


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl)pentacene (TIPS-pentacene).
2 -(tri-isopropylsilyl)ethynyl)pentacene (TIPS-pentacene).
3 ission (a molecular manifestation of MEG) in pentacene.
4 hanical process occurs in well under 1 ps in pentacene.
5 ton fission in polycrystalline thin films of pentacene.
6 n of molecular size from naphthalene through pentacene.
7 dendritic thin film growth characteristic of pentacene.
8 the 6,13 positions is longer lived than TIPS-pentacene.
9 a for the chemically similar and widely used pentacene.
10 pply them to crystals of naphthalene through pentacene.
11 reduction potentials are lower than those of pentacene.
12 rical properties of 1 and 2 in comparison to pentacene.
13 mates the unit cell structure of crystalline pentacene.
14 ions of bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl (TIPS)) pentacene.
15 ty of the photooxygenation of tetracenes and pentacenes.
16 at elevated temperature to the corresponding pentacene 1 (a: R(1) = H, b: OBn, c: F).
17 1 2,14-tetrahydro-5,14:7,12-bis([1,2]benzeno)pentacene (1), a molecular dirotor with a 1,4-bis((4-eth
18 termediate, and then oxidation with DDQ gave pentacenes 1a-c.
19 ,10,11,20,21,22-hexaphenyltetrabenzo[a,c,l,n]pentacene (2) and a dimethyl derivative (2m) were prepar
20 tionation products and increasing the FEM of pentacene (2.2 cm(2)/Vs).
21 soluble tetraceno[2,3-b]thiophenes (1-3) and pentacenes (4-6) that show higher photoxidative stabilit
22 bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl)pentacene (TIPS pentacene), 6,14-bis-(triisopropylsilylethynyl)-1,3,9,11
23 ne (10-100 ps) but significantly slower than pentacene (80-110 fs).
24                                  Substituted pentacenes (8a, 8b, 14a, and 14b) were prepared by Strat
25   Stable, soluble ethynylated derivatives of pentacene (9a-c) were synthesized, and the ethynyl moiet
26 bis-triisopropylsilylethynyl)pentacene (TIPS-pentacene), a small-molecule organic semiconductor, adop
27 e use HeSE to unveil the intricate motion of pentacene admolecules diffusing on a chemisorbed monolay
28 at pyrazine units embedded in tetracenes and pentacenes allow for additional electronegative substitu
29 s, such as 6,13-bistriisopropyl-silylethynyl pentacene, allows the dominant lattice vibrational modes
30 sing three different organic semiconductors (pentacene, alpha,alpha'-dihexylsexithiophene, and fuller
31 n Schottky-type photovoltaic diodes based on pentacene--an organic semiconductor that has received mu
32  in two prototypical organic semiconductors, pentacene and 6,13-bis(2-(tri-isopropylsilyl)ethynyl)pen
33 lectrodes in high-performance transistors of pentacene and C(60), with bottom-contact mobilities of >
34 ional photoinduced electron transfer between pentacene and C60.
35 imilar to those calculated for the benchmark pentacene and indicate that both hole and electron mobil
36 ted by intersystem crossing in photo-excited pentacene and other aromatic molecules, this new type of
37 Thin-film transistors (TFTs) fabricated with pentacene and PDIF-CN(2) as representative organic semic
38 ve useful for other pi-stacked OTFTs such as pentacene and poly(thiophene) derivatives.
39 bits a stronger dispersion than those in the pentacene and rubrene single crystals with marked uniaxi
40 ors based on organic semiconductors, such as pentacene and tetracene.
41 those for their parent oligoacenes, that is, pentacene and tetracene.
42 1-tetraoxa-dicyclopenta[b,m]-pentacene (TP-5 pentacene), and 2,2,10,10-tetraethyl-6,14-bis-(triisopro
43 studied, alkylthio- and arylthio-substituted pentacenes are most resistant to photooxidation, possess
44 phenylanthracene, perylene, rubrene and TIPS-pentacene, are reported.
45                   Large acenes, particularly pentacenes, are important in organic electronics applica
46 ligomers, as well as a series of substituted pentacenes, are rationalized in terms of "pitch and roll
47 the single-carbon level in a molecule with a pentacene backbone.
48 actual pentacene-fullerene orientation, both pentacene-based and C(60)-based excitons are able to dis
49 s dependence of the field-effect mobility in pentacene-based insulated gate field-effect transistors
50 e molecules have the same molecular shape as pentacene but are much easier to prepare and have much g
51 rganization energy) is stronger than that in pentacene but comparable to that in sexithiophene; it is
52 ets transferred for every photon absorbed in pentacene, but only when the bandgap of the nanocrystals
53                                Here we study pentacene/C(60) bilayers using transient optical absorpt
54  bilayer heterojunctions, the performance of pentacene/C(60) bulk-heterojunction solar cells is likel
55 or several geometrical configurations of the pentacene/C(60) complex, which are relevant to bilayer a
56 on processes in organic solar cells based on pentacene/C(60) heterojunctions are investigated by mean
57 allel configurations of the molecules at the pentacene/C(60) interface, the decay of the lowest charg
58 d light detection with planar heterojunction pentacene/C(60) OPVs.
59 xciton and charge generation dynamics in the pentacene/C(60) system and demonstrate that the tuning o
60  Recent experiments in our laboratory on the pentacene/C(60) system provided preliminary evidence for
61 ned of a number of orbitals of the molecules pentacene (C22H14) and perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic
62               Focusing initially on a single pentacene-C60 DA interface, we confirm that the charge t
63 nt superposition of vibrational motions in a pentacene/C60 photoresistor, we observe that excitation
64  The enhanced air and thermal stability over pentacene, combined with good electrical performance cha
65 t on the particular functionalization of the pentacene core.
66             The method allows control of the pentacene crystal growth direction and domain-size distr
67 r, whereas the site energy difference in the pentacene crystal is vanishingly small.
68  ongoing discussion on excited states of the pentacene crystal, dipole moment values have been recent
69 ning the mechanism of singlet fission in the pentacene crystal, notably the role of charge transfer c
70 the intrinsic field-effect mobility (FEM) of pentacene crystals.
71 f solution-sheared and lattice-strained TIPS-pentacene crystals.
72                      The persistence of each pentacene derivative is impacted by a combination of ste
73                                            A pentacene derivative with both chlorine substituents in
74 nd characterization of six new and six known pentacene derivatives and a kinetic study of each deriva
75 ooxidative resistances for a large series of pentacene derivatives as a function of substituents.
76  The new 1,2,8,9-tetraaryldicyclopenta[fg,qr]pentacene derivatives have narrow energy gaps of circa 1
77 he fundamental spin dynamics of photoexcited pentacene derivatives is important in order to maximize
78 compare the singlet fission dynamics of five pentacene derivatives precipitated to form nanoparticles
79    Herein, we report on the synthesis of two pentacene derivatives that are functionalized with the [
80 nt derived from the crystal structure of the pentacene derivatives to their singlet fission dynamics
81                   Here, we study a series of pentacene derivatives using ultrafast two-dimensional el
82                    A new class of stabilized pentacene derivatives with externally fused five-membere
83 from highly persistent, solution processable pentacene derivatives.
84 -LUMO gaps are among the lowest reported for pentacene derivatives.
85 e spectroscopy to probe singlet fission in a pentacene dimer linked by a non-conjugated spacer.
86 terize the six low-lying singlet states of a pentacene dimer that approximates the unit cell structur
87 ented intramolecular SF within regioisomeric pentacene dimers in room-temperature solutions, with obs
88 sufficient coupling through bond or space in pentacene dimers is enough to induce intramolecular SF w
89                 We have designed a series of pentacene dimers separated by homoconjugated or nonconju
90 ven in simple prototypes such as ethylene or pentacene dimers.
91 plet excited state as a function of TEMPO-to-pentacene distance.
92 ed by triplet states in an optically excited pentacene-doped p-terphenyl crystal.
93 sted of a sapphire ring housing a crystal of pentacene-doped p-terphenyl, pumped by a pulsed rhodamin
94  hexacene which, together with tetracene and pentacene, enables the elucidation of mechanistic trends
95 ethynyl)-1,3,9,11-tetraoxa-dicycl openta[b,m]pentacene (EtTP-5 pentacene) have been investigated by t
96 electron spin polarization transfer from the pentacene excited state to the TEMPO doublet state in th
97                                    Arrays of pentacene field effect transistors (FETs) with various c
98 tric, indicating good surface properties for pentacene film growth.
99 da = 670 nanometers for a 15-nanometer-thick pentacene film.
100 us those in TIPS pentacene films, and EtTP-5 pentacene films have very weak intermolecular interactio
101 stronger intermolecular interactions in TP-5 pentacene films lead to better charge transfer propertie
102 s that the triplet yield approaches 200% for pentacene films thicker than 5 nanometers.
103 rge transfer properties versus those in TIPS pentacene films, and EtTP-5 pentacene films have very we
104  a magnitude of chi((3)) up to 10(-9) esu in pentacene films, which is further shown to be a result o
105 ubstituted 2,3,9,10-tetrakis(methoxycarbonyl)pentacenes from commercially available 1,2,4,5-tetrakis(
106 is(triisopropylsilylethynyl) pentacene (TIPS-pentacene) from 3.33 A to 3.08 A.
107 lts suggest that, irrespective of the actual pentacene-fullerene orientation, both pentacene-based an
108                    Using the model system of pentacene/fullerene bilayers and femtosecond nonlinear s
109  of triisopropylsilylethynyl substitution on pentacene have been obtained from the combination of clo
110 tetraoxa-dicycl openta[b,m]pentacene (EtTP-5 pentacene) have been investigated by the combination of
111 as those based on donor-acceptor polymers or pentacene, have low triplet energies, which limits their
112  films of 6,13-bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl) pentacene having non-equilibrium single-crystalline doma
113  acene polymerization computationally, using pentacene, hexacene, and heptacene as representative exa
114 mputational study of a series of substituted pentacenes including halogenated, phenylated, silylethyn
115 bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl)pentacene (TIPS-pentacene), including a new polymorph discovered via in
116                                              Pentacene is an organic semiconductor that undergoes eff
117 d on doped 6,13-Bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl)pentacene is presented.
118 on in polycrystalline and single-crystalline pentacene is reported.
119 he spin polarization in the triplet state of pentacene is the prey.
120 trapyrido[3,2-a:2'3'-c:3' ',2' '-l:2' ",3' "]pentacene) is shown to accept up to four electrons and t
121 entathienoacene, the thiophene equivalent of pentacene, is one of the latest additions to the family
122                     Silylethynyl-substituted pentacenes like TIPS-pentacene possess small HOMO-LUMO g
123  of singlet excited-state energy levels in a pentacene molecule (E (S1) < E (D)) from multireference
124 ing six linearly fused rings, specifically a pentacene molecule fused with a terminal thiophene ring,
125  when the two triplets separate to each TIPS-pentacene molecule.
126 f one photoexcited and one ground-state TIPS-pentacene molecule.
127 ical "face-to-edge" one-dimensional stack of pentacene molecules is calculated to be 30% greater than
128 lectronic coupling between covalently linked pentacene molecules.
129               We present a detailed study of pentacene monomer and dimer that serves to reconcile ext
130                                 We find that pentacene moves along rails parallel and perpendicular t
131 0 nm-wide 6,13-bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl) pentacene nanowire (NW) array is fabricated on a centime
132 uctures exhibit large capacitances and large pentacene OFET mobilities.
133          On the OTMS SAM treated dielectric, pentacene OFETs showed hole mobilities as high as 3.0 cm
134                                          For pentacene OFETs, the largest mobilities (approximately 3
135 ules diffusing on a chemisorbed monolayer of pentacene on Cu(110) that serves as a stable, well-order
136 g the high-temperature vacuum sublimation of pentacene (P) in the presence of trace amounts of 6,13-d
137 responding bulk materials, we show here that pentacene (p-channel) and cyanoperylene (n-channel) film
138 echanism behind formation of metastable TIPS-pentacene polymorphs.
139 ilylethynyl-substituted pentacenes like TIPS-pentacene possess small HOMO-LUMO gaps but are not the l
140 calculations to show that singlet fission in pentacene proceeds through rapid internal conversion of
141            The Diels-Alder (DA) reactions of pentacene (PT), 6,13-bis(2-trimethylsilylethynyl)pentace
142 rained, aligned, and single-crystalline TIPS-pentacene regions with mobility as high as 2.7 cm(2) V(-
143 bats as a function of monomer separation and pentacene rotation.
144 elective molecular intersystem crossing into pentacene's triplet ground state.
145    Organic field-effect transistors based on pentacene single crystals, prepared with an amorphous al
146    The presence of TEMPO does not quench the pentacene singlet excited state, but does quench the pho
147 ed to pattern semiconducting nanoribbon-like pentacene structures with ultrahigh spatial resolution o
148 sence of intermediate dark states within the pentacene subsystem.
149 ges resulting from the lateral fusion of two pentacene subunits.
150  (TMHAP, 1), tetraethyl-1,4,6,8,11,13-hexaza-pentacene (TEHAP, 2), 1,2,3,4,10,11,12,13-octahydro-5,7,
151                                  Substituted pentacenes tend to have both moderate pitch and roll dis
152                       The first examples are pentacene, tetracene and anthracene, the last having the
153   We have synthesized a series of asymmetric pentacene-tetracene heterodimers with a variable-length
154 oaching 0.2 cm(2)/V.s have been measured for pentacene TFTs incorporating the new TiO(2) polystyrene
155 embly in the crystalline state of a class of pentacenes that are substituted along their long edges w
156 ed molecular crystal, p-terphenyl doped with pentacene, the latter being photo-excited by yellow ligh
157             Thin-film devices based on doped pentacene therefore appear promising for the production
158 ue signature of a hidden interface in a TIPS-pentacene thin film, exposing its exciton dynamics and i
159                          We report here that pentacene thin films grown on polymer gate dielectrics a
160  report an in situ study of the evolution of pentacene thin films, utilizing the real-time imaging ca
161 ability of 6,13-bis(trisopropylsilylethynyl)-pentacene thin films.
162 pped charge are acquired for polycrystalline pentacene thin-film transistors using electric and atomi
163 track the dynamics of triplets, generated in pentacene through singlet exciton fission, at the interf
164 actions of 6,13-bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl)pentacene (TIPS pentacene), 6,14-bis-(triisopropylsilyle
165 stance of 6,13-bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl) pentacene (TIPS-pentacene) from 3.33 A to 3.08 A.
166 ectronics, 6,13(bis-triisopropylsilylethynyl)pentacene (TIPS-pentacene), a small-molecule organic sem
167 uctures of 6,13-bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl)pentacene (TIPS-pentacene), including a new polymorph di
168 table than 6,13-bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl)pentacene (TIPS-pentacene).
169 e and 6,13-bis(2-(tri-isopropylsilyl)ethynyl)pentacene (TIPS-pentacene).
170 ended with 6,13-bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl)pentacene (TIPS-Pn) were studied for their potential use
171 omophore, 6,13-bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl) pentacene (TIPS-Pn), without the need for chemical modif
172 or 2,3,9,10-tetramethyl-1,4,6,8,11,13-hexaza-pentacene (TMHAP, 1), tetraethyl-1,4,6,8,11,13-hexaza-pe
173 acene (PT), 6,13-bis(2-trimethylsilylethynyl)pentacene (TMS-PT), bistetracene (BT), and 8,17-bis(2-tr
174 ells that exploit singlet exciton fission in pentacene to generate more than one electron per inciden
175 ethynyl)-1,3,9,11-tetraoxa-dicyclopenta[b,m]-pentacene (TP-5 pentacene), and 2,2,10,10-tetraethyl-6,1
176 itive charge carrier (hole) mobility in TIPS-pentacene transistors increased from 0.8 cm(2) V(-1) s(-
177 ere we present an in situ measurement of the pentacene triplet energy by fabricating a series of bila
178                             We show that the pentacene triplet energy is at least 0.85 eV and at most
179 quintet state that precedes formation of the pentacene triplet excitons.
180                                 However, the pentacene triplet is non-emissive, and uncertainty regar
181     At moderate temperatures in flowing gas, pentacene undergoes a disproportionation reaction to pro
182 et fission (SF) in heterodimers comprising a pentacene unit covalently bonded to another acene as we
183 enzo[d,d]thieno[3,2-b;4,5-b]dithiophene) and pentacene using combined in situ sum frequency generatio
184 an intermediate for an organic semiconductor pentacene, was synthesized by single step solvent free s
185 lts of experiments performed on graphite and pentacene, we explain how 3D-AFM data acquisition works,
186 derstand the mechanism of singlet fission in pentacene, we use a well-developed diabatization scheme
187 ganic molecular semiconductors tetracene and pentacene were used to prepare metal-insulator-semicondu
188 nusual result is obtained for the decaphenyl pentacene when devices are fabricated on its crystalline
189 nlike ultrafast (~100 fs) singlet fission in pentacene where two-electron transfer from the multiexci
190                      However, in contrast to pentacene, where fission is effectively unidirectional,
191 s difficulty by utilizing covalent dimers of pentacene with two types of side groups.
192  We synthesized anthracenes, tetracenes, and pentacenes with various substituents at the periphery, i

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