


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 richment in nitric oxide synthase-containing perikarya).
2 gly coexpressed in the neuropil and neuronal perikarya.
3  the region of the Golgi complex in neuronal perikarya.
4 glutamate immunoreactivity reported in these perikarya.
5 lly form coiled-like inclusion bodies in the perikarya.
6 paired helical filaments in the neuropil and perikarya.
7 rea X was poor in enkephalinergic fibers and perikarya.
8 hed apical dendrites, neurites, and neuronal perikarya.
9 arily in large and small dendrites and a few perikarya.
10 beled fibers came in close apposition to CRH perikarya.
11 arlier studies only by the location of their perikarya.
12 covarying out the hypertrophy of cholinergic perikarya.
13 tially in epithelial layers that contain ORN perikarya.
14 , DAT-immunonegative neuromelanin-containing perikarya.
15 py, exclusively in the cytoplasm of neuronal perikarya.
16  was also observed in unmyelinated axons and perikarya.
17 ight occur in the same hypothalamic neuronal perikarya.
18  the PPN which harbored numerous cholinergic perikarya.
19 d preprodynorphin messenger RNA-synthesizing perikarya.
20 etrical synapses with spines, dendrites, and perikarya.
21 mmunoreactivity in fibers and weakly stained perikarya.
22  not detected within supraependymal neuronal perikarya.
23 tes and cytoplasmic staining of granule cell perikarya.
24 ge apical dendrites proximal to granule cell perikarya.
25 cks of dendritic spines, but a few contacted perikarya.
26 huntingtin was limited primarily to neuronal perikarya.
27 omatic inhibitory synapses from the neuronal perikarya.
28 located in the vicinity of the Purkinje cell perikarya.
29 and propagated to form LB-like inclusions in perikarya.
30 ith increased glial ensheathment of the POMC perikarya.
31 ha1B subtype, were found within dopaminergic perikarya.
32  to degeneration of core-projecting neuronal perikarya.
33 s in the BLa were pyramidal cells, including perikarya (3%), dendritic shafts (47%), and dendritic sp
34                      In addition to neuronal perikarya, alpha4, alpha5 and beta2 immunoreactive fiber
35                             Most DOR-labeled perikarya also contained GABA and NPY, while a subpopula
36 st baskets enveloped small ovoid or piriform perikarya, although a few in the anteroventral part of t
37 her observations of decreased immunoreactive perikarya and 5-HT1A receptors in fluoxetine-treated ham
38  found confined to the neuropil and neuronal perikarya and appeared discretely distributed in the rod
39 e reveals structurally comparable systems of perikarya and arborizations in protocerebral neuropils o
40 te that CART peptide is abundant in neuronal perikarya and axon terminals throughout the monkey hypot
41                          In normal mice, RGC perikarya and axons were intensely labeled for CNTFRalph
42 howed that JNK was present in sensory neuron perikarya and axons.
43 ablish symmetric synapses onto dendrites and perikarya and can be presynaptic to primary afferent ter
44 tic function are synthesized in the neuronal perikarya and delivered into synapses via two modes of a
45  Immunolabeling for NBAT was detected within perikarya and dendrite-like processes that were most num
46 99) were in direct contact with GABA-labeled perikarya and dendrites (18%), and directly apposed to G
47 ls (n = 165) often contacted GABA-containing perikarya and dendrites (39%), but rarely apposed GABA-c
48 for 8 weeks resulted in vacuolization in the perikarya and dendrites and markedly impaired c-fos acti
49 th adults and neonates, DCX-labeled neuronal perikarya and dendrites contained ERbeta-ir; ERbeta-ir u
50           Vimentin was localized to neuronal perikarya and dendrites in AD brain, with vimentin-immun
51  immunoreactivity was found predominantly in perikarya and dendrites of a small subset of striatal ne
52  were observed to establish synapses on both perikarya and dendrites of CRH neurons.
53 f the dentate gyrus granule cells and within perikarya and dendrites of occasional nonpyramidal neuro
54 tes on the plasma membranes of noradrenergic perikarya and dendrites of the LC.
55 prominently distributed within noradrenergic perikarya and dendrites of the nucleus locus coeruleus (
56                                           TH perikarya and dendrites were commonly observed intersper
57 DAT immunogold-labeled profiles are neuronal perikarya and dendrites, and the remainder are unmyelina
58  were often seen in the proximity of ChAT-ir perikarya and dendrites, but the majority (82-93%) estab
59            It was primarily localized within perikarya and dendrites, but was also observed in certai
60                  PV(+) structures, including perikarya and dendrites, constituted 7% of the postsynap
61 re localized at the membrane of motoneuronal perikarya and dendrites.
62 e CTB immunolabeling extended throughout SPN perikarya and dendrites.
63  glutamatergic synapses in both motoneuronal perikarya and dendrites.
64 synaptic portions of the plasma membranes of perikarya and dendrites.
65 s in glial profiles that apposed DCX-labeled perikarya and dendrites.
66  it was more pronounced in the Purkinje cell perikarya and dendrites; additionally, significant GluR2
67 mbrane and endoplasmic reticulum of neuronal perikarya and dendritic shafts, synaptic specializations
68 inals forming symmetrical synapses were M1R+ perikarya and dendritic shafts.
69 ling was most prevalent in the Purkinje cell perikarya and dendrities, but was also significant in th
70 cal techniques identified APP immunoreactive perikarya and fibers in and around glomeruli at three da
71                               The l-GnRH-III perikarya and fibers were eliminated by absorption of th
72                                       NPY-IR perikarya and fibers were found to be widely distributed
73 howed a rather limited distribution of PV-ir perikarya and fibers.
74  resulted in immunostaining for GluR5/6/7 in perikarya and fine processes in lamina II, especially it
75 urofilament triplet to aggregate in neuronal perikarya and greatly reduces their transport and conten
76 nd neocortex, alpha5-ir appears first within perikarya and is distributed to dendrites during the sec
77 ew MOR-IR terminals contacted reticulospinal perikarya and large dendrites although they were often f
78 icroscopic studies, alpha2AAR-I was found in perikarya and large dendrites and the majority of these
79                                       Within perikarya and large proximal dendrites, almost all of th
80  or neuromodulatory) synapses were unlabeled perikarya and M2R(+) dendritic shafts.
81 IR axon varicosities in contact with LHRH-IR perikarya and main dendrites.
82 rated at cholinergic synapses located on the perikarya and most proximal dendrites.
83                          The distribution of perikarya and nerve fibers containing neuromedin U-like
84 cted mice exhibit neuronal abnormalities (in perikarya and neurites) including pathological accumulat
85 hepsin D and incompletely degraded LC3-II in perikarya and neurites.
86                                   Motoneuron perikarya and peroneal nerve of diabetic rats showed no
87 is, HR1 mRNA was detected in horizontal cell perikarya and primary dendrites and HR2 mRNA was found i
88 beled terminals synapsed onto noncholinergic perikarya and primary dendrites, while in the pars compa
89 ion-like system of intraventricular neuronal perikarya and processes known as the supraependymal neur
90 mmunohistochemical studies revealed that the perikarya and processes of sustentacular (Sus) cells exp
91        FM1-43 or FM2-10 labeling of neuronal perikarya and processes was induced by KCl (70 mM), vera
92 Muller cells) showed ASP immunoreactivity in perikarya and processes, in contrast to the absence or f
93 horase staining was visible in both neuronal perikarya and processes.
94  binds to polymerized actin, was detected in perikarya and proximal dendrites of CA1 pyramidal cells
95 n synaptophysin (+) terminals contacting the perikarya and proximal dendrites of host alpha motor neu
96 ong cytoplasmic labeling was observed in the perikarya and proximal dendrites of human spinal motor n
97 ellar cortex, GRIP staining was prominent in perikarya and proximal dendrites of Purkinje cells, wher
98 t microscopy, ERbeta-ir was primarily in the perikarya and proximal dendrites of pyramidal and granul
99 R terminals formed symmetric synapses on the perikarya and proximal dendrites of reticulospinal neuro
100 eurons received a robust UCP2 input on their perikarya and proximal dendrites.
101 plasma membranes primarily of principal cell perikarya and proximal dendrites.
102 zes with mutant SOD1 and is redistributed to perikarya and proximal neurites of motor neurons.
103 d precursor protein and stains virtually all perikarya and proximal neurites of the cortical neurons.
104              Beyond localization to neuronal perikarya and short dendritic fragments within most brai
105 ore, the number of melanopsin-immunoreactive perikarya and the extent of dendritic arborizations were
106 taining was observed in clusters of neuronal perikarya and the neuropil throughout the cortical layer
107                    The close proximity of SS perikarya and their dendrites to dopaminergic (DA) neuro
108 oney bees structurally comparable systems of perikarya and their extensive yet discrete systems of ar
109 eactive materials were localized in neuronal perikarya and varicose fibers but not in the nucleus.
110          Each type shows inclusions in their perikarya, and in the case of astrocytes and microglial
111  as insoluble aggregates in neuronal nuclei, perikarya, and neurites.
112 ing EM revealed immunostaining of dendrites, perikarya, and occasional terminals, presumed to be from
113 els many more aggregates in neuronal nuclei, perikarya, and processes in human brain than have been d
114 ic cytopathology, respectively; CA1 neuronal perikarya appeared undamaged, and < 10% of CA3 and CA4 n
115 erved in widely spaced amacrine cells, whose perikarya are at the border of the inner nuclear layer a
116                    The midbrain dopaminergic perikarya are differentially affected in Parkinsons dise
117 layer III and upper layer V, whereas PT-type perikarya are larger (18-19 microm) and most commonly lo
118               We found that IT-type neuronal perikarya are medium-sized (12-13 microm) and located in
119        We found that 5.4% of area X neuronal perikarya are relatively large, possess aspiny dendrites
120 3 immunoreactivity in parvalbumin-containing perikarya at cytoplasmic and postsynaptic sites.
121           Tall olfactory sensory neurons had perikarya at the bottom one-fourth of the epithelium, ex
122  potential to influence neuronal structures (perikarya, axons and/or dendrites) containing enkephalin
123                     TRPV4 antibodies labeled perikarya, axons, and dendrites of retinal ganglion cell
124 ) led to GAP-43 immunoreactivity in neuronal perikarya, axons, and dendrites that was not observed ot
125 ulations of CRF-BP-ir projections and CRF-ir perikarya, BP staining was restricted to vesicle-laden v
126 ten apposed MOR-immunoreactive dendrites and perikarya but formed exclusively asymmetric, excitatory-
127 long dendritic microtubules, and in neuronal perikarya but never in axon terminals.
128 rotection not only of cultured monoaminergic perikarya, but also of monoamine neurotransmitter transp
129 ughout areas containing tyrosine hydroxylase perikarya, but dopamine-beta-hydroxylase immunoreactivit
130 licated as a pathogenic mediator of neuronal perikarya cell death.
131 paminergic neurons and the AII amacrine cell perikarya clusters of postsynaptic gamma-aminobutyric ac
132 the neuropeptide Y-producing arcuate nucleus perikarya co-expressed glutamic acid decarboxylase.
133                           All of the labeled perikarya contained infolded nuclei, and their distal de
134                                              Perikarya containing enkephalin were found in the rVLM a
135                                        While perikarya containing enkephalin were observed in some me
136                      To enhance detection of perikarya containing enkephalin, colchicine (90-100 micr
137  Golgi lamellae and multivesicular bodies of perikarya containing immunogold labeling representing NT
138  substance P, and rhodamine microspheres; or perikarya containing serotonin, enkephalin, and rhodamin
139 munofluorescence was performed to colocalize perikarya containing serotonin, substance P, and rhodami
140                                              Perikarya containing the microsphere tracer were found i
141                                              Perikarya containing the opioid and 5-HT were found in t
142                      To enhance detection of perikarya containing the opioid peptides, colchicine (90
143 d in dendritic fields and redistributed into perikarya, corresponding to changes observed by immunobl
144 ed exclusively to punctate structures within perikarya, dendrites, and axons.
145 MOR and/or NR1 immunoreactivity (IR) in many perikarya, dendrites, and spines and in morphologically
146  and CB+ terminals also innervated unlabeled perikarya, dendrites, and spines, most of which probably
147 co-localize and are concentrated in neuronal perikarya, dendrites, and terminal fields, and in the ju
148 showed that both mGluR2/3 and mGluR5 were in perikarya, dendrites, and vesicle-containing profiles.
149 ld-silver labeling for GABA was localized to perikarya, dendrites, axons and axon terminals, whereas
150 iated with neuronal structures that included perikarya, dendrites, spines as well as nerve terminals
151                                              Perikarya did not label if axonal transport was blocked
152 class of intrinsic neurons, originating from perikarya distant from the mushroom body, provides a sec
153 each other by immunohistochemistry and their perikarya distribution with MC3R and MC4R by double in s
154 its to glial and neuronal elements including perikarya, dystrophic axons, and synapses.
155                                   Astrocytic perikarya exhibited intense mGluR1a, but no detectable m
156                                          PV+ perikarya exhibited the greatest incidence of PV+ synaps
157                                              Perikarya expressing EM2-like immunoreactivity were pres
158 own previously a significant reduction of NB perikarya expressing p75(NTR) and TrkA protein during th
159 ore areas of the brain were found to contain perikarya expressing VIP by using ISHH, particularly in
160                            PV-immunoreactive perikarya fall into two distinct size categories and num
161 eptor density and expression patterns (i.e., perikarya, fibers and/or neuropilar puncta) was observed
162                               Double-labeled perikarya for both CTb and proTRH in the ventrolateral P
163     In compartmented chambers that separated perikarya from axons, axons grew for 24-48 h in the pres
164 monstrated that SNpc neurons with LBs in the perikarya had the same proportion of apoptotic-like chan
165 n cell axons, which like their dendrites and perikarya have an affinity to one of three antisera: to
166 respectively, were detected in dendrites and perikarya having characteristics of either spiny project
167                              In dopaminergic perikarya, immunogold labeling for VMAT2 was localized t
168 ned the highest percentage (33.8%) of GLU-IR perikarya, immunolabeled neurons were most concentrated
169 potential to salvage both axons and neuronal perikarya in a number of neurological disorders.
170 lays a phenotypic down-regulation within CBF perikarya in AD.
171 nificant increase in the size of cholinergic perikarya in all sectors of the basal nucleus complex (B
172                                         Some perikarya in both regions are dually labeled with D2-IR
173 reactive (IR) histamine was not localized to perikarya in either the normal or the diabetic retinas.
174 transporter, but not for ChAT, have enlarged perikarya in epileptic rats.
175                                        A few perikarya in layer I also were immunoreactive.
176 on of adult tissue revealed numerous labeled perikarya in layers II-VI, many of which appeared distin
177  RACK1 is ubiquitously expressed in neuronal perikarya in most brain regions, with relatively higher
178 mpared with Rac1b-negative/p75(NTR)-positive perikarya in NCI.
179                                              Perikarya in other brain regions, including the bed nucl
180 e was a marked increase of CRF immunolabeled perikarya in select brain areas, which contained little,
181 ver, there is extensive labeling of neuronal perikarya in specific nuclear groups in the telencephalo
182 erminals were observed surrounding pyramidal perikarya in the ABL.
183  of preprodynorphin messenger RNA-containing perikarya in the central nervous system of the rat was d
184 tend into each of the velar lobes; 2) neuron perikarya in the cerebral and pedal ganglia; 3) axons th
185 they originate from eight common clusters of perikarya in the cortex, suggesting a common origin.
186 ed primarily with the plasma membrane of (1) perikarya in the ganglion cell layer, (2) dendritic proc
187 nioglossus muscle motoneuronal dendrites and perikarya in the hypoglossal nucleus.
188 or (NGF), and [125I]neurotrophin-4 (NT-4) to perikarya in the ipsilateral nodose ganglion, and transg
189  which revealed sbLPXRFa-immunoreactive (ir) perikarya in the olfactory bulbs-terminal nerve, ventral
190                                      Because perikarya in the posterior hypothalamus are the only kno
191 d by histaminergic axons that originate from perikarya in the posterior hypothalamus.
192                                     Neuronal perikarya in the SN contained immunogold-labeled pleomor
193 n terminals were observed among urocortin-ir perikarya in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei,
194 nals were also in register with dopaminergic perikarya in the ventromedial part of the rostral SNc.
195 V1 agonist resiniferatoxin (RTX) to neuronal perikarya induces calcium cytotoxicity by opening the TR
196 sphatases regulate NF phosphorylation within perikarya, inhibition of NF dephosphorylation by aluminu
197                                           In perikarya, KAr-li immunoreactivity was often associated
198 er 10 mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus (Vme) perikarya labeled from the jaw muscles.
199 ified pair of neuropeptides, are produced in perikarya located in the lateral and perifornical hypoth
200                 Somatostatin (SS)-containing perikarya located within the hypothalamic periventricula
201 fically a decrease in synaptic input to GnRH perikarya, may underlie the initiation of the pubertal m
202 large and giant glutamatergic reticulospinal perikarya mostly lacked glutamate immunoreactivity.
203 , do not form clusters on the surface of the perikarya of AII amacrine cells.
204 rm) cells establish multiple synapses on the perikarya of AII amacrines, the neurons that distribute
205 eceptors for leptin and estrogen in neuronal perikarya of all parts of the hypothalamus suggests a cl
206  PV-negative fiber endings, terminate on the perikarya of both PV-positive and PV-negative neurons.
207 ted that NF-DP accumulated abnormally in the perikarya of cortical neurons by 5 months of age in NFL
208 rons were in close proximity to dendrites or perikarya of corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) neuron
209 elease from isolated, genetically identified perikarya of DAergic cells from the mouse retina, we obs
210  elevate intracellular calcium levels in the perikarya of dopaminergic cells via the activation of hi
211 napses with dendrites, dendritic spines, and perikarya of histochemically labeled neurons.
212 ons into the cAMY, HDB and PVN suggests that perikarya of IHDA neurons projecting to these regions ar
213 (DRG) of diabetic rats that was localized to perikarya of medium to large neurons using immunocytoche
214 c increase in the number of lysosomes in the perikarya of neurons and glial cells throughout the slic
215 eling with mAb Tau-1 of the mossy fibers and perikarya of neurons in sectors CA3 and CA4 of the cornu
216 ovel and unique marker to locate distinctive perikarya of neurons that use glutamate as a neurotransm
217                                         Most perikarya of nonpyramidal neurons were also M2R-negative
218                                   Within the perikarya of pars compacta neurons, DAT was localized pr
219 nals were found in a close apposition to the perikarya of primary afferent neurons in the MTN with a
220 ynuclein proteins to these organelles in the perikarya of primary neurons, concomitant with significa
221  of these terminals formed synapses with the perikarya of principal neurons.
222  was initially expressed on PN 3 only in the perikarya of pyramidal neurons in CA3.
223                                          All perikarya of pyramidal neurons were labeled, and about 9
224 mmunoreactivity (M2R-ir) was absent from the perikarya of pyramidal neurons, with the exception of th
225 ricellular baskets that surrounded unlabeled perikarya of pyramidal neurons.
226          This antibody stained 1) fibers and perikarya of radial cells in the telencephalon; 2) Bergm
227       The reporter gene was expressed in the perikarya of right CN neurons at L1 for up to 7 days, bu
228 , GAP-43, synapsin-1, and CNPase--and on the perikarya of sensory neurons in the HSV-1-infected neuro
229                        In addition, numerous perikarya of striatal output neurons are immunostained f
230  gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), in neuronal perikarya of the arcuate nucleus.
231 luble filamentous tau aggregates in neuronal perikarya of the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, cerebellu
232                                          The perikarya of the DAPI-3 cells are found in the proximal
233 eterogeneity in the neuropeptide Y-producing perikarya of the hypothalamus may help explain adverse n
234                In these groups and rows, the perikarya of the oligodendrocytes are squashed close tog
235           Cell counting of TH-immunoreactive perikarya of the SNc, paranigral (PN) and interfascicula
236 n the hypothalamus, irBC was concentrated in perikarya of the supraoptic (SO), paraventricular (PVH)
237 icellular arrays (baskets) that envelope the perikarya of these neurons.
238 nternexin immunoreactivity was absent in the perikarya of uninjured facial motoneurons but increased
239  NF inclusions and vacuoles in the axons and perikarya of vulnerable motor neurons.
240 ntrast, very low p64H1 labeling was found in perikarya or associated with small synaptic vesicles (SS
241 esicular organelles or neurofilaments in RGC perikarya or axons in mice overexpressing or lacking tau
242 e investigated which neuronal element in FN, perikarya or axons, mediates this central neurogenic neu
243 n varicosities of the DA axon plexus, not in perikarya or dendrites.
244  immunoreactivity was not observed in either perikarya or neuropil in the dorsal root ganglia, nor in
245 zed, dark granular precipitate in dendrites, perikarya, or both, of hippocampal neurons.
246                         In the hypothalamus, perikarya producing corticotropin-releasing factor, vaso
247 regions of the rat hypothalamus the neuronal perikarya producing l-GnRH-III are localized; and whethe
248                  After synthesis in neuronal perikarya, proteins destined for synapses and other dist
249  cell bodies in the brain as well as midline perikarya provide octopamine-like immunoreactive process
250  bodies in the brain as well as many midline perikarya provide octopamine-like immunoreactive process
251                                              Perikarya ranged from parvicellular (10-15 microns) to m
252                     The possibility that the perikarya receiving a rich synaptic input from the SN ar
253 efore, NGF causes hypertrophy of cholinergic perikarya regardless of age, and this neurobiological me
254 H nerve terminals or in the vicinity of LHRH perikarya, sexual maturation was accelerated.
255 ast, the short olfactory sensory neurons had perikarya situated within the superficial half of the ep
256 lar nucleus contained significant numbers of perikarya stained for NADPH-d/NOS.
257 emonstrated immunocytochemically in neuronal perikarya (submucosal >> myenteric plexus; small intesti
258 ucleus of the trapezoid body, also contained perikarya that synthesize preprodynorphin messenger RNA.
259 m reported by other investigators to contain perikarya that synthesize prodynorphin-derived peptides,
260                            In VAChT-positive perikarya, the immunogold particles were localized to th
261  of immunoreactive antigen from hypothalamic perikarya to distal axons and/or increasing oxytocinergi
262 njugate restored the size of nucleus basalis perikarya to within normal limits relative to the unlesi
263 Muller cells lose apical processes and their perikarya translocate rapidly towards the vitreal surfac
264                         Labeling in neuronal perikarya was associated with rough endoplasmic reticulu
265                Furthermore, the area of LHRH perikarya was similar in both groups of males, suggestin
266    The majority of the mAb210-immunoreactive perikarya were amacrine cells and ganglion cells, but a
267                 In the diencephalon, labeled perikarya were detected in the anterior and posterior pr
268              In the rhombencephalon, labeled perikarya were detected in the secondary visceral nucleu
269  multipolar cells with elongate or polygonal perikarya were distributed throughout the cell layers in
270 only 6% of choline acetyltransferase-stained perikarya were dual labeled for m2.
271 ted dextran amine 3K or Fluorogold), labeled perikarya were found in PVN and NTS.
272        The most abundant immunoreactive (ir) perikarya were found in the Edinger-Westphal nucleus.
273         In the telencephalon, immunoreactive perikarya were found in the olfactory bulb, the medial s
274                                Many of these perikarya were found to project to the DLM, and their tr
275 gh blinded neuron counts showed that ChAT(+) perikarya were in normal abundance in Q140 mice, size me
276                                  The LHRH-IR perikarya were located mainly in the preopticoseptal reg
277                   In both nuclei, type B PV+ perikarya were more densely innervated than were type A
278                                 Although SP+ perikarya were not detected in area X, prior studies sug
279                                  A few irNPB perikarya were noted in the arcuate nucleus, whereas a d
280  and fine puncta, although labeled scattered perikarya were observed in a few brain areas such as the
281          Tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive perikarya were observed in the periventricular region th
282  No dopamine-beta-hydroxylase immunoreactive perikarya were observed within the hypothalamus or in th
283 esults and showed that ssGnih-immunoreactive perikarya were present in the olfactory bulbs, ventral t
284  bilateral enucleation, retrogradely labeled perikarya were restricted to the intergeniculate leaflet
285                          PPG mRNA-expressing perikarya were restricted to the nucleus of the solitary
286                    ChAT-immunoreactive (-ir) perikarya were seen in the olfactory tubercle, striatum,
287                            No double labeled perikarya were seen in the parabrachial nucleus or in th
288                                        TH-ir perikarya were small (10-12 microm), displayed nuclear i
289 is dispersed as punctate foci throughout the perikarya, where it colocalizes with a subpopulation of
290  levels of FMRP immunoreactivity in neuronal perikarya, where it is concentrated in regions rich in r
291 ned in approximately 80% of pro-TRH neuronal perikarya, whereas colocalization with pro-TRH was found
292 ons, axon terminals and, to a lesser extent, perikarya, which resembled GABAergic basket cells.
293 t neurofilament (NF) immunoreactivity within perikarya, while expression of a dominant-negative (dn)
294 f the adult dentate gyrus revealed that most perikarya with DCX-ir had the morphological characterist
295 ha 2C-AR-LI) was found primarily in neuronal perikarya, with some labeling of proximal dendrites; ana
296 out brain and was most prominent in neuronal perikarya within piriform cortex.
297 st nAChR subunits were expressed on neuronal perikarya within the LC nucleus.
298 mmunoreactivity became prominent in neuronal perikarya within the middle cerebral artery territory at
299           In double-labeled sections, Glu-ir perikarya within the terminal plexus of nigrotegmental f
300                                   Additional perikarya within these regions expressed the neurotrophi

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