


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 oeconomic status, added salt, and history of peptic ulcer disease.
2  episodes of acute distress that can lead to peptic ulcer disease.
3 much lower than for patients with idiopathic peptic ulcer disease.
4 plications of gastrin in the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer disease.
5 superior result for H. pylori eradication in peptic ulcer disease.
6 s requiring emergency surgery for perforated peptic ulcer disease.
7 ndrome, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and peptic ulcer disease.
8 nfected congenital anomalies, and perforated peptic ulcer disease.
9 d areas: morbid obesity, gastric cancer, and peptic ulcer disease.
10 or for the development of gastric cancer and peptic ulcer disease.
11 the bacterium in pathogenesis and relapse of peptic ulcer disease.
12 IDA regardless of the presence or absence of peptic ulcer disease.
13  and that contributes to the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer disease.
14 ggest a relationship between lung cancer and peptic ulcer disease.
15 ith Helicobacter pylori is the main cause of peptic-ulcer disease.
16 6), myocardial infarction (1.34; 1.07-1.69), peptic ulcer disease (1.27; 1.03-1.58), peripheral vascu
17 y was oesophageal varices (57%), followed by peptic ulcer disease (18%) and gastritis (10%).
18 cluded diverticulitis (5), pancreatitis (4), peptic ulcer disease (4), and cholecystitis (2).
19 by paralysis (90% increase), dementia (60%), peptic ulcer disease (53%), other neurological disorders
20                                              Peptic ulcer disease, although declining in prevalence,
21                                              Peptic ulcer disease, although declining in prevalence,
22 n gastric mucosa, and it is a major cause of peptic ulcer disease and a principal risk factor for gas
23 luids of a 64-year-old man with a history of peptic ulcer disease and alcohol abuse.
24 phenotypic subgroup has been associated with peptic ulcer disease and an increased bleeding tendency.
25 e H. pylori are more closely associated with peptic ulcer disease and cancer.
26 lori varies in severity from asymptomatic to peptic ulcer disease and cancer.
27              Helicobacter pylori, a cause of peptic ulcer disease and certain types of gastric cancer
28 ylori is the strongest known risk factor for peptic ulcer disease and distal gastric adenocarcinoma,
29 s and is the strongest known risk factor for peptic ulcer disease and distal gastric cancer, yet only
30 ter pylori, a human pathogen associated with peptic ulcer disease and gastric adenocarcinoma, we clon
31 er pylori infection is the leading cause for peptic ulcer disease and gastric adenocarcinoma.
32 n that may contribute to the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer disease and gastric adenocarcinoma.
33 A (CagA) into host cells are associated with peptic ulcer disease and gastric adenocarcinoma.
34                                              Peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer are caused most
35       Helicobacter pylori, the main cause of peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer in adult populat
36                  Gastric diseases, including peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer, affect 10% of t
37 an cells, contributes to the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer, and is a candid
38 tomach and contributes to the development of peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer.
39 ects half of the world population and causes peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer.
40 acter pylori infection of the stomach causes peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer.
41 cells and contributes to the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer.
42 tant virulence factor in the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer.
43 ch and may contribute to the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer.
44 use of most gastric diseases, including both peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer.
45 ) that may contribute to the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer.
46 tients is known to prevent the occurrence of peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer.
47 tence increases the risk of diseases such as peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer.
48 to persistence of the bacterium and risk for peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer.
49 tant virulence factor in the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer.
50 tric epithelial cells and has been linked to peptic ulcer disease and gastric carcinoma.
51 the human stomach and increases the risk for peptic ulcer disease and gastric carcinoma.
52 oton pump inhibitor used in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease and gastrosophageal reflux disease
53 class it is fraught with the risk of serious peptic ulcer disease and its complications.
54 isms by which H pylori increases the risk of peptic ulcer disease and noncardia gastric adenocarcinom
55 rove to lessen the morbidity associated with peptic ulcer disease and other benign conditions.
56  in various degrees of gastric inflammation, peptic ulcer disease, and a predisposition to gastric ca
57 ion, psychiatric disorders, anemia, obesity, peptic ulcer disease, and cancer but a lower prevalence
58 s the risk of developing atrophic gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, and gastric adenocarcinoma.
59 its etiologic role in symptomatic gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, and gastric adenocarcinoma.
60 elium is strongly associated with gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, and gastric cancer.
61  major role in the development of gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, and gastric cancer.
62 estive diseases including chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, and gastric cancer.
63 can lead to gastroesophageal reflux disease, peptic ulcer disease, and stress-related erosion/ulcer d
64 ploratory laparotomy and gastric surgery for peptic ulcer disease approximately 10 years ago.
65          A small proportion of patients have peptic ulcer disease as cause and this can be treated em
66 atients who underwent gastrectomy for benign peptic ulcer disease between 1960 and 1975, 163 patients
67 ylori has been implicated in the etiology of peptic ulcer disease, chronic gastritis, gastric carcino
68         In patients with bleeding related to peptic ulcer disease, combination therapy (epinephrine i
69 tic significance among CAD patients, whereas peptic ulcer disease, connective tissue disease, and lym
70  in patients developing the complications of peptic ulcer disease (eg, obstruction and perforation),
71  chronic active gastritis, which can lead to peptic ulcer disease, gastric adenocarcinoma, and mucosa
72  a resultant decline in H. pylori-associated peptic ulcer disease, gastric cancer remains the second
73 ronic gastritis and plays a critical role in peptic ulcer disease, gastric carcinoma, and gastric lym
74 ses chronic gastritis and is associated with peptic ulcer disease, gastric carcinoma, and gastric lym
75 acterial pathogens, often causing gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, gastric mucosa-associated lymphati
76 s, in whom it is a key etiological factor in peptic ulcer disease, gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid
77 ndications for PPI use, including history of peptic ulcer disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease, o
78                                              Peptic ulcer disease has been associated with an increas
79 pylori in the pathogenensis of gastritis and peptic ulcer disease has been shown in adults and childr
80 roscopic surgery for treatment of perforated peptic ulcer disease has now been validated, with subseq
81               Incidence and risk factors for peptic ulcer disease in the United States have not been
82               Partial gastrectomy for benign peptic ulcer disease is associated with an increased ris
83                            H. pylori-induced peptic ulcer disease is associated with inadequate regul
84 ts for children in whom H. pylori-associated peptic ulcer disease is diagnosed.
85 he risk for development of gastric cancer or peptic ulcer disease is higher among humans infected wit
86         Upper gastrointestinal bleeding from peptic ulcer disease is not a new clinical problem.
87                   Gastric surgery for benign peptic ulcer disease is not a risk factor for either sho
88  greatest effect on surgical intervention in peptic ulcer disease is the Centers for Disease Control
89 on, cholecystectomy, operative management of peptic ulcer disease, lysis of peritoneal adhesions, app
90        Compared with those with report of no peptic ulcer disease, men with gastric ulcer had an incr
91 intestinal tract, such as chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
92 nistering therapy include active or inactive peptic ulcer disease, mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
93 ic gastritis and leading in some patients to peptic ulcer disease, mucosa-associated lymphomas, and g
94 at a variety of gastric disorders, including peptic ulcer disease, neoplasia, and autoimmune gastriti
95                             Of patients with peptic ulcer disease, nine of 37 (24%) had stigmata of r
96                  Dumping, bile gastritis, or peptic ulcer disease occurred in three patients after PP
97 lays an etiologic role in the development of peptic ulcer disease, only a small number of these child
98 lly asymptomatic but sometimes progresses to peptic ulcer disease or gastric adenocarcinoma.
99 ommon in strains isolated from patients with peptic ulcer disease or gastric cancer, rather than asym
100 face, evade host immune clearance, and cause peptic ulcer disease or gastric neoplasia in a significa
101 d with chronic gastritis and, in some cases, peptic ulcer disease or gastric neoplasms.
102 ns of Helicobacter pylori from patients with peptic ulcer disease or intestinal-type gastric cancer c
103 s of the peptide; and the role of gastrin in peptic ulcer disease pathogenesis secondary to Helicobac
104                                              Peptic ulcer disease, present in 56% of patients, was th
105 m2) was associated with an increased risk of peptic ulcer disease (PUD) (P = 0.003).
106               Gastric biopsy specimens of 68 peptic ulcer disease (PUD) and 327 chronic gastritis (CG
107 udy was to analyse the risk of uncomplicated peptic ulcer disease (PUD) in a cohort of new users of l
108 Despite progress in diagnosis and treatment, peptic ulcer disease (PUD) remains a common reason for h
109 tion in 1994 of guidelines for management of peptic ulcer disease (PUD), trends in physician practice
110 i to activate neutrophils is associated with peptic ulcer disease (PUD).
111  (s1a) allele of the underlying vacA gene to peptic ulcer disease (PUD).
112 astrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) secondary to peptic ulcer disease (PUD).
113 cter pylori is the main etiologic factor for peptic ulcer disease, recent studies have explored a pot
114  in the pathogenesis of chronic gastritis or peptic ulcer disease remain unclear.
115 d contraindication to aspirin use, including peptic ulcer disease, renal insufficiency, and use of no
116 cobacter pylori, implicated in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease, Streptococcus agalactiae, implicat
117 g(+)/type s1-vacA strains from patients with peptic ulcer disease than in cag-negative/s2-vacA strain
118 ding after successful hemostasis of bleeding peptic ulcer disease, the following questions should be
119 ri causes diseases ranging from gastritis to peptic ulcer disease to gastric cancer.
120                                   History of peptic ulcer disease was assessed at baseline in 1986 an
121                                              Peptic ulcer disease was believed to be caused by acid a
122 ergency operation for bleeding or perforated peptic ulcer disease was performed to determine the asso
123                      Prevalences of heart or peptic ulcer disease were not significantly higher.
124 an early proponent of an infectious cause of peptic ulcer disease were recently discovered.
125 our patients without previous GI bleeding or peptic ulcer disease who were enrolled in a multicenter,

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