


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 cture and the unique one-dimensional "pseudo-periodicity".
2 speed) and postcentral gyrus (related to dot periodicity).
3 nisms that organize cell functions in a 24-h periodicity.
4 al light pollution disrupt healthy circadian periodicity.
5  indicating a dynamic character to the An/Tn periodicity.
6 us reports on the thickness-dependent domain periodicity.
7 osomal sequences contain significant 10.5-bp periodicity.
8 for non-propagating modes, since there is no periodicity.
9 me series on the length of detected inertial periodicity.
10  tuned by simply adjusting the hole size and periodicity.
11 uperior parietal lobule was sensitive to dot periodicity.
12 bitory feedback loop that dictates branching periodicity.
13 rmation transfer oscillates with theta-range periodicity.
14  simulating low-, mid- and high-tidal height periodicity.
15 requency caused by wet-dry cycles of varying periodicity.
16  climatic cooling to explore the fixation of periodicity.
17 me3 with an average spread larger than their periodicity.
18 on the filament surface and a short backbone periodicity.
19 rids are organized in modules with different periodicity.
20 ls an attractive force with 60(o) rotational periodicity.
21 ative regulators of the clock determines its periodicity.
22 ion using a phase gradient with a two-somite periodicity.
23 he Gambia, could explain the gene expression periodicity.
24 n arrays that had approximately 6-nm lateral periodicity.
25 avelength closely matches the nanostructural periodicity.
26  have taken place only after the fixation of periodicity.
27 iodicity that is different from the bulk 5 x periodicity.
28 esidues are separated with a typical helical periodicity.
29 e defects typically do not have a long-range periodicity.
30 ice but still feature a approximately 190-nm periodicity.
31 ents, including VAs, demonstrate biorhythmic periodicity.
32 h other and the overall structure retained a periodicity.
33 pectral selectivity through their long-range periodicity.
34  were still present despite the lack of grid periodicity.
35 s of interdigitated electrodes with the same periodicity.
36 rial transcriptome exhibited pronounced diel periodicity.
37 o create crack arrays with highly controlled periodicity.
38 ribution without disrupting the 6-nucleotide periodicity.
39 atomic constituents but differ in long-range periodicity.
40 biased to prevent detection of putative song periodicity.
41  simply by variation of the photonic crystal periodicity.
42 with (2 x 1), c(2 x 6), (1 x 3), and (1 x 1) periodicity.
43 ascade recognizes DNA with a surprising 3-nt periodicity.
44  photonic crystal slabs with one-dimensional periodicity.
45 ks caused a profound impairment in grid cell periodicity.
46 ses and physiological process display annual periodicities.
47 d to alternating Ca(2+) waveforms at various periodicities.
48 t is not consistent with previously proposed periodicities.
49  surface sensitivity were determined (820 nm periodicity, 0.27 diameter/periodicity, and lambda(SPR)
50 ayers, responds to afferent input with gamma periodicity (25-75 Hz), measured at the level of individ
51     Profuse nanolayering with highly ordered periodicity (~3.7 nm wide) was observed adjacent to part
52  Brief reminder of K0, K1, K1(top), and Bott periodicity. 6. Revisiting the Fuglede-Kadison and other
53 aslow intrinsic oscillations with remarkable periodicity, a default output state likely to affect sen
54 he overlap between tectonic and Milankovitch periodicities across spreading rates, we reemphasize tha
55 ical features, including diameter-modulation periodicity and amplitude and cross-sectional anisotropy
56 r cycles, multiple solution behaviour, quasi-periodicity and chaos.
57 uced an empirical Bayes approach to test for periodicity and compare its performance in terms of sens
58 ecoupling the respective roles of long-range periodicity and high density has been challenging.
59  a short time scale, it exhibits non-trivial periodicity and long-scale correlations over slow evolut
60 tended Frenkel-Kontorova model reproduce the periodicity and magnitude of these features and allow us
61 compared with the basal state and a distinct periodicity and phase distribution.
62 posure and leaf temperature results in quasi-periodicity and possible chaos for certain ranges of the
63  neurons exhibited altered grid cell spatial periodicity and reduced spatial selectivity, whereas hea
64 red phases exhibiting well-defined nanoscale periodicity and shapes.
65 isual input is required to sustain grid cell periodicity and stability in mice and suggest that grid
66 icity is instigated by the built-in sequence periodicity and stabilized by the optimized interactions
67 ission, such as intra-day variability, quasi-periodicity and the delay of radio flux variations relat
68                            In the absence of periodicity and the presence of quasicrystalline order,
69  generate endogenous oscillations with ~24 h periodicity and thereby synchronize biological processes
70                                          The periodicity and width of fabricated nanoarrays of CpcA,
71  dimension is reduced to values close to the periodicity and width of the stripes observed in continu
72 cle surfaces, aesthetic structural patterns, periodicities, and emergence of the metallic state) and
73 e CO in Nd(2-x)Ce(x)CuO4 occurs with similar periodicity, and along the same direction, as in p-type
74           We study how interface conditions, periodicity, and composition can be used to manipulate t
75 etermined (820 nm periodicity, 0.27 diameter/periodicity, and lambda(SPR) = 1550 nm), which demonstra
76 tibody negative, matched by age, sex, sample periodicity, and risk group.
77                        These three different periodicities are interpreted to result from a single sm
78          Particularly in fracture mechanics, periodicities are of high scientific interest.
79 4 through 125 segment, arranged with helical periodicity, are critical for F protein interactions and
80  the governing conditions resulting in their periodicity as being universal.
81 lline phase with strict control of order and periodicity at both microscopic and macroscopic levels i
82 trolling the upper limb exhibit an intrinsic periodicity at submovement frequencies that is reflected
83 e absence of any signatures of a new spatial periodicity below TDW from diffraction, scanning tunnell
84 aslow intrinsic oscillations show remarkable periodicity both in vitro and in vivo.
85 pression that are separated at a two-segment periodicity both spatially and temporally, a phenomenon
86 tal structures do not present a full spatial periodicity but are nevertheless constructed starting fr
87  occasionally reverse the cell near wildtype periodicity, but frz- cells are otherwise in a long nono
88 LIPSS, multiple lines with a certain spatial periodicity, but often not well-aligned, were produced.
89           We decouple the role of long-range periodicity by comparing harmonics generated from fused
90 /- 0.2 nm and strong ordering, and the array periodicity can be tuned by adjusting the growth conditi
91 ns, a new force appears with half-wavelength periodicity, caused by double inter-particle scattering.
92 effects of these mutations showed a striking periodicity, changing sign as the structural perturbatio
93                         BP, the 2- to 8-year periodicity characteristic of El Nino-Southern Oscillati
94  deformations in Type I collagen vary with a periodicity consistent with the D-periodic banding of hi
95  record also exhibits a significant 30-year periodicity, consistent with the instrumental, historica
96          The main paradigm for the origin of periodicity consists of specialized pacemaking elements
97 embryo transiently exhibits a double-segment periodicity, defined by the expression of seven 'pair-ru
98  the dissociation between predictability and periodicity demonstrates that distinct mechanisms flexib
99 se and counterclockwise flux closures, whose periodicity depends on the PbTiO3 film thickness.
100 ance (SPR) characteristics according to hole periodicity, diameter, and excitation wavelength (lambda
101 either the existence of song rhythms or song periodicity differences between genotypes.
102 lene-containing scaffold, which combines the periodicity, dimensionality, and structural modularity o
103  associated with specific sets of modulation periodicities distributed throughout the Brillouin zone.
104         Multiple mechanisms control cyclin E periodicity during the cell cycle, including phosphoryla
105  variations show a significant quasi-50 year periodicity during the last 370 years, and have an impor
106 entation in Tribolium has phases of variable periodicity during which segments are added at different
107 c gene expression through the PSM that has a periodicity equal to that of somite formation.
108 ictor parameters were trend and inter-annual periodicity for BFV, intra-annual periodicity for RRV, a
109 ication without genomic tags, (d) structural periodicity for modular assembly into enlarged genomes,
110 ter-annual periodicity for BFV, intra-annual periodicity for RRV, and trend for dengue.
111  translational and rotational order (without periodicity) for distances of more than 400 angstroms.
112 ured transcriptome was expressed with strong periodicity, forming 18 major clusters.
113  in artificially engineered structures (with periodicities greater than about 100 nanometres) the cor
114 terization in sequence regions of three-base periodicity (hits) associated with open reading frame st
115  peaked every two to four years, and matched periodicities in ENSO conditions.
116              Although they cannot be imaged, periodicities in the light curves of quasars have been i
117                  Here we evaluate trends and periodicities in the records of three common coral disea
118    Defying the requirements of translational periodicity in 3D, rotation of the lattice orientation w
119  method to show that the previously observed periodicity in aligned nucleosomal sequences mainly resu
120  bandgaps with high reflectivity, long-range periodicity in all dimensions and well-defined lattice o
121 e emergence of behavior owing to the lattice periodicity in AM materials on length scales that approa
122 o RI variations is determined by the lattice periodicity in both direct and ATR geometries ( 320nm p
123                        Although a three-base periodicity in coding regions has been known for some ti
124 or groove width is highly governed by 3-base periodicity in GC, the existence of triplet-based codons
125                          More significantly, periodicity in host-parasitoid population dynamics disap
126 frequency following responses for processing periodicity in human vocalizations during vocal producti
127                                    Detecting periodicity in large scale data remains a challenge.
128    A leading hypothesis for the evolution of periodicity in Magicicada implicates the decline in aver
129 frequency, a perceptually relevant aspect of periodicity in natural human vocalizations, is encoded i
130 l Ube3a allele restores functional circadian periodicity in neurons deficient in maternal Ube3a but d
131            However, the extent of nucleotide periodicity in nucleosomal DNA and its significance in d
132 this process leaves a clear three nucleotide periodicity in open reading frames.
133 und that a few SCN cells developed circadian periodicity in PER2 by 14.5 d after mating (E14.5) with
134 icient in maternal Ube3a but does not affect periodicity in peripheral tissues that are not imprinted
135    Longitudinal analysis identified 4-yearly periodicity in population incidence of scarlet fever but
136 s slows to about approximately 1.5 times the periodicity in posterior PSM cells.
137 rtantly, the signal periodicity manifests as periodicity in quantification cycle (Cq) values when the
138 d effects result from a second transition in periodicity in the actinide series that occurs, in part,
139 rks the transition from periodicity to quasi-periodicity in the behavior of variables determining con
140 the bound proteins are properly applied, the periodicity in the binding energy is indeed recovered.
141     We found a significant (p < 0.05) 20.5 h periodicity in the bioluminescence signal, corresponding
142  which to study the role of high density and periodicity in the generation process.
143 omeobox DNA has a characteristic 3-base-pair periodicity in the hydroxyl radical cleavage pattern.
144 dian gene module using 3D imaging, and found periodicity in the movement of clock circadian regulator
145 l cooling, could have led to the fixation of periodicity in the non-periodical ancestors.
146                   We observed a 3-nucleotide periodicity in the position of free 5' RNA ends and a bi
147                                          The periodicity in the slow-slip rate has the potential to h
148 ted by TEM imaging, is commensurate with the periodicity in the solid state.
149  number of available methods for identifying periodicity in time series data and chose representative
150 per a novel method, SW1PerS, for quantifying periodicity in time series in a shape-agnostic manner an
151 LE and Lomb-Scargle to conveniently evaluate periodicity in time-series data.
152 ins displayed rhythms with genotype-specific periodicity, in agreement with their original reports.
153 nal photonic crystals, each with a different periodicity, in such a way as to preserve the characteri
154 mino acids arranged with varying hydrophobic periodicities, initiate the formation of different biosi
155 motes the assembly of Snf7 arrays with ~30 A periodicity into a membrane-sculpting filament.
156 ther, these observations imply that 30-year periodicity is a persistent feature of the EASM, which r
157 ts nucleosome occupancy genome wide, reduced periodicity is an evolutionarily conserved signature of
158  known species of cicada are non-periodical, periodicity is assumed to be a derived state.
159                         However, when the LK periodicity is changed to 3.0, corresponding to a 310 he
160 from a charge density wave transition, whose periodicity is given by kF/pi, consistent with scanning
161 e SAS Macro for our empirical Bayes test for periodicity is included in the supplementary materials a
162 ibril formation of Col108 in which the axial periodicity is instigated by the built-in sequence perio
163                            Grid-like spatial periodicity is more commonly observed in bursty neurons,
164  increase of displacements with system size: Periodicity is not a requirement for Mermin-Wagner fluct
165                 Although approximately 24-hr periodicity is observed across aerobic eukaryotes, the c
166 ted resolution of existing methods, the 3-nt periodicity is observed mostly in a global analysis, but
167                      In solid state physics, periodicity is one of the fundamental properties that pr
168                                         This periodicity is regulated by a molecular oscillator, know
169                           The origin of this periodicity is rooted in the symmetry presented in wurtz
170                                 The temporal periodicity is subsequently converted into the spatial p
171                                          The periodicity is tied to the Southern Hemisphere baroclini
172                      Importantly, the signal periodicity manifests as periodicity in quantification c
173 nked genes exhibit cyclic expression, with a periodicity matching the rate of somite production.
174 ing these models and comparing variations in periodicities may provide insight into historical outbre
175 interaction (PPI) analysis revealed that dot periodicity modulated functional connectivity between th
176                   This supermodulation has a periodicity nearly commensurate with four lattice consta
177 hms in phase with internal and environmental periodicities, notably the feeding, light-dark and sleep
178                                   A break in periodicity occurs in the actinide series between pluton
179 thermal transport in silicon nanomeshes with periodicities of 100 nm and higher and temperatures abov
180             Autocorrelation analysis reveals periodicities of 12 for 96-well systems and 24 for a 384
181 rthy structural compatibility with the known periodicities of AF(G)Ps.
182 features in euchromatin were identified with periodicities of approximately 25 kbp.
183                 The relationship between the periodicities of disease prevalence and El Nino Southern
184                                              Periodicities of dominant frequencies in the spectra of
185                Typical atomic lattices (with periodicities of less than one nanometre) require unfeas
186 tistically strong coherence at three typical periodicities of ~80, 200 and 340 years, suggesting impo
187  kind of decagonal quasicrystal (DQC) with a periodicity of 1.23 nm was observed in the as-cast quate
188 lets of base pairs arrayed with the matching periodicity of 11 or 12 base pairs.
189               beta-strand LK peptides with a periodicity of 2.0 induce wire-like silica morphologies.
190    When L and K residues are arranged with a periodicity of 3.5 the alpha-helical form of the LK pept
191 n multiple square millimetres with a regular periodicity of 30 nm and can be functionalized via modif
192 e temperatures experience variability with a periodicity of 60-80 years that is known as the Atlantic
193 the species fluctuations revealed a dominant periodicity of about 2 y, a global Lyapunov exponent sta
194                           The effect shows a periodicity of approximately 10 basepairs and decays wit
195  of one-dimensional nanowires with repeating periodicity of approximately 10 nm.
196 ode proteins that repress CLOCK-BMAL1 with a periodicity of approximately 24 h.
197 resenting a noticeable cyclic pattern with a periodicity of around 1000 years.
198 us technological applications, but the dense periodicity of block copolymer features limits the compl
199                        Recent changes in the periodicity of cervical cancer screening have led to que
200 opy revealed that lenalidomide increased the periodicity of cortical actin at immune synapses, result
201  that the symmetry of defect islands and the periodicity of defect modulation limit the phase cancell
202 s biological applications, we illustrate the periodicity of DNA shape features that are present in nu
203 e sufficient to "code" for axially repeating periodicity of fibrils.
204 logy had no apparent impact on the circadian periodicity of GCF.
205 epressors establishes the approximately 24-h periodicity of gene expression.
206                       Here, we show that the periodicity of lateral organ induction is driven by recu
207    This phylogenetic framework describes the periodicity of lineage introduction and the stable route
208  observations, PlsX's foci showed no obvious periodicity of localization and did not colocalize with
209                       Meanwhile, the shorter periodicity of millennial-scale events than that of the
210                                    The quasi-periodicity of patterns, materials filling ratio, and fe
211 osilica can be changed simply by varying the periodicity of polar and nonpolar amino acids.
212 odel and temperature data to account for the periodicity of prescribing proved to be an efficient way
213  hierarchy introduces defects to disrupt the periodicity of regular SNW and scatters coherent phonons
214 increases in anterior PSM cells and that the periodicity of reporter oscillations slows to about appr
215  tool that models the overall tri-nucleotide periodicity of ribosomal occupancy using a classifier ba
216                        We have leveraged the periodicity of ribosome movement on the mRNA to define a
217 ines superfluid flow with long-range spatial periodicity of solids, two properties that are often mut
218 scillatory 'clock' activity that governs the periodicity of somite formation and (iii) preserve the c
219  parameters to forecast the distribution and periodicity of spread of this potential new invasive spe
220 patial intervals consistent with the lateral periodicity of structures associated with the membrane p
221                 We present evidence that the periodicity of subsynaptic actin is an important factor
222 ternal fields whose sign alternates with the periodicity of the antiferromagnetic lattice.
223   By varying the ratio of the NP size to the periodicity of the block-copolymer-based supramolecule,
224 ow that the cause of iridescence is a unique periodicity of the cell population in the colony biofilm
225 ong simulation of the same DNA sequence, the periodicity of the correlation coefficient is not observ
226                       Because of the spatial periodicity of the dielectric permittivity, a CLC doped
227                   Moreover, by utilizing the periodicity of the flowing droplets for noise reduction
228            Upon evaporating the solvent, the periodicity of the framework is maintained in porous mic
229  as carboxylic groups, are repeated with the periodicity of the lattice, allowing for immobilization
230 he myosin heads on its surface and the axial periodicity of the myosin tails in its backbone, mediate
231  the substrate can be tuned by adjusting the periodicity of the nanograting patterned on the substrat
232  abyssal hill spacing is consistent with the periodicity of the obliquity cycle.
233 scopy (AFM) disclose the film morphology and periodicity of the polymer nanostructures.
234 time resolution is defined by the underlying periodicity of the probe pulse sequence, and signal/nois
235    We find that phonons that emerge from the periodicity of the superstructures contribute to thermal
236                                          The periodicity of the supramolecular organic framework is s
237 -angle neutron scattering, we found a strong periodicity of the thylakoids in state 1, with character
238                                The exquisite periodicity of their firing has led to the suggestion th
239                                  The lattice periodicity of these low-symmetry colloidal crystals is
240                           The solution-phase periodicity of this cubic transition metal-cored supramo
241 as varied one residue at a time, revealing a periodicity of three for the ability of the linker mutan
242  the sliding properties of GaN; a 60 degrees periodicity of wear rate and friction coefficient was ob
243 ere evenly spaced along axonal shafts with a periodicity of ~180 to 190 nanometers.
244 ing nano-corrugation gratings with different periodicities on silver nanowires atop silicon, differen
245 stress to trigger the transition to its long-periodicity ON structure, unlocking the major population
246 here atmospheric circulation exhibits marked periodicity on time scales of approximately 20 to 30 day
247                            Finally, although periodicity only moderately affects nucleosome occupancy
248                    This is associated with a periodicity, or distribution of periodicities, parallel
249 it stripes of charge and spin, with a locked periodicity, others host charge density waves (CDWs) wit
250 lation of RSC neurons exhibited single-cycle periodicity over the full route, effectively defining a
251 iated with a periodicity, or distribution of periodicities, parallel to the direction of illumination
252 zed their cutting preferences, trinucleotide periodicity patterns and coverage similarities across co
253 monics are associated with a distribution of periodicities perpendicular to the direction of illumina
254 isting crystalline lamellar phases: the long periodicity phase (LPP) and the short periodicity phase
255 e long periodicity phase (LPP) and the short periodicity phase (SPP).
256    Clumps emerged robustly across a range of periodicities, phase differences, and amplitudes.
257 gued that the lower-TC phase has a different periodicity, possibly related to an instability with a c
258  which combinations of chemical moieties and periodicities predictably produce mesoscale ordering.
259 ted by sequential conversion of the temporal periodicity provided by the molecular clock.
260 By contrast, mutations that altered AA/TT/AT periodicity reduced gene expression upon PHO5 induction
261  groups showing frequency doubling of firing periodicity relative to theta rhythmicity and it partiti
262  atomic scale environment without long-range periodicity requirements.
263 ently exhibit spontaneous shifts in epidemic periodicity resulting in chaotic patterns.
264 aces perfectly reproduces the measured 60(o) periodicity, revealing the key role of intervening water
265                          Due to their unique periodicity, rigidity, and high aspect ratio, DNRs are e
266          We find a wide range of significant periodicities similar to those in records of solar varia
267                                     However, periodicities similar to those in the data are commonly
268                           Such disruption in periodicity strongly affects material properties and fun
269 ace adopts a structure that reflects an ~6 x periodicity that is different from the bulk 5 x periodic
270 tory behavior between the two cell tips at a periodicity that is different from the reported oscillat
271 The beads form one-dimensional arrays with a periodicity that matches half a pitch of the cholesteric
272                      During the evolution of periodicity, the determinant of maturation in ancestral
273 oshells core radius and metal thickness, the periodicity, the incident angle of the solar radiation a
274 sideration currents, land distribution, wind periodicity, the influence of El Nino Southern Oscillati
275 ding the amplitude of annual and semi-annual periodicities, their ratio, and peak timing.
276      While there exist methods for detecting periodicity, their design biases (e.g. toward a specific
277 ves exciting trapped resonances, and it uses periodicity to attenuate the propagative components.
278 Here, we remove the constraint of structural periodicity to enhance, simultaneously, the performance
279 itical flexibility marks the transition from periodicity to quasi-periodicity in the behavior of vari
280 s of dc, we attributed this anomalous domain periodicity to the finite lateral-size effect of a ferro
281 er-sized lateral areas (up to ~1 mum(2)) and periodicities (up to ~50 nm) from restacking of liquid e
282  mum, and exhibits moire patterns with large periodicities, up to ~30 nm, indicating that the layers
283 vels, sleep quantity and quality, sleep-wake periodicity, vigilance performance, and workload through
284  these studies have revealed that the domain periodicity (w) of 180 degrees stripe domains scales wit
285                                         This periodicity was detected both at Earth, and in GCR measu
286     In the membrane-bound state, the helical periodicity was determined to be T = 3.00 +/- 0.15 for h
287                            Grid cell spatial periodicity was more commonly observed in bursty than in
288 titative techniques to analyze these extreme periodicities, we reveal that the oscillator progresses
289 line-like Moire fringes with similarly large periodicities were also observed.
290     The molecular mechanisms underlying this periodicity were never described.
291 circular dichroism, changes in the thylakoid periodicity were paralleled by modifications in the long
292 a fundamental change in glacial-interglacial periodicity, when it increased from ~41-thousand-year to
293                  We demonstrate that 10.5-bp periodicity, when present, significantly facilitates rot
294 rence lithography to achieve precise surface periodicities, which can be used to generate surface pla
295 onstration of a chi((2)) grating with 280 nm periodicity, which is the shortest reported to date.
296 mosphere to an intermittent 1.5- to 1.9-year periodicity, which occurred preferentially in GCR (not u
297 potassium channels exhibit a one-dimensional periodicity, with the Nav channels appearing to have a l
298 s, and not from a preponderant occurrence of periodicity within individual sequences.
299  visual contrast sensitivity oscillates with periodicity within the theta band.
300                             Degree of scheme periodicity would depend on degrees of niche conservatis

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