


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 macrophage communication after damage to the peripheral nerve.
2 ary dorsal root ganglion neurons and injured peripheral nerve.
3 rging enzymes are uniquely important for the peripheral nerve.
4 and sensory functions after an injury to the peripheral nerve.
5 ormal composition of extracellular matrix in peripheral nerve.
6 ctivity-dependent signaling mechanism in the peripheral nerve.
7 ted to the CNS via indirect sensitization of peripheral nerves.
8 ishes a latent reservoir in neurons of human peripheral nerves.
9 merged as the preferred modality for probing peripheral nerves.
10 ession in spinal roots extending to multiple peripheral nerves.
11 iation of pathological alterations in mutant peripheral nerves.
12  activities and thereby support infection of peripheral nerves.
13 aphy a preferred modality for examination of peripheral nerves.
14 nn cells in multiple lumbar spinal roots and peripheral nerves.
15 hy characterized by myelin outfoldings along peripheral nerves.
16 phages and Schwann cells, affecting skin and peripheral nerves.
17 ng model for studying remyelination in adult peripheral nerves.
18 ng together the myelin sheath that insulates peripheral nerves.
19 ther cranial nerves, dorsal root ganglia and peripheral nerves.
20 onal delivery vector for surgical imaging of peripheral nerves.
21 f deep tendons such as the distal biceps and peripheral nerves.
22 rt axons inefficiently, and cannot myelinate peripheral nerves.
23 revents neuron death in mechanically injured peripheral nerves.
24 CAB1/2 are transported into dorsal roots and peripheral nerves.
25 e local immune responses and diseases in the peripheral nerves.
26 ted in adaptive and maladaptive functions in peripheral nerves.
27 dulthood benign tumors involving cranial and peripheral nerves.
28  approach to patients with vasculitis of the peripheral nerves, a straightforward, dichotomous classi
29                  Thus, all major measures of peripheral nerve accommodation (amplitude, latency and d
30 isplayed improved conductivity in myelinated peripheral nerves after vitamin B-12 treatment and an in
31  Therapies that target the highly accessible peripheral nerve and muscle system provide a promising n
32 rs, to identify enhancers in myelinating rat peripheral nerve and their dynamics after demyelinating
33 Schwann cells are glia that support axons of peripheral nerves and are direct descendants of the embr
34                                           In peripheral nerves and cells from mice with PMP22 deletio
35 ranslational machinery have been reported in peripheral nerves and in elongating injured axons of sen
36            This study examines conduction in peripheral nerves and its use dependence in tetrodotoxin
37 expression in vivo blocks myelination in the peripheral nerves and maintains Schwann cells in a proli
38       Current approaches to interfacing with peripheral nerves and muscles rely heavily on wires, cre
39 a-synuclein (alphaS) misfolding may begin in peripheral nerves and spread to the central nervous syst
40 xamine the evidence that ROS manipulation in peripheral nerves and/or muscle modifies mechanisms of p
41 ectromagnetic field simulations, an atlas of peripheral nerves, and a neurodynamic model to predict t
42     We show that IL-6Ralpha on neural cells, peripheral nerves, and fine sensory afferents are dispen
43  film appliques that interface directly with peripheral nerves, and flexible filaments that insert in
44  (TTR) can misfold and deposit in the heart, peripheral nerves, and other sites causing amyloid disea
45  we evaluated use-dependent changes in mouse peripheral nerves, and the contribution of the tetrodoto
46  polyneuropathy, which primarily affects the peripheral nerves, and transthyretin cardiomyopathy (TTR
47 de disease mediated by antibodies binding to peripheral nerve antigens, but additionally encompass im
48          Novel clinical treatments to target peripheral nerves are being developed which primarily us
49                                              Peripheral nerves are damaged in various conditions, inc
50 lso develop schwannomas on other cranial and peripheral nerves, as well as meningiomas and ependymoma
51 ter surgical repair of traumatically severed peripheral nerves, associated muscles are paralyzed for
52 pheric compensation by surgically crossing a peripheral nerve at the neck in rats, which may provide
53                         Protein synthesis in peripheral nerve axons is increased during regeneration,
54                                     Although peripheral nerve axons retain the capacity to locally sy
55   Schwann cells produce myelin sheath around peripheral nerve axons.
56 ical signals for neural activity read-out in peripheral nerve axons.
57 -opioid pain-relieving treatments, including peripheral nerve block or spinal clonidine, an alpha2-ad
58       Dosing studies of local anesthetics in peripheral nerve blockade suggest that mass of drug, not
59 expressed CuZnSOD in brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerve, but not in other tissues.
60  C-fiber compound action potential in distal peripheral nerves, but not proximal nerves or dorsal roo
61                               Myelination of peripheral nerves by Schwann cells requires coordinate r
62 for the first time, that the excitation of a peripheral nerve can be accomplished by 12-ns PEF withou
63 study, we found that injection of ATP into a peripheral nerve can mimic the effect of peripheral nerv
64 lso musculoskeletal trauma and injury to the peripheral nerves caused by improvised explosive devices
65 es that cross-react with self-glycolipids in peripheral nerves, causing neuropathy.
66 ed that control spasticity via action on the peripheral nerve CB1 receptor.
67                        Cells residing within peripheral nerves collaborate with cancer cells to enabl
68  GM crops with the blood chemistry panel and peripheral nerve conduction of Chinese farmers.
69                              Improvements in peripheral nerve conduction positively correlated with c
70 The skin is also innervated by a meshwork of peripheral nerves consisting of relatively sparse autono
71 tion.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Although injured peripheral nerves contain repair Schwann cells that prov
72 hm revealed that significant degeneration of peripheral nerves could be detected coincidentally with
73           Despite its being a major cause of peripheral nerve damage in leprosy patients, the immunop
74 eration, the contribution of this pathway to peripheral nerve damage remains poorly explored.
75 ermine what role this crystallin plays after peripheral nerve damage, we found that loss of alphaBC i
76 is reduced in sensory neurons in response to peripheral nerve damage.
77 red conduits have great promise for bridging peripheral nerve defects by providing physical guiding a
78 nzyme, glycyl-tRNA synthetase (GlyRS), cause peripheral nerve degeneration and lead to CMT disease ty
79 roscopy could be used to sensitively monitor peripheral nerve degeneration in ALS mouse models and AL
80 highlighting a novel role for these cells in peripheral nerve degeneration that spans genotypes.SIGNI
81 ent herpes simplex virus (HSV) reactivation, peripheral nerve destruction and sensory anesthesia are
82 ests SCs at an undifferentiated state during peripheral nerve development and inhibits remyelination
83  nuclear YAP/TAZ are essential regulators of peripheral nerve development and myelin maintenance.
84 Schwann cells (SCs) are essential for proper peripheral nerve development and repair, although the me
85 cot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2D (CMT2D) is a peripheral nerve disorder caused by dominant, toxic, gai
86 abel PNS, which could allow visualization of peripheral nerves during any surgery.
87 nd the mediators of leukocyte trafficking in peripheral nerves during normal immunosurveillance.
88 ed associative stimulation (a combination of peripheral nerve electrical stimulation and transcranial
89 ected during the symptomatic phase and after peripheral nerve endings begin to degenerate.
90 a-fibers and demonstrate KCNQ3 expression in peripheral nerve endings of cutaneous D-hair follicles.
91 anglia (DRG), the morphology and location of peripheral nerve endings of spinal afferents that transd
92 t the nervous system (brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerve endings) of behaving mice.
93  with pathological changes starting at their peripheral nerve endings.
94 o neuronal loss or selective degeneration of peripheral nerve endings.
95 y tight junction-forming microvessels within peripheral nerve endoneurium, exists to regulate its int
96    Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common peripheral nerve entrapment syndrome worldwide.
97                            Use dependency of peripheral nerves, especially of nociceptors, correlates
98                         SP released from the peripheral nerves exerts its biological and immunologica
99 europathy affecting only the spinal cord and peripheral nerves (Expanded Disability Status Scale scor
100 ATION: The recovered function of regenerated peripheral nerve fibers and reinnervated mechanoreceptor
101 axonal membrane of nociceptive, unmyelinated peripheral nerve fibers, but clarifying the role of sodi
102 uding the cerebral leptomeninges, brainstem, peripheral nerves from both fore and hind limbs, stifle
103  sensory neurons have significant effects on peripheral nerve function and central organization of th
104                                Impairment of peripheral nerve function is frequent in neurometabolic
105  results underscore the potential benefit to peripheral nerve function of a behavioral modification a
106 rdiometabolic disturbances have an impact on peripheral nerve function that extends beyond clinically
107  for both the development and maintenance of peripheral nerve function.
108 neurological examination were used to assess peripheral nerve function.
109      We also observed staining for MneHV7 in peripheral nerve ganglia present in salivary gland tissu
110 ssion is detected in salivary duct cells and peripheral nerve ganglia.
111 ost contusive spinal cord injury, we built a peripheral nerve graft bridge (PNG) through the cystic c
112  potential, transplanted a growth supporting peripheral nerve graft into the lesion cavity, and enzym
113 al cord into the permissive environment of a peripheral nerve graft.
114 axon regeneration out of a growth-supportive peripheral nerve grafted (PNG) into the SCI cavity.
115                                   Similar to peripheral nerves, GSK3-mediated MAP1B phosphorylation/a
116  the functions of histone methylation in the peripheral nerve have not been elucidated.
117 transporters with relevance to understanding peripheral nerve homeostasis and pharmacology, including
118 ere considered definitely autoimmune, 3 with peripheral nerve hyperexcitability and 1 with a thymoma;
119 nt attention, recent studies have identified peripheral nerve hyperexcitability as a driver of persis
120 n is a protein expressed by Schwann cells in peripheral nerves, important for the formation of the no
121  single electrical stimulus is directed to a peripheral nerve in close temporal contiguity with trans
122 also has the potential to invade the CNS via peripheral nerves in a prion-like manner.
123                       We have shown that the peripheral nerves in affected individuals from one famil
124 onships between the systemic circulation and peripheral nerves in health, adaptations to intrinsic or
125 e that GPR126 is critical for myelination of peripheral nerves in humans.
126 s roles of ultrasonography in examination of peripheral nerves in leprosy.
127 topically exit the spinal cord and myelinate peripheral nerves in myelin with CNS characteristics.
128  illustrate an unexpected and novel role for peripheral nerves in the creation of acini throughout de
129  NP41, selected by phage display, highlights peripheral nerves in vivo.
130 d molecular therapies to improve outcomes of peripheral nerve injuries.
131 y processing in excitatory neurons following peripheral nerve injuries.
132 wann cells readily dedifferentiate following peripheral nerve injury and become repair cells.
133  changes in cortical circuits also accompany peripheral nerve injury and may represent additional the
134 nation during both development and following peripheral nerve injury and repair.
135 o a peripheral nerve can mimic the effect of peripheral nerve injury and significantly increase the n
136 ate the efficacy of hMDSPC-based therapy for peripheral nerve injury and suggest that hMDSPC transpla
137  mouse Celf2 expression is upregulated after peripheral nerve injury and that Celf2 mutant mice are d
138                                              Peripheral nerve injury can trigger neuropathic pain in
139              Our findings demonstrate that a peripheral nerve injury causes activated microglia withi
140 then discuss the pathways that contribute to peripheral nerve injury in DN.
141 scular junctions and hastened recovery after peripheral nerve injury in wild type mice.
142                         Here, we report that peripheral nerve injury increases expression of the DNA
143                                We found that peripheral nerve injury induced de novo expression of co
144                                The fact that peripheral nerve injury induced de novo GRP expression i
145                       Unexpectedly, however, peripheral nerve injury induced significant GRP expressi
146                             Mechanistically, peripheral nerve injury induces DNA demethylation and up
147                                              Peripheral nerve injury induces increased expression of
148                   Neuropathic pain following peripheral nerve injury is associated with hyperexcitabi
149 iately regulated inflammatory response after peripheral nerve injury is essential for axon regenerati
150 o find that cold hypersensitivity induced by peripheral nerve injury is reduced in eIF4E(S209A) and M
151       A rapid proinflammatory response after peripheral nerve injury is required for clearance of tis
152                                              Peripheral nerve injury leads to various injury-induced
153    These RNA-Seq data analyses indicate that peripheral nerve injury may result in highly selective m
154 eus accumbens (NAc) neurons in mouse and rat peripheral nerve injury models of neuropathic pain.
155 s mechanical and thermal hypersensitivity in peripheral nerve injury models of neuropathic pain.
156  may render the spinal neurons vulnerable to peripheral nerve injury or neuropathic pain stimuli.
157 elta1-dependent pathway activated by TSP4 or peripheral nerve injury promotes exaggerated presynaptic
158       Currently, diagnosis and monitoring of peripheral nerve injury relies on clinical and electrodi
159 rved behavior in the rotarod, water maze and peripheral nerve injury tests was possibly affected by i
160                  We conclude that, following peripheral nerve injury, an immediate acute immune respo
161                                        After peripheral nerve injury, axons are able to regenerate, a
162 eurial hypoxia in a mouse model of traumatic peripheral nerve injury, causing painful mononeuropathy.
163 n causes delayed axon degeneration following peripheral nerve injury, indicating that it participates
164           There is consensus that, distal to peripheral nerve injury, myelin and Remak cells reorgani
165 f GCS in wild-type mice, following transient peripheral nerve injury, reversed the overexpression of
166                                        After peripheral nerve injury, Schwann cells transition from a
167  during development of SC lineage and during peripheral nerve injury, so we sought to study their fun
168 ical hypersensitivity in the mouse models of peripheral nerve injury- and paclitaxel-induced neuropat
169 al and behavioral alterations resulting from peripheral nerve injury.
170 gical changes in a neuropathic pain model of peripheral nerve injury.
171 o regeneration and functional recovery after peripheral nerve injury.
172  transition from acute to chronic pain after peripheral nerve injury.
173  neuropathic and inflammatory pain following peripheral nerve injury.
174 i silkworms can support axon regeneration in peripheral nerve injury.
175    Sensation is essential for recovery after peripheral nerve injury.
176 ake meaningful comparisons between different peripheral nerve interfaces.
177 de a strategy to better define axon types in peripheral nerve interfaces.
178     LV2-14 patients were more likely to have peripheral nerve involvement, an intact circulating immu
179                      Clinical examination of peripheral nerves is highly subjective and inaccurate.
180                    Our results show that the peripheral nerve lesion caused a disruption in WM and in
181 opathy with liability to pressure palsies, a peripheral nerve lesion induced by minimal trauma or com
182                              INTERPRETATION: Peripheral nerve lesions could be visualized and quantif
183                       To detect and quantify peripheral nerve lesions in multiple sclerosis (MS) by m
184   In summary, our study shows that targeting peripheral nerve macrophages by an orally administered i
185 r interacting networks provide insights into peripheral nerve microvascular morphogenesis, restrictiv
186  we hypothesize that injection of ATP into a peripheral nerve might mimic the stimulatory effect of n
187 nt optic nerves where PLP is replaced by the peripheral nerve myelin protein, P0 (P0-CNS mice).
188 l chromatin remodeling pathways critical for peripheral nerve myelination have been identified, but t
189                 Schwann cell development and peripheral nerve myelination require the serial expressi
190 and secreted by Schwann cells that regulates peripheral nerve myelination via its cognate receptor AD
191 ave shown that NECL4 is necessary for proper peripheral nerve myelination.
192   Ulnar neuropathy is the second most common peripheral nerve neuropathy after median neuropathy, wit
193        We found that macrophages invaded the peripheral nerve of ALS mice before CSF1R-induced microg
194 ne treated rhesus macaque, and adjacent to a peripheral nerve of an untreated animal.
195  In conclusion, DTI-MRN enables detection in peripheral nerves of abnormalities related to DPN, more
196             In the dorsal roots and proximal peripheral nerves of mice and nonhuman primates, TTX red
197 logic changes in lower extremity muscles and peripheral nerves of people with PAD are associated with
198 observed in heart, skeletal muscle, and near peripheral nerves of treated and untreated animals.
199 so no evidence of an effect on any secondary peripheral nerve or central motor function outcome, or o
200 ntations relating to the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerve or muscle mean that channelopathies can
201  a chronic disease characterized by skin and peripheral nerve pathology and immune responses that fai
202 bsence of brain alters subsequent muscle and peripheral nerve patterning during early development.
203 brain early in development alters muscle and peripheral nerve patterning, which can be rescued by mod
204                                           In peripheral nerves, recording movement intent is challeng
205                                              Peripheral nerve regeneration after injury is dependent
206 l stimulation (ES) has been shown to enhance peripheral nerve regeneration in animal models following
207 ted not only to be an important regulator of peripheral nerve regeneration in vitro and in vivo, but
208                                              Peripheral nerve regeneration often remains incomplete,
209 K3(S/A) knock-in mice reportedly accelerates peripheral nerve regeneration via increased MAP1B phosph
210 ss the functional importance of OPN and CLU, peripheral nerve regeneration was examined in OPN and CL
211 bricating cellularized designer conduits for peripheral nerve regeneration, and could lead to the dev
212 e a bio-conduit with designer structures for peripheral nerve regeneration.
213 ubunit of neuropoietic cytokine receptors in peripheral nerve regeneration.
214 rived cells at two differentiation stages on peripheral nerve regeneration.
215 sor helps reprogram Schwann cells to promote peripheral nerve regeneration.
216 ent.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Repair of injured peripheral nerves remains a critical clinical problem.
217  control of Schwann cell (SC) plasticity and peripheral nerve repair after injury.
218  within the distal nerve stump after delayed peripheral nerve repair profoundly limits nerve regenera
219 ngineering an alternative "nerve bridge" for peripheral nerve repair remains elusive; hence, there is
220  cells in response to injury are critical to peripheral nerve repair, yet the epigenomic reprograming
221 nonautonomous functions in remyelination and peripheral nerve repair.
222          We examined whether VEGF-B mediates peripheral nerve repair.
223 alternative paradigm to stimulate endogenous peripheral nerve repair.
224                  The myelination of axons in peripheral nerves requires precisely coordinated prolife
225 ings and videography to identify central and peripheral nerves responsible for nociception and sensit
226                   In animals with transected peripheral nerve roots, TAxI delivery into motor neurons
227 3 protein in the ganglia, an increase in the peripheral nerve (sciatic) yet no change in the central
228                         Here, we have used a peripheral nerve segment grafted into the transected spi
229 n potentials (C-CAPs) of proximal and distal peripheral nerve segments and dorsal roots from mice and
230                                        Thus, peripheral nerves serve as a stem cell niche for neuroen
231 g of the highly specialised nodal regions of peripheral nerves serves to strengthen the links between
232 through RAS/MAPK/AP-1 signaling in malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST) cell lines.
233                                    Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST) is an aggressive s
234 PN can undergo transformation to a malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, an aggressive soft-tissue
235 d role has not been established in malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNST) where NF1 mutatio
236 ng growths that can transform into malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNST), a main cause of
237 phologic and molecular features of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNST).
238                                    Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNSTs) are a type of ra
239                                    Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNSTs) are aggressive n
240                                    Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNSTs) are aggressive t
241                                    Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNSTs) are aggressive,
242                                    Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNSTs) are devastating
243 ologic imaging, in differentiating malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNSTs) from benign neur
244  this approach is being applied to malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNSTs), rare Schwann ce
245  small subset of which progress to malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNSTs).
246                                 In malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors and CNS tumors, the cance
247 c sarcomas, myxofibrosarcomas, and malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors are characterized by comp
248  schwannomas are benign Schwann cell-derived peripheral nerve sheath tumors arising sporadically and
249                       Schwannomas are common peripheral nerve sheath tumors that can cause debilitati
250         Intraneural perineuriomas are benign peripheral nerve sheath tumors that cause progressive de
251 ignant gliomas, neurofibromas, and malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors, as well as behavioral, c
252 bromas/schwannomas of patients with multiple peripheral nerve sheath tumors.
253  of alpha-T-catenin/CTNNA3 in the biology of peripheral nerve sheath tumors.
254 -fixed, paraffin-embedded specimens of human peripheral nerve sheath tumors.
255         Compound muscle action potentials in peripheral nerves showed peripheral neuropathy associate
256 sis; conditional deletion of CB1 receptor in peripheral nerves; side-effect profiling to demonstrate
257 ld apply to other techniques for controlling peripheral nerve signaling.
258       Finally, we introduce a preparation of peripheral nerve slices for patch-clamp recordings.
259 We established a novel preparation of living peripheral nerve slices with preserved cellular architec
260  CNS, this response is rapidly terminated in peripheral nerves starting between 2 and 3 weeks after c
261 ces electric fields powerful enough to cause Peripheral Nerve Stimulation (PNS).
262 on (PAS), which involves repeated pairing of peripheral nerve stimulation and transcranial magnetic s
263                                        1) If peripheral nerve stimulation is used, optimal clinical p
264                           These studies used peripheral nerve stimulation paired with transcranial ma
265   3) We make no recommendation on the use of peripheral nerve stimulation to monitor degree of block
266  noninvasive cortical, cervicomedullary, and peripheral nerve stimulation we examined in humans motor
267             6) We suggest against the use of peripheral nerve stimulation with train of four alone fo
268                           5) We suggest that peripheral nerve stimulation with train-of-four monitori
269  gravis and that the dose should be based on peripheral nerve stimulation with train-of-four monitori
270                                       Use of peripheral nerve stimulators allows clinicians to admini
271                                              Peripheral nerve stimulators are not routinely used in c
272 eptors in other tissues, including brain and peripheral nerves, suggests a potential wider biological
273 17c is a neurotrophic cytokine that protects peripheral nerve systems during HSV reactivation.
274       Thus, TMEM184b is necessary for normal peripheral nerve terminal morphology and maintenance.
275 tified an important function for TMEM184b in peripheral nerve terminal structure, function, and the a
276 s involved in triggering the regeneration of peripheral nerve terminals affected by other forms of ne
277                              Immune cells at peripheral nerve terminals and within the spinal cord re
278  underlying degeneration and regeneration of peripheral nerve terminals.
279 ought to determine if application of rAAV to peripheral nerve termini at the epithelial surface would
280 elinated axons in the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerve that requires no fluorescent labeling.
281     Patients suffer from degeneration of the peripheral nerves that control sensory information of th
282 f conditions that cause disease or injury to peripheral nerves, the cellular and molecular mechanisms
283 ation.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT After injury to peripheral nerves, the myelin and Remak Schwann cells di
284  aberrant immune response to cause damage to peripheral nerves, the relative contributions of T cell
285 ent improvements in conduction in myelinated peripheral nerves; the sensory latency of both the left
286  organization of the extracellular matrix in peripheral nerve tissue in MS.
287 d their pharmacokinetics and distribution in peripheral nerve tissue.
288 crotubule-binding chemotherapeutic agents in peripheral nerve tissues cannot by itself account for th
289 ike cell underlies the remarkable ability of peripheral nerves to regenerate following injury.
290 nsferred by CD4(+) T cells, which infiltrate peripheral nerves together with macrophages and B cells
291 ibution, and multiple functional measures of peripheral nerve toxicity for 4 weeks.
292 l-tRNA synthetase (GlyRS), mediate selective peripheral nerve toxicity resulting in Charcot-Marie-Too
293 zone before entering into a pro-regenerative peripheral nerve trajectory.
294                                              Peripheral nerve trauma frequently affects younger peopl
295 aximise functional outcomes following severe peripheral nerve trauma.
296 he current state of the art of management of peripheral nerve trauma.
297                     Neurofibromas are benign peripheral nerve tumors driven by NF1 loss in Schwann ce
298 omolecular signalling complexes in brain and peripheral nerve We also discuss several models for the
299 e early immune response processes in severed peripheral nerves, we performed genome-wide transcriptio
300 ly, infrared (IR) light was shown to inhibit peripheral nerves with high spatial and temporal specifi

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