


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 d genes the most overexpressed compared with peripheral blood T cells.
2 As with nuclear extracts of freshly isolated peripheral blood T cells.
3 enous IL-4 gene expression in nontransformed peripheral blood T cells.
4 eta3 Ab that activates approximately 3-5% of peripheral blood T cells.
5 of IL-2-responsiveness in mitogen-stimulated peripheral blood T cells.
6 ness from freshly isolated CD4(+) and CD8(+) peripheral blood T cells.
7 at compartment and differ from those seen in peripheral blood T cells.
8 man T cell lymphoma, as well as in activated peripheral blood T cells.
9 he surface of a subset (10-15%) of activated peripheral blood T cells.
10 h CCR6 being the only MIP-3alpha receptor on peripheral blood T cells.
11 ral killer (NK) cells, and the Th2 subset of peripheral blood T cells.
12 dition, BY55 was expressed on most CD8+CD28- peripheral blood T cells.
13 on of T cell clones and Ag- or PHA-activated peripheral blood T cells.
14 ceptor family, LT beta R is not expressed by peripheral blood T cells.
15  was also reduced, as was IL-2 production by peripheral blood T cells.
16 ative TCR-beta chain sequences in their CD4+ peripheral blood T cells.
17 ading to enhanced proliferation of purified, peripheral blood T cells.
18 mation is associated with expansions of CD4+ peripheral blood T cells.
19  cytokines as well as cytokine expression in peripheral blood T cells.
20  the inhibitory receptor PD-1 in FL TILs and peripheral blood T cells.
21 and ultimately Th2 cell development in human peripheral blood T cells.
22 otein and to CD28 expressed on CD4+ and CD8+ peripheral blood T cells.
23 of MLL, Th2 cell maturation in primary human peripheral blood T cells.
24 cted (or were detected only occasionally) in peripheral blood T cells.
25 yze the regulation and role of iNOS in human peripheral blood T cells.
26 ar cell tumor tissue can induce apoptosis in peripheral blood T cells.
27 r low pH affected TCR signaling potential of peripheral blood T cells.
28 hocytic leukemia (B-CLL) but not in T-CLL or peripheral blood T cells.
29 long with HTLV-I-mediated infection of human peripheral blood T-cells.
30 hat is expressed constitutively on all human peripheral-blood T cells.
31  gene variations, from virus detected in the peripheral blood T cells 19 months earlier.
32 ell clones; this was also observed in CD8(+) peripheral blood T cells activated with TCR cross-linkin
33  myeloid leukemia (AML) myeloblasts inhibits peripheral blood T cell activation and proliferation, re
34        Disproportionately large fractions of peripheral blood T cells also express IGF-1R in patients
35                4) Purified gp180 can bind to peripheral blood T cells and activate p56(lck).
36 ions were performed combining enriched human peripheral blood T cells and allogeneic HK or HF with or
37 l roles in antigen-mediated proliferation of peripheral blood T cells and also is critical for activa
38                                              Peripheral blood T cells and antigen-presenting cells fr
39             Restoration of normal numbers of peripheral blood T cells and B cells among recipients of
40 CAR T cells are generated from the patient's peripheral blood T cells and expand in the recipient to
41 stic T-cell lines and lower levels in normal peripheral blood T cells and hyperplastic tonsil.
42 ptor (TCR) following CD3 triggering in human peripheral blood T cells and is rapidly and reversibly t
43 reatment followed robust elimination of both peripheral blood T cells and lymph node T cells.
44    The LXA(4) receptor (ALX) is expressed in peripheral blood T cells and mediates the inhibition of
45 al decreases in the absolute number of total peripheral blood T cells and most Vbeta TcR+ subsets.
46 -22-producing CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells from peripheral blood T cells and naive CD4(+) T cells in mix
47 lso induced secretion of IFN-gamma from both peripheral blood T cells and NK cells, and IFN-gamma mRN
48 -18 to augment IFN-gamma production in human peripheral blood T cells and NK cells.
49 characterize the expression of DORs by human peripheral blood T cells and to determine whether a spec
50 r was compromised in both Zap70 knocked down peripheral blood T cells and Zap70 or Lck-deficient/Lck-
51 letion of Jarid1b from bone marrow increased peripheral blood T cells and, following secondary transp
52 B/SOCS1/SSI-1 is strongly induced by IL-2 in peripheral blood T cells, and JAB/SOCS1/SSI-1 overexpres
53                These different mechanisms of peripheral blood T cell apoptosis may play different rol
54                                     Although peripheral blood T cells are largely unresponsive to the
55                In this study, we used normal peripheral blood T cells, as well as caspase-8-, caspase
56 -alpha secretion by the tumor-associated and peripheral blood T cells at baseline, stimulation with a
57 ht a potential for IL6 signaling response in peripheral blood T cells at diagnosis as a predictive bi
58      Importantly, defective IL6 signaling in peripheral blood T cells at diagnosis correlated with wo
59 mutation in genomic DNA of individual sorted peripheral blood T cells, B cells, and monocytes in pati
60 nstitutive and relatively high expression in peripheral blood T cells, B cells, and monocytes.
61 that CXCR7 protein is not expressed by human peripheral blood T cells, B cells, NK cells, or monocyte
62                                  About 5% of peripheral blood T cells bear gammadelta TCRs, most of w
63                                   Studies of peripheral blood T cells before and after patch testing
64    These cells make up 2-5% percent of human peripheral blood T cells but expand to make up 8-60% of
65     beta-Catenin is not detectable in normal peripheral blood T cells but is expressed in T-acute lym
66 y results in uniform CAR expression in human peripheral blood T cells, but also enhances T-cell poten
67                     PMCH is not expressed in peripheral blood T cells, but expression is highly induc
68    Foreskin T cells were more activated than peripheral blood T cells, but foreskin T cells were not
69  level TCR thymocytes was similar to that on peripheral blood T cells, but was much lower than that o
70 lated tonsillar B cells and at low levels in peripheral blood T cells, but was not expressed in any o
71                       Costimulation of human peripheral blood T cells by CD3 mAb OKT3 in conjunction
72        Expression of CD30L can be induced in peripheral blood T cells by cross-linking the CD3 compon
73                           Infusions of donor peripheral blood T cells can induce durable remissions o
74                                     Cultured peripheral-blood T cells can be differentiated into CLA-
75   If RA synovial tissue T cells, like normal peripheral blood T cells, can respond to superantigens p
76 le, we show that activation of resting human peripheral blood T cells caused downregulation of Mfn2 l
77                                      A human peripheral blood T cell cDNA expression library was scre
78 mannan (LAM) could specifically induce human peripheral blood T cell chemotaxis in vitro.
79 ipoarabinomannan (ManLAM) could induce human peripheral blood T cell chemotaxis.
80                                 Among normal peripheral blood T cells, CLA expression was essentially
81      DNA extracted from individually plucked peripheral blood T cell colonies and marrow colony-formi
82 ystemic obesity-related abnormalities in the peripheral blood T-cell compartment are not well defined
83           In this study, we investigated the peripheral blood T-cell compartment of morbidly obese an
84                                          The peripheral blood T-cell compartment of morbidly obese su
85 nospot assay (ELISPOT) analysis of psoriatic peripheral blood T cells confirmed that these autoantige
86 ate that expression of CD69 on CD3+ and CD8+ peripheral blood T cells correlates closely with the pre
87  but resulted in only transient increases in peripheral blood T cell counts.
88                                        Mixed peripheral blood T cells cultured on the stiffer substra
89  of IL-6 and interleukin 1beta (IL-1beta) on peripheral blood T-cell cycling and CD127 surface expres
90               Repeated spirometry, 6MWD, and peripheral blood T-cell cytokine responses to lung elast
91 e Jurkat human T lymphoma cell line or human peripheral blood T cells disrupted TCR-induced actin pol
92 blood T cells but expand to make up 8-60% of peripheral blood T cells during bacterial and parasitic
93                    FTY720-driven splenic and peripheral blood T cell egress are both independent of C
94 n healthy S aureus carriers and noncarriers, peripheral blood T cells elaborated TH2 cytokines after
95                                              Peripheral blood T cells exhibited this defect only in p
96                                              Peripheral blood T cells exposed to suboptimal concentra
97  that a disproportionately large fraction of peripheral blood T cells express IGF-1R (CD3+IGF-R+).
98 ression by four- to sixfold on CD8- and CD8+ peripheral blood T cells following PHA activation.
99 pretreated ocular cells with activated human peripheral blood T cells for 48 hours and assessing T-ce
100                                              Peripheral blood T cells from 34 patients with stable an
101 rejection, we have evaluated the response of peripheral blood T cells from 50 heart transplant recipi
102    IFN-gamma production by CD4(+) and CD8(+) peripheral blood T cells from 58 high-risk women was mea
103 one (HC/2G-1) was established by stimulating peripheral blood T cells from a patient with renal cell
104 y were demonstrable in purified unstimulated peripheral blood T cells from approximately 30% (5/16) o
105                                              Peripheral blood T cells from egg allergic patients were
106 n a large proportion of V gamma 9+V delta 2+ peripheral blood T cells from healthy subjects (30-45%)
107                In M. tuberculosis-stimulated peripheral blood T cells from healthy tuberculin reactor
108  vitro replicative capacity were assessed in peripheral blood T cells from HIV+ and HIV- donors.
109 duced T cell apoptosis is Fas independent in peripheral blood T cells from HIV+ individuals.
110                                              Peripheral blood T cells from individuals carrying the A
111 e numbers of tumour-infiltrating and matched peripheral blood T cells from individuals with cancer.
112 e for polarized type 2 T-cell responses, and peripheral blood T cells from most human donors recogniz
113                                              Peripheral blood T cells from NMO patients and HC were e
114 s conducted with murine cells, we stimulated peripheral blood T cells from normal human beings in vit
115 onal Kv1.3 channels in TILs as compared with peripheral blood T cells from paired patients, which was
116 tion of the transcription factor NFkappaB in peripheral blood T cells from patients with renal cell c
117  compared global gene expression profiles of peripheral blood T cells from previously untreated patie
118       This activation scheme was repeated on peripheral blood T cells from psoriatic patients versus
119                                        Using peripheral blood T cells from recipients of HLA-identica
120 ls to release TNF-alpha when cocultured with peripheral blood T cells from rheumatoid patients.
121 triction was not found in mitogen-stimulated peripheral blood T cells from the major donor of the CTL
122 ng of the PCR amplification products of CD4+ peripheral blood T cells from the subjects with ulcerati
123                           Both CD4+ and CD8+ peripheral blood T cells from these earlier stage patien
124 inhibited the allergen-induced activation of peripheral blood T cells from those subjects.
125                In M. tuberculosis-stimulated peripheral blood T cells from tuberculosis patients, ant
126 ed the ability of recombinant G-CSF to alter peripheral blood T-cell function and graft-versus-host d
127 h2 cells when cocultured with purified human peripheral blood T cells, further indicating functional
128 that these requirements are met by expanding peripheral blood T cells genetically targeted to the CD1
129                                 Apoptosis of peripheral blood T cells has been suggested to play an i
130                     In rheumatoid arthritis, peripheral blood T cells have age-inappropriate telomeri
131 hGITR mRNA in tissues were generally low; in peripheral blood T cells, however, antigen-receptor stim
132 he Fc gammaR1 STAT site also occurs in human peripheral blood T cells immortalized with HTLV-I in vit
133 eciprocal expression of CXCR4 and CCR5 among peripheral blood T cells implies distinct susceptibility
134 n of anti-CD3 mAb-activated, highly purified peripheral blood T cells in an IL-2-dependent, cyclospor
135                          Approximately 4% of peripheral blood T cells in humans express a T cell rece
136                                              Peripheral blood T cells in patients with paroxysmal noc
137       Tck cells were generated by culture of peripheral blood T cells in the presence of interleukin-
138 ferentiation model of freshly isolated human peripheral blood T cells in which IFN-gamma was used as
139          gammadelta T cells are the majority peripheral blood T cells in young cattle.
140 magglutinin-inducible proliferation in human peripheral blood T-cells in a dose-dependent manner.
141 induced apoptosis of the patient's malignant peripheral blood T-cells in vitro.
142 mma (IFN gamma), were cultured with purified peripheral blood T cells, in the presence or absence of
143 at CCR7 is expressed on the vast majority of peripheral blood T cells, including most cells that expr
144 highest levels of serum IgE and by increased peripheral blood T-cell interleukin-4 (IL-4) production.
145 d differentiation of CB naive, but not adult peripheral blood, T cells into immune-suppressive Tregs,
146  Here, we show the IL6 signaling response in peripheral blood T cells is impaired in breast cancer pa
147  (ICs), the trigger for alterations in human peripheral blood T cells is poorly understood.
148                        Compared with matched peripheral blood T cell lines, primary IHL lines from pa
149                            We demonstrate in peripheral blood T cell lymphoblasts that immediate earl
150 lls express EPAC1 transcript, whereas T-CLL, peripheral blood T cells, monocytes, and neutrophils do
151 c mechanisms might be acting to preserve the peripheral blood T-cell numbers in patients.
152                                              Peripheral blood T cells of 21 of 33 patients reacted to
153             We found that mitogen-stimulated peripheral blood T cells of asthmatic subjects expressed
154                                              Peripheral blood T cells of eight SMS patients recognise
155                                  We analyzed peripheral blood T cells of patients with CTCL with stag
156 also expressed in a second joint, but not in peripheral blood T cells of the same individual.
157 pitope from human GAD65 were used to analyze peripheral blood T-cells of newly diagnosed type 1 diabe
158 tal injection of graft recipients with donor peripheral blood, T cells, or B cells 7 days before tran
159 ness after TCR engagement when compared with peripheral blood T cell (PBT).
160        The activation and differentiation of peripheral blood T cells (PBT) are known to correlate wi
161                              First, in human peripheral blood T cells (PBT), expression of MKP6 is st
162 compared the cell cycle kinetics of LPTs and peripheral blood T cells (PBTs) before and after CD3- an
163 eatment levels of programmed death-1 (PD-1)+ peripheral blood T cells (PD-1+ cluster of differentiati
164 lthy individuals, BLT1(+) T cells are a rare peripheral blood T-cell population enriched for the acti
165 ific chemoattractant receptors compared with peripheral blood T cells prechallenge, including CCR5, C
166                           In highly infected peripheral blood T cells, profound necrosis occurred equ
167                                        Human peripheral blood T cells proliferate in response to Esch
168        In contrast to CCR9(-), CCR9(+)CD4(+) peripheral blood T cells proliferate to anti-CD3 or anti
169 ugh PBMC-derived APCs and DCs both supported peripheral blood T cell proliferation when primed with f
170                                          The peripheral blood T cell proliferative responses induced
171 of the inconsistency in published studies of peripheral blood T-cell reactivity to islet autoantigens
172 t and (2) determine whether intratumoral and peripheral blood T cell receptor (TCR) clonality inform
173 amma2Vdelta2 T cells comprise 2%-5% of human peripheral blood T cells, recognize ubiquitous nonpeptid
174 se to a microbial pathogen, we evaluated the peripheral blood T cell response to M. tuberculosis in h
175 Thymidine incorporation assays also showed a peripheral blood T-cell response to rhGM-CSF in at least
176                                              Peripheral blood T cell responses in the lepromatous for
177                                    To assess peripheral blood T cell responses to Jo-1, we first subc
178 ed systemic responses involving serum Ab and peripheral blood T cell responses.
179                                              Peripheral blood T-cell responses are used as biomarkers
180 , we detected HIV-specific CD4(+) and CD8(+) peripheral blood T-cell responses in 10%-20% of 247 subj
181 irpin RNA-mediated knockdown of Itk in human peripheral blood T cells results in increased expression
182                                Activation of peripheral blood T cells results in the mannose 6 phosph
183 ly, ex vivo analysis of human thymocytes and peripheral blood T cells revealed that human RTE and new
184 a chain V region families from CD4+ and CD8+ peripheral blood T cells showed a skewed distribution in
185            Gene expression analysis of human peripheral blood T cells showed that numerous genes asso
186 hanced Th2 response has not been detected in peripheral blood T cells stimulated in vitro with Mycoba
187 tant NFAT complex in the nuclear extracts of peripheral blood T cells stimulated with PMA plus alphaC
188                                              Peripheral blood T cells stimulated with PMA/alphaCD28 p
189     The impact of intrinsic aging upon human peripheral blood T cell subsets remains incompletely qua
190 mphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) infections, peripheral blood T cell subsets were analyzed by using a
191               We analyzed CD30 expression on peripheral blood T-cell subsets and soluble CD30 levels
192 n restore proliferation of tumor-derived and peripheral blood T-cell subsets, D-1MT does not effectiv
193 to explain several well-described defects in peripheral blood T cells, such as reduction in expressio
194 ion on intestinal CD4(+) T cells, but not on peripheral blood T cells, suggesting a gut-specific, Ag-
195  patients expressed higher levels of CD24 on peripheral blood T cells than did the CD24a/a patients.
196             In this work, we show that human peripheral blood T cells that are stimulated through the
197 elta2 T cells comprise a small population of peripheral blood T cells that in many infectious disease
198 ed by mass spectrometry as abundant in human peripheral blood T cells that is preferentially expresse
199 flammatory cytokines because we demonstrated peripheral blood T cells that produced TNF and IFNgamma
200 aining eight patients, seven had recovery of peripheral-blood T cells that were functional and led to
201                              However, unlike peripheral blood T cells, the majority of foreskin T cel
202            When combined with the changes in peripheral blood T cells, these factors indicate that ev
203 pendent primary adhesion is induced in human peripheral blood T cells through T cell receptor trigger
204 28 augmentation of TCR-mediated signaling in peripheral blood T cells through transcriptional activat
205            In vitro, Eap reduced adhesion of peripheral blood T cells to immobilized ICAM-1 as well a
206 tudy we measured the ability of lesional and peripheral blood T cells to produce intracellular interf
207 roarray analysis to characterize early human peripheral blood T cell transcriptional responses follow
208                                              Peripheral blood T cells transduced with a lentiviral ve
209 ic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cells, but not peripheral blood T cells, undergo apoptosis following tr
210                       CX(3)CR1 expression on peripheral blood T cells was analyzed by flow cytometry.
211                    Using purified human CD4+ peripheral blood T cells, we show that CD28 stimulation
212      Isolated trauma patients' and controls' peripheral blood T cells were assayed for negative and p
213                                          The peripheral blood T cells were at least 30 times more pot
214 ly expanded TCR-beta chain sequences of CD4+ peripheral blood T cells were identifiable in genomic DN
215                                     Purified peripheral blood T cells were induced to proliferate in
216            Positively selected CD4+ and CD8+ peripheral blood T cells were isolated from subjects wit
217 ative TCR-beta chain sequences from the CD4+ peripheral blood T cells were persistent over at least a
218 ration signal, whereas mature thymocytes and peripheral blood T cells were sensitive.
219                                              Peripheral blood T cells were stimulated with Chinese ha
220 patient with Sezary syndrome whose malignant peripheral blood T cells were TCRVbeta17+.
221 ts have a higher frequency of IL-4-producing peripheral blood T cell when compared to normal subjects
222                         Stimulation of human peripheral blood T cells with mitogenic pairs of anti-CD
223 phosphatase, MKP-2, that is induced in human peripheral blood T cells with phorbol 12-myristate 13-ac
224 ed IL-2 production after activation of human peripheral blood T cells with phorbol ester (PMA) and an

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