


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 perineurial glia (analogous to the mammalian perineurium).
2 thelial cells, vascular smooth muscle cells, perineurium).
3 r than that previously reported for the frog perineurium.
4 ning by chemical modulators than is the frog perineurium.
5 l cells lining the blood vessels, and by the perineurium.
6 nating Schwann cells and organization of the perineurium.
7 ne in CAP amplitude, consistent with a leaky perineurium allowing K+ entry and axonal depolarisation.
8 racellular matrix, including collagen of the perineurium and epineurium consistent with thermal injur
9 ormation on the K+ permeability of the nerve perineurium and its modulation by experimental treatment
10 her members of the dystrophin complex to the perineurium and myelin.
11                               The frog nerve perineurium appears to be relatively insensitive to chem
12                          The endoneurium and perineurium architecture remained intact in all cases.
13  function and regulation of claudin-1 in the perineurium as the major sealing component, which could
14                             Formation of the perineurium as the protecting sheath was, for instance,
15 anum was observed in the outer layers of the perineurium, but was not seen to penetrate the endoneuri
16                     In nerves with undamaged perineurium, changing from normal Ringer to high [K+] Ri
17             Vascular smooth muscle cells and perineurium demonstrated moderate clearance.
18 ensheathment and variations of the endo- and perineurium formed by olfactory nerve fibroblasts are de
19   The calculations showed that the undamaged perineurium had a PK of < 6.3 x 10(-7) cm.s-1, similar t
20         No TM expression was detected at the perineurium in diabetic or control nerves.
21 mmalian nerve, and suggests that the opossum perineurium is more resistant to tight junction opening
22 d throughout the three meningeal layers, the perineurium of cranial nerves, and meningeal projections
23 e and is thought to up-regulate cav-1 in the perineurium of nerves with prostate cancer.
24  the ionic permeability of the sciatic nerve perineurium of the opossum Monodelphis domestica.
25 asure the potassium permeability (PK) of the perineurium of the sciatic nerve of frogs Rana temporari
26 uring the potassium permeability (PK) of the perineurium of the sciatic nerve of the frog.
27                   We show here that stromal (perineurium) production of cav-1 is involved in a paracr
28  used to assess the K(+) permeability of the perineurium, since a change in DC potential (DeltaDC) un
29 as used to assess the K+ permeability of the perineurium, since change in DC potential under these co
30                      The permeability of the perineurium was calculated from the published calibratio
31 eaching the axon surface, and hence that the perineurium was exerting a diffusional restriction on K+
32 ctive tissues (pia-arachnoid and endoneurium-perineurium) was also found in the copepod CNS and PNS.
33  with NP41 within nerve sheath, particularly perineurium, where laminin-421 is predominant.
34 een given to another cellular structure, the perineurium, which ensheaths the motor nerve, forming a
35 sing analgesic drugs is often impeded by the perineurium, which functions as a diffusion barrier attr
36 olved nerve in a macrodactylous digit is the perineurium, with additional secondary effects on the ax

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