


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ident with losses in cytosine methylation at pericentromeric 5S gene clusters and AtSN1 retroelements
2 role of shugoshins appears to be to serve as pericentromeric adaptor proteins that recruit several di
3       Here, we show that shugoshin acts as a pericentromeric adaptor that plays dual roles in biorien
4 usly shown that duplication of chromosome 17 pericentromeric alpha satellite as measured with a centr
5  mapped cohesin-associated regions (CARs) in pericentromeric and arm regions, and that Scc2/Scc4-cohe
6 L.) mitotic cells, H3T3ph is concentrated at pericentromeric and centromeric regions.
7 of fluorescence resonance energy transfer at pericentromeric and nonpericentromeric regions of the nu
8 ntiation between the two genome sequences in pericentromeric and peritelomeric regions.
9 ch loads cohesin at specific sites including pericentromeric and subtelomeric domains, is dispensable
10                        Susceptible patterns (pericentromeric and telomeric exchanges) accounted for 3
11 static form of heterochromatin that silences pericentromeric and telomeric repeats in a cell cycle- a
12                 Concomitantly, the levels of pericentromeric aurora B kinase, known to phosphorylate
13 n of the gene RanGAP, whereas Rsp is a large pericentromeric block of satellite DNA.
14 n is reinforced within 3-Mb regions flanking pericentromeric boundaries, and this effect appears to b
15                            Stretching of the pericentromeric chromatin during metaphase is thought to
16                 BEND3, a protein enriched on pericentromeric chromatin in the absence of DNA methylat
17 dle dynamics fail to predict the behavior of pericentromeric chromatin in wild-type and mutant spindl
18 read chromatin changes, we hypothesized that pericentromeric chromatin structure could also be affect
19 n increase in ploidy associated with altered pericentromeric chromatin structure, suggesting a role f
20                     The cell must adjust the pericentromeric chromatin to accommodate the changing te
21 rification method to characterize changes in pericentromeric chromatin-associated proteins in mouse e
22 the mitotic spindle exerts physical force on pericentromeric chromatin.
23 ibutes to an efficient release of HELLS from pericentromeric chromatin.
24                                           On pericentromeric chromosome 8 within our previously repor
25 in the frequency of associations between the pericentromeric clusters, chromosomal territory 3, and n
26 eloped a technique that specifically reduced pericentromeric cohesin association on a single chromoso
27                             The magnitude of pericentromeric cohesin association was negatively corre
28 quencies of chromosome loss, suggesting that pericentromeric cohesin enrichment is essential for high
29 re components suggests that this pathway for pericentromeric cohesin enrichment may have been retaine
30    Together, these observations suggest that pericentromeric cohesin levels reflect the balance of op
31                                              Pericentromeric cohesin recruitment required evolutionar
32                                     Enriched pericentromeric cohesin requires the Ctf19 kinetochore s
33 romatids remain attached through centromeric/pericentromeric cohesin.
34 ave not clearly defined the roles of arm and pericentromeric cohesion in chromosome segregation.
35 ances cohesin loading and facilitates robust pericentromeric cohesion in S phase.
36                       The failure to resolve pericentromeric cohesion is under the control of the B-s
37 nd this appears to be related to its role in pericentromeric cohesion.
38 o recruit Scc2/4 to centromeres and to build pericentromeric cohesion.
39 remature Sgo1 removal and precocious loss of pericentromeric cohesion.
40 would recruit these genes to the restrictive pericentromeric compartment, resulting in their repressi
41                                              Pericentromeric condensin biases sister kinetochores tow
42                   Trimethylated H3(K9) marks pericentromeric constitutive heterochromatin and the mal
43 ver remodeling at the chromosome scale, with pericentromeric decreases and euchromatic increases in r
44       We have identified a recurrent de novo pericentromeric deletion in 16p11.2-p12.2 in four indivi
45                        In fission yeast, the pericentromeric dg and dh repeats are transcribed and gi
46 ethylated histone 3 at lysine 4 (H3-K4me) at pericentromeric DNA and other repetitive sequences.
47                                              Pericentromeric DNA hypermethylation occurs in a subset
48        Heterochromatic gene silencing at the pericentromeric DNA repeats in fission yeast requires th
49 pendent co-transcriptional gene silencing at pericentromeric DNA repeats.
50 ing compact, hypermethylated centromeric and pericentromeric DNA.
51 ited in heterochromatic regions encompassing pericentromeric DNA.
52 ite DNA, is hypomethylated compared with the pericentromeric domains.
53                           We also identified pericentromeric duplicated segments shared between mouse
54    Together, these findings demonstrate that pericentromeric duplications are not restricted to prima
55 iotic gene promoters and is required for the pericentromeric enrichment of 5hmC.
56          These data indicate that defects in pericentromeric epigenetic heterochromatin modifications
57 maging and tracking the thermal movements of pericentromeric fluorescent markers in Saccharomyces cer
58                                Many cryptic, pericentromeric genes are expressed at the RNA level and
59                  Human subtelomeric, but not pericentromeric, genes also exhibit these elevations.
60  results in equivalent partial reductions of pericentromeric H3K9me levels, but a double mutation eli
61  of nucleoli; (iv) increase in the number of pericentromeric heterochromatic clusters; and (v) increa
62 e dramatic reduction of recombination in the pericentromeric heterochromatic region.
63                             By contrast, the pericentromeric heterochromatic regions of these chromos
64  In hematopoietic cells, Ikaros localizes to pericentromeric heterochromatin (PC-HC) where it recruit
65          The majority of Ikaros localizes at pericentromeric heterochromatin (PC-HC) where it regulat
66 Ikaros complexes to bind DNA motifs found in pericentromeric heterochromatin (PC-HC).
67 os are also responsible for its targeting to pericentromeric heterochromatin (PC-HC).
68 e-based physical map that spans 13 Mb of the pericentromeric heterochromatin and a cytogenetic map th
69                    Assembly of fission yeast pericentromeric heterochromatin and generation of small
70 finity for methylated CpGs that localizes at pericentromeric heterochromatin and is frequently downre
71 enes and provide spring-like tension between pericentromeric heterochromatin and microtubules.
72 ites, and for the association of CENP-B with pericentromeric heterochromatin and tandem satellite rep
73 ilizes epigenetic heterochromatin markers on pericentromeric heterochromatin and the Y chromosome thr
74 terochromatin, and H2A.Z becomes enriched at pericentromeric heterochromatin and the Y chromosome.
75     Lsh has been shown to be associated with pericentromeric heterochromatin and to be required for n
76  genetic positions of the centromere and the pericentromeric heterochromatin and to relate chromatin
77     Nucleosome occupancy and HP1a binding at pericentromeric heterochromatin are markedly decreased i
78 s repeat is associated with highly condensed pericentromeric heterochromatin at several hemizygous lo
79 rrier sequences result in the propagation of pericentromeric heterochromatin beyond its normal bounda
80  ATRXt isoforms are colocalized at blocks of pericentromeric heterochromatin but unlike full length A
81   These data suggest a role for nucleoli and pericentromeric heterochromatin clusters as organizers o
82             Here we report a unique class of pericentromeric heterochromatin consisting of DNA sequen
83                                          The pericentromeric heterochromatin constituted a large quas
84  at all tRNA genes, many of which cluster at pericentromeric heterochromatin domain boundaries.
85 of the Brg1 ATPase results in dissolution of pericentromeric heterochromatin domains and a redistribu
86 unctions in limiting Pol II occupancy across pericentromeric heterochromatin domains.
87         Here, we show that Brc1 localizes in pericentromeric heterochromatin during S phase, where it
88 H2A on serine-128/-129 to create gammaH2A in pericentromeric heterochromatin during S phase, which re
89 Dntt), which is silenced and repositioned to pericentromeric heterochromatin during thymocyte maturat
90                                              Pericentromeric heterochromatin formation is mediated by
91 ecognition by HP1 proteins are necessary for pericentromeric heterochromatin formation.
92  the cell cycle as well as chromatin context.Pericentromeric heterochromatin forms a distinct nuclear
93  dynamic HP1-dependent response that rescues pericentromeric heterochromatin function and is essentia
94            In contrast, BACs assigned to the pericentromeric heterochromatin had a gene density 10-10
95 gional centromeres, there was no evidence of pericentromeric heterochromatin in C. lusitaniae.
96 ically associate with the nuclear lamina and pericentromeric heterochromatin in CD4(-)CD8(-) thymocyt
97 gh frequency with the nuclear lamina or with pericentromeric heterochromatin in developing thymocytes
98 interference (RNAi)-mediated transmission of pericentromeric heterochromatin in fission yeast, which
99             CEN chromatin is embedded within pericentromeric heterochromatin in most higher eukaryote
100 D3 and is recruited to 5-methylcytosine-rich pericentromeric heterochromatin in mouse cells.
101 tedly enriched at transcriptionally inactive pericentromeric heterochromatin in P. falciparum, a regi
102 compositional differences of euchromatin and pericentromeric heterochromatin in this model dicot spec
103 Nonetheless, they have spread throughout the pericentromeric heterochromatin in tomato and wild tomat
104                   The condensed structure of pericentromeric heterochromatin is associated with the p
105 on, we concluded that stable localization at pericentromeric heterochromatin is neither necessary nor
106 indings suggest that impaired maintenance of pericentromeric heterochromatin may contribute to CIN in
107 kage group L, has sequences conserved in the pericentromeric heterochromatin of all 20 chromosomes.
108 We show that silencing of transposons in the pericentromeric heterochromatin of Arabidopsis thaliana
109 xtensive chromosomal rearrangement occurs in pericentromeric heterochromatin of autosomes.
110 Dictyostelium discoideum and constitutes the pericentromeric heterochromatin of the six chromosomes i
111          We mapped a recessive factor to the pericentromeric heterochromatin of the X chromosome in D
112 f linkage and cytological maps revealed that pericentromeric heterochromatin of these sorghum chromos
113 pes, which include an abnormal appearance of pericentromeric heterochromatin on metaphase chromosomes
114 nd INM proteins, but not to association with pericentromeric heterochromatin or nuclear pore complexe
115                      Indeed, it appears that pericentromeric heterochromatin recruits cohesion protei
116 origins of replication and non-coding RNA in pericentromeric heterochromatin results in competition b
117 ation of histone H3 (K9) and condensation of pericentromeric heterochromatin structure in neurons.
118  further apart and interacted more poorly at pericentromeric heterochromatin than in the more euchrom
119 ion of recombination was associated with the pericentromeric heterochromatin that accounts for approx
120 linked directed monoallelic association with pericentromeric heterochromatin to the initiation or mai
121 oted nuclear relocalization of C/EBP beta to pericentromeric heterochromatin was prevented by the MEK
122 sion of CENP-V leads to hypercondensation of pericentromeric heterochromatin, a phenotype that is abo
123 on of the H4K20me3 histone modification into pericentromeric heterochromatin, a territory occupied no
124 cytes, the SMC5/6 complex is enriched at the pericentromeric heterochromatin, and also localizes alon
125 ialized chromatin at the kinetochore itself, pericentromeric heterochromatin, and flanking euchromati
126 riant centromere protein A (CENP-A), and the pericentromeric heterochromatin, considered important fo
127 1 and atmorc6 mutants show decondensation of pericentromeric heterochromatin, increased interaction o
128 ore resistant to unfolding than sur-rounding pericentromeric heterochromatin, mitotic kinetochores ar
129                                 We find that pericentromeric heterochromatin, repetitive sequences, a
130                           Lsh accumulates at pericentromeric heterochromatin, suggesting a direct rol
131  monomethylation, a modification enriched at pericentromeric heterochromatin, was observed broadly di
132 l that is responsible for Lsh recruitment to pericentromeric heterochromatin, we found that histone t
133 q21 CNAs and DNA hypomethylation of the 1q12 pericentromeric heterochromatin, we treated in vitro per
134 breaks (DSBs) is particularly challenging in pericentromeric heterochromatin, where the abundance of
135 in striking contrast to Chp1, a component of pericentromeric heterochromatin, which binds H3K9me-rich
136 umulates replicative damage at telomeres and pericentromeric heterochromatin, which is exacerbated by
137 ecessary for fully efficient transmission of pericentromeric heterochromatin, which is required for a
138 hosphorylation of histone H3 at serine 10 in pericentromeric heterochromatin, which normally occurs i
139 sed Rag expression and Rag relocalization to pericentromeric heterochromatin.
140 pendent repositioning of the other allele to pericentromeric heterochromatin.
141 led replication forks, preferentially around pericentromeric heterochromatin.
142 cers and positioned a kappa allele away from pericentromeric heterochromatin.
143 e transcripts were from genes located in the pericentromeric heterochromatin.
144 rs C/EBPalpha in the transcriptionally inert pericentromeric heterochromatin.
145 tive cells, one Tcrb allele was recruited to pericentromeric heterochromatin.
146 binant inbred mapping within centromeres and pericentromeric heterochromatin.
147  recruiting HP1 proteins to sites of altered pericentromeric heterochromatin.
148 anking centromeres to restrain the spread of pericentromeric heterochromatin.
149  not influence its nuclear localization into pericentromeric heterochromatin.
150 onsistent with localization of C/EBP beta to pericentromeric heterochromatin.
151  was accompanied by dissociation of Lsh from pericentromeric heterochromatin.
152 on, phosphorylated C/EBP beta colocalizes to pericentromeric heterochromatin.
153  become specifically enriched in replicating pericentromeric heterochromatin.
154 ACF1 specifically impairs the replication of pericentromeric heterochromatin.
155 t known whether regional centromeres require pericentromeric heterochromatin.
156 tinct type of regional centromere that lacks pericentromeric heterochromatin.
157                                              Pericentromeric, higher-order repeat substructure exists
158                                              Pericentromeric histone dynamics are influenced by the c
159 alance between displacement and insertion of pericentromeric histones provides a mechanism to accommo
160 inetochore capture and expose shugoshin as a pericentromeric hub controlling chromosome biorientation
161 s needed if we are to understand the role of pericentromeric instability in disease, and in gene and
162 e involved in the phosphorylation of H3T3 in pericentromeric/knob regions and that this repressive ep
163 a modest decrease in histone H3 occupancy in pericentromeric/knob regions of wild-type plants under o
164 ether, these data reveal a specific role for pericentromeric linkage in ensuring kinetochore biorient
165 he S. pombe ortholog Seb1 is associated with pericentromeric lncRNAs.
166                                        Thus, pericentromeric localization, per se, does not result in
167 etic substitutions abolished DNA-binding and pericentromeric localization.
168 f an interspecific cross for mapping and the pericentromeric location of the QTL, we observed no supp
169 eous silencing (in cis) may be promoted by a pericentromeric location.
170  human genome, primarily in subtelomeric and pericentromeric locations.
171 equired for RNAi complexes to associate with pericentromeric noncoding RNAs.
172 human SDs, the 7E SDs are not biased towards pericentromeric or subtelomeric regions.
173  firing but interferes specifically with the pericentromeric origin activation.
174 is reminiscent of the recruitment of Dbf4 to pericentromeric origins by Ctf19.
175     Conversely, disassembly of the shugoshin pericentromeric platform may provide a signal that siste
176                            Shugoshins form a pericentromeric platform that integrates multiple functi
177              Cuff accumulates at centromeric/pericentromeric positions in germ-cell nuclei and strong
178 ulation of these important tension-sensitive pericentromeric proteins are discussed.
179      We uncover multi-layered suppression of pericentromeric recombination by the Ctf19 complex, oper
180 mes, apparently because rare centromeric (or pericentromeric) recombination events, when they do occu
181 sociation of the Igh and Igk loci, inhibited pericentromeric recruitment and locus 'decontraction' of
182                                       Hence, pericentromeric recruitment and locus 'decontraction' se
183 ng events of new material to this particular pericentromeric region abruptly ceased after this time p
184 tric chromatin reflect global changes in the pericentromeric region and provide mechanisms for mechan
185 lopmental RNA specificity between the barley pericentromeric region and the rest of the genome.
186 tion-dependent function for cyclin A1 in the pericentromeric region in late diplotene of meiosis, per
187         Third, local gene duplication in the pericentromeric region is reduced by 29% relative to the
188                                    Thus, the pericentromeric region of barley is a permissive environ
189 nheritance is often seen, and a locus in the pericentromeric region of chromosome 16 has been identif
190                                  Because the pericentromeric region of chromosome 16 has been identif
191 calization of a novel modifier, Mom7, to the pericentromeric region of chromosome 18.
192 rom patients with copy number changes in the pericentromeric region of chromosome 22q.
193 repeat is mapped to a single location in the pericentromeric region of chromosome 7.
194  results in alpha-E2 proteins binding to the pericentromeric region of metaphase chromosomes, as obse
195                          The low-recombining pericentromeric region of the barley genome contains rou
196                Wheat ESTs that mapped to the pericentromeric region of the group-5 long arm anchored
197                      Previous studies of the pericentromeric region of the human X chromosome short a
198 p of sequence has been determined within the pericentromeric region of the long arm.
199 abase of heterochromatic sequence within the pericentromeric region of the short and long arm of the
200                      Hypothesizing that this pericentromeric region of the X chromosome may be accumu
201                                          The pericentromeric region of this homeologous chromosome pa
202                      First, genes within the pericentromeric region of wild barley show reduced diver
203 tant plants, a cluster of EPSPS genes on the pericentromeric region on one pair of homologous chromos
204          We have investigated the effects of pericentromeric region residency upon the expression, di
205  (EEGS) was identified that localized to the pericentromeric region with high homology to satellite 2
206 venting heterochromatin spreading beyond the pericentromeric region.
207 e been completely eliminated from the barley pericentromeric region.
208 s of the structure and assembly of all human pericentromeric regions (5 megabases).
209 ns of gene divergence and expression between pericentromeric regions and chromosomal arms in differen
210 randomly distributed with low density in the pericentromeric regions and marker clusters in the dista
211                              Centromeric and pericentromeric regions are essential for chromosome con
212    These results are surprising, because the pericentromeric regions are hypermethylated and were exp
213 A that were duplicatively transposed towards pericentromeric regions at a rate of six-seven events pe
214             During development or in cancer, pericentromeric regions can adopt either epigenetic stat
215 rucial for the control of heterochromatin at pericentromeric regions consisting of satellite repeats.
216                    Lastly, H3K27me3-depleted pericentromeric regions contain gene islands with active
217  regions including the inner centromeric and pericentromeric regions during (pro)metaphase.
218 tant, which exhibited lower H3T3ph levels in pericentromeric regions even under normal environmental
219 cation and rearrangement of subtelomeric and pericentromeric regions have functional relevance to hum
220 ept inactive at transcriptionally quiescent, pericentromeric regions in mouse cell nuclei.
221                            This implies that pericentromeric regions may contribute disproportionally
222 region of chromosome 9p is paralogous to the pericentromeric regions of chromosome 9 as well as to 2q
223 monstrate that the suppression of COs within pericentromeric regions of chromosomes persists in this
224 in structures at telomeres, centromeres, and pericentromeric regions of chromosomes, leading to mitot
225 8) E2 protein binds as large speckles at the pericentromeric regions of chromosomes.
226            Distal regions of euchromatin and pericentromeric regions of heterochromatin were delimite
227   The betapapillomavirus E2 proteins bind to pericentromeric regions of host mitotic chromosomes, inc
228 ous finished sequence from highly duplicated pericentromeric regions of human chromosomes is needed i
229 iven our discovery of gamma-satellite DNA in pericentromeric regions of most human chromosomes and a
230 he suppression of COs within the repeat-rich pericentromeric regions of plant and mammalian chromosom
231 otic chromosomal exchange in centromeric and pericentromeric regions of rice, the centromere core sho
232                                          The pericentromeric regions of soybean (Glycine max) chromos
233 quenced regions of the genome, including the pericentromeric regions of the acrocentric chromosomes a
234 nts which were mapped to the centromeric and pericentromeric regions of the Arabidopsis chromosomes t
235 Tf elements were absent from centromeres and pericentromeric regions of the genome containing tandem
236 dog genomes, suppression of recombination in pericentromeric regions of the metacentric fox chromosom
237 ridization analysis mapped the EPSPS gene to pericentromeric regions of two homologous chromosomes in
238 e and recombination is suppressed within the pericentromeric regions of wheat chromosomes, thus, prec
239 primarily by preferential TE insertions into pericentromeric regions or by selection against TE inser
240 osons (LTR-RTs), in recombination-suppressed pericentromeric regions seems to be a general pattern of
241                                Surprisingly, pericentromeric regions showed negative interference.
242 igh content of repetitive elements and large pericentromeric regions that are virtually devoid of mei
243 ification as a signal for Top2p targeting to pericentromeric regions was suggested by an analysis of
244  of lncRNA transcription also takes place at pericentromeric regions where it contributes to heteroch
245                        Most chromosomes have pericentromeric regions with highly suppressed recombina
246      The role of repetitive DNA sequences in pericentromeric regions with respect to kinetochore/hete
247 ic heterochromatin, increased interaction of pericentromeric regions with the rest of the genome, and
248 model for the formation of highly duplicated pericentromeric regions within the human genome.
249 ctural variants (inversions, centromeres and pericentromeric regions).
250 deleterious mutation rate is observed in the pericentromeric regions, and might be caused by differen
251 f transposons that are largely restricted to pericentromeric regions, barley MORC mutants did not sho
252 are not restricted solely to subtelomeric or pericentromeric regions, but also occur within genic reg
253 an genome that is highly concentrated in the pericentromeric regions, consisting of rapidly evolving
254 esin association on chromosome arms, but not pericentromeric regions, is reduced in the phosphomimeti
255 dog genes located either in subtelomeric and pericentromeric regions, or in short synteny blocks, pos
256 and S that was largely confined to gene-poor pericentromeric regions, prompting a speciation-with-ong
257 to clusters: retrotransposon clusters in the pericentromeric regions, R and DR gene clusters in dista
258 these duplicated segments is nonrandom among pericentromeric regions, suggesting that some regions ha
259 ing the biased accumulation of singletons in pericentromeric regions, suggests that distinct genomic
260 nts were located in recombination-suppressed pericentromeric regions, where the ratio (1.26) of solo
261 e observed excess residual heterozygosity in pericentromeric regions, which suggested that selection
262 sity was greatest in the proximal and distal pericentromeric regions, with only a slightly preferenti
263 es are particularly informative within human pericentromeric regions--areas of particularly rapid cha
264                   Intriguingly, the genes in pericentromeric regions-the cold spots for meiotic recom
265 t are largely restricted to loci residing in pericentromeric regions.
266 is gained at new CHH positions, primarily in pericentromeric regions.
267  low Ks and low levels of gene expression in pericentromeric regions.
268 lation levels compared with sequences in the pericentromeric regions.
269 ith the same repeats located in the flanking pericentromeric regions.
270 ersion of a segment spanning centromeric and pericentromeric regions.
271 ched at rRNA gene cluster, subtelomeric, and pericentromeric regions.
272 cative transposition from the euchromatin to pericentromeric regions.
273 n across the entire chromosome(s), including pericentromeric regions.
274 served, particularly within subtelomeric and pericentromeric regions.
275 ormerly euchromatic regions into repeat-rich pericentromeric regions.
276 e genome's heterochromatin, particularly its pericentromeric regions.
277 s that are embedded within highly repetitive pericentromeric regions.
278 several cases, LCRs, AT-rich palindromes and pericentromeric repeats are located at such rearrangemen
279 ssion was required to attach centromeric and pericentromeric repeats but not LINE-1 elements to the l
280 coordinated replication and transcription of pericentromeric repeats enable RNA interference (RNAi)-m
281 ochromatin assembly on transcribed noncoding pericentromeric repeats requires both RNAi and RNAi-inde
282 on between the unique chromosome arm and the pericentromeric repeats.
283 lences transcription, and retains cohesin at pericentromeric repeats.
284  Sld3-Sld7 replication initiator proteins to pericentromeric replication origins so that they initiat
285 ions within Cd4 modulated CD8 expression and pericentromeric repositioning of Cd8.
286      Deacetylation at H3-Lys9 coincided with pericentromeric repositioning, and neither of these earl
287 racterized by immune defects, instability of pericentromeric satellite 2-containing heterochromatin,
288 thylation and DNMT3B to both centromeric and pericentromeric satellite repeats and that CENP-C and DN
289  maintenance of transcriptional silencing at pericentromeric satellite sequences (constitutive hetero
290 e pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas (PDACs), pericentromeric satellites accounted for a mean 12% (ran
291 ed a BAC contig spanning the transition from pericentromeric satellites to genes on the short arm of
292                                              Pericentromeric Scc2/Scc4 enrichment is kinetochore-depe
293 pha-satellite sequence D17Z1, three within a pericentromeric segment, and one at the distal SMS-REP.
294 ncluding the first autosomal transition from pericentromeric sequence to higher-order alpha-satellite
295 b) of genomic sequence, including 0.87 Mb of pericentromeric sequence, uncovered 45 intact long termi
296 to be required for normal CpG methylation at pericentromeric sequences.
297                                            A pericentromeric SNP on chromosome 1p11.2 (rs11249433; P
298 ive the linear order of sequences across the pericentromeric space and to investigate the spatial org
299  Snail1 transcription factor represses mouse pericentromeric transcription, acting through the H3K4 d
300 erns, but with most of the changes affecting pericentromeric transposons.

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