


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e (GlcNAc-MurNAc(pentapeptide)-GlcNAc-MurNAc(pentapeptide)).
2 pentapeptide and 1,6-anhydro-N-acetylmuramyl pentapeptide).
3 tion and biogenesis of a cyclical AgrD-type, pentapeptide.
4 bly serve as a flexible tether for the NWETF pentapeptide.
5 y about half of the deuteriums of the parent pentapeptide.
6 inct from, its natural substrate, UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide.
7 constant (Kd) of 11 microM observed with the pentapeptide.
8 hosphate moiety of C35-P on bound UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide.
9 eptide bond on the amino-terminal end of the pentapeptide.
10 onformational change when binding UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide.
11  precursor UDP-N-acetylmuramic acid (MurNAc)-pentapeptide.
12 , its DNA operator, and repressor UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide.
13 boxypeptidase, which hydrolyzes both di- and pentapeptide.
14 NRPSs is L-pHPG-L-Arg-D-pHPG-L-Ser-L-pHPG, a pentapeptide.
15 pproximately P, and is inhibited by the PhrC pentapeptide.
16 , in contrast to the other characterized Phr pentapeptides.
17 and AmiB either have no preference or prefer pentapeptides.
18 l wall proteins with tandemly repeated PPVYK pentapeptides.
19 nd tripeptides, and Fmoc-modified tetra- and pentapeptides.
20 vs. 71% of glutathione and up to 93% for the pentapeptides.
21  predict reliably the sensing ability of the pentapeptides.
22 e significantly more potent than the acyclic pentapeptide 1.
23                       The tetrapeptide 1 and pentapeptide 2 are alpha-ketoamide-type HCV serine prote
24                      Most significantly, the pentapeptides (21-23) were much better inhibitors (K(i)
25 psipeptide 26 (residues 1, 2 and 15-17), and pentapeptide 34 (residues 10-14) were prepared, sequenti
26 t but with two hydrophobic residues made the pentapeptide a poor inhibitor.
27 involve the synthesis of UDP-n-acetylmuramyl pentapeptide, a key precursor molecule required for the
28 ically reacted with the lysine of UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide, a peptidoglycan precursor used by the amin
29 phanamide (NATA), a tripeptide: AWA, and six pentapeptides: AAWAA, WVSGT, GYWHE, HEWTV, EAWQE, and DY
30  derived from the partitioning of host-guest pentapeptides (Ac-WLXLL) into the interfaces of phosphat
31  Alanine residues in two model peptides, the pentapeptide AcGGAGGNH(2) and the 11mer AcO(2)A(7)O(2)NH
32 ide side chains of muropeptide subunits, and pentapeptides act as donors for cross-linking adjacent s
33               We hypothesized that the novel pentapeptide (ADH-1), which disrupts N-cadherin adhesion
34             The first two amino acids of the pentapeptide adopt a limited number of conformations.
35                                          The pentapeptide alpha-ketoamides of type 1 were weak HCV in
36 ium supplementation with the mature cyclical pentapeptide also inhibits bacterial growth.
37                                          The pentapeptide also interfered with prothrombin cleavage b
38 l-valyl-N-methylvalyl-prolyl-proline (P5), a pentapeptide also present in dolastatin 15 and cemadotin
39  transition states to form native tetra- and pentapeptide analogues was studied on S-acylcysteine pep
40 cetylglucosamine-1,6-anhydro-N-acetylmuramyl pentapeptide and 1,6-anhydro-N-acetylmuramyl pentapeptid
41 ounds increased, to a maximum of 95% for the pentapeptide and 56%, 57% and 45% for the dipeptide, rib
42 /M22K) exhibits enhanced HX within the CXXCH pentapeptide and a modest increase in Em (by 30 mV).
43 spectral signatures begin to converge at the pentapeptide and become almost the same for the octa- an
44 Km values of 42 and 15 microm for UDP-MurNAc pentapeptide and Escherichia coli Ala-tRNAAla, respectiv
45                                          The pentapeptide and Hao-containing peptide strands are conn
46 ence enhancement using dansylated UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide and heptaprenyl phosphate (C35-P, short-cha
47 xible arm allowing dual binding of enzyme to pentapeptide and modification site.
48 rsor, Lipid I, from UDP-N-acetylmuramic acid-pentapeptide and the lipid carrier, undecaprenol phospha
49 ould be inhibited by an octanoylated ghrelin pentapeptide, and its potency was enhanced 45-fold when
50  the GLP-1 receptor might be mediated by the pentapeptide, and the previously reported nonapeptide (F
51 APS approach is first applied to the alanine-pentapeptide, and the results are tested against an expl
52  assembly line reconstitution of pacidamycin pentapeptide antibiotic scaffolds, bridging the primary
53    Pacidamycins are a family of uridyl tetra/pentapeptide antibiotics that act on the translocase Mra
54    Pacidamycins are a family of uridyl tetra/pentapeptide antibiotics with antipseudomonal activities
55           All exchangeable hydrogens on this pentapeptide are first deuterated by dissolving it in de
56 mixture in which the muramyl residue and the pentapeptide are modified singly and in combination.
57                                              Pentapeptides are linked to the conserved body of chemor
58                                              Pentapeptides are more effective than tetrapeptides.
59                                          Phr pentapeptides are produced by cleavage of their precurso
60                                      The Phr pentapeptides are secreted with a pro domain that is cle
61 flippases thought to shield the disaccharide-pentapeptide as it crosses the hydrophobic core of the m
62  the activation of PlcR by binding of a PapR pentapeptide as normally occurs in Bacillus thuringiensi
63 taxis by Escherichia coli require a specific pentapeptide at the chemoreceptor carboxyl terminus.
64  additional amino acids extending beyond the pentapeptide at their carboxyl termini and assayed methy
65 -borne pentapeptide implied linker (i) makes pentapeptide available to modification enzymes by separa
66       Herein, we present a library of cyclic pentapeptides, based on our previously reported peptide
67 to afford peptidic derivatives for exploring pentapeptide-based hydrogels as potential biomaterials.
68 lic peptides that fold in water to present a pentapeptide beta-strand along one edge; the other edge
69                                              Pentapeptide binding enhances enzyme action, an enhancem
70 ion in T. maritima occurs independently of a pentapeptide-binding motif.
71 ganisms having MCPs that contain and/or lack pentapeptide-binding motifs identified key similarities
72  been inserted at positions i and i+3 of the pentapeptide Boc-(R)-Aic(NN)-(Ala)2-(R)-Aic(NN)-Ala-OMe
73  eight substrates, based on variation of the pentapeptide Boc-l-Ala-gamma-d-Glu-l-Lys-d-Ala-d-Ala, we
74                                          The pentapeptide branches in S. sciuri were composed of one
75     The assembly of PG requires disaccharide-pentapeptide building blocks attached to a polyisoprene
76 oteinogenic amino acids, proteolysis of this pentapeptide by trypsin yields two fragments from cleava
77  impact of properties of the Cys-X-X-Cys-His pentapeptide c-heme attachment (CXXCH) motif on heme red
78 pid I, indicating a strict specificity for a pentapeptide chain length.
79  binds the terminal d-alanine residue of the pentapeptide chain of bacterial peptidoglycan, resulting
80 I at the pyrophosphate and C-terminus of the pentapeptide chain.
81 nformation to the RGD sequence of the cyclic pentapeptide cilengitide when bound to integrin alpha(V)
82                We concluded, therefore, that pentapeptide CN-105 improved short- and long-term neurob
83  to the complete cytochrome c oxidase cyclic pentapeptide cofactor.
84 e-containing muramyl tetra- (compound 5) and pentapeptide (compound 6) showed that these compounds ha
85 P)-Ialpha with the lysine-containing muramyl pentapeptide (compound 6).
86 ompounds that contained only a stem peptide (pentapeptide, compound 1) and (DAP-PP, compound 2) as we
87                                  A truncated pentapeptide conjugated to 4-methyl hexanoic acid, havin
88 ic anti-dsDNA antibodies also recognizes the pentapeptide consensus sequence D/E W D/E Y S/G (DWEYS)
89 glycine generating enzyme (FGE) recognizes a pentapeptide consensus sequence, CxPxR, and it specifica
90    GOAT also transferred [(3)H]octanoyl to a pentapeptide containing only the N-terminal five amino a
91 and applied in the preparation of cyclic aza-pentapeptides containing the RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp) sequence.
92                             The tumor-homing pentapeptide CREKA (Cys-Arg-Glu-Lys-Ala) specifically ho
93 cting cleavage of one of the B. subtilis Phr pentapeptides, CSF, from the proCSF precursor.
94    The largest response was obtained for the pentapeptides Cys-Ile-His-Asn-Pro and Cys-Ile-Gln-Pro-Va
95 ed a high-fat diet was accomplished with the pentapeptide cysteine-arginine-glutamic acid-lysine-alan
96 ce of two distinct classes of CheR proteins: pentapeptide-dependent and pentapeptide-independent meth
97 m is more common than the well-characterized pentapeptide-dependent methylation system.
98                     A total of 6 of these 18 pentapeptide derivatives--1N, 2N, 3F, 3P, 3N, and 5P--fa
99 eratures, and that interaction with an MEEVD pentapeptide derived from Hsp90 stabilises a folded stru
100 vercrowding via the release of a fratricidal pentapeptide derived from the metabolic enzyme glucose-6
101 R, a transcription regulator that requires a pentapeptide derived from the papR gene product for bind
102 lic beta-sheet components 1a and 1b comprise pentapeptides derived from the N- and C-terminal regions
103 oid Gymnangium regae provided a novel linear pentapeptide, designated gymnangiamide (1).
104  produce a fusion containing a zwitterionic, pentapeptide designed from Bax inhibiting peptide (Ku70)
105                  In addition, cell permeable pentapeptides designed from Ku70, termed Bax-inhibiting
106                                            A pentapeptide, DFNKF, derived from human calcitonin and i
107 resulting naphthylalanine-substituted cyclic pentapeptides displayed variable mixed-efficacy profiles
108 t the concomitant binding of both UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide-DNS and C35-P to the enzyme is required bef
109 ibodies to target antigens such as dsDNA and pentapeptide DWEYS.
110   We have also employed a synthetic sulfated pentapeptide (DY(SO(3)(-))DY(SO(3)(-))Q, designated D5Q1
111                    Our data demonstrate that pentapeptide DYDYQ has opposing effects on membrane-boun
112                                      For the pentapeptides, EAWQE has a fluorescence intensity that i
113 th squaramate-RNA and unprotected UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide efficiently inhibited FemXWv .
114              We have shown previously that a pentapeptide encompassing amino acid sequence 695-699 fr
115  for the approximately d-Ala-d-Ala moiety of pentapeptides engaged in cross-links in the bacterial ce
116 nstrated that an impermeable fluoresceinated pentapeptide enters the cytoplasm and nucleus of COS 7 c
117 DGAT1 and DGAT2 contain a similar C-terminal pentapeptide ER retrieval motif, this motif alone is not
118 t of substrates: vitamin K hydroquinone, the pentapeptide FLEEL, and NaHCO(3), on the stability of th
119 f the Phr precursor proteins into the active pentapeptide form is a key event in the initiation of sp
120 ed on the His276-Pro277-Glu278-Val279-Tyr280 pentapeptide formed by the His-Tyr covalent linkage.
121 roposed to competitively displace UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide from AmpR and convert it into an activator
122 by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using a pentapeptide from the human NMDA receptor.
123                         We have shown that a pentapeptide from this region (DYDYQ) inhibits prothromb
124          Here we show that two complementary pentapeptides from a beta-sheet motif of a protein, bein
125        The separation of the parent MAbs and pentapeptides from their isomerization products was achi
126 ne (P), fluorene (F), or naphthalene (N)) to pentapeptides GAGAS (1), GVPVP (2), VPGVG (3), VTEEI (4)
127 pound 40 was 97% orally bioavailable, larger pentapeptides generally had low oral bioavailability.
128                                         Five pentapeptides, GGGGG, GAGGG, GVGGG, GLGGG, and GIGGG, ha
129 etic PG fragment as substrate (GlcNAc-MurNAc(pentapeptide)-GlcNAc-MurNAc(pentapeptide)).
130              Undecaprenyl diphosphate-MurNAc-pentapeptide-GlcNAc (lipid II) is extracted from Escheri
131       Here we report the identification of a pentapeptide, GLP-1(32-36)amide (LVKGRamide), derived fr
132                                            A pentapeptide, Gly-Pro-Arg-Pro-Pro, with high affinity fo
133 tative catalytic triad (SDH) and a conserved pentapeptide (GXSXG) surrounding the nucleophilic serine
134 y stereochemistry, since five epimers of the pentapeptide, H2N-Gly-Leu-Ser-Phe-Ala-OH (GLSFA) all dis
135                                          The pentapeptide has an alternative binding mode that allows
136 e that employs native chemical ligation of a pentapeptide (HCDLP) to recombinant S. coelicolor NiSOD
137 n, mediated by the nisin N-terminus-lipid II pentapeptide hydrogen bond.
138 ty is involved in the switch between di- and pentapeptide hydrolysis.
139 runcations on CheR binding to receptor-borne pentapeptide implied linker (i) makes pentapeptide avail
140 nn rearrangement was exacted on a late-stage pentapeptide in order to transform an asparagine residue
141 on of the third position residue in the stem pentapeptide in S. aureus MurE, the structure shows that
142 idoglycan precursor UDP-N-acetylmuramic acid-pentapeptide in the cytoplasm.
143  DD-carboxypeptidase mutant that accumulates pentapeptides in its peptidoglycan, allowing us to visua
144 lso, inhibiting FtsZ increased the amount of pentapeptides in sacculi by about one-third.
145 namics (MD) simulations of Gly-Gly-X-Gly-Gly pentapeptides in water at 298 K with exhaustive sampling
146 -acetylmuramic acid-pentapeptide (UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide) in the cytoplasm.
147 ively recent event in evolution and that the pentapeptide-independent methylation system is more comm
148 of CheR proteins: pentapeptide-dependent and pentapeptide-independent methyltransferases.
149 dividing cells, similarly to the PBPs and PG pentapeptides indicative of PG synthesis.
150                         The whole C-terminal pentapeptide information is a determinant for modelling
151                                 The sulfated pentapeptide inhibited moderately both cleavages by beta
152                                          The pentapeptide inhibited weight gain, reduced fat mass wit
153 Ab) against LR (LR-Ab) or YIGSR, a synthetic pentapeptide inhibitor for LR, significantly attenuated
154 ng activator protein, HetR, and a diffusible pentapeptide inhibitor PatS-5 (RGSGR).
155 ifs of RapC mediate its interaction with the pentapeptide inhibitor PhrC (ERGMT) or with its target p
156                    On the basis of an active pentapeptide inhibitor, 1, we envisioned that macrocycli
157                                          The pentapeptide inhibitors were very potent, with the C-ter
158                  Enterostatin, an endogenous pentapeptide inhibits dietary fat intake when administer
159                            The enzyme with a pentapeptide insertion between Leu(102) and Pro(103) was
160 ips of this enzyme, we performed large scale pentapeptide insertional mutagenesis to generate inserti
161 -Glc PPase enzyme, we studied the effects of pentapeptide insertions at different positions in the en
162 he two classes of mutant HrpA proteins carry pentapeptide insertions in discrete regions, which are i
163 unctional HrpA derivatives that carry random pentapeptide insertions or single amino acid mutations,
164                                     The full pentapeptide intermediate, isolated following vancomycin
165 subsequent incorporation of the disaccharide-pentapeptide into PG.
166                             The threading of pentapeptides into the beta-helical fold is interrupted
167                 Our results suggest that the pentapeptide is an ideal starting point for the developm
168                                            A pentapeptide is attached to each of the lactyl units of
169        Information concerning the C-terminal pentapeptide is considered to describe the peptide struc
170 trol of the third position amino acid in the pentapeptide is crucial to maintain the fidelity of late
171 efensins, the third position of the lipid II pentapeptide is essential for effective copsin binding.
172              Thus, the mobility of the CXXCH pentapeptide is found to impact the His-Fe(III) interact
173                    By mass spectroscopy, the pentapeptide is rapidly formed from GLP-1(9-36)amide, th
174                                    When this pentapeptide is replaced with alanines, as in EP20-24-24
175 on of mature cell wall precursor, UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide, is inhibited by region 3.2 of sigma subuni
176                       When mixed with DNA, a pentapeptide KKRPK, but not KKKKK, is sufficient for DNA
177 ry structure appears to already occur at the pentapeptide level.
178 an from the dacA-1 mutant contained elevated pentapeptide levels in standard and low salt media, and
179              Nonfluorogenic tetrapeptide and pentapeptide libraries were synthesized and analyzed to
180   Based on protein folding considerations, a pentapeptide ligand, CALNN, which converts citrate-stabi
181 peptide (Park's nucleotide) to prenyl-MurNAc-pentapeptide (lipid I), the first membrane-anchored pept
182  observation suggests that 1,6-anhydroMurNAc-pentapeptide may convert AmpR into an activator of ampC
183  the extreme carboxyl terminus important for pentapeptide-mediated enhancement of adaptational modifi
184 l three carboxyl-terminal extensions reduced pentapeptide-mediated enhancement of rates of adaptation
185 ale liposomal formulation (NLF) contains the pentapeptide mimic 1,4-Bis (9-O dihydroquinidinyl) phtha
186 nce on Asp isomerization was evaluated using pentapeptide models of the MAbs, which included the labi
187                               We find that a pentapeptide motif (FQKLL) within the Htt protein regula
188 sp2 homologues identified a highly conserved pentapeptide motif (Gly-X-Ser(362)-X-Gly) typical of mos
189                     Deletion of a C-terminal pentapeptide motif of PipB2, LFNEF, prevents its periphe
190 hereby producing cells with higher levels of pentapeptides, mutants carrying only AmiC produced a hig
191                                            A pentapeptide (N-formyl-Met-Ile-Val-Ile-Leu (fMIVIL)) fro
192 ecaprenyl pyrophosphate-N-acetylmuramic acid(pentapeptide)-N-acetylglucosamine (lipid II), which is r
193 re as determined by NMR of the 2-kDa NAG-NAM(pentapeptide)-NAG-NAM(pentapeptide) synthetic fragment o
194 lycan substrate fragment containing the full pentapeptide, NAM-(L-Ala-D-isoGlu-L-Lys-D-Ala-D-Ala).
195  but not, or only marginally, the UDP-MurNAc pentapeptide nucleotide precursor as acceptor substrates
196 gate the competence and sporulation factor-a pentapeptide of amino acid sequence ERGMT-within intact
197 add the cross-bridge amino acids to the stem pentapeptide of cell wall precursors, and vanK is essent
198 otensin(8-13), an analogue of the C-terminal pentapeptide of neuropeptide Y, and a neuropeptide FF an
199 ich add the branch amino acid(s) to the stem pentapeptide of peptidoglycan precursors.
200 e signals for communication, such as the Phr pentapeptides of Bacillus subtilis.
201 ct ions for a series of histidine-containing pentapeptides of both non-tryptic (AAHAL, AHAAL, AHADL,
202  of the tetrapeptide intermediate yielding a pentapeptide on the thio-templated nonribosomal peptide
203 ow only three deuteriums are attached on the pentapeptide, one on each of the amide nitrogens of Y, I
204 catalyzes the transformation from UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide (Park's nucleotide) to prenyl-MurNAc-pentap
205                     In contrast, for certain pentapeptides patterned on fibrin B knobs, the delay in
206 n of lipid II, the undecaprenyl-disaccharide pentapeptide peptidoglycan precursor, remains mysterious
207 F (Spo0F approximately P), and its inhibitor pentapeptide, PhrA, was analyzed in part by generating c
208 edicted to encode five modules pointing to a pentapeptide precursor in nocardicin A biosynthesis, unl
209        The isolated UDP-linked N-acylmuramyl-pentapeptide precursor molecules also contain a mixture
210 ng the AmpR.DNA tetramer bound to UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide predicts that the UDP-MurNAc moiety of the
211 e nonnaturally occurring D form of the DWEYS pentapeptide prevents these antibodies from depositing i
212                            Extracellular Phr pentapeptides produced by gram-positive, spore-forming b
213  Their activity is inhibited by specific Phr pentapeptides produced from the product of phr genes thr
214 stal structure of Cbl(TKB) in complex with a pentapeptide, pYTPEP, revealed that the PEP region adopt
215                 Macrocycle 1b containing the pentapeptide QIVYK shows little inhibition, suggesting t
216                          The PhrF C-terminal pentapeptide, QRGMI, inhibits RapF activity.
217                            Enterostatin is a pentapeptide released from its precursor protein procoli
218 NA foci and translation of repeat-associated pentapeptide repeat (PPR) proteins, consistent with obse
219 ss of synthetic repeat proteins based on the pentapeptide repeat family of beta-solenoid proteins.
220      The expression of MfpA, a member of the pentapeptide repeat family of proteins from Mycobacteriu
221                 A unique CD spectrum for the pentapeptide repeat fold is described.
222                                          The pentapeptide repeat is a recently discovered protein fol
223                                          The pentapeptide repeat protein (PRP) family has more than 5
224 uberculosis MfpA is a founding member of the pentapeptide repeat protein (PRP) family that confers re
225                   QnrB1 is a plasmid-encoded pentapeptide repeat protein (PRP) that confers a moderat
226  DNA-binding domain, and PatL (All3305) is a pentapeptide repeat protein.
227                                Of these, the pentapeptide repeat-containing (PRP) Qnr proteins are be
228     At2g44920 from Arabidopsis thaliana is a pentapeptide-repeat protein (PRP) composed of 25 repeats
229 s two domains, a beta-helix domain formed by pentapeptide repeats and a bilobed catalytic domain remi
230              The structure revealed that the pentapeptide repeats encode the folding of a novel right
231          Formation of the peptidoglycan stem pentapeptide requires the insertion of both L and D amin
232  effector-binding domain bound to UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide revealed that the terminal D-Ala-D-Ala moti
233 boxyl terminal domain of p21 conjugated to a pentapeptide (RYIRS) rapidly enters lymphoid cells and a
234 c) consists of a heme covalently linked to a pentapeptide segment (Cys-X-X-Cys-His), which provides a
235 e investigated the effects of relamorelin (a pentapeptide-selective agonist of the ghrelin receptor t
236 action between the CheR beta-subdomain and a pentapeptide sequence (NWETF or NWESF) at the C-terminus
237 both substrate sites and a carboxyl-terminal pentapeptide sequence carried by certain receptors.
238 ndance receptors carry the carboxyl-terminal pentapeptide sequence NWETF that enhances adaptational c
239 by either enzyme is dependent on a conserved pentapeptide sequence, NWETF or NWESF, present at the ex
240 investigated the relative importance of each pentapeptide side chain for the two enhancing interactio
241    PBP 5 removes the terminal D-alanine from pentapeptide side chains of muropeptide subunits, and pe
242 ts are recognized by SrtC proteins through a pentapeptide sorting signal, and while previous studies
243      We investigated the molecular basis for pentapeptide specificity using peptide analog inhibitors
244 es: the well-known peptidoglycan D-Ala-D-Ala pentapeptide stem terminus and the pentaglycyl bridging
245  fragments with reduced cross-linking with a pentapeptide stem that terminated in d-Ala-d-Lac.
246              We believe that most of the few pentapeptide stems ending in d-Ala- d-Ala occur in the t
247 anied by a dramatic accumulation of unlinked pentapeptide stems with no change in the tetrapeptide po
248 nhanced without altering the sequence of the pentapeptide strand.
249 a-turn conformation that develops within the pentapeptide structural repeats above the phase transiti
250 alization of PBP2 was also observed when its pentapeptide substrate was eliminated by addition of d-c
251 uced increase in reactivity of fIXa toward a pentapeptide substrate.
252 ncoded library (130,321 compounds) of lysine pentapeptide substrates of TGase, synthesized using the
253 ired enzyme activity and the availability of pentapeptide substrates.
254 hemical assays, caspase-2 uniquely prefers a pentapeptide (such as VDVAD) rather than a tetrapeptide,
255 R of the 2-kDa NAG-NAM(pentapeptide)-NAG-NAM(pentapeptide) synthetic fragment of the cell wall.
256 he(7)/D-Nal(2')(7)-Arg(8)-Trp(9)-Lys(10)-NH2 pentapeptide template lead to nanomolar range and select
257 ibe truncation and SAR studies to identify a pentapeptide that binds Cbl tyrosine kinase binding doma
258          Residues 549-553 comprise the NWETF pentapeptide that binds the CheR methyltransferase and C
259             We have prepared synthetically a pentapeptide that contains this putative binding site an
260                Cilengitide (CGT) is a cyclic pentapeptide that demonstrated efficacy for GBM treatmen
261                            ADH-1 is a cyclic pentapeptide that disrupts N-cadherin adhesion complexes
262  are different but share a carboxyl-terminal pentapeptide that enhances adaptational covalent modific
263      The PG building block is a disaccharide-pentapeptide that is synthesized as a lipid-linked precu
264  undecaprenyl diphosphate and a disaccharide-pentapeptide that PG-synthesizing enzymes use to build t
265               A phr gene encoding a secreted pentapeptide that regulates the activity of its associat
266 tracellular death factor is a quorum-sensing pentapeptide that relays cell density information to an
267 the nonapeptide bradykinin and of two globin pentapeptides that are potential in vivo substrates.
268 cer of AmpC, the quantities of both the stem pentapeptide (the substrate for the dd-carboxypeptidase
269                                          For pentapeptides, the constraint gives rise to inaccessible
270 s have been developed to synthesize tri- and pentapeptide thioesters containing one or more p-(hydrox
271 f excess Q7, APN quantitatively converts the pentapeptides Thr-Gly-Ala-X-Met into the dipeptides X-Me
272 f the peptidoglycan precursor phospho-MurNAc-pentapeptide to the lipid carrier undecaprenyl phosphate
273 tylglucosamine disaccharides cross-linked by pentapeptides to form a tight mesh barrier.
274 ne bound and soluble forms of PBP5 converted pentapeptides to tetrapeptides in vitro and in vivo, and
275 , aromatic-aromatic interactions promote the pentapeptides transform from alpha-helix to beta-sheet c
276                               Phospho-MurNAc-pentapeptide translocase (MraY) catalyzes the synthesis
277 ecific inhibitor of MraY, the phospho-MurNAc-pentapeptide translocase that catalyzes the synthesis of
278                         MraY (phospho-MurNAc-pentapeptide translocase) catalyses the first and an ess
279                         MraY (phospho-MurNAc-pentapeptide translocase) is an integral membrane enzyme
280 e nanomolar inhibitors of Mtb phospho-MurNAc-pentapeptide translocase, the enzyme responsible for the
281 nd VanY acting on dipeptide (D-Ala-D-Ala) or pentapeptide (UDP-MurNac-L-Ala-D-Glu-L-Lys-D-Ala-D-Ala),
282 idoglycan precursor UDP-N-acetylmuramic acid-pentapeptide (UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide) in the cytoplasm.
283 ; 2.32 +/- 0.55%ID/g), a low-affinity cyclic pentapeptide under clinical development.
284 e macrocyclic beta-sheet peptides comprise a pentapeptide "upper" strand, two delta-linked ornithine
285  and hydrophilicity that matches that of the pentapeptide "upper" strand.
286  pH-dependent partitioning of the host-guest pentapeptide variants AcWL-X-LL-NH(2) and WL-X-LL-NH(2)
287  of suitably functionalized tri-, tetra- and pentapeptides via Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling has been
288                 Macrocycles 1 containing the pentapeptide VQIVY in the "upper" strand delay and suppr
289 or epoxidation activity when the small FLEEL pentapeptide was used as a substrate, suggesting that N-
290 ons of DYDYQ, whereas high concentrations of pentapeptide were required to inhibit cleavage of rP2-II
291 dium produced an abnormal peptidoglycan: all pentapeptides were replaced by tetrapeptides, and the pe
292 ycine-arginine-glycine-aspartic acid-serine)-pentapeptide (which interrupts binding of RGD-containing
293 ved when Y* was generated by photolysis in a pentapeptide, which matched the primary sequence surroun
294 tle activity against muropeptides containing pentapeptides, which typically characterize newly synthe
295                                            A pentapeptide with this sequence inhibited both prothromb
296 owed that the enhanced binding observed with pentapeptides with carboxyl-terminal tyrosine, compared
297 e length of their peptides (tri-, tetra-, or pentapeptides with or without mono- or dipeptide branch)
298 MOR and DOR, we have synthesized a series of pentapeptides with the goal of developing a MOR agonist/
299 -Ala-Trp-Ala-Ala-amide (AAWAA), and the five pentapeptides with the same sequence as the Trp substitu
300 and configurational sampling of beta-hairpin pentapeptide YPGDV.

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