


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                              Perineurial and subperineurial glia reside in two separa
2 n of hypertonic saline as a tool to open the perineurial barrier transiently in rats and elucidated t
3 isolated nerves only after disruption of the perineurial barrier, which, in return, allowed endoneura
4                          The endoneurial and perineurial BLs of peripheral nerve also contain distinc
5 rexins are involved in axon-Schwann cell and perineurial cell interactions.
6                                              Perineurial cell tumors (PNTs) are rare neoplasms derive
7    Interestingly, loss of Notch signaling in perineurial cells also causes a failure of Schwann cell
8                  Consequently, the origin of perineurial cells and their roles in motor nerve formati
9 ime-lapse imaging in zebrafish, we show that perineurial cells are born in the CNS, arising as ventra
10                                              Perineurial cells contained intermediate filaments and w
11 f Schwann cells, mast cells, fibroblasts and perineurial cells embedded in collagen that provide a la
12 zoster virus antigen was frequently found in perineurial cells expressing claudin-1 around nerve bund
13                    In addition, we find that perineurial cells of the electromotor nerve also express
14                                              Perineurial cells produced surface basal lamina; however
15          However, NADPHd in locust glial and perineurial cells was histochemically different from tha
16 xonal processes, Schwann cells, fibroblasts, perineurial cells, and mast cells.
17 unctions between perineurial cells, glia and perineurial cells, and possibly between glia.
18 d-sheet) septate and tight junctions between perineurial cells, glia and perineurial cells, and possi
19 nn cells, were neural crest derived, whereas perineurial cells, pericytes and endothelial cells were
20 alized lining cells of the nerve sheath, the perineurial cells.
21 ut less than the value reported for isolated perineurial cylinders.
22  mechanism that mediates multiple aspects of perineurial development and reveal the critical importan
23 om different precursors, and that most adult perineurial, ensheathing, and astrocyte-like glia are pr
24 ciated cell cultures of adult sciatic nerve, perineurial fibroblasts but not Schwann cells express NG
25                        Additionally, ectopic perineurial fibroblasts form aberrant fascicles througho
26       These results suggest a model in which perineurial fibroblasts secrete or shed NG2, which subse
27  to the mammalian Schwann cell) and an outer perineurial glia (analogous to the mammalian perineurium
28 h to investigate the role and requirement of perineurial glia after nerve injury.
29                                              Perineurial glia also bridge injury gaps before Schwann
30                   Additionally, we show that perineurial glia and macrophages spatially coordinate ea
31   Additionally, reciprocal signaling between perineurial glia and Schwann cells was necessary for mot
32 ell interactions after injury and introduces perineurial glia as integral players in the regenerative
33 n the peripheral glia promotes growth of the perineurial glia by inhibiting FOXO.
34 aberrant axonal projections, indicating that perineurial glia carry out barrier and guidance function
35       Surprisingly, in the presence of OPCs, perineurial glia exited the CNS normally.
36 on, demonstrating that Schwann cells require perineurial glia for aspects of their own development.
37 opment and reveal the critical importance of perineurial glia for Schwann cell maturation and nerve f
38 ffort to better understand the plasticity of perineurial glia in response to myelin perturbations, we
39 lts demonstrate the incredible plasticity of perineurial glia in the presence of myelin perturbations
40                   We show that growth of the perineurial glia is controlled by interactions among fiv
41 y coordinate early debris clearance and that perineurial glia require Schwann cells for their attract
42                                 We show that perineurial glia respond rapidly and dynamically to nerv
43 luding motor axons and the Schwann cells and perineurial glia that ensheath them.
44             The effects were observed in the perineurial glia that envelope the peripheral and centra
45  other essential nerve components, including perineurial glia, are poorly understood.
46                           In embryos lacking perineurial glia, motor neurons inappropriately migrated
47 maining peripheral ensheathing glia, such as perineurial glia, properly encase the motor nerve despit
48                                          How perineurial glia, the ensheathing cells that form the pr
49 mediate the migration and differentiation of perineurial glia.
50                                     Notably, perineurial glial cells are made locally on the brain su
51 derived myelin, demonstrating that, although perineurial glial cells display plasticity despite myeli
52 s, which in turn are ensheathed by the outer perineurial glial cells.
53      Here, we report that certain aspects of perineurial glial development and injury responses are m
54 myelinate peripheral motor axons, we assayed perineurial glial development, maturation, and response
55 growth factor-beta1 as a partial mediator of perineurial glial development.
56                                     However, perineurial glial function is disrupted along nerves con
57 ptide, acting through Push and NF1, inhibits perineurial glial growth, whereas the substrate neurotra
58 e substrate neurotransmitter of Ine promotes perineurial glial growth.
59 axons and inner glia, surrounded by an outer perineurial glial layer.
60 m +/- 0.08) were abundant between peripheral perineurial glial processes; these were unaffected in th
61 the constitutively active Ras(V12) increases perineurial glial thickness.
62                                      We used perineurial injection of hypertonic saline as a tool to
63 shRNA or a small-molecule inhibitor, reduced perineurial invasion in KPC mice with PDAC.
64 r spread along nerves, a phenomenon known as perineurial invasion, is common in various cancers inclu
65 origenesis and its activation induces cancer perineurial invasion.
66 0 or BMT from CCR2-deficient donors, reduced perineurial invasion.
67 00 mM [K(+)] Ringer, indicating no effect on perineurial K(+) permeability.
68 pically includes Schwann cells, fibroblasts, perineurial-like cells, and mast cells.
69  participate in the barrier functions of the perineurial linings of the nerve.
70                                Inhibition of perineurial macrophage recruitment, using the CSF-1R ant
71               Deletion of GDNF expression by perineurial macrophages, or inhibition of RET with shRNA
72 Trafficking of BM-derived macrophages to the perineurial microenvironment and secretion of GDNF are e
73 vasion by cancer cells, we characterized the perineurial microenvironment using a series of bone marr
74 te that Notch signaling is required for both perineurial migration and differentiation during nerve f
75 m LEMS patients reduces the amplitude of the perineurial P/Q-type current, and unmasks a dihydropyrid
76 n 100 mM [K(+)], n=20), indicating increased perineurial permeability caused by DOC, but the response
77 f 2.5 M sucrose or 5 M NaCl caused increased perineurial permeability to K+.
78 or neurons throughout development and in the perineurial sheath that covers the brain early in develo
79  and that they control the maturation of the perineurial sheath that protects nerves from inflammatio
80 reasing Dhh levels promotes formation of the perineurial sheath.

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