


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 pGs (CpG6772370/CpG6772811) in both PDAC and peripheral blood.
2  improved cellular immunity in the lungs and peripheral blood.
3 lin-like receptors compared with NK cells in peripheral blood.
4  and are detectable at low concentrations in peripheral blood.
5 a viral load and proviral copy number in the peripheral blood.
6 n, and HIV-1 coreceptor (CCR5) expression in peripheral blood.
7 tional NK cells in the mouse spleen or human peripheral blood.
8 d chemokine levels in placental and maternal peripheral blood.
9  exhibited increased CD4(+) TEM cells in the peripheral blood.
10 esions or activated CLA(+) T-cell subsets in peripheral blood.
11 n compared to the antibody repertoire of the peripheral blood.
12  was absent in nondiseased liver tissues and peripheral blood.
13  missing heritability for gene expression in peripheral blood.
14 cific to each, as well as their abundance in peripheral blood.
15 ve more Treg cells, IL-33 and IL-10 in their peripheral blood.
16  within noninvaded lymph nodes and absent in peripheral blood.
17 ene levels were measurable up to 780 days in peripheral blood.
18 red balance of lymphoid and myeloid cells in peripheral blood.
19 ansion of tumor-associated TCR clones in the peripheral blood 3 weeks after starting treatment (n = 2
20  (5-HT) system function, as well as elevated peripheral blood 5-HT levels.
21                                              Peripheral blood ADAM17 activity and soluble CD163 level
22 nown to what extent macrophages derived from peripheral blood adopt the phenotype of brain-resident m
23  Alloreactive CD4 T cells were isolated from peripheral blood after CD4 donor lymphocyte infusion and
24                     Our results suggest that peripheral blood analysis may provide valuable insights
25 terferon (IFN) signatures identified in both peripheral blood and affected salivary gland tissues.
26 sess the association between TTV load in the peripheral blood and AMR, 715 kidney transplant recipien
27 e gene expression studies performed in human peripheral blood and animal models of PTSD, and review t
28 predominant stem cell source (n = 839; 84%); peripheral blood and cord blood progenitors were used in
29 effector memory phenotype in comparison with peripheral blood and display increased production of IFN
30 uding cancer cells, can be isolated from the peripheral blood and have been shown to be powerful mark
31 ype bone marrow (BM)-transplanted OS mice in peripheral blood and hematopoietic organs, such as the B
32               We have utilized primary human peripheral blood and hepatic mononuclear cells, mouse MA
33 ic adults was muted T-cell activation in the peripheral blood and inflammatory response in the nasal
34  output of effector memory CD4(+) T cells in peripheral blood and lymph nodes.
35 ffectively depleted CD20(+) B lymphocytes in peripheral blood and lymphoid tissues confirming that SG
36 v X5-transduced CD4 T cells were selected in peripheral blood and lymphoid tissues upon HIV-1 infecti
37 ells that occur in HIV infection both in the peripheral blood and lymphoid tissues, especially in the
38                     ILC3s were isolated from peripheral blood and palatine tonsils, expanded, and coc
39  factors was analyzed in CD4(+) T cells from peripheral blood and the jejunum in rhesus macaques, rev
40                                      In both peripheral blood and the jejunum, memory CD4(+) T cells
41  to determine whether ILC2 numbers change in peripheral blood and the nasal mucosa during COX-1 inhib
42 rative potential is increased in cord versus peripheral blood and to define regulatory factors contro
43 ls, and CD8alphabeta T cells in lymph nodes, peripheral blood, and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of AG
44 cells differing by proliferation, numbers in peripheral blood, and probably by their precursors witho
45 ne treatments that cause HSPC trafficking to peripheral blood are associated with an increase in dipe
46 successful deconvolution and that RGEPs from peripheral blood are insufficient.
47  0.0218) and the proviral copy number in the peripheral blood as an indirect measure of partial viral
48                  Flow cytometric analysis of peripheral blood B cells of 30 MC-negative HCV-infected
49        We show that in vitro-activated human peripheral blood B, CD4(+) T, and CD8(+) T lymphocytes a
50                   Reactivity of CU patients' peripheral blood basophils (n=60) to specific anti-Fceps
51 ion of BDNF in SCZ, especially the decreased peripheral blood BDNF levels in SCZ patients validated b
52 t (TME), the presence of maternal T cells in peripheral blood before transplantation, is detectable i
53 ion at midlife and a concomitant increase in peripheral blood blast cells.
54 ncreased spleen size, and high leukocyte and peripheral-blood blast counts.
55  correlated with rapid clearance of virus in peripheral blood but remained undetectable in CSF for th
56 This evidence led us to identify a subset of peripheral blood CD14(+) CD1c(+) cells that expresses th
57                Mast cells were cultured from peripheral blood CD34(+) cells and examined for releasab
58 eveloped an ex vivo culture system to expand peripheral blood CD34(+) progenitor cells from patients
59                                       First, peripheral blood CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cell activation lev
60 flammatory cytokine expression in stimulated peripheral blood CD4+ T cells and ex vivo human skin, an
61 sured cell surface ChR on HSV-specific human peripheral blood CD8 T cells and extended our studies to
62 cterized by abnormal blood cells, or reduced peripheral blood cell count.
63 also increased the inflammatory potential of peripheral blood cells after lunch.Compared with 3 meals
64 masome sensor for T. gondii in primary human peripheral blood cells and to define an upstream regulat
65                                 We collected peripheral blood cells from Framingham Heart Study parti
66 ayed by IFN-gamma ELISPOT for recognition in peripheral blood cells of CD patients and healthy contro
67 orresponding to C3 in freshly isolated human peripheral blood cells that was absent in corresponding
68 aberrant gene expression in brain as well as peripheral blood cells.
69 sequencing to detect the presence of CHIP in peripheral-blood cells and associated such presence with
70                      The presence of CHIP in peripheral-blood cells was associated with nearly a doub
71                                   Xenogeneic peripheral blood chimerism was assessed after each infus
72 (ICN1) is detectable in approximately 50% of peripheral blood CLL cases lacking gene mutations.
73 ght to investigate immune gene signatures in peripheral blood collected after NAC under the setting o
74  number of CD4(+) T cell counts in patients' peripheral blood corresponds to the progression of HIV d
75 sfusion independence or complete recovery of peripheral blood counts in a proportion of patients.
76                          LRP-1 expression on peripheral blood DCs was quantified by using flow cytome
77 se asthmatics is reflected in differences in peripheral blood dendritic cell subsets.
78  AIH/AISC we noted a substantial increase in peripheral blood-derived CD4(+) CD127(+) CD25(high) cell
79  mechanisms in human iPSC lines derived from peripheral blood-derived dendritic cells using a noninte
80 sing strategy might be the quantification of peripheral blood DNA levels of the highly prevalent and
81                                  We profiled peripheral blood DNA methylation levels of 384 CpGs in p
82 ovariates, high CXCL9 levels measured in the peripheral blood during pregnancy were associated with i
83 ompared the miRNA profiles of cord blood and peripheral blood ECFC-derived cells.
84 tic tool to quantify L. loa microfilariae in peripheral blood, enables rapid, point-of-care identific
85 osections were incubated with purified human peripheral blood eosinophils with or without activation
86     We evaluated aeroallergen sensitization, peripheral blood eosinophils, and serum periostin as pot
87 ded for 11-color flow cytometric analysis of peripheral blood for IgG4-expressing B cells and TH subs
88 sitively with living on a farm and increased peripheral blood forkhead box protein 3 expression and c
89        We obtained tumor samples and matched peripheral blood from 14 patients with HNC.
90                                  We compared peripheral blood from 32 moderate-to-severe AA adults wi
91 eased CXCR2 expression compared with that in peripheral blood from BC patients or healthy controls (P
92                                              Peripheral blood gene expression to identify subjects wi
93 tantial enrichments for distal regulation of peripheral-blood gene expression: coding regions (4.47x)
94                                    Mobilized peripheral blood hematopoietic cells from transgenic swi
95                                              Peripheral blood histone acetylation and HDAC2 gene expr
96 reduced intensity conditioning and mobilized peripheral blood HSCT in unrelated, fully MHC-matched Ma
97                      Here we show that human peripheral blood IFN-gamma(+)IL-17(+) (TH1/17) and IFN-g
98        Thus, there is a need to evaluate the peripheral blood immune environment and to conduct detai
99 mosaic LOY was detected in DNA isolated from peripheral blood in 9.6% of them, and was the only recur
100 e likely role of DNA methylation measured in peripheral blood in the etiology of type 2 diabetes.
101 exhibit increased presence of MDSCs in their peripheral blood, in comparison with normal controls.
102 COR1DeltaID ameliorated abnormalities in the peripheral blood indices, and corrected the defective di
103                                              Peripheral blood iNKTs were quantitatively and qualitati
104                   The presence and degree of peripheral blood involvement in patients with cutaneous
105 s (HSPCs) from the bone marrow (BM) into the peripheral blood is a complex process that is enhanced d
106                                   To compare peripheral blood leucocyte populations using flow cytome
107 and TOLLIP rs5743890) and telomere length in peripheral blood leucocytes, and assessed their associat
108                             We analyzed: (1) peripheral blood leukocyte levels and immune responses;
109 lergic rhinoconjunctivitis symptoms; and (2) peripheral blood leukocyte levels/responses and gene exp
110 med genome-wide gene expression profiling in peripheral blood leukocytes of adult patients admitted t
111               Several studies report reduced peripheral blood levels of BDNF in AD, but findings are
112 ofluidic device that isolates and enumerates peripheral blood lymphoblasts using affinity separations
113  efficacy in HIV-1-infected humanized [human peripheral blood lymphocyte (Hu-PBL)] mice by completely
114 , SOCE measurements, immunologic analysis of peripheral blood lymphocyte populations by using flow cy
115 fluorescent InsB10-23:DQ8 tetramers, stained peripheral blood lymphocytes directly ex vivo, and show
116          Mutational analyses of CTCL patient peripheral blood malignant cell samples suggested the an
117 performed conditional eQTL analysis in 4,896 peripheral blood microarray gene expression samples.
118 ced both serum C-reactive protein levels and peripheral blood monocyte secretion of IL-6 and TNF-alph
119           We reported previously that a high peripheral blood monocyte turnover rate was predictive f
120 time; Mf1 and Mf2, phenotypically similar to peripheral blood monocytes (PBMos), were largely replace
121 n also regulated cell death in primary human peripheral blood monocytes (PBMs).
122 pon infection of human THP-1 macrophages and peripheral blood monocytes but does not occur during inf
123                                              Peripheral blood monocytes play a role in sarcoidosis in
124  of the HCV genome in either liver tissue or peripheral blood monocytes, despite constant negative re
125 ll subjects remained off ERT with normalized peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) ADA activity, i
126 ing to profile DENV-3 intrahost diversity in peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) and plasma samp
127 liferation and the secretion of cytokines in Peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) culture from CM
128 sample with whole blood concentration of the peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) fraction were e
129 n delaying time to viral rebound or reducing peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) or lymph node p
130             Suppression of parasite-specific peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) proliferation w
131 ctions, an ex vivo co-culture model of human peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) responses to Es
132 SCs deliver miR-9 to the injured pancreas or peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC), which can targ
133 d D-dimer levels were associated with higher peripheral blood mononuclear cell and gut integrated HIV
134   Neutralizing antibodies were detected in a peripheral blood mononuclear cell assay, and moderate an
135  stress/depression to recurrent wheezing and peripheral blood mononuclear cell cytokine responses at
136 d an allogeneic HCT and had archived pre-HCT peripheral blood mononuclear cell samples.
137 athway-based signature derived from grouping peripheral blood mononuclear cell transcriptomes disting
138 n brain regions (BP case/control: 45/50) and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (BP case/control: 193
139 ients) or unfractionated bone marrow (BM) or peripheral blood mononuclear cells (n = 10) resulted in
140 elated with proviral HIV-DNA copy numbers in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) (Rho = 0.4011;
141 al human MCF10A mammary epithelial and human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) by MTT assay.
142 ntibodies in ex vivo cultures of naive human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) exposed to P.
143                      Mycobacterial growth in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from both huma
144 f CCR5 does not prevent ex vivo infection of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from SM or ver
145 ed to examine transcriptional differences in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), and in purifi
146 city (CEC) and changes in gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC).
147 V-1 DNA longitudinally for up to 14 years in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) among 61 peri
148 irus (CMV)-pp65-specific T-cell responses in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and breast mi
149              We used ex vivo stimulations of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and monocytes
150 luding plasma HIV RNA and nested PCR on bulk peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and sigmoid b
151 c induction in freshly isolated B cells from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and that acti
152 L-17-positive T cells were sorted from human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) by intracellu
153                   In this study, we screened peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from donors v
154                                              Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from infectio
155 SCC spheroids were co-cultured in vitro with peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in the presen
156         Here, we analyse ZIKV infectivity of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in vitro and
157 d DNA methylation at baseline and 3 hours in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) using the Inf
158                                        Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated
159  this barrier, we isolated mRNAs from feline peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), and used ava
160 s applied for the quantitation of HIV RNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs; n = 72), semi
161  and the results were further validated with peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNCs) isolated fro
162 unoCloak treatment was evaluated using human peripheral blood mononuclear cells and by testing for an
163 , induced proinflammatory responses in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells and in monocolonized
164 ere mainly of a memory phenotype, present in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and intestinal tissue
165                            In an analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and intestinal tissue
166                       Patient's and father's peripheral blood mononuclear cells and macrophages demon
167 Vdelta2(neg) gammadelta T-cell subset within peripheral blood mononuclear cells and other annexin A2-
168  showed enhanced histone (H3) acetylation in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and reduced interleuk
169                                              Peripheral blood mononuclear cells and sera were obtaine
170                                Cryopreserved peripheral blood mononuclear cells and serum samples col
171 al and noncanonical pathways was examined in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and transfected HEK29
172 ytometry in a mimetic cell mixture and human peripheral blood mononuclear cells as model systems.
173 microarray gene expression data derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells as well as 16S riboso
174 -induced cytokine responses) from stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells at age 3 years.
175 ug, exerts anti-HIV-1 activity in TZM-bl and peripheral blood mononuclear cells at low nanomolar conc
176 n and activity of ADAM-10 and ADAM-17 in old peripheral blood mononuclear cells compared with those o
177  of telomeres was measured longitudinally in peripheral blood mononuclear cells during human aging, i
178 OLM-4, THP-1 or primary AML cells with donor peripheral blood mononuclear cells elicited a cell conta
179  DNA double-strand breaks were determined in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 13 pSS patients,
180 observed in 7% and 56% of tax sequences from peripheral blood mononuclear cells from animals 12141 an
181 criptome microarray data were generated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells from Chinese children
182                                              Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from chronic lymphocy
183 ized to the responses previously observed in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from donors from regi
184  immunogenicity in A2-transgenic mice and on peripheral blood mononuclear cells from ESO-vaccinated m
185                                              Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from healthy controls
186 inhibited IFN-gamma and IL-17A production in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from HIV-infected ART
187                                              Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from HIV-infected wom
188 sy samples and Leishmania antigen-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients infecte
189                                              Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from SLA identical wi
190  Conversely, addition of sialidases to human peripheral blood mononuclear cells induces accumulation
191                                              Peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from CHIKV-i
192 ve TLR7 agonist, GS-9620, activated HIV from peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from HIV-inf
193  than intra-arterial infusion, and mobilized peripheral blood mononuclear cells may outperform bone m
194 al activity of RXRalpha is down-modulated in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with lung
195 activated B cells and A20 were diminished in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of sepsis patients, w
196 , combined delivery of ICOVIR-15K-cBiTE with peripheral blood mononuclear cells or T cells enhanced t
197                                              Peripheral blood mononuclear cells or whole blood were c
198                   By contrast, the patient's peripheral blood mononuclear cells responded normally to
199                                              Peripheral blood mononuclear cells samples were stained
200                              We profiled 68k peripheral blood mononuclear cells to demonstrate the sy
201        In vitro secretion of these miRNAs by peripheral blood mononuclear cells was also significantl
202                                   Plasma and peripheral blood mononuclear cells were collected at mul
203                        Human primary TEC and peripheral blood mononuclear cells were infected with BK
204            To analyze the level of DNA DSBs, peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated from bl
205                                              Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were obtained at week
206 DNA genotyping and mRNA expression levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells were quantified via m
207       We observed that pretreatment of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells with HMBA led to a ma
208  wide range of cancers, does not bind normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and can activate imm
209 s by reprogramming microglia-like cells from peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and combining them w
210 o against Daudi cells with cynomolgus monkey peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and had minimal comp
211         Human IgG, eluted from human and pig peripheral blood mononuclear cells, interacted across sp
212 mmadelta T-cell clones could be derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
213 n human cell lines, primary macrophages, and peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
214 ce the activation of in vitro-cultured human peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
215  and acutely HIV-1 infected T cells by human peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
216 ses were studied in 42 vaccinees using fresh peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
217 ntiation of CD4+ T cells isolated from human peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
218 vo than either GG or AG (p < 0.001) in total peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
219 phatase-1 were determined in neutrophils and peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
220 cyte-derived dendritic cells [moDCs], PBMCs [peripheral blood mononuclear cells] and epithelial and i
221                   Knockdown of LY6E in human peripheral blood mononuclear, SupT1, and THP-1 cells dim
222 o did not achieve a 4-log reduction in NPM1m peripheral blood-MRD (PB-MRD) had a higher cumulative in
223                The pattern of involvement of peripheral blood myeloid cells was indistinguishable bet
224                                        Human peripheral blood myeloid DC subsets from patients with e
225 of the developing brain and that a subset of peripheral blood myeloid mononuclear cells represent a k
226                        For many years, human peripheral blood natural killer (NK) cells have been div
227  taxonomic units, as well as with lavage and peripheral blood neutrophilia.
228 cient to induce OSM production (P < .001) in peripheral blood neutrophils in vitro.
229 eta-analysis to quantitatively summarize the peripheral blood NGF data in SCZ patients compared with
230 ts with SCZ are accompanied by the decreased peripheral blood NGF levels, strengthening the clinical
231                                              Peripheral blood NK cells from individuals with GATA2 mu
232                                              Peripheral blood NK cells from patients with STAT1 GOF m
233 ge Melan-A-specific T-cell repertoire in the peripheral blood of 9 melanoma patients before and after
234 ted in children, detection of BRAF(V600E) in peripheral blood of adults was a marker of active multis
235 accumulation of T-bet(+)CD21(low) B cells in peripheral blood of affected patients.
236 in tonsil tissue of allergic patients and in peripheral blood of allergic asthmatic patients.
237 lating tumour cells (CTCs) selected from the peripheral blood of cancer patients.
238 lpha, whereas IL-10 levels were increased in peripheral blood of clinical responders after 12 wk of t
239                       vIL-10 was detected in peripheral blood of healthy blood donors.
240 ation in left-ventricular biopsies and whole peripheral blood of living probands.
241             Basophils were isolated from the peripheral blood of patient.
242 ysis of osteoclast progenitors isolated from peripheral blood of patients revealed that stimulation w
243 fic TR1 cells can be generated in vitro from peripheral blood of patients with PA at baseline or duri
244 /TH17CM) cells were selectively increased in peripheral blood of patients with relapsing-remitting MS
245 A9, MMP8, and ARG1, were up-regulated in the peripheral blood of patients with sepsis.
246 ur study was to ascertain if HCMV DNA in the peripheral blood of pregnant women with primary HCMV inf
247 s were restored in the spleen of C57BL/6 and peripheral blood of SJL/J mice along with a decreased TH
248 icance of islet Ag-reactive T cells found in peripheral blood of type 1 diabetes (T1D) subjects is un
249 e analyzed CD4(+) helper T-cell subsets from peripheral blood or cerebrospinal fluid for cytokine pro
250                     No differences in either peripheral blood or local lymphocyte populations were fo
251 n in this study, individuals must have had a peripheral blood or mononuclear cell sample collected be
252 e accessibility of tumor cells obtained from peripheral blood or through bone marrow aspirates, toget
253  found to influence ADCY2 gene expression in peripheral blood (P = 4.50 x 10(-4)).
254 inal studies by immunophenotyping cells from peripheral blood (particularly T lymphocytes) derived fr
255 was investigated in Treg cells isolated from peripheral blood (PB) and from pancreatic draining lymph
256                              After RA SF and peripheral blood (PB) CD14+ monocytes were treated with
257                          MRD was measured in peripheral blood (PB) from treatment-naive patients in t
258 opoietic stem cell (HSC) mobilization to the peripheral blood (PB).
259  lower in other human TILs and in many human peripheral blood populations.
260 rculating tumor cells (CTCs) in preoperative peripheral blood (PPB) and intraoperative pulmonary veno
261 factor expression in this subset relative to peripheral blood prior to infection.
262 little cytotoxicity against normal mobilized peripheral blood progenitor cells.
263 taining of reticulocytes enriched from adult peripheral blood reveals 4 distinct reticulocyte populat
264 d the relationship between RUNX1 and PCTP in peripheral blood RNA and PCTP and death or myocardial in
265                          For each patient, a peripheral blood sample was collected at baseline for th
266 n levels of candidate genes were measured in peripheral blood sampled from ischemic stroke patients a
267                                    Assessing peripheral blood samples at steady-state and during the
268                          RNA-seq analysis of peripheral blood samples collected just prior to experim
269                                              Peripheral blood samples from patients with ALF had a hi
270 acute peanut allergic reactions using serial peripheral blood samples obtained from 19 children befor
271 ases, we detected clonal haemopoiesis in the peripheral blood samples of ten (71%) patients.
272 e sequencing of 32 genes on the pretreatment peripheral blood samples to detect clonal haemopoiesis.
273            Thymic function was quantified in peripheral blood samples using the sj/beta-TREC ratio.
274                                              Peripheral blood samples were obtained for HIV antibody
275 mor-free liver tissues (control tissues) and peripheral blood samples.
276 -associated signature transcript profiles in peripheral blood samples.
277                                            A peripheral blood smear revealed anemia, thrombocytopenia
278 nulocyte colony-stimulating factor-mobilized peripheral blood stem cell donor grafts and successful t
279 ers of erythroblasts are recorded in patient peripheral blood, suggesting that interferon might have
280 ion, we show that mast cell progenitors from peripheral blood survive, mature, and proliferate withou
281 CAR T cells are generated from the patient's peripheral blood T cells and expand in the recipient to
282 ht a potential for IL6 signaling response in peripheral blood T cells at diagnosis as a predictive bi
283 onal Kv1.3 channels in TILs as compared with peripheral blood T cells from paired patients, which was
284 y results in uniform CAR expression in human peripheral blood T cells, but also enhances T-cell poten
285 air transmigration of freshly isolated human peripheral blood T lymphocytes, but not neutrophils or B
286 g clinical symptoms and biospecimens such as peripheral blood to be collected.
287  methylation (DNAm) data from cord blood and peripheral blood to identify SNPs associated with DNA me
288 tion state of eosinophils and neutrophils in peripheral blood to phenotype and monitor asthma.
289  promoted the recruitment of Treg cells from peripheral blood to the tumor site in vitro and in vivo.
290     Interestingly, most ( approximately 60%) peripheral blood Treg cells express CCR6, and CCR6(+) Tr
291 encing on 5,063 single T cells isolated from peripheral blood, tumor, and adjacent normal tissues fro
292                             CTL019 levels in peripheral blood typically peaked at 10 to 14 days posti
293 0 bioactive mediators and pathway markers in peripheral blood using established criteria for arachido
294                         Patients with higher peripheral blood viral loads in primary infection and gr
295                                              Peripheral blood was collected before and after challeng
296                                              Peripheral blood was collected from 70 virally suppresse
297 iomarker to track a self-reactive H chain in peripheral blood, we found evidence of similarly enhance
298 s, basophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes) in peripheral blood were measured by using Coulter Counter
299 tablish endothelial cell cultures from human peripheral blood, with an ultimate goal of examining int
300 ed CCR2-expressing Ly6C(hi) monocytes in the peripheral blood, without affecting overall number of ki

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