


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e center is octahedral, and the Ni center is pentacoordinate.
2 e stromal side heme b(n), showing that it is pentacoordinate.
3 e reactivated enzyme was again high-spin and pentacoordinated.
4  cases the catalytic metal is observed to be pentacoordinated.
5             Molecular modeling showed that a pentacoordinated 1:1 vanadate-catechol complex readily f
6                    In contrast, formation of pentacoordinate (5c) NO heme occurs to only a limited ex
7                                The resulting pentacoordinate adducts 2.[H][OR] and 2.[H][NHR] are cha
8                    The important presence of pentacoordinated Al has not only been observed, but its
9 btained show that coordinatively unsaturated pentacoordinate Al3+ (Al3+penta) centers present on the
10 ced in our partially saturated NO samples is pentacoordinate alpha-nitrosyl.
11                            Thus, Co(II) is a pentacoordinate, alpha-axial liganded complex during tur
12 ts toward the formation of a BINOL-chelated, pentacoordinate aluminum species in solution.
13                          Transitions between pentacoordinate and hexacoordinate forms of NO-Hb with s
14 complex and increased the high-spin species (pentacoordinate and hexacoordinate).
15  in contrast to the active enzyme, which was pentacoordinate and high-spin.
16                          In 1-3, the iron is pentacoordinated by tris[N'-tert-butylureaylato)-N-ethyl
17 experimental characterization of this planar pentacoordinate carbon cation at room temperature is a l
18 lmost the same plane, forming a quasi-planar pentacoordinate carbon moiety.
19 rst global-minimum structure having a planar pentacoordinate carbon.
20 dict that three borocarbon units with planar pentacoordinate carbons -C3B3-, -C2B4-, and -CB5-, can r
21 yparenes" (families of molecules with planar pentacoordinate carbons).
22 ial sigma and partial pi bonds to the planar pentacoordinate carbons; the octet rule is not violated.
23 ecies are mixtures of monomeric and dimeric, pentacoordinate cationic, or hexacoordinate neutral comp
24 with no evidence in the 31P NMR spectrum for pentacoordinate chlorooxyanionic phosphoranes 9.
25 displays vibrational modes characteristic of pentacoordinated CO-adduct, and its formation is not aff
26 tions for the electronic ground state of the pentacoordinate cobalt nitrosyl complexes, [CoX2 (NO)(PM
27 ing two ligands, one Glu and one Gln, to the pentacoordinated cobalt atom at metal site 1.
28              Intramolecular isomerization in pentacoordinate compounds can play an essential role for
29 r catalytically competent peroxidase form of pentacoordinate cytochrome c (cyt c) in a complex with a
30 demonstrate that in the presence of nitrite, pentacoordinate cytochrome c generates bioavailable NO t
31 taneously converts to a cytochrome P420 type pentacoordinate denatured form.
32 between a noncoordinated oxygen molecule and pentacoordinate deoxyheme, and (iii) reaction between a
33 trary to prior calculations we find a stable pentacoordinated dianionic phosphorane intermediate in t
34 e to the easier accessibility in solution of pentacoordinate dichlorophosphoranes when compared to an
35 ggest a two-step mechanism of formation of a pentacoordinate dihalophosphorane via backside attack fo
36  first metal ion resides in a hexacoordinate/pentacoordinate equilibrium environment, whereas the sec
37  of oxygen transport hemoglobins in having a pentacoordinate ferrous heme iron, moderate oxygen affin
38 of magnitude lower than the values for other pentacoordinate ferrous hemes and is consistent with NO
39 oncerted addition-migration of H(2)O(2) to a pentacoordinate fluorosilicate is also plausible.
40 to initiate the reaction from the unligated, pentacoordinate form of the heme protein.
41 accounted for in terms of hexacoordinate and pentacoordinate forms of NO-Hb, despite recent reports o
42 The central metal ion of the analog adopts a pentacoordinate geometry in which a highly conserved tyr
43 t coordination of the substrate to achieve a pentacoordinate geometry with the fifth ligand weakly co
44 g that each Co(II) ion in MetAP resides in a pentacoordinate geometry.
45 P indicated that both metal ions reside in a pentacoordinate geometry.
46  indicated that both Co(II) ions reside in a pentacoordinate geometry.
47 nylphosphino)methane) were suggested to have pentacoordinated geometry as investigated by NMR and con
48 heme iron dinitrosyl complexes and hexa- and pentacoordinated Hb-nitrosyl complexes in the cells.
49 l mechanisms for stabilizing the high-energy pentacoordinate heme conformation critical to the evolut
50 UV-vis, MCD, and RR spectra that represent a pentacoordinate heme iron complex with a methionine axia
51 that are similar with those of proteins with pentacoordinate heme iron.
52 me c' (Cyt c') is a c-type cytochrome with a pentacoordinate heme iron.
53 e affinities of myoglobins, hemoglobins, and pentacoordinate heme models.
54           Thus, the spectral perturbation of pentacoordinate heme offers a potentially robust system
55                           Cytochromes c' are pentacoordinate heme proteins with sterically hindered d
56 ourses are due to an appreciable fraction of pentacoordinate heme resulting from relatively small equ
57                              In both events, pentacoordinate heme sites capable of inert oxygen trans
58 nt loss of the Pro ligand, thus generating a pentacoordinate heme that can bind CO.
59 subtle changes in the absorbance spectrum of pentacoordinate heme, even when the presence of solvent
60 Shp(M66A) and Shp(M153A)) cause formation of pentacoordinate hemin-Met complexes.
61 d mixing with the reaction starting from the pentacoordinate hemoglobin (Hb).
62 sequence homology between hexacoordinate and pentacoordinate hemoglobins in plants has poised them fo
63 rgy for reduction between hexacoordinate and pentacoordinate hemoglobins.
64 uction by sodium dithionite when compared to pentacoordinate hemoglobins.
65 ies was reversibly photolabile, leading to a pentacoordinate high-spin ferric heme iron.
66 ate low-spin form (EcDosH) to an exclusively pentacoordinate high-spin form (M95I EcDosH).
67     Specifically, CCP preserves a completely pentacoordinate high-spin heme in both its ferric and fe
68 r synthetic proteins in that it contains one pentacoordinate, high-spin and one hexacoordinate, low-s
69                             Native LiP was a pentacoordinate, high-spin ferric iron with a high-spin
70 rogen peroxide 4 times more rapidly than the pentacoordinate, high-spin form of CcP(H52L) that exists
71  MnP resulted in an enzyme that maintained a pentacoordinate, high-spin heme at pH 9.0, whereas MnP w
72 support the conclusion that the latter has a pentacoordinate, high-spin heme with thiolate ligation.
73  not exhibit an increase in stability of the pentacoordinate, high-spin state of the enzyme at alkali
74                                              Pentacoordinate hydrogen atoms were identified by single
75                   Tricoordinate, I(III), and pentacoordinate, I(V), polyvalent iodine compounds have
76 e that the active site divalent metal ion is pentacoordinate, identical to the WT enzyme.
77 istant to thermal and chemical denaturation, pentacoordinate in the ferrous deoxygenated state, and o
78 e of the reaction energy profile so that the pentacoordinate intermediate is destabilized eventually
79 mechanism, which involves the formation of a pentacoordinate intermediate.
80 etically insignificant, yet clearly defined, pentacoordinate intermediate.
81 nts for traditional hemoglobins comprised of pentacoordinate ligand binding sites and simple bimolecu
82 iving rise to mixtures of hexacoordinate and pentacoordinate ligation states.
83 sm (iii); consequently, heme proteins with a pentacoordinate met (Fe3+) form might be expected to lac
84 xL and Aplysia kurodai myoglobin, which have pentacoordinate met forms.
85  unique spectral features for a protein with pentacoordinate, methionine-ligated heme iron.
86 um (4), which forms an open dimer (12) and a pentacoordinate monomer (13), the lithium reagents all f
87 troscopy of the high-affinity site reveals a pentacoordinate N/O complex and no cysteine coordination
88        Conversely, any decrease in levels of pentacoordinate NO-Hb can be misinterpreted as a disappe
89 ntacoordinate state forms and reappears when pentacoordinate NO-Hb is reconverted to the hexacoordina
90       As a result, increases in the level of pentacoordinate NO-Hb that occur at low NO to Hb ratios
91 silon560 = 140 M(-1) cm(-1)) indicative of a pentacoordinate or distorted tetrahedral metal geometry.
92 tection by vanadate is due to formation of a pentacoordinated orthovanadate complex at the phosphoryl
93 on at the Pd center of 1 with formation of a pentacoordinate Pd(III) intermediate.
94  sterically bulky axial ligands that drive a pentacoordinate PFe center and a weak metal axial ligand
95 69 in stabilizing the negative charge on the pentacoordinate phosphate in the transition state during
96 the neutralization of the negatively charged pentacoordinate phosphate reaction intermediate.
97 th their proposed role in stabilization of a pentacoordinate phosphate transition state resulting fro
98                                          The pentacoordinate phosphorane products (1.[H][NHR]) are st
99 ative mechanism involving the formation of a pentacoordinate phosphorus intermediate.
100 ed ring with all the vertices constituted by pentacoordinate phosphorus.
101                                          The pentacoordinated phosphorus adduct collapses to give the
102 to His57 of alpha-thrombin, is bonded to the pentacoordinated phosphorus atom.
103 a crystal less than seven days old, showed a pentacoordinated phosphorus moiety.
104           Thus, the mode of stabilization of pentacoordinated phosphorus transition states by the bet
105  through a SN2(P)-type mechanism involving a pentacoordinated phosphorus TS, with apical positions oc
106 y accommodate a transition state involving a pentacoordinate phosphoryl group with trigonal bipyramid
107  An associative transition state involving a pentacoordinate phosphoryl group with trigonal bipyramid
108 (Mtl), are in close spatial proximity, and a pentacoordinate phosphoryl transition state can be readi
109                             A His89-P-His-15 pentacoordinate phosphoryl transition state can readily
110                                            A pentacoordinate phosphoryl transition state is readily a
111 nate high spin state without eliminating the pentacoordinate quantum mixed spin state that is dominan
112 oscopic evidence supports the formation of a pentacoordinate (sigma(5)-P) hydridophosphorane as a key
113 ut doubt, the reaction proceeds via anionic, pentacoordinate silicate species, but a profound differe
114  plausible catalytic cycle, which involves a pentacoordinate silicon intermediate consisting of silan
115 ion of a hexacoordinate high-spin species, a pentacoordinate species is significantly populated.
116 at high pH completely restores the high-spin pentacoordinate species.
117 ted by molecules capable of generating inert pentacoordinated species.
118 largely hexacoordinate) Hb disappears as the pentacoordinate state forms and reappears when pentacoor
119 n IX structure that converted to a high-spin pentacoordinate structure at higher laser power.
120  of MnII cytochrome b5 indicated a high-spin pentacoordinate structure which was independent of laser
121 n > 1, the anions of both A and B cyclize to pentacoordinate structures in which silicon has trigonal
122 unction to stabilize the previously proposed pentacoordinate transition state during direct in-line t
123 olved in catalysis, based on modeling of the pentacoordinate transition state.
124 water molecule, but cannot interact with the pentacoordinate transition state.
125 noacyl-tRNA synthetases, i.e. to stabilize a pentacoordinate transition state.
126 ing the negative charge that develops in the pentacoordinate transition state.
127 for these bonds as expected for the putative pentacoordinated transition state geometry of the phosph
128 ransfer reactions of substrates but also the pentacoordinated transition state(s) of phosphyl transfe
129 es must, therefore, be able to stabilize the pentacoordinated transition states of phosphyl transfer
130              Such complexes may resemble the pentacoordinated transition states of phosphyl transfer,
131 administration in the primate, compound 3, a pentacoordinate unsymmetrical dihydroxamate, produces ir
132          Molecular modeling indicates that a pentacoordinated vanadate complex may well be able to sn
133 ecombinant GLB-33 GD showed that the heme is pentacoordinate when ferrous and in the hydroxide-ligate
134  Another ordered water molecule (Wtr 375) is pentacoordinated with polar atoms from adenosine, Leu 49
135 evidencing the presence of tri-, tetra-, and pentacoordinated Y-surface sites.
136 ring catalysis, a structural explanation for pentacoordinate zinc ion intermediates, a unifying view
137 state of this metallohydrolase may contain a pentacoordinate zinc ion, which contrasts with the nativ

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