


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 hat TLR9 signaling mediates the induction of periodontal bone loss.
2 periodontitis and contribute to induction of periodontal bone loss.
3 eir growth and differentiation contribute to periodontal bone loss.
4 ignificant reduction in number of teeth with periodontal bone loss.
5 ienced >60% more naturally occurring chronic periodontal bone loss.
6 ture delineation of the precise mechanism of periodontal bone loss.
7 een recognized as a key factor implicated in periodontal bone loss.
8 ntitis, as evidenced by reduced induction of periodontal bone loss.
9 ic regimen targeting DC-STAMP could suppress periodontal bone loss.
10  cannot be complacent about the diagnosis of periodontal bone loss.
11 axillary jaws were removed for assessment of periodontal bone loss.
12 hat resembles pulpitis while also displaying periodontal bone loss.
13 ce of factors that may be involved in active periodontal bone loss.
14 al link between neuronal TRPV1 signaling and periodontal bone loss.
15 mic PTB administration significantly reduced periodontal bone loss, AGE deposition, and expressions o
16 lla forsythia is also a vital contributor to periodontal bone loss, almost nothing is known about imm
17                                              Periodontal bone loss (an index of PD severity) was eval
18  a relationship between poor oral hygiene or periodontal bone loss and chronic obstructive pulmonary
19 ingiva of mandibular first molars to measure periodontal bone loss and collagen content.
20 cco use is generally linked with accelerated periodontal bone loss and diminished post-surgical wound
21           This effect might be important for periodontal bone loss and for the enhanced bone loss see
22 , in part, explain the increased rapidity of periodontal bone loss and refractory disease incidence i
23                                              Periodontal bone loss and tooth mobility were also incre
24 thod was evaluated for its ability to detect periodontal bone loss and was compared with that of conv
25 mmatory processes affecting atherosclerosis, periodontal bone loss ,and possibly, diet-induced weight
26                                              Periodontal bone loss appears to be a major factor in th
27 g to this definition, the patients exhibited periodontal bone loss at a much higher prevalence (60%)
28 dal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) inhibit periodontal bone loss, but little is known about the mec
29  CD5(+) B cell transfer demonstrated reduced periodontal bone loss compared to the no-transfer group
30                                   AG reduced periodontal bone loss during the induction of experiment
31 th rHag B on protection against experimental periodontal bone loss following infection with P. gingiv
32 vD1) confers protection against IL-17-driven periodontal bone loss in a Del-1-dependent manner, indic
33 Coffee consumption may be protective against periodontal bone loss in adult males.
34                       Dry mouth may indicate periodontal bone loss in children with diabetes.
35 ne the effects of TLR-activated B10 cells on periodontal bone loss in experimental periodontitis.
36 ic animals revealed higher susceptibility to periodontal bone loss in Mc3r(-/-) compared with wild-ty
37 aboratory revealed that T. forsythia induces periodontal bone loss in mice and that this bone loss de
38 ined the extent and severity of radiographic periodontal bone loss in patients with different stages
39 ntal contribution of periodontal bacteria to periodontal bone loss in patients with MetS remains uncl
40 icroinjection of anti-MFG-E8 mAb exacerbated periodontal bone loss in wild-type mice.
41 r TLR2-deficient mice were both resistant to periodontal bone loss, in stark contrast with wild-type
42        Finally, radiographic measurements of periodontal bone loss indicated that rats immunized with
43  vivo studies revealed that ligature-induced periodontal bone loss is significantly greater in Akita
44 fic Stat3-deficient mice exhibited increased periodontal bone loss (p < 0.001), whereas T cell- and B
45  hydrogel sites showed significantly reduced periodontal bone loss (P <0.05) and inflammatory infiltr
46 ings of the upper posterior teeth, including periodontal bone loss, periapical lesions, and root cana
47 lysis was used to determine the influence of periodontal bone loss, periapical lesions, and root cana
48 h hypophosphatemic rickets are more prone to periodontal bone loss than the general population and ma
49 in 2 (NOD2) signaling in atherosclerosis and periodontal bone loss using an Apolipoprotein E(-/-) (Ap
50 ligand (RANKL), which, in turn, promotes the periodontal bone loss via upregulation of osteoclastogen
51 ctices were determined by questionnaire, and periodontal bone loss was defined as alveolar bone loss
52                                              Periodontal bone loss was induced in 16-wk-old myeloid-s
53 with experimental periodontitis, significant periodontal bone loss was noted in animals both with and
54                                       Severe periodontal bone loss was significantly associated with
55                                       Severe periodontal bone loss was significantly associated with
56                                              Periodontal bone loss was significantly associated with
57                                              Periodontal bone loss was significantly decreased and th
58                      In the induction sites, periodontal bone loss was significantly reduced (P <0.05
59               The CsA-induced attenuation of periodontal bone loss was strongly correlated positively
60                                              Periodontal bone loss was three times more common among
61                          Sinuses with severe periodontal bone loss were three times more likely to ha
62 e correlations of CsA-induced attenuation of periodontal bone loss with the expressions of gelatinase

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