


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 h sexual contact, nonsexual body fluids, and perinatally.
2 roups that may undergo wholesale elimination perinatally.
3 display dramatically enlarged hearts and die perinatally.
4 eactive dopaminergic neurons, which are born perinatally.
5 C) axons to their appropriate central target perinatally.
6  whereas mice with a C57Bl/6J background die perinatally.
7  Pax3 and Pax7 embryonically, and Pax7 alone perinatally.
8 tion of the rostral cerebellum that develops perinatally.
9                     Most ROCK1(-/-) mice die perinatally.
10   mummy mutants have red, scaly skin and die perinatally.
11                 All the homozygous mice died perinatally.
12 s) or inbred (129S6) genetic background died perinatally.
13 isruption of CARM1 are small in size and die perinatally.
14  mice also suffer from hydrocephalus and die perinatally.
15 isplay severe vascular abnormalities and die perinatally.
16 be transmitted through blood transfusion and perinatally.
17 ransmission Study; 7 women transmitted HIV-1 perinatally.
18 ryos with mUPD12 can survive to term but die perinatally.
19  are runted at birth, fail to nurse, and die perinatally.
20 ETA2 gene developed severe diabetes and died perinatally.
21 iral therapy and 90 percent had acquired HIV perinatally.
22 s observed in Myf5-deficient mice, which die perinatally.
23  precursors and is subsequently up-regulated perinatally.
24 r the determination of the migratory pathway perinatally.
25 skeleton; homozygous null mutant animals die perinatally.
26 ed into glioma when mutations are introduced perinatally.
27 veloped without gross abnormalities but died perinatally.
28 ly became enriched in islet and ductal cells perinatally.
29 ay; GD 9 - 18) for placental measurements or perinatally (0, 100, 300 or 1000 microg/day; GD 9 - PND
30 lymorphic HIV-1 was transmitted to patient X perinatally 15 years previously and has been maintained
31  enrolled in 2000 and 2001, 90% acquired HIV perinatally, 52% were girls, and 59% were black.
32 rus DNA levels in patients in their 40s with perinatally acquired hepatitis B virus infection increas
33  as much as 40% of men and 15% of women with perinatally acquired hepatitis B virus infection will di
34                                 Diagnosis of perinatally acquired HIV infection in infants born in th
35   The growing population of adolescents with perinatally acquired HIV infection living within this re
36                                              Perinatally acquired HIV infection occurs during a criti
37 ren are living into their teenage years with perinatally acquired HIV infection, and we now find ours
38 nitive performance of older adolescents with perinatally acquired human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
39 Hispanic ethnic background, younger age, and perinatally acquired infection were associated with a lo
40 resting CD4(+) T cells from 21 children with perinatally acquired infection.
41                  A substantial proportion of perinatally acquired infections with the human immunodef
42 ests whether exogenous bombesin or GRP given perinatally alters alveolar development in newborn mice.
43                                              Perinatally, an increase in the proliferation of endocri
44 indicator genes in individual cardiomyocytes perinatally and after inducing cardiac hypertrophy by tr
45              TGFbetaIr was expressed by glia perinatally and by all cell types in weanlings.
46 hest levels of proBDNF and p75 were observed perinatally and declined, but were still detectable, in
47 tial myotubes, and Minion-deficient mice die perinatally and demonstrate a marked reduction in fused
48 scle mutants have reduced muscle miRNAs, die perinatally and display decreased skeletal muscle mass a
49            Mena-/-VASP-/- double mutants die perinatally and display defects in neurulation, craniofa
50    We find that mice deficient for CXCR4 die perinatally and display profound defects in the hematopo
51 gulated being developmentally down-regulated perinatally and enriched at neuromuscular junctions (NMJ
52 egulatory Factor 6 (Irf6)-deficient mice die perinatally and exhibit ectopic proliferation and defect
53  development because Hic1-deficient mice die perinatally and exhibit gross developmental defects thro
54                       Arnt2(-/-) embryos die perinatally and exhibit impaired hypothalamic developmen
55                            These animals die perinatally and exhibit varying combinations of gross de
56 cking the dHAND branchial arch enhancer died perinatally and exhibited a spectrum of craniofacial def
57 expressed the transgene at high levels, died perinatally and exhibited replacement fibrosis.
58  model, we find that most Apaf-1 mutants die perinatally and frequently exhibit exencephaly and crani
59            Since Bmp7 homozygous mutants die perinatally and heterozygotes do not show obvious defect
60 d alpha7C was present extrasynaptically both perinatally and in adulthood.
61  exhibits an increase in density in area CA1 perinatally and is characterized by a dense, diffuse ban
62 arts at embryonic day 9, reaches peak levels perinatally and is downregulated during postnatal develo
63     Osteocalcin gene expression is initiated perinatally and is restricted to mature osteoblasts and
64  but enriched in brain, its expression peaks perinatally and it undergoes extensive alternative splic
65 re lung-resident sentinel cells that develop perinatally and protect against pulmonary infection.
66 d pool of primordial oocytes that are formed perinatally and remain arrested till ovulation.
67                         Emp null embryos die perinatally and show profound alterations in the hematop
68 were concordantly HIV-1-infected in utero or perinatally and then to examine strain divergence or vir
69 ing maternal-to-fetal transmission of HIV-1, perinatally and through breastfeeding.
70                   This intrabulbar map forms perinatally and undergoes activity-dependent refinement
71 ing neurons of the murine bowel appear late (perinatally) and are mash-1 independent.
72                           Four patients died perinatally, and 11 survived.
73                                              Perinatally, and between menarche and menopause, increas
74                             Homozygotes died perinatally, and E18.5 embryos exhibited striking develo
75 cytes) appear in the embryonic brain, expand perinatally, and persist widely throughout the gray and
76 tic deficiency of PSR in the mouse is lethal perinatally, and results to date have been ambiguous wit
77 ry system function in rats that were briefly perinatally anoxic.
78                                       In two perinatally antiretroviral drug treated HIV-1-infected g
79 lbino Tyr; c locus that also include Fah die perinatally as a result of liver dysfunction and exhibit
80                  Tcof1 heterozygous mice die perinatally as a result of severe craniofacial anomalies
81 Approximately half of ERdj4(GT/GT) mice died perinatally associated with fetal growth restriction, re
82        Mice homozygous for this deletion die perinatally because of defects in craniofacial morphogen
83 ha7B was present throughout the muscle fiber perinatally, becoming confined to the synapse in the sec
84               Ret expression is extinguished perinatally but reemerges postnatally in a subpopulation
85                    These mutants usually die perinatally, but a small minority can survive depending
86                ARG is activated in the liver perinatally, but is expressed at very low levels.
87 ron migration delay that is evident pre- and perinatally, but is not detected at postnatal day 35 (P3
88 at5a/b(-/-) mice are severely anemic and die perinatally, but no link has been made to iron homeostas
89 homozygous for the disrupted Psip1 gene died perinatally, but some survived to adulthood and displaye
90  in mothers who did and did not transmit HIV perinatally by using a DNA heteroduplex mobility assay.
91                                              Perinatally, c-neu immunoreactivity was evident in subpl
92                                 As expected, perinatally cocaine-exposed offspring spent less time im
93  src and yes move and breathe poorly and die perinatally, consistent with defects in neuromuscular fu
94             Second, Osterix-expressing cells perinatally contribute to osteolineages and long-lived B
95       Four with hydrops at presentation died perinatally, despite initial improvement in function in
96                                              Perinatally, development and grade of CLD were further i
97          The mutant embryos that survive die perinatally, displaying an extensive array of malformati
98 these YAC-rescued Gata2 null mutant mice die perinatally due to defective urogenital development.
99           The majority of ACLP(-/-) mice die perinatally due to gastroschisis, a severe disruption of
100 3, the murine homologue of human SPINK1, die perinatally due to massive pancreatic acinar cell death,
101                                              Perinatally, ECMO requirement and gestational age at del
102 romotes cell survival-mice lacking RIPK1 die perinatally, exhibiting aberrant caspase-8-dependent apo
103 usly reported that SEC23B-deficient mice die perinatally, exhibiting massive pancreatic degeneration
104 usly reported that SEC23B-deficient mice die perinatally, exhibiting massive pancreatic degeneration,
105     Mice with germline absence of SEC23B die perinatally, exhibiting massive pancreatic degeneration.
106  antiretroviral therapy and compared them to perinatally exposed but uninfected children.
107                            The percentage of perinatally exposed children born from 1993 through 1997
108 nce standard in identifying HIV infection in perinatally exposed children.
109                       Mecp2(308/+) dams were perinatally exposed daily to 2,2',4,4'-tetrabromodipheny
110 IV) diagnosis in 345 prospectively followed, perinatally exposed infants.
111 suspected transient HIV-1 viremia among 1562 perinatally exposed seroreverting infants and one mother
112 as observed specifically in female offspring perinatally exposed to BDE-47 and it coincided with redu
113                                   Adult mice perinatally exposed to DDT exhibited chronically increas
114 ril completely reversed hypertension in mice perinatally exposed to DDT.
115 asthma-like phenotype, the offspring of mice perinatally exposed to LPS was significantly protected.
116 toxically dysfunctional NK cells relative to perinatally exposed uninfected children.
117                       While Bin1-/- mice die perinatally from a skeletal muscle defect, Bin1-/- Dnm2+
118 e homozygous for a null mutation of Hrt2 die perinatally from a spectrum of cardiac abnormalities, ra
119 omozygous for the Notch2(del1) mutation died perinatally from defects in glomerular development in th
120 esting in a family in which a child had died perinatally from renal vein thrombosis.
121 at normally express the protein and they die perinatally from respiratory insufficiency.
122  crest conditional Pinch1 mutant embryos die perinatally from severe cardiovascular defects with an u
123  genetic backgrounds, homozygous mutants die perinatally from severe hydrocephalus, while mice on oth
124 at the anaconda juveniles acquired the virus perinatally from the anaconda mother rather than from ot
125 xpanded thymic and peripheral populations of perinatally generated IL-17A(+)Vgamma6(+)Vdelta1(+) T ce
126 ative comparison of immunoreactivity in rats perinatally gonadectomized or sham-operated revealed com
127 ide improved protection against influenza in perinatally HIV-1-infected children and youth.
128 developed world, and a growing proportion of perinatally HIV-1-infected children are now entering the
129                                           As perinatally HIV-1-infected children grow into adolescent
130 V-1-infected adults, the role of NK cells in perinatally HIV-1-infected children is less studied.
131 of cART during the first 12 weeks of life in perinatally HIV-1-infected children limits the size of t
132 f NK cell subsets in the peripheral blood of perinatally HIV-1-infected children on highly active ant
133         This retrospective study included 23 perinatally HIV-1-infected children who initiated very e
134 virin) were administered 21-28 days apart to perinatally HIV-1-infected children, adolescents, and yo
135                                           In perinatally HIV-1-infected newborns, initiation of cART
136 mbination antiretroviral therapy (cART) in 4 perinatally HIV-1-infected youth who received treatment
137 ral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) among 61 perinatally HIV-1-infected youths in the Pediatric HIV/A
138 o estimate seroimmunity in PHIV-infected and perinatally HIV-exposed but uninfected (HEU) children an
139 bservational study of children with PHIV and perinatally HIV-exposed but uninfected (PHEU) children c
140 ty of phagocytes from HIV-infected children, perinatally HIV-exposed but uninfected children, and nor
141                               A total of 296 perinatally HIV-infected (PHIV+) and 97 HIV- adolescents
142           Forty-eight percent and 24% of the perinatally HIV-infected adolescents had coronary arteri
143                                              Perinatally HIV-infected adolescents may be susceptible
144 al aorta PDAY scores were calculated for 165 perinatally HIV-infected adolescents, using a weighted c
145 mpare total body fat and its distribution in perinatally HIV-infected and HIV-exposed but uninfected
146                                            A perinatally HIV-infected child now faces a chronic disea
147                           Here we describe a perinatally HIV-infected child who maintained a plasma v
148                                 In total, 35 perinatally HIV-infected children (median age, 13.8 year
149          This cross-sectional study included perinatally HIV-infected children and controls matched f
150                                        Among perinatally HIV-infected children born in 2002-2013, 836
151 ardiac structure and function were better in perinatally HIV-infected children exposed to HAART than
152 revalence of asthma have been documented for perinatally HIV-infected youth 10 to 21 years of age com
153                  A substantial proportion of perinatally HIV-infected youth have high PDAY scores, re
154                   Survival into adulthood of perinatally HIV-infected youth in high-resource countrie
155 ever, these successes pose new challenges as perinatally HIV-infected youth survive into adulthood.
156                                CD4 counts in perinatally HIV-infected, therapy-naive children in the
157 ted with initiation of sexual activity among perinatally human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected
158 gh-dose pandemic H1N1 (pH1N1) vaccination in perinatally human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-
159                        Pregnancy outcomes of perinatally human immunodeficiency virus-infected women
160                                           As perinatally human immunodeficiency virus-infected youth
161 n the background of evolutionary engraved or perinatally imprinted physiological response patterns is
162 nerically, they will be readily identifiable perinatally in congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), wh
163              Primordial follicles are formed perinatally in mammalian ovaries and at birth represent
164  convincingly argues that genomic plasticity perinatally induced by the environment creates a complic
165 zation of HIV-1-specific CD8 responses in 18 perinatally infected children (age range, 6 to 17 years)
166                                   Studies in perinatally infected children are lacking.
167  the evolution of viral sequences within six perinatally infected children by examining proviral sequ
168            We studied the immune response of perinatally infected children to an epitope (B57-TW10) t
169                               A total of 110 perinatally infected children were studied.
170           Together, these data indicate that perinatally infected children who survive infancy mount
171 pid disease progression to AIDS and death in perinatally infected children.
172 nt and the natural history of HIV disease in perinatally infected children.
173 edian levels were 355,000 copies/mL among 52 perinatally infected infants and 130,000 copies/mL among
174               The estimated annual number of perinatally infected infants born in the United States d
175  genes obtained from seven mothers and their perinatally infected infants in Sweden were studied.
176                                           In perinatally infected infants, HIV-1 RNA levels are high
177 fection and replication in mothers and their perinatally infected infants.
178 immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) RNA in perinatally infected infants.
179 compared with DNA-PCR for early detection of perinatally infected infants.
180 the current immune and virological status of perinatally infected patients reaching adulthood.
181 cterized Gag-specific CD4 responses among 35 perinatally infected subjects, including 2 children who
182 lly confirmed resistance transmission from a perinatally infected teenage male to a newly infected te
183                                Heterozygotic perinatally infected twins with a marked difference in t
184 2233 children < or =13 years of age who were perinatally infected with HIV and were receiving > or =2
185                Twenty of the 97 infants were perinatally infected with HIV-1.
186 en orthotopic gliomas were implanted in mice perinatally infected with MCMV versus controls.
187 me from their gliomas than control Mut3 mice perinatally infected with mock or with a different neuro
188                    It is unclear if children perinatally infected with the human immunodeficiency vir
189    After at least 15 years of HIV infection, perinatally infected youths had preserved CD4N and CD4RT
190                                           In perinatally infected youths who are successfully treated
191 e followed 69 HIV-positive patients who were perinatally infected.
192 Hispanic, 55% US-born, 20% refugees, and 64% perinatally infected.
193  Among 1201 HIV-infected youth in P1074 (87% perinatally infected; mean [standard deviation] age at l
194 he temporal structure of ANS fluctuations is perinatally influenced.
195 ocal output and its sequential structure are perinatally influenced.
196                 Cerebral inhibition develops perinatally, influenced by genetic and in utero factors.
197                     Because Cx43-/- mice die perinatally, initial analyses were performed on Cx43-/-,
198                          The mutant mice are perinatally lethal and exhibit a wide range of developme
199                            MICU1 knockout is perinatally lethal in mice without causing gross anatomi
200            A naturally occurring, recessive, perinatally lethal mutation in the aggrecan core protein
201 able phenotype, the STIM1/STIM double-KO was perinatally lethal, revealing an essential role of STIM1
202  cTnI(146Gly) levels >40% of total cTnI were perinatally lethal, whereas replacement levels of 15% to
203 mation in genetically modified mice that are perinatally lethal.
204    Although Lgr4KO and Lgr5KO mice both died perinatally, Lgr5 deletion did not compromise embryonic
205                 Most adam19(-/-) animals die perinatally, likely as a result of their cardiac defects
206 mice which have high serotonin (5-HT) levels perinatally, neurons in the lateral superior olive (LSO,
207 ing autophagy, and Ulk1/2-deficient mice die perinatally of autophagy-related defects.
208                           Egr2-null mice die perinatally of respiratory insufficiency characterized b
209 n contrast to kindlin-3-null mice, which die perinatally of severe bleeding and leukocyte adhesion de
210 apie can transmit laterally from ewe to lamb perinatally or between adult animals.
211 Chronic hepatitis B (CHB) infection acquired perinatally or in early childhood has been associated wi
212 ther-to-infant transmission, which may occur perinatally or postnatally, as a consequence of breast f
213 did not significantly differ among in utero, perinatally, or postnatally infected infants.
214 ratified as having occurred either in utero, perinatally, or postnatally.
215                                 We show that perinatally, Pax6(sey/sey) mice, which lack functional P
216  of the dystroglycanopathy spectrum but died perinatally precluding its full phenotyping and use in t
217 ce generated by targeted gene disruption die perinatally, preventing postnatal analysis of ADA defici
218                   Homozygous mutant mice die perinatally showing a greatly distended bladder, underde
219       Because most bak(-/-)bax(-/-) mice die perinatally, the roles of Bax and Bak in immunological t
220                          Interleukin-33 acts perinatally to ensure adaptive thermogenesis lifelong.
221                             Hamsters exposed perinatally to short days (8 hr light/day) exhibited mix
222                           Early diagnosis of perinatally transmitted human immunodeficiency virus typ
223                     Because Egfr-/- mice die perinatally, transplantation methods were used to study
224                                        These perinatally treated rats were then reared to adulthood (
225 others expressing HLA-B27 who transmit HIV-1 perinatally, we document transmission of viruses encodin
226 ause mice lacking the Pcdh-gamma cluster die perinatally, we generated conditional mutants to analyze
227 se most children are believed to be infected perinatally, we have developed a model of HIV CNS infect
228  the vitiligo RPE is quantitatively abnormal perinatally, well before the neural retina has been reco
229 9 Ugandan mothers who received NVP treatment perinatally were sampled 6 weeks postdelivery.
230         Importantly, the viruses transmitted perinatally were those with enhanced fitness due to reve
231     Nine pediatric patients who acquired HIV perinatally were treated with multidrug combinations of
232 , alpha4, and alpha5 mRNAs expression peaked perinatally, whereas alpha6 and beta3 levels increased w
233 e external plexiform layer are produced only perinatally, whereas the generation of 5T4-positive gran
234  hepatitis B (CHB) usually acquire the virus perinatally, while most patients infected during adultho
235          Pregnant Long-Evans rats were dosed perinatally with 0 or 30.6 mg/kg/day of DE-71 from gesta
236 e show that Foxd3(flox/-); Wnt1-Cre mice die perinatally with a catastrophic loss of neural crest-der
237      The majority of Casp9 knockout mice die perinatally with a markedly enlarged and malformed cereb
238                              Homozygotes die perinatally with a severe peripheral nerve/axon defect a
239              Tbx1(+/-); Pitx2(+/-) mice died perinatally with cardiac defects, including double outle
240                      The Sox9(+/-) mice died perinatally with cleft palate, as well as hypoplasia and
241      Here we report that AP-2(-/-) mice died perinatally with cranio-abdominoschisis and severe dismo
242 nt mice lacking all three MALS isoforms died perinatally with difficulty breathing and impaired excit
243 he majority of bax(-/-)bak(-/-) animals died perinatally with fewer than 10% surviving into adulthood
244                     In some infants infected perinatally with HIV, a pattern of lymphocyte depletion
245 onged the survival time of children infected perinatally with HIV.
246  2.6 y (range: 5.9-15.2 y) who were infected perinatally with HIV.
247      Increasing numbers of children infected perinatally with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are
248  of EGFR signaling, and Adam17(-/-) mice die perinatally with open eyes, like Egfr(-/-) mice.
249 m17(-/-) and Egfr(-/-) mice in that they die perinatally with open eyes, misshapen heart valves, and
250 otwithstanding, NaChalpha(II)(-/-) mice died perinatally with severe hypoxia and massive neuronal apo
251 and most compound heterozygotes, die pre- or perinatally with similar abnormal phenotypes, including
252 d Jaws (joints abnormal with splitting), die perinatally with striking skeletal defects, including ec
253 ce of thymus dysfunction in infants infected perinatally with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
254 ion-activating gene 1-deficient mice treated perinatally with vancomycin or streptomycin by repeated
255 n which only one copy of Nmyc is deleted die perinatally, with similarly abnormal lungs.

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