


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  reducing bioavailability in the less potent peripheral compartment.
2 g stable access to the foreign Ag-responsive peripheral compartment.
3 RNAi caused its retention within a dispersed peripheral compartment.
4 tral compartment and a BM-derived APC in the peripheral compartment.
5 r kinetics, with greater distribution in the peripheral compartment.
6 by an association with lower adipose mass in peripheral compartments.
7 ration of lal(-/-) T cells in the thymus and peripheral compartments.
8 questered, persisting infections confined to peripheral compartments.
9 y following the T1 and T2 populations in the peripheral compartment after rituximab-induced B cell re
10 ant inhibition of L-DOPA methylation in both peripheral compartment and striatum in rats.
11 erentiation and maintenance of Th17 cells in peripheral compartments and inflamed tissues.
12 resident memory T (TRM) cells develop within peripheral compartments and never spread beyond their po
13  Because SNC-80 distributes into central and peripheral compartments and produces rapid hypothermia f
14 culosis are relatively slow in the local and peripheral compartments and that necrosis occurs surpris
15 -phosphate receptor (CIMPR) accumulated in a peripheral compartment, and isolated CCVs had reduced le
16 ted near the plasma membrane referred as the peripheral compartment (Atg9-PC).
17 h cell clonotypes unevenly assort into these peripheral compartments, creating separate TCR repertoir
18 tical compounds with different P-gp effects, peripheral compartment distribution kinetics, or times t
19 ts with modest asymmetry between central and peripheral compartments (free brain/free plasma = 0.32;
20 e with nascent phagosomes suggests that this peripheral compartment in macrophages and dendritic cell
21 wever, the immune status of macrophages from peripheral compartments in tumor hosts is unclear.
22 art of the endoplasmic reticulum, and also a peripheral compartment just beneath the cell membrane, w
23  frequency of CD19(+)CD24(hi)CD38(hi) in the peripheral compartment of nonsplenectomized patients (P
24 ls was observed in the thymus but not in the peripheral compartments of B7-2KO mice.
25                               We sampled the peripheral compartment on days 0, 7, 14, 21, and 28 for
26 ocompatibility complex II within central and peripheral compartments, respectively.
27        Proteomic analyses comparing tumor to peripheral compartments showed that granulocyte macropha
28 led GLUT4 show that GLUT4 accumulates within peripheral compartments that exclude the transferrin rec
29 ted both the transfer of PDGF receptors from peripheral compartments to juxtanuclear vesicles, and th
30 be required: (a) to sort PDGF receptors from peripheral compartments to the lysosomal degradative pat
31 mes of distribution for the central (V1) and peripheral compartments (V2) to be 35 L/hr (95% CI, 32-3
32 mast cells are located in close proximity in peripheral compartments, we hypothesized that mast cell
33  distributional clearance, and volume of the peripheral compartment) were related to various combinat

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