


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ytes; high-load carriers, >200 genomes/10(5) peripheral blood lymphocytes).
2  abundant (>1% of total MHC-I transcripts in peripheral blood lymphocytes).
3 th determination of basal H(2)O(2) levels in peripheral blood lymphocytes.
4 erosis have been largely confined to testing peripheral blood lymphocytes.
5 pithelial cells, T lymphocyte cell lines, or peripheral blood lymphocytes.
6 ons (including dicentrics and ring forms) in peripheral blood lymphocytes.
7 ed similar results using RNA interference in peripheral blood lymphocytes.
8 expressed RE transcripts between the OFC and peripheral blood lymphocytes.
9 thelial lymphocytes and on a small subset of peripheral blood lymphocytes.
10  approximately 30 cells/microl) of the total peripheral blood lymphocytes.
11 apoptosis were compared in elephant vs human peripheral blood lymphocytes.
12 ing receptor profile similar to untransduced peripheral blood lymphocytes.
13  2ME2 does not reduce the survival of normal peripheral blood lymphocytes.
14 tacrolimus were studied using purified human peripheral blood lymphocytes.
15 ic genotypes after costimulation of cultured peripheral blood lymphocytes.
16 e-B lymphoma L1.2 cells, Jurkat T cells, and peripheral blood lymphocytes.
17 re sufficiently high to induce chemotaxis of peripheral blood lymphocytes.
18 n measurements in surrogate tissues, such as peripheral blood lymphocytes.
19 d p16 mutations identified in DNA from their peripheral blood lymphocytes.
20 ct persistent LCV infection in rhesus monkey peripheral blood lymphocytes.
21  fluids, including serum, saliva, urine, and peripheral blood lymphocytes.
22  the VHL-gene mutation in a portion of their peripheral blood lymphocytes.
23 , cpm-1285 had little effect on normal human peripheral blood lymphocytes.
24  and is observed predominantly in testis and peripheral blood lymphocytes.
25 l-free assays and viral replication in human peripheral blood lymphocytes.
26 ponse to IL-2 in both T-cell lines and human peripheral blood lymphocytes.
27 mune-deficient mice reconstituted with human peripheral blood lymphocytes.
28  sequences are transcriptionally abundant in peripheral blood lymphocytes.
29 uman endogenous retrovirus was isolated from peripheral blood lymphocytes.
30 f CD4+CD25+ T cells when cultured with human peripheral blood lymphocytes.
31  lymphocyte co-cultures between normal human peripheral blood lymphocytes, (1) frequencies of memory
32 ave been observed to be induced in activated peripheral blood lymphocytes, a cell type relevant to HI
33 d blood lymphocytes (CBL) compared to adult (peripheral) blood lymphocytes (ABL).
34 s by injecting inferior lacrimal glands with peripheral blood lymphocytes activated by 5 days of cocu
35                                   Autologous peripheral blood lymphocytes, activated in a mixed-cell
36 >40 cases of primary cells, including normal peripheral blood lymphocytes, acute lymphoblastic leukem
37 ns and in the tissue culture supernatants of peripheral blood lymphocytes after stimulation.
38 ho developed persistent virus loads in their peripheral blood lymphocytes after transplantation.
39 units/106 cells) was documented in quiescent peripheral blood lymphocytes after treatment initiated b
40 t Vbeta restriction was found using the same peripheral blood lymphocytes against a different haploty
41 trate different, but stable, levels of donor peripheral blood lymphocyte and granulocyte chimerism.
42                                              Peripheral blood lymphocyte and urine DNA obtained from
43  shortening in CHD is restricted to specific peripheral blood lymphocyte and/or myeloid cell subpopul
44 e intracellular growth of M. tuberculosis by peripheral blood lymphocytes and antigen-specific CD4+ T
45 rferon enzyme-linked immunospot assays using peripheral blood lymphocytes and autologous CD1(+) immat
46 envelope-specific gamma interferon-secreting peripheral blood lymphocytes and better priming of T-cel
47                                Infections of peripheral blood lymphocytes and certain cell lines were
48 rotein levels are induced in activated human peripheral blood lymphocytes and CycT1 protein levels ar
49     Serum and CVL were incubated with normal peripheral blood lymphocytes and HIV-1 gp120-bearing tar
50 we observed that exposure in vitro of normal peripheral blood lymphocytes and human bone marrow-deriv
51 ere isolated 1 year postoperatively from the peripheral blood lymphocytes and iliac crest bone marrow
52  fibronectin induced Vav1 phosphorylation in peripheral blood lymphocytes and in two different T cell
53 on, yields enhanced rolling ligands for both peripheral blood lymphocytes and Jurkat cells in flow ch
54  Tat delayed FasL-mediated apoptosis in both peripheral blood lymphocytes and Jurkat cells, as it is
55                       Phenotypic analysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes and mixed lymphocyte reacti
56              We have found that treatment of peripheral blood lymphocytes and purified resting CD4(+)
57 ved from phytohemagglutinin (PHA) stimulated peripheral blood lymphocytes and radiation hybrid mappin
58 his hypothesis, we obtained matched pairs of peripheral blood lymphocytes and serum specimens simulta
59                                  Analyses of peripheral blood lymphocytes and serum suggested that PO
60          AW and PW enhanced HIV infection of peripheral blood lymphocytes and T-cell lines (Jurkat an
61 xtent, IL-7 enhance the expression of A3G in peripheral blood lymphocytes and that this effect is blo
62  Both the mean frequencies of donor-reactive peripheral blood lymphocytes and the number of individua
63 nduction of neuropeptide substance P in both peripheral blood lymphocytes and the T-cell lines.
64 ound to be expressed on the surface of human peripheral blood lymphocytes and transformed B- and T-ly
65           Flow cytometry was used to analyze peripheral-blood lymphocytes and bone marrow aspirates.
66 rapy, rabbit ATG is more potent in depleting peripheral-blood lymphocytes and is preferred in other c
67 deficient mice were reconstituted with human peripheral blood lymphocytes, and encephalitis was induc
68 ere defined arbitrarily as >25 spots/300,000 peripheral blood lymphocytes, and positive PRT was defin
69 nts of infection, including the oral cavity, peripheral blood lymphocytes, and the cell-free fraction
70  Peak in vivo levels of genetically modified peripheral blood lymphocytes approached 35% +/- 22% (n =
71  NY-ESO-1 was used to transduce CD8-depleted peripheral blood lymphocytes as antigen-presenting cells
72 -Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), but not in normal peripheral blood lymphocytes as well as in nonmalignant
73          The results demonstrated that human peripheral blood lymphocytes as well as mouse spleen lym
74 nd gag sequences were PCR amplified from the peripheral blood lymphocytes available from 9 of the 10
75  were measured, and the activation status of peripheral blood lymphocytes bearing mucosal homing mark
76 infusions in sIBM patients depletes not only peripheral blood lymphocytes but also endomysial T cells
77  of normal human thyroid cells and in 21% of peripheral blood lymphocytes, but only in 6% of normal m
78    We examined the phenotype and function of peripheral blood lymphocytes by cell surface or intracel
79 d CD8+ T cells expressing cytokines waned in peripheral blood lymphocytes by day 84, but CD8+ T cell
80 ssion of the early activation marker CD69 in peripheral blood lymphocytes by flow cytometry may provi
81 evels of LOXL1 were determined on c-DNA from peripheral blood lymphocytes by quantitative real-time R
82 (TIL 1383I) and introduced into normal human peripheral blood lymphocytes by retroviral transduction.
83                   DNA damage was assessed on peripheral blood lymphocytes by the comet assay before a
84 atedly stimulated with irradiated allogeneic peripheral blood lymphocytes caused the strongest inhibi
85                              In contrast, in peripheral blood lymphocytes, CCR9(+) lymphocytes were m
86                                              Peripheral blood lymphocyte chimerism (WF/ACI) remained
87  CD8(+) set is readily detected in the human peripheral blood lymphocyte compartment, particularly du
88 ation, oxidative stress, and their impact on peripheral blood lymphocyte composition.
89 rface expression on normal B cells or on any peripheral blood lymphocytes could be detected.
90 , we investigated whether PD-1 expression on peripheral blood lymphocytes could be used as a biomarke
91 0 mg/day produced a significant reduction in peripheral blood lymphocyte count by up to 85%, which re
92                 Median CD4+, CD8+, and CD19+ peripheral blood lymphocyte counts at 73-84 months after
93                          Ex vivo analysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes demonstrated enhanced CD16
94 l-characterized breast cell line HCC1395 and peripheral blood lymphocytes derived from the same patie
95  sites such as dorsal root ganglion neurons, peripheral blood lymphocytes, developing thymocytes, and
96 fluorescent InsB10-23:DQ8 tetramers, stained peripheral blood lymphocytes directly ex vivo, and show
97  the marrow at neuroblastoma diagnosis or in peripheral blood lymphocyte DNAs of six normal subjects.
98 A. actinomycetemcomitans and DCs to cultured peripheral blood lymphocytes elicited high levels of IFN
99  lines, as well as Sezary Syndrome patients' peripheral blood lymphocytes, exhibited ratio-dependent
100                                              Peripheral blood lymphocytes express CCR5, a chemokine r
101 on with IL-12/IL-18, monocyte-depleted human peripheral blood lymphocytes expressed the 79-kDa form o
102    We show that, in Jurkat human T cells and peripheral blood lymphocytes, Fas-induced apoptosis is p
103 demonstrate up-regulation of JAM3 protein on peripheral blood lymphocytes following activation.
104 etection of interleukin-2 receptor on 97% of peripheral blood lymphocytes for 30-45 days.
105 rable engraftment at levels exceeding 10% of peripheral blood lymphocytes for at least 2 months after
106 ) were seen during ITx rejection in archived peripheral blood lymphocyte from test and replication co
107 genes, was used to examine serial samples of peripheral blood lymphocytes from 11 adult patients with
108                        Each of 2 aliquots of peripheral blood lymphocytes from 4 rhesus monkeys were
109                                              Peripheral blood lymphocytes from 41 hemodialysis patien
110          Mutagen sensitivity was measured in peripheral blood lymphocytes from 460 individuals [148 p
111 -gamma ELISPOT and cytotoxicity assays using peripheral blood lymphocytes from 66 HBV-infected patien
112 l RNA isolated from Tat- and vehicle-treated peripheral blood lymphocytes from a healthy donor showed
113  of CD4(+) T-cell clones were generated from peripheral blood lymphocytes from a patient with a nonpr
114  generation and DNA damage, freshly prepared peripheral blood lymphocytes from all three groups were
115 ing of Tax11-19/HLA-A*0201 tetramer-positive peripheral blood lymphocytes from an HTLV-1-infected ind
116 by PCR-based genome walking using uncultured peripheral blood lymphocytes from an HTLV-3-infected per
117 CTL activity to allogeneic paternal cells in peripheral blood lymphocytes from both horse mares and d
118 dendritic cells (DCs) were used to stimulate peripheral blood lymphocytes from cervical cancer patien
119       The extent of endogenous DNA damage in peripheral blood lymphocytes from dogs given the dietary
120                          Short-term cultured peripheral blood lymphocytes from each subject were expo
121                                              Peripheral blood lymphocytes from elephants, healthy hum
122 s between human leukocyte antigen-mismatched peripheral blood lymphocytes from healthy adults.
123                      mRNA TCR engineering of peripheral blood lymphocytes from healthy donors or chro
124 al lipids was analyzed in ex vivo studies of peripheral blood lymphocytes from human patients with pu
125 ified beta-galactosidase and showed that the peripheral blood lymphocytes from in utero-transduced sh
126                          Here, we used fresh peripheral blood lymphocytes from individual subjects un
127 tained behavioural data, plasma samples, and peripheral blood lymphocytes from individuals living in
128  and breast cancer cell lines, as well as by peripheral blood lymphocytes from lymphoma patients, can
129 during T-cell receptor-mediated apoptosis in peripheral blood lymphocytes from normal donors.
130 r cells (CD34+) and interleukin-2-stimulated peripheral blood lymphocytes from normal healthy donors
131  assessed the functional responses to IFN in peripheral blood lymphocytes from patients with 3 major
132 ine deaminase (ADA) cDNA to transduce mature peripheral blood lymphocytes from patients with ADA defi
133 ponses against six cancer-testis antigens in peripheral blood lymphocytes from patients with esophage
134 (2) and its possible effect on DNA damage in peripheral blood lymphocytes from patients with vitiligo
135 iated lysis (range: 52-100% inhibition) when peripheral blood lymphocytes from seven healthy donors,
136                   After CD3/CD28 activation, peripheral blood lymphocytes from SSc patients produced
137 8 beads with higher frequency than activated peripheral blood lymphocytes from the same patients.
138                                              Peripheral blood lymphocytes from these subjects were an
139                                           No peripheral blood lymphocytes from three HLA-2.1+ donors
140            In vitro assays demonstrated that peripheral blood lymphocytes from tolerant animals produ
141 tramer-binding CD8+ T cells were detected in peripheral blood lymphocytes from two of six patients af
142                             However, routine peripheral blood lymphocyte gamma interferon enzyme-link
143 nduced by mutagens in short-term cultures of peripheral blood lymphocytes, has been used as an indire
144 d (low-load carriers, 8 to 200 genomes/10(5) peripheral blood lymphocytes; high-load carriers, >200 g
145 ility and genome damage in the primary human peripheral blood lymphocytes (HPBLs) and exhibited free
146  efficacy in HIV-1-infected humanized [human peripheral blood lymphocyte (Hu-PBL)] mice by completely
147 icient mice that were repopulated with human peripheral blood lymphocytes (hu-PBL-NOD/SCID mice).
148 d immunodeficient murine recipients of human peripheral-blood lymphocytes (hu-PBL-SCID).
149 acute allograft dysfunction, mitogen-induced peripheral blood lymphocyte IFN-gamma:IL-5 ratios > or =
150 The genome-scale DNA methylation profiles of peripheral blood lymphocytes in cows with S. aureus subc
151 nses were quantitated using freshly isolated peripheral blood lymphocytes in direct lytic assays as w
152 mph node compartments was similar to that in peripheral blood lymphocytes in individual monkeys.
153               Proliferation of healthy donor peripheral blood lymphocytes in response to IL-2 was inh
154 f relying on immunological measurements from peripheral blood lymphocytes in studies of protective im
155 and could be transmitted from macrophages to peripheral blood lymphocytes in trans 6 weeks after ongo
156  quinone-mediated DNA damage by estrogens in peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitiligo.
157   To address this issue, we irradiated human peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro with 0.5 Gy densel
158 upregulation of tetherin (BST-2 or CD317) on peripheral blood lymphocytes, including the CD4(+) CCR5(
159                                 Depletion of peripheral blood lymphocytes, including the naive and me
160 us is frequently detected in squirrel monkey peripheral blood lymphocytes, indicating that persistent
161                   The cytotoxicity for human peripheral blood lymphocytes is extremely low (>100 muM)
162 ssociated loss of telomere length in vivo in peripheral blood lymphocytes is specific to T and B cell
163 y various mutagens in short-term cultures of peripheral blood lymphocytes, is an established risk fac
164 n immediate depletion or severe reduction of peripheral blood lymphocytes, lasting at least 6 months.
165 xicity of dexamethasone against nonmalignant peripheral blood lymphocytes, mesenchymal stromal cells,
166 rm of MIP-1 beta secreted by activated human peripheral blood lymphocytes (MIP-1 beta(3-69)) lacks th
167 t lengths and FMR1 mRNA expression levels in peripheral blood lymphocytes, motor functioning, and whi
168                          We found that human peripheral blood lymphocytes not only provide lytic sign
169 le-chain Fv (scFv) antibody library from the peripheral blood lymphocytes of 20 patients with various
170 al instability, we used FISH to evaluate the peripheral blood lymphocytes of 22 PBSC donors and 22 ma
171 , HTLV-I tax sequence was amplified from the peripheral blood lymphocytes of 4 of them.
172 a measure of recent thymic emigrant cells in peripheral blood lymphocytes of 50 HIV-infected infants
173 and markedly decreased protein expression in peripheral blood lymphocytes of affected patients.
174 ng motif, was used to generate CTLs from the peripheral blood lymphocytes of an HLA-A1+ healthy donor
175 essful heterohybridoma immortalized from the peripheral blood lymphocytes of an infertile woman who e
176 NY-ESO-1-specific CD8+ and CD4+ T cells from peripheral blood lymphocytes of cancer patients in vitro
177 ome; we identified 2410 integration sites in peripheral blood lymphocytes of five infected individual
178      CD30(+) T lymphocytes were increased in peripheral blood lymphocytes of melanoma patients at adv
179 the interpretation of measurements made with peripheral blood lymphocytes of multiple sclerosis patie
180 type and Th2-type CD4+ T-cell responses from peripheral blood lymphocytes of normal donors and melano
181 inducing specific CD4+ T cells in vitro from peripheral blood lymphocytes of normal donors and patien
182 I) Tax11-19 peptide-specific CD8(+) cells in peripheral blood lymphocytes of patients with HTLV-I-ass
183                    Spleens, lymph nodes, and peripheral blood lymphocytes of secondary tolerant recip
184 substitutions in variable VH6 genes from the peripheral blood lymphocytes of three patients with xero
185 e target DNA sequences as small as 50 nts in peripheral blood lymphocytes or in stretched DNA fibers.
186 id tumors, accessible normal tissues such as peripheral blood lymphocytes or, perhaps more germane to
187 enriched TILs had significantly fewer CD4(+) peripheral blood lymphocytes (P = .01).
188                                           In peripheral blood lymphocytes, papain cleaved off HLA cla
189 erforming genomewide bisulfite sequencing in peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) and hair follicle DNA
190  2) standard miniature swine; and 3) GalT-KO peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) and cultured endothel
191 ssed by an interferon gamma ELIspot assay in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) and in a lymph node d
192 ercent of mice with >20% of CD4+ cells among peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) by 13 weeks posttrans
193 tion of IFN by phytohemagglutinin-stimulated peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) compared to Edmonston
194 SAHA in CTCL cell lines and freshly isolated peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) from CTCL patients wi
195 colonic lamina propria lymphocytes (LPL) and peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) from healthy individu
196                              When responding peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) from normal volunteer
197 nes (MJ, Hut78, and HH) and freshly isolated peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) from SS patients with
198 DNA PCR levels, defined as >/=40 genomes/105 peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) in pretransplant EBV-
199 CR for imprinting analysis of IGF2 on normal peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) of individuals.
200 omic sequences are readily detectable in the peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) of seropositive indiv
201 ared the characteristics of fresh RCC TIL to peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) or melanoma TIL.
202     The reduced ability of Vgamma2Vdelta2(+) peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) to expand could be re
203                   We found that treatment of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) with methyl-beta-cycl
204 ance between CTL activity in lymph nodes and peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL), CTL specific for sim
205 ve been successfully treated with autologous peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL), genetically modified
206 CR3 expressed in recombinant cells and human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL).
207 ) enzyme-linked immunospots (ELISPOTS)/10(6) peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL).
208 ileum, mesenteric lymph nodes [MLN], spleen, peripheral blood lymphocytes [PBL], and bone marrow lymp
209  specimens (6 PBC and 6 controls), and fresh peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) (10 PBC and 10 contr
210 sma (n = 59) by TaqMan PCR and in samples of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) (n = 60) by competit
211 cks to the early phase of HIV-1 infection in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) and a B lymphocytic
212 or-promoting phorbol ester, on primary human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) and assessed its abi
213 ominant-negative form of CDK9 (HA-dnCDK9) in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) and other cells.
214  secreted from activated human monocytes and peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) as a heterodimer.
215 icted in phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-stimulated peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) but proceeded effici
216 13+ (IL-13+) T cells (CD4+ or CD8+) in human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) can respond directly
217  were examined by mRNA transfection of human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) derived from healthy
218                                              Peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) from healthy donors
219 firm the specific expression of T-plastin in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) from SS patients and
220                                              Peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) from systemic lupus
221 nsplant patient who developed KS and in whom peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) had been prospective
222 nyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (PCC) activity in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) is a sensitive indic
223                                       In the peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) of a separate group
224                   Infection of CCR5(-) human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) showed that 2 differ
225           Baseline studies were performed on peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) vs. marrow in normal
226 le gene expression in human T cells, primary peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) were nucleofected wi
227                                              Peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) were treated in vitr
228 responses generated in vitro against patient peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) with those detected
229                               Thus, in human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs), approximately 1-4%
230 can be successfully reconstituted with human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs), but rates and level
231                           However, for human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs), this is generally r
232 Y-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells derived from peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs), tumor-infiltrating
233 althy subjects express <1 NKT cell per 1,000 peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs), we devised a new me
234 rnal-beam ionizing radiation-induced DSBs in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs).
235 potent CD4+ T-cell antigens, using patients' peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs).
236 respectively by PMA and PHA in primary human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs).
237 ing both a test substrate (casein) and fresh peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs).
238 a ELIspot assay (Chiron, Emeryville, CA), in peripheral-blood lymphocytes (PBLs) and in a lymph node
239  tumors and phosphorylation of ERK (pERK) in peripheral-blood lymphocytes (PBLs) before and after 1 m
240           Lesional skin biopsy specimens and peripheral blood lymphocyte phenotype were analyzed.
241 ive SLE and to correlate these findings with peripheral blood lymphocyte phenotypes.
242 , SOCE measurements, immunologic analysis of peripheral blood lymphocyte populations by using flow cy
243 pansion of both rabbit splenocytes and human peripheral blood lymphocytes, preferentially expanded hu
244  CCR5 internalization, and individuals whose peripheral blood lymphocytes produce high levels of thes
245 prisingly exhibit increased bioactivity in a peripheral blood lymphocyte proliferation assay.
246 odulatory functions, specifically suppressed peripheral blood lymphocyte proliferation, induced expre
247  T helper (interleukin-5- and -10-producing) peripheral blood lymphocytes reactive with a panel of sy
248 stration of the prodrug 14 induces sustained peripheral blood lymphocyte reduction in rats.
249                                 Normal human peripheral blood lymphocytes resisted salinomycin toxici
250 n combination with flow cytometry to compare peripheral blood lymphocyte responses of cattle with sub
251                            Flow cytometry of peripheral blood lymphocytes revealed dramatic efflux of
252              In vitro experiments with human peripheral blood lymphocytes revealed that pirfenidone r
253 ll three PCR assays gave negative results on peripheral blood lymphocyte samples from 69 humans, as w
254                            Matched urine and peripheral blood lymphocyte samples were obtained before
255  for coreceptor switch variants in the human peripheral blood lymphocyte-SCID mouse model.
256 va, rectal brushings, rectal swab specimens, peripheral blood lymphocytes, semen, and urine) from hum
257 -17D-induced clones could be identified from peripheral blood lymphocytes solely by measuring clonal
258 ction, prospectively collected cryopreserved peripheral-blood lymphocyte specimens (n = 90) from the
259             TBX21 expression was detected in peripheral blood lymphocytes, spleen, lung, and natural
260 meras showed deletion of donor-reactive CD4+ peripheral blood lymphocytes, splenocytes, and mature th
261 ymphocyte reaction (MLR) responses of normal peripheral blood lymphocytes stimulated with irradiated
262 interleukin(IL)-2 expression by normal human peripheral blood lymphocytes stimulated with phorbol 12-
263  (TCR)/CD3 complex in either Jurkat cells or peripheral blood lymphocytes stimulates phosphorylation
264 s identified within certain Vbeta-expressing peripheral blood lymphocyte subpopulations in the infect
265                                              Peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets were analyzed by flo
266  compared their gene expression profiles and peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets with those of subjec
267 can also be conveyed from NHOKs to activated peripheral blood lymphocytes, suggesting a potential rol
268  shown to be mosaic for the FLN1 mutation in peripheral blood lymphocytes, suggesting that some neuro
269 es apoptosis in CLL cells, but not in normal peripheral blood lymphocytes, suggesting the involvement
270 ent mice reconstituted with 50 x 10(6) human peripheral blood lymphocytes) that received three biweek
271 nse to oral prednisolone, and sensitivity of peripheral blood lymphocytes to corticosteroids were mea
272 DNA cells, the dendritic cells primed normal peripheral blood lymphocytes to generate effector T cell
273 e alpha1 helix, were presented by autologous peripheral blood lymphocytes to induce T-cell proliferat
274 igen-presenting cells, we stimulated patient peripheral blood lymphocytes to isolate peptide-specific
275 culosis strain H37Rv in which the ability of peripheral blood lymphocytes to limit intracellular grow
276 er, we analyzed their expression patterns in peripheral blood lymphocytes using Pacific Biosciences (
277 , immortalized B-cells, cultured T-cells and peripheral blood lymphocytes using reverse transcriptase
278 fication of genomic DNA from miniature swine peripheral blood lymphocytes, using primers correspondin
279 in reaction (PCR), and protein expression in peripheral blood lymphocytes was analyzed by flow cytome
280 or T-cell response, the T-cell repertoire of peripheral blood lymphocytes was assessed by complementa
281 r expression on CD4+,CD28- T cell clones and peripheral blood lymphocytes was assessed by multicolor
282  Reactivation of the rMd5DeltaMeq virus from peripheral blood lymphocytes was reduced, suggesting tha
283                                              Peripheral blood lymphocytes were analysed by flow cytom
284                                              Peripheral blood lymphocytes were analysed by flow cytom
285 telomere length and telomerase expression in peripheral blood lymphocytes were analyzed from 121 norm
286                                              Peripheral blood lymphocytes were collected at the time
287         Viral loads >200 genome copies/10(5) peripheral blood lymphocytes were considered consistent
288                                              Peripheral blood lymphocytes were cultured for 90 hours,
289                       Sequentially collected peripheral blood lymphocytes were examined with a recent
290 e who were seropositive) genome copies/10(5) peripheral blood lymphocytes were felt to identify patie
291                                 Rat PMNs and peripheral blood lymphocytes were isolated by density ce
292                                              Peripheral blood lymphocytes were isolated from 117 stab
293                                              Peripheral blood lymphocytes were isolated, ethanol-fixe
294                                  Fresh human peripheral blood lymphocytes were used as NK effector ce
295                              The recipients' peripheral-blood lymphocytes were collected before myelo
296 , 2, 6.2, 11, and 19 as compared to unprimed peripheral blood lymphocytes, whereas the usage of other
297 evels of genotoxicity following treatment of peripheral blood lymphocytes with complex 9, suggesting
298  as the correlations of tetramer staining of peripheral blood lymphocytes with CTL killing in vitro a
299 AD(+) levels were increased by supplementing peripheral blood lymphocytes with the NAD(+) precursors
300 ayed a dose-dependent, reversible decline in peripheral blood lymphocytes without an enhanced inciden

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