indu
26 membrane, whereas the beta-subtype expresses pendrin and localizes the H(+)v-ATPase cytosolically or
27   We propose that the combined inhibition of pendrin and NCC can provide a strong diuretic regimen wi
28                         We hypothesized that pendrin and NCC compensate for loss of function of the o
29                                              Pendrin and prestin both belong to a distinct anion tran
30 te the amino acid sequence disparity between pendrin and prestin.
31 protein show moderate sequence similarity to pendrin and related sulphate/anion transport proteins.
32 independent cell-surface expression of H723R-pendrin and restored its cell-surface Cl(-)/HCO3(-) exch
33  vitro, and the subcellular distributions of pendrin and the H(+)-ATPase were quantified using immuno
34 lel operation of the Cl(-)/HCO3(-) exchanger pendrin and the Na(+)-driven Cl(-)/2HCO3(-) exchanger (N
35 tions, although mice with double knockout of pendrin and the Na(+)/Cl(-) cotransporter (NCC) manifest
36 ent protein (GFP) chimeras of wild-type (WT) pendrin and three common natural mutants (L236P, T416P a
37 s of the Cl(-)/HCO(-)(3) antiporters ae1 and pendrin, and two isoforms of carbonic anhydrase.
38                                Inhibitors of pendrin anion exchange identified in a small molecule sc
39          Mutations in SLC26A4, which encodes pendrin, are responsible for hearing loss with an enlarg
40  consistent with the putative functioning of pendrin as an anion transporter.
41 e (NKCC2) and distal nephron (NCC, ENaC, and pendrin) as well as the transporter activating kinases S
42                      Here we show that H723R-pendrin can be rescued to the cell surface by an HSP70 c
43  provide compelling evidence that defects in pendrin cause Pendred syndrome thereby launching a new a
44      Mutations in the transmembrane protein, pendrin, cause diminished export of iodide from thyroid
45                                     Instead, pendrin changes ENaC abundance and function at least in
46 -stimulated mouse tracheal epithelial cells, pendrin deficiency caused an increase in ASL thickness,
47                                              Pendrin-deficient mice had less allergen-induced airway
48 -induced hyperreactivity and inflammation in pendrin-deficient mice result from improved ASL hydratio
49 We gave aldosterone and NaHCO(3) to increase pendrin-dependent HCO(3)(-) secretion within the connect
50 tercalated cells (IC) via an H(+)-ATPase-and pendrin-dependent mechanism.
51   Moreover, excessive chloride absorption by pendrin drove parallel absorption of sodium through the
52                                      Lack of pendrin during this period led to endolymphatic acidific
53  toward the fate of the immediately adjacent Pendrin-expressing epithelial cells.
54 ad higher lung bacterial loads than infected pendrin-expressing mice but had significantly reduced le
55 atory cytokines and chemokines than infected pendrin-expressing mice, suggesting that these inflammat
56 ldosterone and angiotensin II also stimulate pendrin expression and function, which likely contribute
57                 In this study, we found that pendrin expression is upregulated at both gene and prote
58 nesulfonamide compounds reversibly inhibited pendrin-facilitated Cl(-) exchange with SCN(-), I(-), NO
59   These studies implicate the involvement of pendrin-facilitated Cl(-)/HCO3 (-) in the regulation of
60 ral membrane protein, VSVGtsO45 or wild-type pendrin from targeting the plasma membrane.
61                       We propose a model for pendrin function in the thyroid in which pendrin transpo
62                 Our results demonstrate that pendrin functions as a transporter of chloride and iodid
63 ng its putative second transmembrane domain, pendrin has been proposed to function as a sulfate trans
64 now report the cDNA cloning of CFEX, a mouse pendrin homolog with expression in the kidney by Norther
65 cantly increased following the expression of pendrin in both cell systems.
66  contribution of the Cl(-)/HCO3(-) exchanger pendrin in distal nephron function.
67 drin loss of function suggest involvement of pendrin in inflammatory lung diseases, including cystic
68 st steps toward defining the precise role of pendrin in inner ear development and elucidating the pat
69 mice overexpressing the chloride transporter pendrin in intercalated cells of the distal nephron (Tg(
70 ndred's syndrome suggests a possible role of pendrin in iodide transport at the apical membrane of th
71             Our findings clarify the role of pendrin in kidney function and suggest pendrin inhibitio
72                          Although a role for pendrin in maintaining Na(+) balance, intravascular volu
73 ximity to the chloride-absorbing transporter pendrin in the kidney distal nephron.
74 dy examined the distribution and function of pendrin in the mammalian kidney.
75 ulfate transport following the expression of pendrin in Xenopus laevis oocytes by microinjection of P
76 C, did not change, although the abundance of pendrin increased in these mice.
77 asing distal delivery of HCO(3)(-) through a pendrin-independent mechanism "rescues" ENaC function in
78  with Pendred syndrome have complete loss of pendrin-induced chloride and iodide transport, while all
79 le of pendrin in kidney function and suggest pendrin inhibition as a novel approach to potentiate the
80                                              Pendrin inhibition significantly increased ASL depth (by
81 (-) exchange and the increase was blocked by pendrin inhibition.
82  therapy, we tested in mice a small-molecule pendrin inhibitor identified from a high-throughput scre
83            Here we identified small-molecule pendrin inhibitors and demonstrated their efficacy in in
84 ockout, and to test the potential utility of pendrin inhibitors for diuretic therapy, we tested in mi
85 ion of ASL volume and suggest the utility of pendrin inhibitors in inflammatory lung diseases, includ
86                                              Pendrin is a Cl(-)/HCO3(-) exchanger expressed in type B
87                                              Pendrin is a Na(+)-independent Cl(-)/HCO3(-) exchanger t
88                                Functionally, pendrin is a transporter of chloride and iodide in Xenop
89                                              Pendrin is an anion transporter encoded by the PDS/Pds g
90        Together, these studies indicate that pendrin is an apical anion transporter in intercalated c
91                                              Pendrin is closely related to a family of sulfate transp
92   Studies of Slc26a4-null mice indicate that pendrin is essential for inner ear development, but have
93                   Previously, we showed that pendrin is expressed in ameloblasts but is not critical
94 ion of the epithelial cell anion transporter pendrin is markedly increased in response to IL-13.
95 -ATPase but not aquaporin-2, indicating that pendrin is present in intercalated cells of the CCD.
96 r development, but have not revealed whether pendrin is specifically necessary for homeostasis.
97 ed long term with furosemide, in which renal pendrin is upregulated, PDSinh-C01 produced a 60% increa
98                       The predicted protein, pendrin, is closely related to a number of known sulphat
99                        B. pertussis-infected pendrin knockout (KO) mice had higher lung bacterial loa
100                                Studies using pendrin knockout mice and airway epithelial cells from h
101                                              Pendrin-knockout mice show no fluid-electrolyte abnormal
102                                     Infected pendrin KO mice had higher levels of inflammatory cytoki
103 in/NCC double knockout (KO) mice by crossing pendrin KO mice with NCC KO mice.
104 s syndrome, naturally occurring mutations of pendrin lead to impaired transport of iodide.
105 al cells from hearing-impaired subjects with pendrin loss of function suggest involvement of pendrin
106                                        Thus, pendrin may attenuate diuretic-induced salt loss, but th
107                                   Therefore, pendrin may represent a novel therapeutic target for tre
108 el, ENaC, and the Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) exchanger, pendrin, mediate NaCl absorption within the cortical col
109                                          The pendrin-mediated Cl(-)/HCO3(-) exchange process is great
110 tion and HCO3(-) secretion primarily through pendrin-mediated Cl(-)/HCO3(-) exchange.
111          These results provide evidence that pendrin mediates apical iodide efflux from polarized mam
112                                      Because pendrin mediates HCO(3)(-) secretion, we asked if increa
113         In cells expressing NIS and pendrin, pendrin mediates transport of iodide into the apical cha
114                         To determine whether pendrin might also play a role in virus-induced exacerba
115                                              Pendrin modulates aldosterone-induced Na(+) absorption b
116                             We conclude that pendrin modulates ENaC abundance and function, at least
117 induced exacerbations of asthma, we measured pendrin mRNA expression in human subjects with naturally
118                            In contrast, both pendrin mutants lose the ability to promote iodide efflu
119 n and defective plasma membrane targeting of pendrin mutants play a key role in the pathogenesis of P
120 the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) and the pendrin/Na(+)-driven chloride/bicarbonate exchanger (pen
121         To test our hypothesis, we generated pendrin/NCC double knockout (KO) mice by crossing pendri
122                                              Pendrin/NCC double KO mice displayed severe salt wasting
123 Na(+)-driven chloride/bicarbonate exchanger (pendrin/NDCBE) transport system was impaired.
124  In the absence of pendrin [Slc26a4 (-/-) or pendrin null mice], aldosterone-stimulated NaCl absorpti
125 ubunit abundance and function was similar in pendrin-null and wild-type mice.
126 ing treatment with aldosterone and NaHCO(3), pendrin-null mice had lower urinary pH and [HCO(3)(-)] a
127 nd activity are lower in aldosterone-treated pendrin-null mice relative to wild-type mice.
128 pendent mechanism "rescues" ENaC function in pendrin-null mice.
129 studies detected expression of CFEX, but not pendrin, on the brush border membrane of proximal tubule
130  in vitro did not change the distribution of pendrin or H(+)-ATPase within type B IC but within type
131                           Single deletion of pendrin or NCC does not cause salt wasting or excessive
132 xpressing the sodium iodide symporter (NIS), pendrin, or NIS and pendrin using a bicameral system-per
133  Our data show that ameloblasts express Dra, pendrin, or Slc26a6 but each of these separately is not
134 ncoding connexin-26, myosin VIIA, myosin XV, pendrin, otoferlin and alpha-tectorin, respectively.
135                  In cells expressing NIS and pendrin, pendrin mediates transport of iodide into the a
136 lude that the chloride/bicarbonate exchanger pendrin plays a major role in controlling net NaCl absor
137                          Herein we show that pendrin plays a role in allergic airway disease and in r
138 calization studies were performed using anti-pendrin polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies.
139 isoforms, and V-type H(+)-ATPase subunits in pendrin-positive intercalated cells (PP-ICs) and ENaC su
140  enamel organs of Slc26a6-null mice, Dra and pendrin protein levels were both elevated by 52% and 55%
141 uptake measurements showed that the chimeric pendrin protein retained the capability to transport for
142 whether it was possible to create a chimeric pendrin protein with motor capability by integrating thi
143                             We conclude that pendrin regulates ASL thickness and may be an important
144 albindin-D28k, H(+)-ATPase, aquaporin-2, and pendrin showed that distal convoluted tubule and connect
145 minal green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged pendrin (SLC26A4) construct, whereas cells transfected w
146 minal green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged pendrin (SLC26A4) construct.
147                                              Pendrin (SLC26A4) is a chloride-iodide transporter that
148                                              Pendrin (SLC26A4) is a Cl(-)/anion exchanger expressed i
149 yrocytes solely via the Cl(-)/I(-) exchanger Pendrin (SLC26A4), therefore necessitating reconsiderati
150                            In the absence of pendrin [Slc26a4 (-/-) or pendrin null mice], aldosteron
151 ung inflammatory pathology without affecting pendrin synthesis or bacterial loads.
152 the combined inhibition of NCC and the NDCBE/pendrin system may explain thiazide-induced hypokalemia
153 hing (FRAP) studies demonstrated that GFP-WT pendrin targets to the plasma membrane.
154 icarbonate, chloride, and thiocyanate, named pendrin, that contributes to asthma pathology.
155 restin function, were measured from chimeric pendrin-transfected human embryonic kidney 293 cells usi
156 for pendrin function in the thyroid in which pendrin transports iodide across the apical membrane of
157           To clarify the physiologic role of pendrin under conditions not confounded by gene knockout
158 IL-13, which causes inflammation with strong pendrin up-regulation, strongly increased Cl(-)/HCO3 (-)
159                                              Pendrin upregulation is associated with PT production by
160  iodide symporter (NIS), pendrin, or NIS and pendrin using a bicameral system-permitting measurement
161                         Thus, the engineered pendrin was capable of both transporting anions and gene
162                                 The chimeric pendrin was constructed by substituting residues 160-179
163 c26a4-null background so that all functional pendrin was derived from the transgenes.
164                                 Furthermore, pendrin was detected exclusively within the subpopulatio
165                                     However, pendrin was not detected in kidneys from a Pds-knockout
166                     The same distribution of pendrin was observed in mouse, rat, and human kidney.
167 6.5 to P2 was the critical interval in which pendrin was required for acquisition of normal hearing.
168 ner-ear defects that occur in the absence of pendrin, we have generated a Pds-knockout mouse.
169           The iodide transport properties of pendrin were determined in polarized Madin-Darby canine
170                In contrast, all three mutant pendrins were retained in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
171 ne encodes a transmembrane protein, known as pendrin, which functions as a transporter of iodide and
172 tussis pathology through the upregulation of pendrin, which promotes conditions favoring inflammatory
173 bited Cl(-)/anion exchange mediated by mouse pendrin with a 50% inhibitory concentration of 1-3 micro
174 ed by substituting residues 160-179 in human pendrin with residues 156-169 from gerbil prestin.
175 substitution from prestin was able to confer pendrin with voltage-dependent motor capability despite

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