


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 cancer, including cervical, vulvar, vaginal, penile, anal, and head-and-neck cancers.
2 ent malignancies (cervical, vaginal, vulvar, penile, anal, tongue, tonsillar, and oropharyngeal).
3 tly explain the observed association between penile and oral HPV infections.
4       This study examined the concordance of penile and oral human papillomavirus (HPV) infections in
5 hat Fkbp51 is an AR target gene essential to penile and prostate development.
6  Prostatitis-like symptoms such as perineal, penile, and suprapubic discomfort or pain during or afte
7                                   Congenital penile anomalies (CPAs) are among the most common human
8                             Therefore, human penile arginase is a potential target for the treatment
9 e was successfully treated by embolizing the penile artery using an autologous clot.
10  successfully treated by embolization of the penile artery with an autologous clot in two sessions wi
11 red in the diabetic rat penis in response to penile blood flow (shear stress) elicited by electrical
12  widely used to treat impotence by improving penile blood flow via elevation of cGMP.
13 ined target volume, with higher doses to the penile bulb but no significant differences in rectal or
14 ined target volume, with higher doses to the penile bulb but no significant differences in rectal or
15         Analysis of the rectum, bladder, and penile bulb volumes receiving 40 Gy and 60 Gy demonstrat
16 g 40 Gy and 60 Gy demonstrated that only the penile bulb volumes were significantly higher after regi
17     For organs at risk (rectum, bladder, and penile bulb), the volumes receiving 40 Gy and 65 Gy befo
18 , anal (OR, 15.5; 95% CI, 11.0 to 21.9), and penile cancer (OR, 1.8; 95% CI, 0.9 to 3.7).
19 ionally, male circumcision appears to reduce penile cancer and cervical cancer and is likely due to e
20                         WES was performed on penile cancer and matched germline DNA from 27 patients
21 y and skin grafting to fashion a neoglans in penile cancer and the Nesbit operation or saphenous graf
22 ated in, respectively, 5 and 6 patients with penile cancer during an SN biopsy procedure using indocy
23 Modern conservative organ-sparing surgery in penile cancer has shown that good oncological control ca
24                                              Penile cancer is a rare malignancy affecting more than 4
25                                     Although penile cancer is rare in the developed world, it present
26                                              Penile cancer localized to the prepuce can be excised us
27 ney, upper tract urothelial, testicular, and penile cancer published in the past 18 months.
28 ly invasive ilioinguinal lymphadenectomy for penile cancer remains exploratory at this time.
29 cedures, phimosis or hypospadias repair, and penile cancer resection.
30  identified recurrent mutations in the novel penile cancer tumor suppressor genes CSN1(GPS1) and FAT1
31 alignancies of renal, bladder, prostate, and penile cancer, a group of anatomically localised disease
32 rehensive analysis of somatic alterations in penile cancer, highlighting the complex landscape of alt
33                                              Penile cancer, Peyronie's disease and trauma are the thr
34  addition, specific histological subtypes of penile cancer--basaloid and warty--are consistently asso
35 th bulky regional lymph node metastases from penile cancer.
36 the independent genetic events that occur in penile cancer.
37 lence in association with different types of penile cancer.
38 nts to reduce the morbidity and mortality of penile cancer.
39  or radiotherapy, are discussed for advanced penile cancer.
40 rican patients compared with Caucasians with penile cancer.
41 nsights into the diagnosis and management of penile cancer.
42  men and women with the exception of in situ penile cancer.
43 c alterations determining the development of penile cancer.
44 etermine the somatic mutational landscape of penile cancer.
45 ical, 24 anal, 67 vulvar, 12 vaginal, and 24 penile cancers) with prediagnostic blood samples (collec
46 n = 10), a melanoma on the trunk (n = 6), or penile carcinoma (n = 9) who were scheduled for sentinel
47                                   Metastatic penile carcinoma derived from cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) h
48  only a subset of keratinizing and verrucous penile carcinomas is positive for HPV DNA, and thus thes
49 ial of male circumcision provided exfoliated penile cells from 2 anatomical sites (glans/coronal sulc
50 were examined in primary human explants from penile, cervical, and rectal tissues.
51 welling that led to the onset of the ventral penile cleft.
52 ases) was detected in 17/59 (29%) PSCCs; all penile condylomata (8/8) were positive for low-risk HPV6
53 PV was rare and was not associated with oral-penile contact.
54 asibility of engineering the entire pendular penile corporal bodies in a rabbit model.
55 sly demonstrated that a short segment of the penile corporal body can be replaced using naturally der
56 corpora can be engineered for total pendular penile corporal body replacement.
57 nine bioavailability to NO synthase in human penile corpus cavernosum smooth muscle, the inhibition o
58 -dependent smooth muscle relaxation in human penile corpus cavernosum tissue that is required for ere
59                                    In rabbit penile corpus cavernosum, intracellular cGMP was determi
60 chniques such as near-infrared spectroscopy, penile cuff compression and computational flow modelling
61                                      Ventral penile curvature occurs in both hypospadias and so-calle
62  commonly used methods to straighten ventral penile curvature.
63  particularly in cases of severe and complex penile curvature.
64 nd is generally reserved for men with severe penile deformities that impede satisfactory sexual inter
65 uite beneficial for patients who suffer from penile deformity and can greatly improve their quality o
66              Clinical manifestations include penile deformity and possible erectile dysfunction.
67 of procedures have been developed to correct penile deformity secondary to Peyronie's disease.
68                   The correction of acquired penile deformity seen in Peyronie's disease patients can
69  lymphedema develops after a prepuce-sparing penile degloving procedure.
70 repuce can be preserved in selected cases of penile degloving procedures, phimosis or hypospadias rep
71                        The neonatal phase of penile development is controlled by the balance of AR to
72 ction as reflected by anogenital distance or penile dimensions at birth.
73      Measurements of anogenital distance and penile dimensions were taken, and a sample of the mother
74 associated protein kinase (ROCK) increase in penile endothelial and smooth muscle cells.
75  that EETs, produced by CYP epoxygenases, in penile endothelial cells serve as vasodilators.
76 d risk factors are a potential threat to the penile endothelium and the smooth muscle tissue leading
77 scribed mechanism for the down-regulation of penile eNOS in diabetes mediated by activation of the Rh
78 f non-sexually transmitted infection GUD and penile epithelial trauma is needed, as both are commonly
79  limited correlation between HSV-2, GUD, and penile epithelial trauma suggests that these are distinc
80 HIV) infection, genital ulcer disease (GUD), penile epithelial trauma, multiple recent sex partners,
81 ieved blockbuster status in the treatment of penile erectile dysfunction (PED).
82 data implicate the MC4R in the modulation of penile erectile function and provide evidence that MC4R-
83 of high-flow priapism and for restoration of penile erectile function.
84  that adenosine was induced during sustained penile erection and contributes to PI3K/AKT activation a
85 ctive dopamine receptor agonist, facilitates penile erection and is effective in patients suffering f
86 apism is featured with prolonged and painful penile erection and is prevalent among males with sickle
87 spliced forms of nNOS are major mediators of penile erection and so may be targets for therapeutic in
88              Sildenafil (Viagra) potentiates penile erection by acting as a nonhydrolyzable analog of
89                                    Sustained penile erection elicited by either intracavernous forsko
90                                              Penile erection elicited by papaverine is reduced profou
91 NOS phosphorylation, and subsequent impaired penile erection featured with the reduction of ratio of
92               Priapism, abnormally prolonged penile erection in the absence of sexual excitation, is
93        Priapism is a condition of persistent penile erection in the absence of sexual excitation.
94 g, that Rho-kinase antagonism stimulates rat penile erection independently of nitric oxide, introduce
95                                              Penile erection is dependent on the nitric oxide (NO)/cG
96                                       Normal penile erection is under the control of multiple factors
97          A key role for nitric oxide (NO) in penile erection is well established, but the relative ro
98      Subsequent evaluation of 59a in the rat penile erection model revealed in vivo activity, compara
99                                      In vivo penile erection paradigm supports the physiologic releva
100                                   Control of penile erection requires the coordination of the hypotha
101  C6' treatment reversed abnormalities in key penile erection signaling molecules, including phosphodi
102 istent inability to obtain and/or maintain a penile erection sufficient for adequate sexual relations
103         The ability of ABT-724 to facilitate penile erection together with the favorable side-effect
104 itric oxide (NO) pathway is known to mediate penile erection under normal conditions, we hypothesized
105         Priapism is a disorder of persistent penile erection unrelated to sexual interest or desire.
106 aling via A(2B)R activation, contributing to penile erection via PI3K/AKT-dependent eNOS activation.
107         ABT-724 dose-dependently facilitates penile erection when given s.c. to conscious rats, an ef
108 ions, including micturition, defecation, and penile erection, as well as to brain networks controllin
109 ted by neuronal NO synthase (nNOS) initiates penile erection, but has not been thought to participate
110  mediates both initiation and maintenance of penile erection, implying unique approaches for treating
111 gnaling is implicated in normal and abnormal penile erection, the exact role and the underlying mecha
112 red for elevated adenosine-induced prolonged penile erection.
113 nd peripherally, notably through its role in penile erection.
114 m by the NO-cGMP pathway is important during penile erection.
115 thalamic and spinal cord regions involved in penile erection.
116  vivo efficacy in anesthetized dog model for penile erection.
117 established model of electrically stimulated penile erection.
118 ry potent and efficacious in vivo, eliciting penile erections in rats at a dose of 0.03 micromol/kg,
119 olonged immobility, 22-kHz vocalization, and penile erections.
120                                              Penile exposure to more concentrated virus inocula produ
121  challenged with a series of escalating dose penile exposures to SIVmac 251.
122  an essential role of increased adenosine in penile fibrosis and a novel therapeutic possibility for
123 urgent condition, given its association with penile fibrosis and eventual erectile dysfunction.
124 y ADA enzyme therapy successfully attenuated penile fibrosis in both mouse models, indicating an esse
125 nderstanding of the molecular mechanisms for penile fibrosis in priapism.
126  is a novel causative factor contributing to penile fibrosis in two independent animal models of pria
127 f increased adenosine in the pathogenesis of penile fibrosis via A(2B)R signaling and offer a potenti
128 ntial target for prevention and treatment of penile fibrosis, a dangerous complication seen in priapi
129 mechanism responsible for adenosine-mediated penile fibrosis, we purified corpus cavernosal fibroblas
130 imilar signaling pathways for progression to penile fibrosis.
131 R is essential for excess adenosine-mediated penile fibrosis.
132 e in cavernosal vasoconstriction to maintain penile flaccidity.
133 nodeficiency virus (SIV) strain SIVmac251 by penile foreskin exposure.
134  secondary to penetrating gunshot wounds and penile fracture requires immediate surgical exploration
135 ) receptor plays a role in the regulation of penile function.
136                                We found that penile (glans, foreskin, coronal sulcus) T cells and, to
137 nile stump of the recipient and attached the penile graft.
138  a prospective observational study to assess penile HIV shedding after MC.
139 kines had a greater likelihood of detectable penile HIV shedding at the subsequent visit, compared to
140                                              Penile HIV shedding is significantly reduced after heali
141       Among men with a detectable plasma VL, penile HIV shedding was detected at 136 visits (16.8%).
142 dose-dependent and temporal association with penile HIV shedding, suggesting that genital immune acti
143                    Among men with detectable penile HIV shedding, the median log10 HIV copies/millili
144 amination Survey and had results of oral and penile HPV DNA testing were examined.
145                   The proportion of men with penile HPV increased from 3.7% in men reporting no prior
146 er among those with than among those without penile HPV infection (19.3% vs 4.4%; prevalence ratio, 4
147 objective was to determine the prevalence of penile HPV infection in the United States.
148                                Prevalence of penile HPV infection increases with increasing age.
149 hts to estimate the population prevalence of penile HPV infection.
150                   Our findings indicate that penile HPV is common among men in the United States.
151                                   Detectable penile HSV-2 shedding was present in 9.7% of men (17 of
152 weekly penile lavage samples were tested for penile HSV-2 shedding.
153                          The epidemiology of penile human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is not well
154  defects in select reproductive organs (e.g. penile hypospadias and prostate dysgenesis but normal te
155 r and vigorous sexual activity might lead to penile implant extrusion.
156 es using free vascularised tissue flaps with penile implants are undesirable in this often socioecono
157  innovations have continually improved these penile implants since that time.
158                Electrical stimulation of the penile innervation increases S1412 phosphorylation that
159 is study, we determined that, by day 7 after penile inoculation, SIV has moved first to the inguinal
160 ocation of all the spinal pathways conveying penile input to the rostral medulla is not known.
161 esions of the T8 spinal cord and loss of all penile inputs after lesioning the dorsal three-fifths of
162 rated the loss of low but not high threshold penile inputs to medullary reticular formation (MRF) neu
163 ion in men exposed to the virus by insertive penile intercourse is likely to help with the rational d
164 sions (EGLs) in men, including condyloma and penile intraepithelial neoplasia (PeIN).
165                                              Penile involvement is a rare, self-limiting, benign geni
166                                              Penile lavage samples collected from the coronal sulcus
167                      Preoperative and weekly penile lavage samples were tested for penile HSV-2 shedd
168                      Preoperative and weekly penile lavages collected for 6 wk and then at 12 wk were
169                            If there is ample penile length and the deformity is mild to moderate in s
170 type of deformity, erectile dysfunction, and penile length are all characteristics that are assessed
171 e hypospadias and cryptorchidism and altered penile length in male rats, all of which correlated with
172                                         Mean penile length SDS decreased as the severity of hypospadi
173 ys with hypospadias had shorter mean AGD and penile length SDS than healthy boys (both p < 0.0001).
174                                 Mean AGD and penile length SDS values in boys with cryptorchidism wer
175             In the study population, AGD and penile length were reduced in boys with hypospadias or c
176       Transgenic mice also exhibited reduced penile length, focal spermatogenic anomalies, diminished
177 ery of erectile function and prevent loss of penile length, penile rehabilitation should be initiated
178 a tertiary center for measurement of AGD and penile length; they were compared with 487 healthy full-
179  cytokines was also associated with a higher penile log10 HIV VL at the subsequent visit among HIV sh
180            The psychosociological effects of penile loss in a young man are devastating and replacing
181 omplicated by gangrene is a leading cause of penile loss in young men in South Africa.
182 )] were tested in neuronal cell cultures and penile lysates for NO release (Griess assay) and biologi
183 antiandrogenic and estrogenic signals induce penile malformations and demonstrate that the timing of
184 ow that conditional deletion of Ihh inhibits penile masculinization.
185  article represents the first case report of penile metastasis from CCA.
186  this case report, we want to present a rare Penile Mondor's disease with literature review.
187        The step-by-step movement of SIV from penile mucosal surfaces to the draining lymph nodes may
188 e all been located in the pelvic ganglia and penile nerves, this work aims to determine whether these
189                    Because variants of nNOS (penile nNOS: PnNOS) and the N-methyl-D-aspartate recepto
190                         No partners reported penile numbness.
191 he past year, no history of genital warts or penile or anal cancer, and no current diagnosis of a sex
192                 To date, there is no case of penile or urogenital system metastasis from CCA describe
193                                       Pearly penile papules (PPPs) are benign, dome-shaped lesions fo
194 mediated ADORA2B signaling underlies reduced penile PDE activity by decreasing PDE5 gene expression i
195 m in both ADA(-/-) and SCD mice by restoring penile PDE5 gene expression to normal levels.
196 erlying mechanism for adenosine signaling in penile physiology remain elusive.
197 ninvasive surrogates for cystometry, such as penile plethysmography, lack sufficient evidence to allo
198                                   Inflatable penile prostheses are associated with decreasing risks o
199                           Because inflatable penile prostheses are vastly preferred by patients over
200                  Because of this, inflatable penile prostheses remain a viable tertiary treatment opt
201  (53% [95% CI, 50%-56%]) of patients without penile prostheses reported use of medications or other d
202                However, early placement of a penile prosthesis following radical prostatectomy is now
203 niques allow safe placement of a three-piece penile prosthesis in patients with a history of pelvic s
204                 Concurrent implantation of a penile prosthesis is an option for certain patients who
205 s not successful, surgical implantation of a penile prosthesis may be considered.
206 Manual modeling of the deformed penis over a penile prosthesis may prevent some patients from needing
207                                              Penile prosthesis placement results in early return to s
208 ecent advancements in three-piece inflatable penile prosthesis technology of interest to surgeons who
209                Although the first inflatable penile prosthesis was introduced over 30 years ago for t
210                        The implantation of a penile prosthesis, with or without excision/incision of
211  grafting procedures; and the placement of a penile prosthesis.
212 or all physicians, who implant life-changing penile prosthetics, to understand the most recent advanc
213 ng coitus may contribute to both vaginal and penile protection by trapping HIV before it can reach ta
214 was conducted to assess the current state of penile reconstruction and transplantation options, as we
215          The current operations of choice in penile reconstruction are glansectomy and skin grafting
216 , and urinary function in patients requiring penile reconstruction.
217 onsiderable potential for patients requiring penile reconstruction.
218 ction and cosmesis of the penis using modern penile reconstructive techniques.
219 cess to a new host predominantly through the penile, rectal, or vaginal/cervical mucosal tissue after
220 leus in the lumbar spinal cord that controls penile reflexes involved with copulation.
221 w of the current state of science supporting penile rehabilitation after radical prostatectomy.
222 g once per day was commenced after 1 week as penile rehabilitation and was continued for 3 months.
223                                              Penile rehabilitation is defined as the use of any drug
224                               The purpose of penile rehabilitation is to prevent corpus cavernosal sm
225  function and prevent loss of penile length, penile rehabilitation should be initiated expeditiously
226                                              Penile rehabilitation strategies have been developed wit
227 as the components that are often included in penile rehabilitation strategies.
228                                     Although penile rehabilitation with medical modalities show good
229 collection, semen quality is higher with the penile robe electrical stimulus method compared with the
230  infections were performed; and cervical and penile scrapings were tested for human papillomavirus (H
231       We examined the baseline prevalence of penile, scrotal, perineal/perianal, and intra-anal human
232             HPV detection was highest at the penile shaft (49.9% for the full cohort and 47.9% for th
233 cted specimens; detection was highest in the penile shaft (51.2% and 51.5%, respectively, P = 0.96),
234                            At a minimum, the penile shaft and the glans penis/coronal sulcus should b
235 les ranged from 67.2% (kappa = 0.34) for the penile shaft to 95.0% (kappa = 0.89) for the foreskin.
236  in samples from 104 men (33%): 24% from the penile shaft, 16% from the glans, 28% from the foreskin,
237 line-wetted Dacron swabs were used to obtain penile shaft, glans, foreskin, and scrotum samples from
238 did not differ by genital site (i.e., glans, penile shaft, or scrotum) of initial detection (P=.86).
239 lence in the glans penis and coronal sulcus, penile shaft, scrotum, semen, and urine was compared by
240  infection of the urethra, glans/corona, and penile shaft.
241 alence ranged from 6% in semen to 52% in the penile shaft.
242 corona, and 0.53 (95% CI, 0.28-0.99) for the penile shaft.
243        Urethral, glans penis/coronal sulcus, penile shaft/prepuce, scrotal, perianal, anal canal, sem
244 pism requiring a surgically performed distal penile shunt.
245 8), vaginal (SIR, 5.9), cervical (SIR, 1.5), penile (SIR, 8.2), and head and neck cancer (SIR, 2.8),
246 cine did not protect vaccinated animals from penile SIV challenge.
247 mph nodes could help prevent infection after penile SIV challenge.
248 hesus macaques at 1, 3, 7, and 14 days after penile SIV inoculation and quantified the levels of unsp
249 bertal stage was Tanner 4 for pubic hair and penile size, which contrasted with small testes (4.5 mL)
250                                              Penile skin swabs were assessed for HPV DNA using polyme
251 ated ED and the mechanism involves increased penile smooth muscle contractility through inhibition of
252 One deletion removes a sensory vibrissae and penile spine enhancer from the human androgen receptor (
253  of androgen-dependent sensory vibrissae and penile spines in the human lineage.
254                                              Penile squamous cell carcinoma (PeSCCA) is a rare malign
255                                              Penile squamous cell carcinoma (PSCC) is a rare tumor as
256                                     Men with penile squamous cell carcinoma and regional lymph node i
257 onded to colon distension, 100% responded to penile stimulation (and DNP), and 85% responded to vagal
258                                          For penile strictures, a ventral onlay procedure using skin
259 and psychological characteristics, including penile stump length, and emotional suitability for the p
260                   We surgically prepared the penile stump of the recipient and attached the penile gr
261 und in and under the epithelium covering all penile surfaces, the presence of antiviral effector B an
262       Participants provided a self-collected penile swab sample for HPV genotyping (Roche Linear Arra
263                                              Penile swab samples were collected from men aged 18-59 y
264        DNA was extracted from self-collected penile swab specimens, and HPV genotyping was performed
265                                  Oral rinse, penile swab, and vaginal swab specimens were evaluated b
266 se chain reaction was performed on mouth and penile swabs before and at days 5 and 10 after transplan
267                                        Using penile swabs from males aged 14-59 years, we estimated t
268          'Watering can penis' as a result of penile TB is a very rare clinical entity.
269  'watering can penis' was noted secondary to penile TB.
270  similar fibrotic gene expression profile in penile tissue (including procollagen I, TGF-beta(1), and
271 ocedures are limited by a shortage of native penile tissue.
272 us in rectal tissue compared to cervical and penile tissues and enhanced replication in tonsillar tis
273 and PDE activity is significantly reduced in penile tissues of two independent priapic models: SCD mi
274 ciently by migratory cells from cervical and penile tissues to CD4(+) T cells than individual acute E
275  TRIM5 to establish a novel nonhuman primate penile transmission model for AIDS mucosal pathogenesis
276 valuated the effect of TRIM5 genotype on the penile transmission of SIVsmE660.
277    Guidelines should be developed to address penile transplantation and must cover the donation of ti
278      We first performed a cadaver-to-cadaver penile transplantation as preparation.
279 r men with significant genitourinary injury, penile transplantation is being considered as an option
280                                 The state of penile transplantation is elementary.
281                              INTERPRETATION: Penile transplantation restored normal physiological fun
282 scholarly literature assessing the ethics of penile transplantation.
283 esearch addressing the ethical dimensions of penile transplantation.
284 guidelines are established and disseminated, penile transplants should not be undertaken.
285          A 'watering can penis' secondary to penile tuberculosis is an extremely rare clinical entity
286 low into the corpora cavernosa that leads to penile tumescence.
287 mizing the need for disfiguring treatment of penile tumors in some patients and (2) reducing the numb
288 -arousing video clips and a regression using penile turgidity as the covariate of interest were perfo
289                                      Data on penile turgidity was collected using a custom-built pneu
290 ong activations specifically associated with penile turgidity were observed in the right subinsular r
291 sian man consulted us after having undergone penile ultrasonography for pain and increased thickness
292 i.e. linear incomplete filling defect in the penile urethra and associated mild dilatation of the ant
293                                          The penile urethra has been reported to develop from two cel
294 tal malformation in which the opening of the penile urethra occurs on the ventral side of the penis)
295  affect mucosal tissues in the mouth and the penile urethra.
296 ized, oversized, or multiple openings of the penile urethra.
297 ility, proceeding ethically with research on penile vascularized composite allotransplantation will r
298                CT-1 was injected through the penile vein 30 min before clamping release and its effec
299 riapism when mating due to thrombosis of the penile vein, but neither Mrc1(-/-) nor Asgr2(-/-) mice d
300 ion of galaninergic neurons, the ability for penile vibratory stimulation (PVS) to elicit ejaculation
301 the development of various cancers including penile, vulva, oropharyngeal and cervical cancers.

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