


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  experimentally derived noisy time series is periodic.
2           The electrochemical responses from periodic 6 x 6 arrays of recessed gold nanorings were co
3 competitive with classical reagents, such as periodic acid or lead tetraacetate, as a preferred metho
4  in sections stained with hematoxylin-eosin, periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) reaction, and Masson trichrom
5 served appendix specimens were reexamined by periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) staining and PCR to identify
6              Standard hematoxylin and eosin, periodic acid-Schiff and silver methenamine, and picrosi
7 r infection with L. interrogans Histological periodic acid-Schiff D staining of infected kidney showe
8  the bulbar conjunctiva of the right eye for periodic acid-Schiff staining and from the left eye for
9 nostaining, goblet cell hyperplasia by using periodic acid-Schiff staining, and cytokine and chemokin
10 flow cytometry and hematoxylin and eosin and periodic acid-Schiff staining, respectively.
11 ctival goblet cell density was counted after Periodic-acid Schiff staining.
12 ost array in a microfluidic device under the periodic action of electrokinetic and dielectrophoretic
13 retrosplenial cortex (RSC) neurons exhibited periodic activation patterns that repeated across route
14                                The spatially periodic activity of grid cells in the entorhinal cortex
15 cy, rather than the wavelength, of spatially periodic activity.
16 haII and betaIV spectrin interact and form a periodic AIS cytoskeleton.
17  helicoidal tubular chain resulting from the periodic alternation of POM and supramolecular cation, f
18                                              Periodic and angled nanofilter arrays served as the mole
19 ity roundtrips, identifying fixed points and periodic and aperiodic molecular orbits.
20 n 6% uncertainty) thermal conductivities for periodic and aperiodic nanomeshes of the same average pi
21  wave-related coherence effects by comparing periodic and aperiodic nanomeshes, and quantify the back
22 led with the optical fibre system to produce periodic and chaotic optical signals.
23 nstrated the advantages of easily tuning the periodic and diameter of microhole arrays.
24  using first-principles calculations both in periodic and oligomer forms.
25                                              Periodic and rhythmic electroencephalographic patterns h
26                               Association of periodic and rhythmic patterns and specific characterist
27 e association of distinct characteristics of periodic and rhythmic patterns with seizures.
28                Wingbeats are another type of periodic and transient motion of large woodpeckers.
29                                 Two types of periodic and transient motions of large woodpeckers are
30 we advance a Weyl-Kondo semimetal phase in a periodic Anderson model on a noncentrosymmetric lattice.
31 ing two centrosymmetric compounds, utilizing periodic anion-vacancy order to generate multiple polyhe
32 magneto-plasmonic response of a cobalt-based periodic aperture array.
33                                Its striated, periodic appearance in electron micrographs led to the i
34 e wave-nature of light in its simplest form, periodic architectures have enabled a panoply of tunable
35 response, fundamentally not achievable using periodic architectures.
36 e a photonic crystal structure formed from a periodic arrangement of the light-absorbing thylakoid ti
37  is characterised by the rapid appearance of periodic arrangements of altered gene expression in the
38 that the ReO4(-) anions are distributed in a periodic array in the sample, nanoscale clustering is no
39 rystal: a continuous helicoidal thread and a periodic array of discrete beads.
40 imulations of perforated sheets with a dense periodic array of holes and observe that the critical te
41 based nanophotonic circuits by introducing a periodic array of silicon strips between adjacent wavegu
42 cell encapsulation architecture comprising a periodic array of step-index waveguides is reported.
43                                         In a periodic array this building block allows us to control
44 lations using COMSOL were performed on 6 x 6 periodic arrays of both recessed nanodiscs and nanorings
45 tudies of structural color in nature concern periodic arrays, which through the interference of light
46                                          The periodic assembly is governed by the anisotropic surface
47 sional reconfigurable materials comprising a periodic assembly of rigid plates and elastic hinges.
48 esidual structural heart defects, as well as periodic assessment of cardiac function and arrhythmia m
49 of nodes of Ranvier.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT A periodic axonal cytoskeleton consisting of actin and spe
50 ary with a periodicity consistent with the D-periodic banding of higher-order fibers assemblies.
51                    The capacity to extract a periodic beat from a complex musical segment is remarkab
52 s with extended porous structures containing periodic binding sites.
53 thod for using DNA to create multifunctional periodic biomaterials with tunable optical, chemical, an
54              However, the mechanism by which periodic brain stimulation alters endogenous oscillation
55 ane boundaries), respectively, by tuning the periodic-branching programme of epithelial progenitors.
56 andard cardiac MRI sequences were used, with periodic breath holding for image stabilization.
57 ed the spontaneous emergence of synchronized periodic bursting in a network of cultured dissociated n
58 m MV Lyrae, whose light curve displays quasi-periodic bursts of about 30 minutes duration roughly eve
59 ) can rapidly increase in copy number due to periodic bursts of transposition.
60 tching in research and clinical settings for periodic cell line and tissue authentication.
61                    Sleep apnea, which is the periodic cessation of breathing during sleep, is a major
62  to mechanistically explain the emergence of periodic changes in length and spatiotemporal dynamics o
63 nical presentations ranging in severity from periodic "cold sores" to lethal encephalitis.
64 slowing approaches based on resonances or on periodic configurations above the diffraction limit.
65 menological Langevin equation describing the periodic conformational changes.
66 nterfaces elongate in pulses correlated with periodic contractions of the surrounding cells.
67 inding provides a simple analogy for various periodic crack systems that exist in nature, not only fo
68 assembly (FESA) strategy to yield large-area periodic cracks (i.e., microchannels) with tunable spaci
69          We believe that previous studies of periodic cracks in SiN films, self-de-bonding sol-gel fi
70 crostructures with large columnar grains and periodic cracks.
71                  The development of distinct periodic crystalline or aperiodic quasicrystalline state
72 tion mechanism is developed to elucidate the periodic crystallisation and the kinetically trapped mor
73                            We then propose a periodic Cu surface (4 by 4 supercell) with a similar si
74 eech intelligibility in humans relied on the periodic cues of speech TFS in both quiet and noisy list
75 eurons exhibit phase locking patterns to the periodic cues of speech TFS that disappear when reconstr
76                                    Thus, the periodic cues of TFS are essential for speech intelligib
77  the discovery, genetics, and evolution of a periodic cycling of the interval between Drosophila male
78 trin partners with betaIV spectrin to form a periodic cytoskeleton at the AIS.
79                   Spectrins and actin form a periodic cytoskeleton proposed to protect axons against
80 n myelinated axons, alphaII spectrin forms a periodic cytoskeleton with betaIV and betaII spectrin at
81 moved the population into a low-dimensional, periodic, decaying orbit - a spiral - in which it behave
82 sing for mates by taking advantage of small, periodic decreases in the overall noise structure.
83                      A combination of hybrid periodic density functional theory calculations and spec
84             We used solution calorimetry and periodic DFT calculations to analyze the thermodynamics
85                          We report here that periodic diaphragm contraction via phrenic nerve stimula
86 ned confirm that the designed SSPDs with non-periodic dielectric multilayers worked well.
87 mic delta activity, or bilateral independent periodic discharges (1 point); (3) prior seizure (1 poin
88                                  Generalized periodic discharges (GPDs) and lateralized rhythmic delt
89                                  Lateralized periodic discharges (LPDs) had the highest association w
90 .02; P = .001), and sporadic sharp waves and periodic discharges (OR, 2.59; 95% CI, 1.13-5.92; P = .0
91                                              Periodic discharges (PDs) that do not meet seizure crite
92                                  Lateralized periodic discharges were associated with seizures at all
93 85; 95% CI, 1.13-7.19; P = .03), generalized periodic discharges with triphasic morphologic features
94 RDs) (2 points); (2) presence of lateralized periodic discharges, lateralized rhythmic delta activity
95 for adults aged 60 years or older based on a periodic discussion of the benefits and harms of specifi
96 Still's disease, 7 with cryopyrin-associated periodic disease, 9 with Waldenstrom disease, and 10 wit
97                                              Periodic dislocation arrays produce 2D superlattices of
98 e electronic charge density accompanied by a periodic distortion of the atomic lattice in quasi-1D or
99 e charge density wave order is manifested by periodic distortions of the one-dimensional zigzag Ge ch
100                                              Periodic distribution of antibiotics to children in trac
101                                        Using periodic diurnal variation in Arabidopsis thaliana hypoc
102 h scale, study its nonlinear response to the periodic drive, and observe a gradual development of a c
103 rium Floquet systems, which are subject to a periodic drive, can exhibit persistent time correlations
104  climate-related disruptions have been quasi-periodic drivers of societal and subsistence change.
105                                              Periodic driving of many-body systems offers a platform
106 m matter; for example, the interplay between periodic driving, disorder and strong interactions has b
107 he system is brought out-of-equilibrium by a periodic driving.
108 stablished that epilepsy is characterized by periodic dynamics that increase seizure likelihood at ce
109      As a consequence, the impurity exhibits periodic dynamics, reminiscent of Bloch oscillations, al
110 ither one- or two-gene element can only have periodic dynamics, the elements with two positive/negati
111 tabolism to maximize fitness of cells facing periodic energy limitations.
112 emonstrate that only the joint action of the periodic energy modulation and thermal noise leads to ef
113  magnetic structures, can be caused by quasi-periodic energy-exchange among magnetic fields, Rossby w
114 sideration aside from polar areas subject to periodic enhanced UV-B due to depletion of stratospheric
115 ycle oscillations, a regime that coordinates periodic entry into and exit from mitosis.
116 n persist for weeks or months, consisting of periodic episodes of increased heart rate and blood pres
117 Despite the observation of transcription and periodic expression of genes during mitosis with entaili
118                                        Thus, periodic expression of PAPC in the anterior PSM triggers
119  used with a similarity measure focussing on periodic expression profiles across the metabolic cycle
120                                   Conclusion Periodic extended sunitinib treatment breaks are feasibl
121 ypical response of many natural systems to a periodic external forcing, like e.g. seasonal forcing in
122 cillator able to synchronize to a variety of periodic external perturbations with no memory.
123 erface to form ordered solids with sub-10-nm periodic features.
124 ory diseases as well as cryopyrin-associated periodic fever syndromes (CAPS) caused by inherited NLRP
125 enic autoinflammatory diseases, ranging from periodic fever syndromes caused by dysregulated inflamma
126                                              Periodic fever with aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, an
127 nse mutation in WDR1 in two siblings causing periodic fevers with immunodeficiency and thrombocytopen
128 nimal's location in space and preserve their periodic firing structure even in complete darkness.
129 rt synaptic inputs into spatially modulated, periodic firing.
130        In tropical rivers, rainfall drives a periodic flood pulse fueling fish production and deliver
131 zonation by which the bacteria capitalize on periodic flushing events to accumulate and utilize nitra
132   Colloidal particles subject to an external periodic forcing exhibit complex collective behavior and
133 y be modeled as a harmonic oscillator with a periodic forcing function.
134                             We find that the periodic forcing of the atmosphere has a noticeable impa
135 tebrate segmentation is characterized by the periodic formation of epithelial somites from the mesenc
136  large specific surface areas with flexible, periodic frameworks that can undergo reversible structur
137 lates an accurate elemental image map of the periodic gratings with realistic (proportional or flicke
138                            The DPPOS offered periodic group lifestyle sessions to all participants an
139 iting several emergent properties, including periodic growth and collapse as well as phototaxis.
140                                   We apply a periodic Hamiltonian to the system under many-body local
141  DNA sequence-directed versatile assembly of periodic higher-order structures reveals a general organ
142 ystem to robustly estimate which signals are periodic in high-throughput circadian experiments, produ
143                  These results indicate that periodic induction, via use of an eye drop, of AAV-media
144 ntermittent aeration was mostly explained by periodic inhibition caused by free ammonia due to period
145 Reactome pathways are centrally curated with periodic input from selected domain experts.
146             Finally, we present a variety of periodic intensity patterns that can be formed in these
147                         Here, we demonstrate periodic interlayer-mediated thin film crack propagation
148          Both methods are characterized by a periodic inversion of the active spin during the real-ti
149 ermediate formed at 100 degrees C presents a periodic lamellar structure with a characteristic spacin
150  for >400 ka, the Loma Blanca fault produced periodic large earthquakes, consistent with a time-depen
151  Here, we summarize the experimental data on periodic lateral root priming.
152         Here we directly map picometer scale periodic lattice displacements at individual atomic colu
153   By examining the defects and symmetries of periodic lattice displacements near the charge ordering
154 um life history strategy, large species with periodic life history strategy, and for all trophic leve
155 anotechnology field has been the assembly of periodic, macroscopic 3D DNA crystals for controlled pos
156         A mechanical metamaterial, a simple, periodic mechanical structure, is reported, which reprod
157 d by regularly spaced actin rings termed the periodic membrane skeleton (PMS).
158                          When excited over a periodic metamaterial lattice of gold nanoparticles ( 1
159 u nanoparticles ( 100-200nm), arranged in a periodic metamaterial lattice, in direct and Attenuated
160 ropic mesophases, where membranes conform to periodic minimal surfaces dividing two nonpenetrating aq
161       Schwartzites are 3D porous solids with periodic minimal surfaces having negative Gaussian curva
162 ly on Bragg scattering from wavelength-sized periodic modulation in the dielectric environment for ma
163  a macroscopic quantum state consisting of a periodic modulation of the electronic charge density acc
164 zed by subjecting engineered systems to time-periodic modulations.
165 solution, crucial for large area uniform and periodic monolayer deposition.
166 he segmentation clock is translated into the periodic morphogenesis of somites remains poorly underst
167        This study tested the hypothesis that periodic motivation induced by rhythmically pairing 2 re
168 resented as a continuous envelope imposing a periodic moving velocity boundary condition on the surro
169 two systems (1st and 2nd order) subject to a periodic multi-sine disturbance.
170 he F8BT polymer filled and aligned along the periodic nano-channels of the grating structure as a res
171 te units collapse abruptly and evolve into a periodic nano-twined phase with a high c/a ratio and dis
172 wave interferometry can be used to imprint a periodic nanostructure onto a molecular beam, which prov
173 nanoplasmonic sensor taking advantage of the periodic nanostructured array of commercial Blu-ray disc
174 aracterized by flares of inflammation with a periodic need for increased medication and sometimes eve
175 ); (5) frequency greater than 2.0 Hz for any periodic or rhythmic pattern (1 point); and (6) presence
176 zed rhythmic delta activity compared with no periodic or rhythmic pattern (13%, OR, 1.18, P = .26).
177 ptation and highly dynamic behaviors such as periodic oscillations and irregular fluctuations that in
178 butive mechanisms, this network can generate periodic oscillations.
179 parainfluenzaviruses may contribute to their periodic outbreaks(9), suggesting that a deeper understa
180 1.1-R2 (R900S, R1239H) linked to hypokalemic periodic paralysis type 1 and of CaV1.3-R3 (R990H) ident
181 e been identified in patients with myotonia, periodic paralysis, myasthenia, or congenital myopathy.
182 al sections suggests each highlight the same periodic patchy network throughout the nascent LCIC.
183                          Recently, an axonal periodic pattern of actin, spectrin, and ankyrin forming
184 nisms contribute to the establishment of the periodic pattern of hair or feather buds in the developi
185      A large fraction of holes are made in a periodic pattern on a thin lossy metal layer characteris
186 actions capable of spontaneously producing a periodic pattern.
187         This work illustrates a hierarchy of periodic patterning modes operating in organogenesis.
188 appear when reconstructed sounds do not show periodic patterns anymore.
189 ing, Meinhardt, and others that suggests how periodic patterns could self-organize in developing anim
190 ents that operate at many scales to generate periodic patterns in nature.
191 isation, proposes that mobile cells can form periodic patterns of cell aggregates directly, without r
192 n a Cu substrate, strain relaxation leads to periodic patterns of triangular nanopores with uniform s
193 onal and organic management followed similar periodic patterns, but yields were 31% and 20% lower in
194           These orbits form stable spatially periodic patterns, the unit cells of a two-dimensional w
195 chronic radiation bed seroma, which required periodic percutaneous drainage.
196                              It comprises 1D periodic PH3-PH-PH2-PH-PH3 oligomers.
197                                 Within these periodic phases, the daily rainfall shows large variabil
198 is feedback process acts broadly to generate periodic plant architectures.
199  due to the limited resonant bandwidth, most periodic plasmonic nanostructures cannot cover both fund
200 s, which cannot be achieved with narrow band periodic plasmonic structures.
201  model predicting the frequency band-gaps of periodic plates with sinusoidal corrugation.
202 veguide with specially designed geometry and periodic poling.
203 ble-blinded trial, we assessed the effect of periodic presumptive treatment (PPT) on detection of sel
204 n laboratories collaborated to determine the periodic prevalence of Salmonella in a population of dog
205 ors with different frequencies to coordinate periodic processes.
206  constriction and junctional disassembly are periodic pulses of junctional and medial myosin II that
207 l proteins (neurofascin-155, ankyrin B) form periodic quasi-one-dimensional arrangements, with a high
208 ant use and was self-reported in response to periodic questionnaires.
209 f systems in which the passing of objects is periodic rather than stochastic.
210   Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection and periodic reactivation are generally well controlled by t
211 e cancer or receiving cancer treatment, with periodic reassessment of the risks and benefits.
212    Due to these regulations, the initial and periodic renewal expenses for the registration of diagno
213 s such as a high pumping cost and a need for periodic replacement due to fouling.
214 theoretical model explaining how an internal periodic representation of a pulse may emerge through no
215  The results of the CQIE process showed that periodic requalification may decrease the frequency of d
216  behavior displays both fractal dynamics and periodic rhythms yet the relationship between these two
217                                              Periodic sampling by a droplet-robot demonstrates that t
218 set by attentional reorienting and help link periodic sampling in time and attention reorienting in s
219  cannot be extrapolated among subcatchments, periodic sampling of headwaters provides valuable inform
220 c double zero index metamaterials consist of periodic scatterers whose refractive index is significan
221 rms of the pelvic examination as a 1-time or periodic screening test.
222 s and solar flares, are organized into quasi-periodic "seasons", which include enhanced bursts of eru
223                                          The periodic segmentation of the vertebrate body axis into s
224 nto distinct clusters, and processes such as periodic selection and extensive recombination are under
225                             A combination of periodic, self-consistent density functional theory (DFT
226 pheral and branching nodes and exhibit noisy periodic sequences of action potentials.
227                   The model predicted strong periodic shifts in the spatial gradients of DO, pH, free
228  interacts paranemically with long dsDNA via periodic short homologous interactions, e.g. mediated by
229 ed by rolling circle transcription fold into periodic-shRNA (p-shRNA) structures and cause potent cyt
230 y the response of a nonlinear system to weak periodic signals.
231 gion where animals respond stochastically to periodic signals.
232 ociated molecules form a membrane-associated periodic skeleton (MPS) in neurons.
233 tion for signs of amelanotic melanoma during periodic skin examination in patients at increased odds
234              The fundamental energy gap of a periodic solid distinguishes insulators from metals and
235 g response (FFR) is a measure of the brain's periodic sound encoding.
236 ffective second order susceptibility via the periodic spatial distribution of reversed biased p-i-n j
237       A mathematical model demonstrates that periodic spatial disturbance leads to a tradeoff between
238  relationships, it remains unclear as to how periodic spatial disturbances affect bacteria dependent
239 e effect to investigate how the frequency of periodic spatial disturbances affects cooperation.
240 d capable of dynamically guiding matter into periodic spatial structures.
241 n coupling to optical phonons is observed as periodic spectral modulations in the pump-probe data of
242               We demonstrate the role of the periodic spectrin-dependent cytoskeleton in axons and sh
243                                              Periodic spikes in people served were often driven by ju
244 in nucleosomes only when they are exposed by periodic, spontaneous partial unwrapping of DNA from the
245                           Lastly, we applied periodic stimulation to the thalamic network and found t
246 pha oscillations (8Hz-12Hz) are modulated by periodic stimulation.
247 the susceptibility of cortical population to periodic stimulation.
248 n the phase-locked entrainment of the HBO by periodic stimuli.
249 sentation of adjacent stimuli, a continuous, periodic stimulus is more resistant to biological artifa
250 or temperate rice systems, the occurrence of periodic stress events may currently overshadow the impa
251 c studies are performed on textures based on periodic striations oriented along different directions.
252            Our algorithm, cyclic ordering by periodic structure (CYCLOPS), uses evolutionary conserva
253 e-dimensional lattices that recapitulate the periodic structure of SCs but do not associate with chro
254 sed on high spacial resolution, aC film with periodic structure was deposited by helium ion beam indu
255 more than one period into the unit cell of a periodic structure.
256 phonon wave effects due to interference with periodic structures, as well as phonon particle effects
257 ty functional theory both on clusters and on periodic structures, relativistic ab initio wave functio
258 aterials therefore must be much thicker than periodic structures.
259 rference of light from approximately regular periodic structures; some structural disorder is, howeve
260 cial mobilization networks, and the need for periodic supplementary immunization activities.
261                         Cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome (CAPS) patients with NLRP3 mutations h
262  genes in patients with cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes (CAPS) and familial Mediterranean fev
263 C inhibited IL-1beta in Cryopyrin-Associated Periodic Syndromes (CAPS) macrophages, where NLRP3 infla
264 isease spectrum, termed cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes (CAPS).
265 e spectrum known as the cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes (CAPS).
266 llectively known as the cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes (CAPS).
267  functional theory calculations on the whole periodic systems and on selected fragments.
268 er of valence electrons, and position on the periodic table (group number) influence the structure pr
269 among monocations, going down Group 1 of the periodic table from Li(+) to Cs(+), PFL-AE activity shar
270                                   Across the periodic table the trans-influence operates, whereby tig
271     The review is organized according to the Periodic Table, describing free-base and main-group elem
272 have been reported with most elements of the periodic table, including Group 14 Si, Ge, Sn, and Pb.
273  nanostructures on most of the metals in the periodic table, their compounds, or alloys by a one-step
274  stabilization of the heaviest 4+ ion of the periodic table, under mild aqueous conditions, using a s
275 ome of the most complicated chemistry in the periodic table.
276 these transition metals are neighbors in the periodic table.
277 -substrate coupling, down the columns of the periodic table.
278 the other elements in the same column of the periodic table.
279 pendent pyroelectric analytical methods: (i) periodic temperature change technique (Chynoweth) at amb
280         There are age-based requirements for periodic testing and/or retirement for many professions
281 used synchronization of thymopoiesis, with a periodic thymocyte differentiation profile persisting fo
282                      All countries conducted periodic trainings of the GPEI-funded personnel.
283 ain and use it to quantify the robustness of periodic trajectories.
284 he Cdk8 regulatory subcomplex, which directs periodic transcription and influences cell cycle progres
285 dic inhibition caused by free ammonia due to periodic transient pH upshifts.
286  time of cell birth, to identify mRNAs under periodic translational control.
287 collective dynamics of endocytic proteins as periodic traveling waves on the cell surface.
288                                              Periodic trends can be rationalized in terms of attracti
289 he impacts of sea level rise through natural periodic undulation in regional and global sea level.
290 tates form via the formation/annihilation of periodic van der Waals' (vdW) gaps (i.e., virtual vacanc
291  109 degrees stripe nanodomains separated by periodic vertical domain walls in as-grown 130 nm thick
292                                              Periodic vibration also increased the dissipation rate o
293  design, to demonstrate the effectiveness of periodic vibration for strongly hydrophobic compounds su
294                                              Periodic vibration of polyethylene (PE) passive samplers
295 generate predictive saccades synchronized to periodic visual stimuli when an immediate reward was giv
296  similarly pertain to warmer ecosystems with periodic water deficits.
297  is a highly dynamic environment, subject to periodic waves of peristaltic activity.
298                                              Periodic weakening of the NAO caused drought in the regi
299 poral gains/losses of surface clay caused by periodic wind erosion (dust) and rainfall inundation (fl
300                                              Periodic yield and precipitation patterns did not consis

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